Same Time , Same Place
Saturday, July 3, 2004

River and Simon are closer than they realise, thoughts entwining as River is smuggled on-board.


Same Time, Same Place by debxena DISCLAIMER: I like River. I like Simon. They’re great siblings. I would never make them do anything kinky together, so get your mind out of the gutter, thank you! Joss would be proud of me. CHARACTERS: River / Simon RATING: PG SPOILERS: For Serenity FEEDBACK: *nods* That would be lovely, and would make me happy *grin* NOTES: Requested by astarte99, part of the Fireflyfic Challenge THANKS: To astarte99 for her cool suggestion: River's different view of the world could be really interesting played out from 2 perspectives

In the world, but gone. No, I am the world. How can I be gone from myself? I know – genius mind in cold/dead body, brilliant mind in shock/stressed head. Walls expanding and collapsing, new pathways, old ones gone. Blue hand gone as well. Is the answer hiding? Or has the question ceased to exist instead?

Where is Simon?

* * *

I hope she’s OK. No, I know she’s OK. It’s good technology; it will protect her as long as I can continue to monitor it. But that’s just her body OK. How is her mind, her soul? Did I wait too long? No, I couldn’t get her out earlier, God knows I tried. Damn them for not listening to me when I said something was wrong! But they didn’t know. I hope they didn’t know.

Oh, mei-mei, what have they done to you?

* * *

There he is – out there, near me. My body is sleeping cold but finally I wander free in the sunshine. I can hear him worry, worry for me. Sagua Simon. It will be alright, now. Your hand is warm in mine, even if you don’t feel it.

Oh, but this is a pretty ship! Serenity. Serene and peaceful with her crew, her state of being. People live here. Pink hands. Brown hands. Physical and real, whimsical dancing in the engines. Hello Serenity. Would you like us to live with you?

We should go here, Simon. Simon?

* * *

I don’t want to leave here but we can’t go home. If they catch us … don’t think about that right now. Think about River. I can’t get her out of cold-store until we’re safe off the planet. Must get to … another planet. Ship destinations; need to look at destinations. Oh, but I’m not cut out for this!

Now she’s pretty. With her twirling sun umbrella and cheerful smile – are they taking passengers? Where are they going? Thank you Kaylee, I think I can trust you – for as far as we need to get. Let’s hope your crewmates are as nice.

* * *

The stars are singing to me – I can see them swaying as I wait for Simon to wake me. I don’t know their words but welcoming, gentle. Serenity, they welcome you into their tides. But you know that already. Welcome me as a sailor, a dancer. Simon, we’re welcome out here!

No, I know that mind. Not a good person, not serene! He’s after you, us, me. Wants to hurt. Be careful, big brother.

Oh, the pain! Kaylee with the smile, smile all gone, guts red. Pain like my brain, not good. Hold my hand, Kaylee, Simon will help. Simon?

* * *

Not Kaylee! I must help, but River, my River, they mustn’t find you after everything we’ve done. Safe-passage. Get us out of here Captain – you must run. I can’t leave Kaylee, anyone, to die, but he doesn’t know that. Can’t leave River or myself either.

Time to work. I don’t need to be on the ground to heal.

* * *

We’ve gone from the others, no blue hands will take me. Thank you Simon. Thank you Serenity. Keep me safe, rock me to sleep, dream with me.

Dream …

* * *

No – damn the Captain, he can’t find her, it’s too dangerous. Don’t open that! Oh River, you look so small!

It’s OK, it’ll be OK, I’ll make it OK. You’ve got me. I’ll take care of you. We’ll be OK.

“River? River. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, I'm here.”

* * *

I was dreaming, it was peaceful. Sleep with no nightmares, dancing with Serenity. Now awake, curled/naked/cold. Where am I? Simon?

“Simon...? Simon... They-they talk to me, they want me-they want me to talk... “

Oh, Simon, we’re here. I’ll take care of you, it’s OK, brother. We’ll be OK.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:25 AM


An interesting take and I loved the thoughts going through River's mind while she is in the box and Simon is desperately looking for the right ship to book passage for them. It figures that River would find a way to talk to Serenity, loved that. Shiny, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, July 4, 2004 7:31 AM


Very good job. You blended Simon and River's thoughts well. I really enjoyed it.

Monday, July 5, 2004 11:01 AM


I really enjoyed this. You got the voices of the characters so clear, even with the back and forth I could "hear" who was talking. Made me kinda choke up too at the point with Kaylee getting shot.

Lovely writing.


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The beginning of <i>Objects in Space</i> looked at from a uniquely River point-of-view.

Weight of the World
Mal is sitting naked on a rock, waiting to be rescued. Time for a little thinking.

Same Time , Same Place
River and Simon are closer than they realise, thoughts entwining as River is smuggled on-board.

Zoe comes to Inara for advice about her marriage to Wash.

Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Mal and Jayne get a drink after Jayne joins the crew. Fun action bar misadventure, written in script style.

Something Blue
Mal contemplates the difficulties of shipboard romances

Conversations with Dead People
Post-Ariel, Jayne is still sitting in the Outer Cargo Bay, waiting to be let back in.

Dead Things
Set during 'Out of Gas', Jayne and Book talk on the shuttle as they leave Serenity.