
The Find Part 12
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.


A Short Goodbye Simon flashed into action, “Captain, Zoe, Book, help me move him! NOW!” When Mal moved the others went into action, “On three everybody…one, two, three!” “Sheesh he’s heavy,” Zoe groaned. “To the table,” Simon shouted. Wash came in and immediately took a place next to his wife, “I heard shots! God what happened!” The group moved to the table and plopped Ian’s body down. “I need some room people,” Simon shouted, “Zoe I need you to help! Blood, in that locker there!” Zoe moved quickly as Simon ripped the bloody shirt off of Ian. Kaylee took in a breath and turned away. Simon, with bloodied hands, stepped quickly sideways and turned on the 3D body imager. With his bare hands he examined the wound quickly as Zoe came with the blood. Simon appeared to slow down and quickly studied the three-dimensional image floating above Ian’s body. “Please do something Simon,” Inara was crying wildly as Mal held her back, “please Simon!” Simon suddenly stopped and looked at Zoe’s intense face, then he turned back to Mal, “Mal…he has no more heart…I mean…it’s shredded.” “No,no Simon you can fix him,” Inara screamed, “I know you can Simon, please fix him!” Simon looked at the deck of the ship where nearly all of Ian’s blood lay cooling in a large pool. He then looked at Malcolm, “There’s nothing I can do here Mal. He’s gone.” Mal hung his head and Inara screamed, “NO! PLEASE SIMON! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!” Wash moved to Zoe’s side and put his hand on her back. Book moved to the side of the bed, “Doctor may I?” Simon looked at him with pity, “Yes of course Preacher.” As Wash left the room for the bridge,Book took out a small glass vial of holy water and a small bottle of blessed oil. He made the sign of the cross on Ian’s forehead, “In nomino patre, et fili et spiritu sancti, amen,” Book began. Inara began to cry without stop and she nearly collapsed in Mal’s arms. Kaylee moved to her side and helped to hold her. Book continued with the rite, “We commend to you, O Lord! the soul of this your servant Ian, and beseech you, O Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, that, as in your love for him, you became man, so now you would grant to admit him into the number of the blessed. May all the Saints and Elect of God, who, on earth, suffered for the sake of Christ, intercede for him; so that, when freed from the prison of his body, he may be admitted into the kingdom of heaven: through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. May the blessing of God Almighty the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost descend upon you and remain with you always, Amen.” To the surprise of Book, Zoe put her hand on Ian’s shoulder, thus completing the ritual of the last sacrament. Book pulled the sheet on the bed over Ian’s body. Inara was sitting on the floor being held by Kaylee while Mal walked to Simon, “There was nothin’ you could do son.” “What’s everybody so sad fer,” Jayne blurted, “It had to be done!” In a blink Malcolm Reynolds had his pistol out and was aiming towards Jayne’s head when Simon grabbed his wrist. The pistol roared and the round thudded into the bulkhead behind Jayne. “WHOA!,” Jayne yelled, “stop shootin’ Mal!” Book and Zoe were holding Malcolm after he threw Simon across the infirmary and took aim again. Zoe strategically caught hold of the pistol while Book Held on to his chest. “I should have ended you a ways back Jayne,” Mal roared. Zoe grabbed his stern face in her hands and got directly in front of Mal’s eyes, “No captain! Not now Mal…please! Not now.” Book watched the muscles in the captain’s jaw set as he digested Zoe’s request. The two soldiers stood with their eyes locked for nearly a minute. In that minute Zoe was able to communicate all her feelings to her fellow comrade in arms. Everything from the war came back in tidal wave of sickening emotion that sat in the pit of their stomachs. Mal relaxed his body and kept staring into Zoe’s eyes. His breathing became more even and relaxed. Then his eyes shifted to Inara, sitting in a crumpled heap on the floor, helpless in Kaylee’s arms. River’s excited voice split the silence, “Ohh look! There are twins now! How pretty!” All heads turned to River. She was sitting on the couch pointing to the ceiling as if she were looking out into space. There was no sound as all heads followed her slim finger to a point on the ceiling. Wash made a dash up the stairs. “What are you talking about River,” Simon asked softly. Her forehead wrinkled, “The voices have stopped now. You are looking in the wrong place for him. He’s gone now, but not dead.” “MAAALLLL,” they heard Wash yell, “you’d better get up here!” Malcolm Reynolds broke away from Zoe and Book and sprinted out of the door. He halted suddenly in front of Jayne who gave back in fear. Mal clenched his fist and bolted up the stairs. Zoe was close behind. When Mal entered the flight deck he stopped short. In front of Serenity stars blazed brightly in the black of space. Flashes of light pulled his gaze to the left where he saw two identical ships. Mal had to remember the size of the ships and knew they were millions of miles apart. The new ship was slightly more pointed than the one which brought them out on this trip. Zoe came in and sat at the new weapons console. “We’re free,” Mal said softly, then turned to Wash, “What are they doing?” Wash was amazed, “See the little blurry blobs going between them? I think they are shooting black holes at one another!” “Wh…what,” Mal stuttered, “how? Can they do that?” Wash shrugged and pointed, “I guess THEY can! At least that’s what the ship’s computer is telling me. We are detecting hundreds of gravitational anomalies that are reading as black holes. What kind of energies does it take to do something like that?” “My God,” Book said aloud from the bulkhead, “look at that!” The black holes were impacting against what appeared to be some kind of shielding on each of the ships. When the gravity wells were overloaded with energy they evaporated in stunning flashes of light. Zoe mouthed what they were all thinking when the blinding stab of light came from the first ship, “What was that?” “Looked like an energy beam or a laser,” Mal said lowering his hands from his eyes. “WOW,” shouted Wash, “captain if that was a laser beam of some sort it was 200 miles thick! You could slice a planet in half with that kind of power!” They were all riveted on the scene unfolding before them. The new ship now turned its bow towards the former. It surged forward and looked to ram the other ship. When the two craft appeared to make contact, a harsh red glow appeared between them. “Everyone hold on,” Wash shouted, “Gravity waves heading towards us in a big way!” Mal’s face was intense, “Wash we need to get out of here and quick!” “Captain, those gravity waves are off our measuring devices,” Zoe said sharply. “I’m coming dear,” Wash mumbled as he configured the computer for space folding. Mal pressed the intercom, “Everyone hang on! Kaylee I need you in engineering!” “Here we go,” Wash shouted. Mal was watching the distorted space wavering in front of Serenity’s windows. He tightened his grip on the navigation console as Wash touched the button to engage the space fold drive. Nothing happened. “Wash,” Mal asked. “I…I…I dunno,” Wash was tapping keys furiously, “I am gonna reconfigure!” “Hurry baby,” Zoe said sternly, “those gravity waves will shear us apart in a microsecond.” “OK,” Wash shouted, “GOT IT!” With undue force Wash hit the key on the console in front of him. Nothing. “What the hell is happening,” Malcolm shouted. “I DON’T KNOW MAL,” Wash screamed while reconfiguring the fold again. Kaylee’s voice came to life over the intercom, “Cap’n, we have some giant gorram gravity disturbances heading our way. Serenity’s fold drive can’t function in this environment.” Wash shook his head, “Now she tells us?!” Book was starring ahead, “What in the world is that?” When Malcolm Reynolds looked out the window he saw both of the massive ships go black. Like a bizarre dream all the stars around them, simply went out. It was as if someone were turning out the lights in a giant building. The entire galactic rim went dark section by section in an amazing display the crew could not pull their eyes from. Within a minute there was only blackness. All of the bridge crew stared open mouthed. “Where did everything go,” Wash blurted out softly. His words seemed to echo in the darkness surrounding them. Simon’s voice filtered through the speakers on the bridge. His calmness was alarming, “Captain, could you please come down here? There is something incredible I want you to see.” “Doctor, I hope this is urgent,” Mal said back, “we seemed to have lost the universe.”

Simon was cleaning up Ian’s body in the medlab on the only table available that could hold his mass. He looked with some sadness at the giant man’s body he barely knew. But clinical detachment and his training took over and Simon efficiently went about the process, oblivious to the chaos on Serenity’s bridge. After mopping up blood from Ian’s face and torso, Simon pulled a white plastic sheet over his face. Once the gloves were deposited in the disposal, Simon took a few moments to wipe the blood spatters off his own face. River’s voice brought him back quickly. “SIMON,” her voice was panicky and high, “SIMON something strange is happening! SIMON, SIMON….” Simon ran to her as her body lilted over sideways on the couch. He quicly checked her pupils, then her pulse and determined she had passed out. Without a thought he picked her up and carried to an open bed that hung from the wall, gently setting her down. He walked quickly to the scanner console and turned it on without thinking. Immediately a 3-dimensional image of Ian’s body hung in the air. The scanner beeped three times as it passed over his body. “Jayne,” he looked into the rooms outside medlab for Jayne’s help in moving Ian’s body. Craning his head he saw no sign. Internally he cursed and wondered what good the man was to anyone when the scanner started to give out information. Simon moved to the screen, “What’s this? It can’t be…” The medical scanner showed Ian’s body with increasing cellular activity. His bone marrow was working ten times the normal rate to replace the blood lost in the shooting. The 3-D image in the air showed arteries and veins being regrown in front of his eyes. “This simply can’t be,” Simon said aloud and moved from behind the console to the table. When he ripped the sheet off the body, Simon saw the muscle and bone healing before his gaze. “What the…” Looking at the image Simon saw a heart being formed; lungs regenerating. He was stunned. River’s voice made him jump. “Did you fix him Simon,” River said softly. “River…no…I,” Simon ignored the loud voices in the cockpit, “He seems to be fixing himself River. Are you ok? How do you feel?” “I’m sleepy Simon,” she replied with her head on the white pillow, “It seems I haven’t slept in a long time.” “You try and get some rest River,” Simon caressed her hair, “let me help you to your room.” River pointed and smiled, “He is here Simon.” As soon as his eyes followed River’s hand Simon heard the unmistakable sound of a breath being drawn in deeply. His mouth dropped as Ian’s chest began heaving. With a flutter, the large man’s eyes opened and he looked around confused. Simon stumbled to the door or medlab and pushed the intercom button.

Wash’s mouth was gaping and he stumbled over the words, “Where..where did…there’s nothing there now.” “Yes honey, we can see that,” Zoe said calmly. Her eyes scanned the blackness intently. The intercom interrupted again, “Captain Malcolm Reynolds, I need you down here. Something very unusual has occurred I think you should see.” “Well aint this the day for unusual,” Mal grunted as he turned to head to the medical facility. He stopped and looked at the assembled crew on the bridge, “You all keep an eye on…the…nothingness…there.” He spun on his heels with Zoe close behind. His heels clanked on the metal grating, his jaw set. From a few yards away Jayne’s head came up form his room, “Hey what’s going on?” Without a word Mal drew his weapon and fired a shot. Jayne let go of the ladder and thudded on the floor of his quarters as the round ricocheted off the bulkhead. Malcolm saw the door slam shut as he raced by feeling pleased that at least he’d not have to deal with him. As he turned the corner on the stairs to medlab, he pulled up quickly. Inara stood there with her arms folded across herself. She need not say a word. In a microsecond Mal could read the fear, confusion and pain on her face. Her eyes asked for help. Within that instant all events came into sharp focus. On the beautiful woman’s face was written the narrative of why he needed to protect his crew. His mind blotted out all conjecture and focused on actions that could help him in his task. Malcolm trotted down the stairs as Inara turned to the door of the medical room. Malcolm followed her gaze and his jaw went slack. All reason and meaningful action abandoned him for a moment. “Wow doc, that was a ruttin job you did,” was all Malcolm could get out. Standing nude in the medical bay was Ian. His head nearly scraped the lights above. River sat across from him with a look of awe untainted with fear. Ian was looking at his limbs as if astonished they were working. His blue eyes scanned the people and objects around him and stopped on Inara. She caught her breath and held it involuntarily when he smiled at her. When Ian took a step towards Inara, Mal moved in front of her. Ian walked to Mal and stopped, looking down at the captain. He smiled and put his huge hand on Mal’s shoulder, gently pushing him aside. Inara put her hands to her mouth in shock, tears streaming, just as Ian lowered himself to one knee in front of her. She stretched out her hand to his face and felt warmth. “Ian…how,” she gasped, “I watched you die.” Ian touched her face with his opposite hand, “He is safe dear Inara. There is no need to worry. We have watched him for a long time.” Inara recoiled, “It’s not you is it?” “No, Ian is not here. He has gone on and left the pains of this universe behind. I am a messenger, sent to explain.” Malcolm moved beside Inara and pulled her behind him, “Just who are you? Why did the universe disappear around us?” “I was sent by Him,” Ian’s body said softly, “those two others were not supposed to enter here. There are rules that everyone must follow. He does not allow two or more, what you would call, universes coexist in another. This cannot be.” Mal shifted nervously, “What do you mean by ‘him’ ?” Book entered the anteroom to the medlab and looked on in amazement. Ian’s inhabited body noticed him and nodded, “Preacher Book knows of whom I speak. He created all the universes and sets the rules for each. Each is special and sacred to Him. One cannot be destroyed by another, taking all life with it. I am caretaker here.” Book approached slowly, “Are you speaking of God?” Ian’s voice was soft and lyrical now, “That is but one name among the billions He was given.” “Why did he allow these things to happen? Why did these two forces come here to begin with,” Malcolm asked. Ian’s forehead tensed for a moment, “The universes are created by his thought. Though they exist in his mind, each has its own function and free will. Rarely does He intercede or interfere. Only in the most rare of cases am I allowed to make changes.” Book was completely overwhelmed, “Does God not care about his creations? Why would he let bad things happen to the life he created?” “He knows that he must ‘let’ things happen as they will,” Ian continued. “He cares deeply about each and every universe. Each is set with governing laws at the beginning. From there things will develop as they will. Sometimes nothing happens and the universe is abandoned. The most wondrous life happens of its own volition. He then is free to marvel at them. I was appointed watcher of this one.” “So you are like Him,” Book continued, “of a race of beings like God?” “No, I am from a race of a far older universe. When consciousness develops to a certain degree, we are no longer constrained to our own universe. Then He teaches us and delegates us to watch one of the universes. There are some who overcome their universal laws but do not wish to watch and oversee. Some wish to destroy and remake and interfere. This He does not tolerate. Such was the case here today.” “So where does he exist,” Simon chimed in, “your God. Is there a universe he exists in?” Ian turned to Simon and smiled, “This we do not know. To us he just exists. Perhaps, since we are created from Him, we cannot know. He does not require service, prayers or even acknowledgement. Because we were all sprung from his mind, we are all ultimately part of Him, even if on the most elemental of levels. As he exists, so do we. Time is simply a construct if His mind, a function of His being.” Malcolm was growing impatient with the thought that he was not in control. He looked around at the faces in the room. Zoe, Wash and Kaylee were standing on the catwalk staring. “This high talk is all good,” Malcolm cut in like fingernails on a chalkboard, “You may be who you say you are and maybe you aint. But what are your intentions for my ship and crew?” Ian looked down to Malcolm again, “You will be allowed to return and exist once more in your universe. No…harm will come to you from the ships that invaded. They will be dismissed from His mind. They will be no more.” “Why are you here,” Inara shot out, “Why are you using Ian’s body? Where is he?” “He is safe,” Ian’s body said kneeling once again, “he is at peace. One of the most remarkable developments He has noticed in this universe is what you human’s call love. It is nearly unique to you. It is closest to what He feels for all of His creations. Your love Inara, will be eternally kept by Ian. It will remain immortal though you pass on from this universe to elsewhere. Be comforted, for Ian loved you greatly also. But there is other love around you, different but similar; not greater but no less. Now I must leave you, for I am messenger and a watcher.” Ian stood and turned slowly. In his graceful gate he walked to the table and lay down. Inara ran to him and took his hand. There was one final smile, then his eyes closed and all breath left his lungs. Inara stood by the table holding his hand to her lips. There was silence mixed with a still revere along with an air of finality. Tears washed over Ian’s giant hand from Inara eyes. Her soul was exhausted and she wanted in her heart to leave also, to join Ian in whatever place his soul had departed. Then, like a beam of yellow sunlight on a stormy day, she felt Malcolm Reynold’s hand on her shoulder. There was a moment of terrible struggle in her heart. Ian’s hand was laid gently on his breast and Inara looked into Mal’s eyes. She knew she could retreat there, in the practicality and longing for a family that had for so long helped Malcolm keep Serenity’s crew together and alive. Inara wanted to stay.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:21 PM



I shouldn't complain about the space between your chapters. Lord knows how much time passes between my stuff.

But I am so glad that you spent a lot of time on this. This is one of the best series we have going on. Oddly enough, this is probably the most sci-fi thing of the fanfics. This is hard core Assimov, Heinlen and C. Clarke territory here, and it's a real breath of fresh air.

Keep it up. I'm eager to see how they get back to the civilized verse. Maybe they have a Stargate experience (of the 2001 kind and not the STARGATE kind), we can see who freaks out and who goes "Wheee, Hoooo!!!Far out, Man."

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:08 AM


This is the funkiest story. i just discovered this site and then i read this and i was just like... 'wow'. totally speechless... it's fantastic


Thursday, November 24, 2005 7:01 AM


Wow, so not what I was expecting and that is a wonderful gift. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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The Find Part 16
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 15
he crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 14
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

Kaylee's Sonnet
This is a sonnet for everyone's favorite engineer. I coudl just sop her up with a biscuit!!!

The Find Part 13
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 12
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find ( Part 11)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 10)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 9)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 8)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.