The Other Side of Serenity
Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Another side of the coin.


Old sergeant told me that you don't know that you were in the battle of such and such until a month after it's over. When you're in it, it's just you trying to kill them, them trying to kill you.

It's different here. Coming in, they told us this was the big one. Serenity Valley is the prize, the key to the whole campaign. We've got the numbers, we've got the support, we've got the angels on our side.

The damn Browncoats knew we were coming, knew for a while. They scan the cortex too, read all about it in the press releases, read the discussions from people who've never had to tie off the stumps of a woman's legs while she yells for her children. They kept talking it up, 'decisive edges' and 'overwhelming superiority' and all kinds of idiocy. What the Browncoats don't have in troops and metal, they make up for with sheer bloody guts. First night in, they take out a battalion CP. We had hell clearing out all the infiltrators behind the lines. Pound on them for days, a whole valley full of craters, burned-out tanks, destroyed fighters, bodies and parts of bodies everywhere. Three major pushes I've been in, one of theirs and two of ours, never had one like this. Just lost a corporal, three rounds through the lungs. Couldn't understand what he was saying when he went, couldn't hear a thing. They say that they'll break any time now. One more attack, and it'll be over. We've had three 'one more' attacks already. Prisoners are saying all their officers are dead, that a sergeant is holding things together over there. A lot of them think he's going to turn this thing around.

To hell with that. To hell with him. Air support is coming in, and I hope they kill every damn last one of them. Word is that the Browncoats aren't bothering with prisoners anymore.

The fighters are sweeping their positions while I run an IV on one of the new kids. His name is... hell, I don't know what his name is. He'll never walk right again, probably, so he just scored a ticket home.

Suddenly one of the duals opens up from what was supposed to be a secured position. The lieutenant is on the line, yelling for a team to move up and get on top of it. Too late.

Hope the fighter nailed the gorram bastard when it went in. Cold comfort's the only kind you get in this hellhole.

The support is finally coming down. Word's getting around that the Browncoats are surrendering. Could've fooled me, with all the shooting still going on. After what I've seen, I don't think they're ever going to give up. All that's coming is another Serenity Valley somewhere else, and another and another, until they're all dead.

Saw the damndest thing. This Browncoat was standing on the hill, watching the ships come down. Man gets killed next to him, and he doesn't even flinch.

What the hell is the matter with him, the stupid bastard? Doesn't he get it? The war's over for him. I wish to hell it was for me.


Thursday, May 22, 2003 5:34 AM


Marvelous! Its really interesting to see that war through the eyes of an Alliance fighter in Serenity Valley. I especially love how he knows about and almost... respects maybe, the Browncoats Sergeant. Very shiny. Please keep posting more fics.

Thursday, May 22, 2003 6:05 AM


This is remarkable-- original, action-packed and emotive. This one-of-a-kind change in perspectives really reinforces, reifies if you will, what we already know about the battle.

Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:01 AM


You really captured the intimacy of this battle. I felt like your narrator (is s/he a medic?) was in a foxhole not 100 yards away from Mal.

Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:44 AM


Yep Futuresmith, the narrator is a medic.

Thanks everyone. I've thought about fanfics, but nothing had really fermented in my brain yet until last night. Ya'll other writers know how it goes. The scene just starts constructing itself in your head. For me it usually starts with a single sentence or image.

After I got done, I said to myself "There, did my fanfic. Wonder if anything else is going to come up?"

Took about an hour for the sequel to start putting itself together. Unless I get busy with something else, I should have it done in the next day or two.

Thursday, May 22, 2003 1:00 PM


Ain't just folks gettin' kilt in a battle like that. A man can lose his compassion, his faith, all the best parts of hisself. Lotta cripples walked outta that damn valley with all their fingers and toes.

Good job, Archer. Damn glad to see it.

Thursday, May 22, 2003 5:53 PM


Love it for the grit, the anger, the sorrow and the despair. The medics right...the battles are named in far away offices long after it's over. Those that survive them rarely speak of them in the same way (if at all) as the paper pushers do. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:53 AM


this one gave me a chill. I could see Mal so clearly, only from the other side of the valley...

funny how we oftentimes forget there's always more than one perspective in a battle like this.

Saturday, December 13, 2003 6:28 PM


And those are my comments up above. :) I still love the story, only this time, you know it's me. :)

Friday, May 7, 2004 8:42 AM


I like it -- tight, concise, well-written and thought provoking. Good job.

Friday, November 25, 2005 6:14 AM


wow. i



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