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Not at all related to my current series. What if Simon and River had left Serenity? Takes place 3 years after they leave. Set to the song You're Beautiful by James Blunt.
Disclaimer: The characters all belong to Joss Whedon Rating: G
Un-beta'd again so there are probably alot of mistakes, frankly I don't care. It was a spontaneous thing. "You're Beautiful" came on the radio and this thought came to mind. It's very short. Listening to "You're Beautiful" really adds to the affect but it's up to you. Did I mention it's very hard to type when you're crying?
You're Beautiful
The streets of Persephone were crowded, it was by the most amazing chance that they would meet. It had been three years since he left, and he had regretted that decision for all three of them. Simon had been walking along the streets looking for some sign of something, anything he didn’t know what. He had been lost since River’s death, barely able to get by. He was looking around Persephone when he saw her. He stopped instantly. It was Kaylee, the woman he had been to stupid to ever show his true feelings to. She was with someone else, someone he didn’t know but he could see from her face and the way she looked at the man that they were in love. He was happy for her, happy that one of them had been able to move on. She was pregnant. For a moment Simon imagined himself next to her, happy with their own child. He wasn’t the same man anymore though, he wasn’t the man she loved. He had grown a beard, he didn’t like it but he had stopped caring about himself long ago. His clothes were torn nothing like his past life. His spirit had died the day he left Serenity, all that was left was his body, waiting to do the same.
Kaylee had been chatting happily with her husband Rick when she turned back and saw someone she never thought she would see again, Simon. He was close and she was compelled to go speak to him when she realized something. It may have been Simon, but it wasn’t the same Simon she had once loved. His eyes, his beautiful blue eyes she had loved so much, were now dull and grey, they looked dead. His clothes were very worn and he looked dirty. He wasn’t really Simon anymore, and it made her sad. Kaylee wasn’t the same either, when Simon left she left Serenity as well, unable to bare the pain of heartbreak. She heard soon after that Serenity had been attacked by Reavers, Mal and all the others had been killed. She hadn’t been able to reach Inara either and she eventually gave up that life. She had found Rick they got married and they were going to have a child soon. She loved Rick with all her heart but deep down she wished Simon had never left, there was still a little of the old Kaylee.
They were both looking at each other now lost in a gaze that seemed that it never ended. For a second they both smiled. Despite everything that had happened to each of them they even if only for a second found happyness in each other, Simon’s eyes sparkled one last time, Kaylee’s old smile returned, the one that could light up the ‘verse. It was a moment that seemed to last forever though it was only a second. In that second they both remembered all the times they had together, good and bad. And then it was gone. They both turned away continuing to be what they had become since the day they were torn apart. They would always remember, for the rest of their lives they would have the memory of what they once were, and thoughts of what they could’ve been. Persephone was where they met and it would be the last place they ever saw eachother again.
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Friday, November 24, 2006 2:33 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006 3:11 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006 2:47 AM
Saturday, November 25, 2006 3:44 AM
Saturday, November 25, 2006 3:00 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:27 AM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:42 PM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:08 PM
Saturday, January 6, 2007 5:56 PM
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