
The Find (pt 1)
Sunday, July 18, 2004

The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.



Serenity drifted silently above the blue-green planet of Kalen. The gorgeous planet made a dramatic backdrop to the chess game between River and Simon. Simon knew he’d never beat his sister, yet the playing was a way for them to share; to be together if not to talk. Simon watched her study the board. Her brow wrinkled slightly as her eyes darted over the squares. He smiled at her concentration. “Never could get that game,” Kaylee’s bright voice turned Simon’s head. “This game,” asked Simon. “Yeah,” Kaylee leaned over the table, her hair brushing Simon’s cheek, “I never saw the need for all the strategies and such. Too much thinkin’ to be fun.” Simon blushed a little, “Well I guess it is an intense game…” “Ever played jacks?” Simon had a blank look now, “Jacks? Is it a card game?” Kaylee laughed her infectiously bright giggle, “No silly, it’s played with a rubber ball. Didn’t you do anything fun as a kid?” “Well,” the young doctor stammered. “He probably just studies all the gorram time,” Jayne shot in as he entered through the bulkhead of the dining room. Simon’s smiled faded immediately and Kaylee turned to Jayne, “Well what did you do Mr. funny man?” Jayne smiled as he poured a cup of coffee, “Me and my brothers really liked building bird traps.” Simon looked interested, “Birdtraps?” “Yeah Doc, you never saw a bird before?” Kaylee rolled her eyes, “We all saw birds before Jayne. I never saw a bird trap though.” Jayne let loose his deep chuckle, “Well ya see, you take a metal basket and a stick. Prop one end of the basket up with the stick. Tie a string to the stick and put some bread under the basket. When a little birdie hops under it to eat, you jerk the string… and the trap falls. Then you got a bird.” Jayne was grinning when Simon asked, “What do you do with the bird once you caught it? Do you eat it?” “What’s the use of eatin one bird? That aint no supper. Damned Doc you sure aint too smart are ya.” Jayne walked out of the dining room shaking his head. Kaylee raised her eyebrows and looked at Simon. The smile spread across her face slowly at first then her laugh burst forth like the sun from behind a thundercloud. Simon caught the laugh and shrugged his shoulders and began laughing too. River looked at both of them and smiled thinly, “Checkmate.” Kaylee hugged Simon from behind and continued laughing. The sound echoed through the ship like a mountain spring.

Wash clasped his hands together in front of his mouth, “Ummm,ok captain. Let me put it to you like this. Our nav computer is old as dinosaur shit.” “Hey,” Mal cut sharply, “we haven’t lost our way yet. You seem to be pilotn’ just fine Wash.” “Look captain,” Wash’s face was tense, “we are six revisions behind on software and our gravimetric maps are two years old. Now I have been able to keep us straight by navigating from some rather pilfered Alliance nav info. But if we have to go someplace we have not ever been, then there is a real danger we could come out of a fold in a planet or star.” Zoe stood next to Wash with her hands against the small of her back, “Mal he’s right. Our trips are taking us more and more to non-Alliance space. We need that software and information.” Mal put his head down as he was apt to do when he was trapped on a point. He leaned against the navigation console as Wash spoke, softer this time, “We have been doing good captain. But the better we do, the more people know who we are. The more dangerous things get. We can get some real plum commercial jobs outside of normal Alliance…” “I know!” Mal slammed his hand on the console, “Right now we don’t have the money for such a thing. It’s simple math and we are on the wrong side of the number line people!” Everyone was silent for a moment. It had been a bad month for the entire crew. Jobs had dried up suddenly and those available were near the ever-increasing Allaince capital ships. Serenity and its crew were down to money for just two more refuelings and then they were adrift. Supplies were running low and moral was not as high as it usually was. Mal knew all this and could sense the growing anxiety. Zoe’s firm but soft voice cut the silence, “Look Mal, we’ll find work soon. And after we get back on our feet, we can think about these upgrades. Just wanted to get it in your mind, okay?” Mal let out a deep breath, “Yeah , sure. Inara and the Preacher are on Kalen making some contacts. I have a feeling something will come up today.” “Finger’s crossed,” Wash smiled tensely. Mal nodded his head and turned. He listened to his boots clang slightly on the grating. He stopped and leaned on the railing overlooking the cargo bay. The last 3 ½ weeks had been like a bad vacation and Mal detested the inaction. Doing nothing was bad enough, but not being able to do anything was torture to his very core. Closing his eyes and looking at the top of the cargo bay, Mal took a deep breath. Like rain on a tin roof, the laugher gently pinged on his ears. Tensions slowly eased and a slight smile crossed the captain’s lips. Still, after all, his was a happy crew. A good crew. Mal climbed the short ladder into his cabin. He looked around briefly. It was spartan but orderly. He took off his shirt and lay back on the bed. As he drifted off into sleep, the captain could still feel the tightness in his shoulders. He wondered if he would ever return to a life like he had on his mother’s ranch. Could he.

Inara’s beauty filled the room of the restaurant. The dark lighting could not hide her soft features and alluring smile any more than the moonlight could hide an orchid. The man sitting across from her was stoic and serious. His thin smile and perfect British accent conveyed an air of formality. “Mr. Rood, you make a compelling case,” Inara said softly, bringing the expensive wine to her lips. Rood smiled weakly, “It is a job. I cannot tell you it will be easy and free from dangers. However, the people I represent are willing to compensate very well.” “Without a doubt,” Inara smiled. She did not want to give away the fact that Serenity was nearly destitute and needed some job to keep her flying. “Will you consider it then,” Rood asked. “My associates have heard of your crew and of its dealings. I think they would be prefect for the job.” Inara put her hand on his, feeling the tenseness there, “I cannot answer for my captain. Would you mind if I discuss it with him?” Rood sat back in his chair and pulled his hand away, “Certainly. I would like to reiterate the time-sensitive nature of this job. I need to know your answer within the hour. Other arrangements have to be made and other negotiations are ongoing as we speak.” “Well then,” Inara rose gracefully, “I had better get you an answer. Can I contact you via a link?” Rood slid across a strange-looking link, “This is a secure link. Use it to contact me when you have a decision.” Rood wiped his mouth gently and bowed slightly as Inara turned to walk away. His eyes followed her to the door of the restaurant and into the hover taxi waiting outside. He sat down and paid attention to his filet minion.

There was excitement around the dinner table. Mal leaned on the tabletop, his brows furrowed. The crew was seated around the table, buzzing over Inara’s meeting. “Captain, do you know how much friggin money this is,” Jayne said excitedly. “Yah,” Mal said softly, “that’s what worries me. The more money, the more risk. This don’t smell right.” Kaylee looked at Mal with her mouth open,’ “I smells like money to me cap’n. Lots of it! I say we take it.” Mal frowned at her, “That’s why you are an engineer. Inara, what do you know about this guy? Where did he come from?” All eyes turned to Inara, “I checked my Guild sources and he seems to be what he says he is. Mr Rood is a second-party representative who brokers deals. He has done some pretty big ones in the past. I could not find anything about him that was dishonest.” “See” Wash said aloud, “he’s like us. Just a guy brokering a deal. Mal, I mean two million coin and upgrades to the ship…what could be bad about that?” Zoe had a worried look on her face, “What other choices do we have?” “Well I was able to get a job transporting cow semen to Saffer four,” Book said. Everyone looked down at the table. “Hey it’s honest work and would pay three hundred platinum. It’s a safe run.” Jayne was frustrated, “Look Mal three hundred for toten’ cow cum across the sector can’t even compare with this job. I aint got nothin’ but lint in my damned pockets!” Everyone knew that, for once, Jayne had a valid point. Mal was staring hard at the table. The doctor was quiet as usual. Zoe gave a sideways glance to Wash. Kaylee looked from person to person as Book clasped his hands in front of him. Finally Mal spoke, “ Inara, I need to talk to this Rood myself. Is there a way to contact him?” “Yes,” Inara said in her rich voice, “he gave a secure link to me so you could let him know what you decided.” “You have it,” Mal asked. “Yes, it’s in my shuttle. Should I go and get it?” Mal was silent for a moment longer, “Yes please. I will talk to him…” There was a collective sigh from the crew. Jayne and Wash flopped back into their chairs. “…I’ll see what he has to say,” Mal said loudly. Just then the lights in the dining room flickered. For a second or two they felt their stomachs turn as gravity lessened. It returned momentarily. “What was that,” Mal asked looking at Kaylee. “Whooo,” Kaylee said, “captain, the main power relays are getting more and more unstable. I am afraid that if we don’t replace them soon…” Mal pulled back from the table and stood up, steadying himself against the bulkhead, “Inara would you be so kind as to get that link before we’re all driftn’ around in here like plankton.” “Now you’re talkin’’ Jayne said forcefully, “three million is worth almost anything. Hell it might even make me forget about turnin’ the doc and his psycho sis in.” Malcolm walked out with Inara as everyone else rolled their eyes at Jayne’s remark. Malcolm watched Inara ahead of him, walking to her shuttle, noting her calming grace. He called to her. “Inara,” captain Malcolm said softly. She turned with her usual unhurried elegance, “Yes Mal, what is it?” “What do you think,” he asked, walking close to her. “Do you think this is on the up-and-up?” “I don’t have any reason to doubt otherwise,” Inara said calmly. “The guild gave Rood a strong recommendation for his work dating back thirteen years. He is legitimate as far as I can tell.” Mal gripped the handrail as he turned to look down at the cargo bay floor, “I hate to say it Inara, but we’re gettin’ desperate here. The gorram ship is braking down and we’re all flat broke…c’eptin you maybe.” “Oh Mal, this crew does depend on you to an extent. But they don’t blame you for what’s happened lately. They are all grown men and women and they respect you.” “Yeah well,” Malcolm gripped the handrail tighter, “respect don’t put food in your belly. They..we all deserve better than just gettin’ by Inara.” She put her hand gently to his face, “Mal, I don’t know what happened during that war. I will tell you as a friend that you need to let it go if you can. Live your life here and now, with us. Those men who died under your command back then, put them to rest Mal. Be at peace for a while because, in spite of what you believe, you deserve it.” Inara watched his eyebrows quiver for a moment before he spoke, “Wish it were that simple Inara.”


Monday, July 19, 2004 2:45 AM


You really need to put some form of divider between scene changes, even if it's just a line of asterisks.

Monday, July 19, 2004 5:19 AM


Shiny, but like Mal I have a bad feeling about this job. All that gorram money just smells like one huge honey pot to sweeten a trap. Can't wait to see what happens next, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, July 19, 2004 8:25 AM


A good start. A fine mystery. Let's see where you take us.


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The Find Part 16
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 15
he crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 14
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

Kaylee's Sonnet
This is a sonnet for everyone's favorite engineer. I coudl just sop her up with a biscuit!!!

The Find Part 13
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 12
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find ( Part 11)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 10)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 9)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 8)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.