
The Find Part 14
Thursday, December 22, 2005

The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.


Empty Closets

Serenity slid through the enormity of interstellar space with the ease of a shark. Yet within her hull there was extreme tenseness and anxiety. Jayne had not come out of his room in two days. No one had seen Inara at the dinner table and their resolute captain was quiet and withdrawn. Book seemed gloomy and seemed to stay to his room reading his bible and only smiled when anyone invited him to the dinner table. Kaylee could feel the tenseness like an alkali taste in her mouth. Soon even her unflappable optimism began to wane. Simon had begun to worry that they were too long in space. This was the longest that Serenity had been out in space since he had been on board. All the other trips were one to two weeks at most. Counting the trip from Kalen, they had not made planet-fall in over 94 days. This crew was not the most psychologically compatible for long space trips and they still had two weeks until they docked at Acre Station. Coupled with the loss of a crew member and the actions of Jayne, the situation aboard Serenity was very much less than ideal. Simon noticed that River was the only one who seemed more happy than usual. This in itself made him wonder if he should be concerned about her. River Tam wandered through the ship late at night as she often did. Her travels would sooner or later lead her to the cargo bay and to the refrigeration units. Strawberries were her vice. River noticed only one plat left in the refrigerator. She lifted the tender fruit out as if they were delicate gold jewelry. The fresh smell brought a smile to her face when she lifted the fist one to her mouth. Sweet flavors coursed over her tongue when she bit. Two of the red treasures went into her pocket and the rest were sealed and placed back in the refrigerator. River shut the door and turned to see Jayne gingerly walking down the stairs with two bags over his shoulder. He looked down towards Inara’s shuttle then eased down the stairwell. River watched him while eating her strawberry. Jayne tip-toed behind the refrigeration units to where large supply crates had been pulled into an L-shape. River walked towards these containers curious to see where Jayne had gone. She rounded a corner and saw the large man had set his mattress, blankets and what looked like all his belongings in a pile. River smiled as she thought about she and Simon playing campout in their house when they were children. Jayne was busy on the lock of a smaller heavy container. His large clumsy fingers had two small pieces of wire in the lock hole. Jayne looked up with a start , “WA CAO! Dammit girl, why you always sneaking around everywhere! You nearly gave me a gorram heart attack. Aint there somethin’ you should be doing right now?” “It looks like you’re leaving,” River said in her monotone voice, “But there is no place to go.” “Yeah well I figure any place is better than here,” Jayne turned his attention back the lock. “Seems like everyone wants my gorram head on a pole. I aint gonna stick around to see if they collect neither.” River seemed to stare at the bumbling man for a moment then mumbled, “You called some one didn’t you?” Jayne stopped and looked hard at the waif of a girl standing in front of him. He frowned hard then stood slowly, “Well qin wode pigu. Who told you girl?” River refocused on Jayne, now standing over her, “Who told me what?” “You’re a ruttin psyche,” Jayne looked around nervously, “Crazy little bitch, iffin there was time I’d gut you myself! But they’ll take care of ya. Especially once they find out their money is missin’ and their man’s wasted. Nothing our hero Mal can do to stop ‘em neither!” Jayne lifted the heavy locked box and brushed past River Tam nearly knocking her down. With great effort he waddled to the secret compartment in the cargo bay and slid the crate full of money inside. “I have to get Simon,” Summer said aloud, “We’ve got to make plans, make plans to…” A klaxon blared through Serenity like a wolf howling in a church. Jayne smiled and noticed the hum in the Firefly’s energy signature change slightly, “Looks like my out’s here darlin’.”

Wash came running barefoot up the stairwell leading to Serenity’s bridge. Without checking the instruments he noticed instantly they’d dropped out of fold. He plopped in the chair and looked at the readout’s on his console. Malcolm Reynolds was immediately behind his pilot slipping his suspenders over his shoulders, “Speak to me Wash. What’s that noise all about?” “For some reason we’ve slipped out of fold and seem to be dead in space. I’m trying to figure out why…” With his mouth slightly open Malcolm saw the black hulk appear before Serenity’s windscreen. The shape was one he recognized and feared more than Reavers at this point. This bulky ship was of the same type as the one that dropped off Ian. “Captain,” Wash said worriedly, “do you have the same bad feeling I have?” “Ummm, yeah this give me a whole heap uh bad feelings. Any communications Wash? Weapons lock?” Nothing so far,” Wash said pushing several buttons and studying the readouts, “We’ve been scanned as near as I can determine.” Zoe walked in and immediately sat at the weapons console, “Sir may I ask what that ship is doing in front of us?” Mal rubbed his chin and put his arms on the beam overhead, “Well it seems we aint exactly sure at this point. Wash can you send them a hail?” “This is Firefly Class Serenity to unknown ship. Do you need assistance, repeat, do you need assistance?” Mal gave Wash a dubious look, “Assistance?” Wash shrugged his shoulders and attended his communications computer. There was silence. Malcolm looked as if he were boring holes through the hull. Then recognition set in and his eyebrows went up, “Is that thing gettn’ closer?” Zoe’s voice was composed but filled with tension, “Can’t seem to get a lock on it sir. For some reason I am reading nothing but empty space ahead of us. But if I had to guess Captain, judging by the way it’s getting bigger, I’d say it’s approaching.” Anxious moments passed as ideas spawned in Mal’s head. Zoe and Wash looked at him then at each other, knowing that their captain would order them to do what he wanted. A few more moments ticked by and Mal’s response was firm, “Dammit if they don’t have us over a barrel. If they have a mind to board us I’d bet there’s nothin’ we could do to stop em. We try to run and we look guilty. We stay and try to explain what happened to their agent and we look guilty. Great choices people.” Mal folded his arms across his chest and was silent again. He stared at the growing shadow of the ship approaching them knowing in his mind Serenity was going to be boarded. Moments ticked by. “What do you want to do sir,” Zoe finally asked. “I want you to get Inara, the Doc and his sister in the secret cargo hold,” Mal finally said. “Get that lockbox full o money and have it in the middle of the cargo bay. We can’t look like thieves on this one.” “What do we tell them,” Wash asked as he stood. Malcolm checked his turn and said, “Tell em the truth. Maybe they’ll think we are completely crazy.” As they headed towards the cargo bay Zoe shot, “Great plan sir.” “Well it’s all I got right now. Any better ones need to be submitted in writing and I’ll take them under advisement.” “Sir…” Zoe had stopped and was gripping the railing tightly, a pained expression her face. “Zoe, what’s wron…” Mal’s words caught in his throat as the corridor before him swam in a fuzzy haze. He felt unnaturally sleepy all of a sudden and the shock was enough to keep him awake long enough to see Zoe fall to the grating now rolling under his feet. ‘Aw dammit, what now,’ Malcolm Reynolds thought to himself as he slipped into a silky bath of unconsciousness.

Book opened his eyes slowly, feeling suddenly refreshed and relaxed. His eyes began to focus on his surroundings. The low lighting revealed a tasteful room decorated much like a swanky hotel he’d stayed in on a core planet. Feeling from his hands told him clean sheets were surrounding his body. Preacher Book raised his head and then propped up on his elbow. The smell of coffee made him remember he was in his room reading Psalms. That was the last thing he remembered. Book sat upright and stretched his arms overhead. The carpet was warm under his bare feet. He stood and instinctively went for the toilet scanning the room as he walked. The windows showed the inky blackness of deep space strewn with billions of stars. The furniture was plain but elegant and there were not paintings or photos on the walls. After using the bathroom and washing his face, Book found the lights. The room was smaller than it appeared in the dark. He sat at a small plastic table and felt a headache coming on. It was while rubbing his temples that he noticed the crucifix and bible on the headrest of the bed. With a smile the slim preacher walked to the bed and picked up the bible. He knelt slowly by the bedside and opened the book to a well-known spot. Preacher Book began to read Psalms. His cabin door slid open. For an instant Book suddenly wondered why he never tried to open the door. In walked a tall oriental woman who walked with the athletic grace of superb physical conditioning. She stopped, smiled and bowed politely. Her tight-fitted pants led down to slipper-like shoes, yet her loose top was belted about the waist and seemed to have bloused sleeves that were close fit at her wrists. Book thought she had the look of a dancer he’d once met back on Persephone. “Preacher Book,” her tone was warm and melodious and her English was perfect, “I would like to welcome you on board. Are you feeling well?” Book stood, raising his eyebrows, “Well I do have a slight headache. Could you tell me exactly where we are?” Book only now noticed the woman’s beauty. She knelt on the floor and motioned him to do likewise with a graceful wave of her hand. Her skin was completely smooth and unblemished and her face showed no wrinkles or creases as she spoke, “You are a guest aboard our ship. We are now holding position where we found you yesterday. It would seem there are many things about your journey that need…clarification.” “I am not sure how disposed I am to speak about our journey,” Book was polite but straight forward, “We were hired by clients who value discretion above all else.” “I see,” the woman twisted to her right slightly and brought out a holographic image card, “Do you recognize this man reverend? Book saw Ian’s image on the small card, “I am assuming that you know I do or you would not be asking me.” “So your answer is yes?” Book nodded, “Yes I have met the man before. But here, let’s get off on the right foot. You obviously know my name but I have no idea who you…” “Names are not the issue at the moment Preacher Book,” her perfect porcelain face did not change its expression, “the issue at hand is what happened to him. Would you be willing to explain that to me?” Book kept a neutral expression and a soft tone, “Child I told you once that I am not at liberty to discuss…” A tiny smile broke across her lips, “We hired you to transport him to the object. It would benefit all of us if you could kindly tell me what happened to Mr. McFadden.” Book eyebrows went up and he sighed, “Now that’s a rather complex story.” “We have the rest of your life to talk about it,” there was a soft assurance in her soothing voice. Book knew the implication and only smiled back.

Malcolm Reynolds sat in a soft leather chair. The conference room he was in looked very corporate with some odd art. Across the room stood two large men who, while they carried no outward weapons he could discern, looked ready to deal out death at a moment’s notice. Malcolm also knew there were two more behind him. However, what kept Mal’s interest at this particular moment was the small Oriental man seated opposite the table. His dress was impeccable. The Boller hat lay on the table but the man held on to his cane with manicured hands. Hanaka Okeida turned the tea cup every time he went to take a sip Mal noted. Finally Okeida wiped the corners of his mouth with a white cloth and sat back, “Captain Reynolds I am sure you can appreciate our problem here. You were hired to do a job and paid extremely well. Now our associate is missing and here you are with nothing to show for your efforts.” “Yeah, aint that a shame too,” Malcolm leaned forward, “looks to me like you got a real mystery on your hands. I just don’t know why you are holding me here. I told you what happened and our data records should bear out what I say is true.” Mr. Okeida stood slowly and walked towards Mal’s side of the table, “Of course we have downloaded every piece of available data on your ship. There was some extraordinary information on those information crystals. But what we didn’t find is of far more interest to us.” Mal leaned back and put his shackled hands behind his head, “Oh and what might that be?” “Ian McFadden and the one million in platinum not to put to fine a point on things. Why if I didn’t know you were a man of high character I would have to have think you murdered my associate and were planning to make off with the money. But then again you are an honest man aren’t you Mr. Reynolds?” “I am as honest as you need me to be,” Malcolm took his hands from behind his head and leaned forward, “Look I told you what happened. Some parts of it I don’t know if I believe myself. But it happened. We did our part and we expected to get paid. You still owe me another million.” “Indeed captain,” Okeida nearly laughed, “well I am afraid to disappoint you. Our team also found Ian’s blood all over your ship. Care to elaborate how that came to be?” Mal sat back heavily, “Now that’s where I may start to lose your trust.” “Do tell captain. I am all ears.”

“Wow I tell ya this is one nice ship! Don’t suppose I could look at the engine room before this is over do ya? I mean, just looking at the packaging in here you can tell it’s top notch work. And the sound. Can you make it out? It’s very different form Serenity. I can tell when there’s the slightest bit wrong with my girl just by listening. There was this one time…” “Shall we refocus on the task at hand,” he was a tall man with wide shoulders and dark hair. Kaylee sat across from him looking around the small room they were sitting in. She was smiling and didn’t feel threatened in the least. “O sure,” Kaylee smiled back at her inquisitor. “What were you asking me again?” The man smiled thinly but politely, “We were talking about the object you went out to find. You said Serenity made it there intact.” “That’s right. And it wasn’t an object “ Kaylee made quotations in the air with her fingers, “It was a ship. The most amazing structure I have ever seen. Light years long it was. Imagine the technology needed to…” The man cut her of gently, “And Ian was with you at this point?” Kaylee merely smiled and waved, “Uh huh. He was excited too, you could tell. Think about it; an entire universe packed into a ship. Ian was as struck as we all were.” “Yes I am sure,” the man glanced down, “Then you say another ship showed up, like the first one but different.” Kaylee’s forehead furrowed a bit in thought, “Well first this old man appears on our ship and tells us all about how his they built this ship, the first one, to save what was left of their universe. He went on about how they didn’t know about evil and fightin’ and such and they needed Ian to help em.” The man leaned forward on the table, “And I an volunteered to do this?” Kaylee’s smile faded and her eyes went down. She bit her thumb nervously before answering, “Well I’m not sure what he was gonna do. Something happened before he could decide.”

“It would behoove you Mrs. Washburn to cooperate,” the older woman was tense. Her Oriental features starting to show signs of frustration at Zoe’s silence. The strong woman sat across the table and stared, silent as a stone effigy. “We already know that one of your crew killed Ian McFadden in cold blood,” the small woman sighed, “It’s no use covering for him. We just wan to find out who was complaisant in this murder.” Zoe sat back and took a deep breath. She stared the woman right back, steady as a rock. For a few minutes the older woman held Zoe’s gaze then let her shoulders slack a bit. It was going to be a long day.

Inara was tired. Tired not from whatever electromagnetic pulse had put the entire crew down, but from emotional stress. The last 72 hours had given her every feeling imaginable to a human. Now she sat in a strange room, her shoulders slouched slightly, waiting. A low hum, different from the background pulse of the ship, drew her eyes to the door. Inara Serra looked up to see a tall, elegant woman walk into the room. She had silver-blonde hair and carried two small boxes. Inara thought her familiar but could not place where. Green and pale red was her dress and it flowed behind her when she took the small graceful steps towards the table Inara was sitting at. The young woman sat down and spoke in a rich but high tone, “Greetings sister.” She reached out and took Inara’s amazed hands, kissing her on either cheek in the typical companion greeting. She held onto Inara’s hands when Inara pulled back and asked, “You are a companion?” The woman flashed a brilliant smile, “I was, yes. But I have moved on fm that occupation. It is so very nice to see someone I know out here. It is a rare and unfortunate event.” Quickly Inara’s train ing took over and she sat up straighter, “I am sorry sister. You seem familiar, yet I cannot put a name to your face.” “Not likely,” she smiled again, “we met only briefly at a parliamentary ball about 3 years ago. My name is Sophia Raina.” “It is a pleasure to meet you again Sophia,” Inara put her hand on top of Sophia’s. “I do not wish to be rude, but what is the place? Was there and accident on my ship?” Sophia crossed her shapely legs, “Serenity is fine. A strange place to find a companion of such high renown to be sure. My current employers were also your employers. They are now trying to sort out what happened on your mission. As I am sure you are aware, things are, shall we say, muddled at the moment. Can you shed some light as to where Ian McFadden is?” Inara looked away slightly, then down, then answered softly, “He is dead I am afraid.” “That we gathered,” Sophia said in a soft voice with a hint of pain, “We had gotten word of his death. However, the information we received used the word ‘murdered’. Would you care to shed some light on that Inara?” “Yes he was,” tears began to well once more, “Jayne shot him through the back. He was standing…he was right beside me. It…he had no more heart Sophia…there was nothing the doctor could do!” Inara broke down again and Sophia pulled her close, stroking her dark hair, “Duibuqi mei, mei. He was special to all of us here.” Slowly Inara pulled her head back. She looked into Sophia’s face and saw the line of tears flowing down her sculpted cheeks, “You knew him?” Sophia turned and opened one of the small boxes. She took out a rounded device with four legs that folded out of the sides. When she placed it on the table she said loudly, “I am taking the private minutes as agreed. My blackout will begin now.” She pressed a button on top of the device causing an audible “WHUUM”, then turned back to Inara. “We can speak without being head or recorded now,” Sophia said softly. “I met Ian about five years ago on Persephone. He was hired to assassinate an ambassador I was working for. He tied me up, blindfolded, in a closet. I am not sure what happened to the man. No one ever found him again. I remember being handled roughly. When I awoke, I was in a strangle ship. Ian sat next to my bed reading a book. He questioned me for hours about you.” “Me,” Inara seemed surprised. “Yes he was very relieved that you were still alive. He asked me where I could find you. Of course I told him that I only knew you by name and reputation. He told me what he did for a living Inara.” “Yes, I think I know what he did,” Inara bowed her head. Sophia put her hand on Inara’s face, “He should have killed me Inara. Ian was trained to kill. He had killed so many people Inara he was sick of it. I think the only reason he took the job on the ambassador was to get to me. Before he dropped me off at my guild house, he told me if I ever mentioned him to anyone I would not live long. I believed that they would have found me and killed me also. For three years I heard nothing from him. Then one day I was at a resort hotel on the Minear 6 moon he came to me. He was wearing monks robes that couldn’t hide how big he was.” Sophia laughed and Inara smiled, “Yes I saw him on those robes. He looked out of place.” Sophia squeezed her hand, “Yes he did. He told me he had been studying in a monastery, that he had found some measure of peace. Once again he asked if I had seen you. I told him about the ball we both attended. He then proceeded to tell me that his former people were hunting for me. Ian wanted to take me away some place safe. So he arranged for me a job with these people and I have. I am no longer a companion Inara. I am happy with my job though it certainly is less glamorous and I was able to see Ian often.” “Did you two..” Inara bit her lip before the question came out, knowing that sexual selfishness was not a companion trait. Sophia quickly interjected, “No Inara we didn’t. He never wanted to and I have to admit I tried. It was obvious he was in love with someone. I did not know who until I met you.” “We were only barely kids,” Inara stammered, “he could not have held his love for me that long…could he?” Sophia turned and picked up the second box. It was teak wood with Christian carvings on it. She turned to Inara, “Ian left this for you. He made it I think. I don’t know what’s in it, but on mine you touch the metal plate at the front and it opens only for the person he wanted.” Inara took the box with a sense of love and slight dread of its contents. She felt the rich wood carvings on the surface then asked, “He left one for you. May I ask what was in it?” Sophia’s pale complexion blushed slightly and her eyes misted up again, “He said I was free. That the people who would kill me would no longer be of trouble. He said it was the only gift he had left fitting.” Inara pulled her box close to her chest, “What did he mean by that?” Sophia wiped her cheeks with a soft cloth, “He went out and did for me what he swore to God he would never do again. He hunted down and killed them. Inara he did this for me. What greater love is there? I don’t think he planned to come back from this mission. When he heard the name Serenity mentioned by Okeida, he authorized any amount of money to get you; to see you again.” It was stunningly clear to Inara now. Ian had come to say goodbye to her. For nearly 15 years he had held a love for her and watched over her from afar never wanting to put her in danger. His love for her was perfect. “I will leave you now,” Sophia stood. “I don’t know what will happen here or if we will ever meet again. I wish you luck Inara Serra. May you find peace and love once again.” “Thank you Sophia,” Inara hugged her tightly and felt the warmth and pain of the woman she’d never known but shared and intimate connection with. “Press the top button to shut the device down,” Sophia sniffed, “If you keep it on more than 10 more minutes they will come to see what’s wrong. I wish you well.” “Xiexie,” Inara whispered in Sophia’s ear. The tall woman kissed her cheek and left the room. Inara sat in the chair and pressed her finger to the metal plate on the box. She felt a small ‘click’ on the lid. With a deep breath she opened it.


Friday, December 23, 2005 1:03 AM


MMMmm, this was jarred by you switching from calling River by her real name Summer Glau, what was that all about? If it was an error you can edit the story to correct it. If not I really am confused. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, December 30, 2005 6:50 PM


Oooooh...What's in the box?
Man how are they going to get out of this one?
They so just need to get a break!
Zoe was great, just throw in some Wash talkin' about his amazin' amazon wife and it'd be peachy.
Can't wait for more.


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The Find Part 16
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 15
he crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 14
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

Kaylee's Sonnet
This is a sonnet for everyone's favorite engineer. I coudl just sop her up with a biscuit!!!

The Find Part 13
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 12
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find ( Part 11)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 10)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 9)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 8)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.