
The Find (pt. 4)
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.



Wash was all smiles as he sat down in the spanking new leather pilot’s seat on the command deck of Serenity. There was the latest holographic stellar mapping display, upgraded computer system, bright, new, larger display panels, and the same old stick he was used to. Wash giggled when the new leather crinkled as he sat in it. To the right was a newer set of buttons he had not seen before. Raising his eyebrows, Wash thought of the possible danger in this mission now that the weapons and defensive shielding controls were staring him in the face. Mal requested that the targeting controls be placed on a separate console that would double as an engineering readout just in case any Alliance security decided to board. As requested, all weapons were hidden in shielded bays on the outer hull. Wash felt Zoe’s familiar warm hand on his shoulder, “She looks like a new ship doesn’t she?” “Yeah, it make s me think that Serenity needs a new pilot now,” teased Wash. “Well she can have a new pilot and I’ll take the old one,” Zoe kissed his cheek, grinning. Wash was smiling again, “Oh my goddess, thou are pleasing enough.” Book walked into the cockpit, “WOW, everything looks so new. Did you see the new food processors they put in? We actually have real beef and chicken on board!” Wash snapped around, “What did you say preacher?” “Real beef and chicken,” Zoe said with amazement. “Yes, and I was able to do some shopping on Acre…” Kaylee walked into the small cockpit and Wash immediately blurted to her, “Kaylee, did you hear? We have real food on this trip out. Beef and chicken. Tell her preacher!” Book was laughing as Wash spun around in his chair, “We sure do. It was stocked for us at the space station. And I was able to get some very fresh veggies; and fruit.” “FRUIT,” Kaylee’s eyes blazed with the thought of oranges and strawberries. “Hey did yall see what those cheeseheads did with the paint job,” Jayne said loudly as he joined the growing throng in the control room. “We have fresh meat and fruit,” Kaylee was smiling broadly. “What,” Jayne said, confused for a moment, “What are yall talking about?” Zoe chimed in, “The reverend here went grocery shopping and got us some fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat.” “No frag,” Jayne said in amazement, “where we gonna put all that? We aint got no big freezer. Do we?” “We do now,” Kaylee answered, “100 cubic meters of icy, refreshing refrigerated space. I had ‘em install it since we were gonna be out so long. And with the new upgrades we got power to spare.” River and the doctor walked into the pilot’s room and Simon spoke, “Hi everyone, when did…” Wash yelled over Jayne, “Doc we now have chicken and beef.” “And fresh vegetables,” Book added. Simon smiled and lowered his eyebrows, “Umm that’s great. Kaylee, when did they have time to put in the 3-D diagnostic scanner? I thought we were just going to…” Kaylee was bursting with joy, “I had ‘em put in a new med-lab facility. Isn’t it shiny? “I’ll say, its’ state-of-the-art,” Simon was still astounded, “Some of the diagnostic equipment is so new I’ll have to read the manuals. And the self-contained bio-lab is amazing.” “Yeah, that’s all great doc,” Jayne said rolling his eyes, “I can’t wait to diagnose some of that chicken.” “Well,” Book smiled, “how about a little celebration feast tonight. In honor of Kaylee and Serenity.” “Hell yes,” Wash shouted out. Inara flowed into the cockpit looking for Kaylee, “What’s going on everyone?” Zoe grinned, “ We have beef and chicken.” “And fruits and veggies,” Wash said, “real ones too!” “Really,” Inara smiled broadly, “Did they remodel everyone’s room? I noticed someone put a shower in my shuttle.” “Ya like it,” Kaylee grabbed Inara’s hand, “I had them fix us up like new and them some. I figured if we wasn’t payin’ for it, we might as well go first class. I gotta tell ya, those guys on Acre, sure can pull off some miracles.” Jayne answered, “Yeah they even took the rust spots outta my walls. It kinda looks like a hotel in there; even cleaned the head.” “Yours too,” Book asked. Kaylee rose up and down on her tiptoes, “We got new power, a new drive, new weapons, defensive shielding, paint, replacement hull plates, wiring, restrooms, medical facilities, refrigeration, a new computer and even an entertainment system in every room!” There was a chorus of “wow” and “good job” as Kaylee received pats on the back. She loved the feeling of helping and making the ship a better place. Perhaps on the captain understood that the engine and its systems meant more to her than any of the other refinements. Kaylee would not be able to find the words to make this crowd understand how wonderful the past eight days had been for her. On Acre she was immersed in an environment of propulsion science and engineering where everyone acknowledged her as an equal. The amount of sheer knowledge she picked up during that refit shocked even her. “I think they even changed my mattress,” River said demurely, “he hates the paint though.” Inara gently stroked River’s hair, “Simon hates the paint scheme sweetie?” Everyone was quiet when they heard Malcolm’s voice echoing off the corridor walls, “SCH! Tsao ni zuzong shiba dai!” Inara raised her eyebrows, “Oh my, I have never heard that one before.” Kaylee was doubled over laughing, trying to keep her laughter down, “I had them give the capin’ something special.” All heads whipped around as they heard the captain yell, “Kaylee, what chou wan be dan painted my room pink?! Kayleeeeeee! Aww now that aint right! Tsao! Teddy bears!” Everyone looked at Kaylee for a moment then broke out in riotous laughter. Jayne was holding his sides and Wash was kicking the deck plates.

Passenger 27

“Where the hell are we,” Zoe asked Wash. “We are quite a bit outside Alliance territory,” Wash replied, looking at his new navigation computer. “Well this sure looks like nowhere to me. Any idea where we’re goin’ ?” Wash gave her a sideways look with raised eyebrows, “I don’t think even the captain knows that for sure. We’re supposed to rendezvous with a ship near here and pick up passenger 27.” Zoe’s eyebrows pinched downward, “Pick up who?” “Passenger twenty-seven,” Wash said flatly, “We don’t know his name but he’s the twenty-seventh passenger we’ve had on Serenity.” “Oh you’re counting,” Zoe asked. Wash smiled, “Ya-huh, didn’t Mal tell you? I’m the new cruise entertainment director.” “Humph,” Zoe gave back, “I think you need a new job.”

Inara was meditating in her shuttle. The lights were low and her mind was perfectly at ease. She loved deep space actually. There was a loneliness in the interstellar void that made here feel close to the universe as whole. Insignificant to the point of importance, as her guild academy teacher put it. There was a soft knock at her door. Inara smiled. “Come in,” she said softly. Malcolm entered awkwardly as he normally did, “I hate to disturb you Inara.” “It’s no problem captain, what can I do to assist you?” “Well…since you knew that Okeida guy,” Malcolm was stuttering now, “I thought you might want to come with me to meet our passenger.” Inara rose slowly, enjoying Mal’s uncomfortable manner, “I am not sure you can afford me captain Reynolds. Are you sure my stature among the crew is lofty enough to warrant meeting non-clients?” Malcolm gave a large sigh, “Inara, I am sorry for what I said to you back on the station. I was angry and…and…upset and I took it out on you. I had no right to do that. I understand you were just trying to help and all.” “Mal I know that some things in our past are difficult to get by,” Inara folded her hands in front of her. “I am sorry if I offended you by bringing up your dreams. It was presumptuous of me to think I had the right to pry.” “No,no,” Mal was waving his hand out, “I know you were just trying to help Inara and I appreciate it, I really do. The timing was bad was all.” “I know Mal,” Inara said kindly, “but my offer to talk still stands.” Mal dropped his head, “Thank you. I hope one day, when we have some time to breathe, we can sit down and I’ll tell you about it.” Inara walked to Malcolm and put her soft hand on his, “I appreciate the fact you trust me that much.” “It…it don’t come easy,” Mal said to the floor. He then lifted his head up and looked into Inara’s liquid brown eyes, “Well you comin’? I could really use your intuition right about now. I have no idea who we are going to meet or why.” Inara wrapped her arm under his, “Ohhh captain, such mystery. I’d love to accompany you.” “This way,” Mal bowed to her.

Jayne and Kaylee were standing by the preacher in the cockpit. All of them were starring out the window at the large cruiser that appeared out of nowhere. In the extreme blackness outside, the ships portholes appeared as bright stars outlining the main body, which blotted out the stars behind it. Jayne whistled, “That’s one big mother-humper. What kinda ship is that?” “Never seen that class,” Kaylee craned her neck forward to get a better view, “she’s sleek though.” “Well whatever it is, it’s not appearing on the navigation sensors,” Wash was nervous. “Where the hell are we Wash,” Jayne was nervous too, “not a damned planet in sight.” “We are some 45 light years from Persephone,” Wash gave, “a long ways from any charted planets; civilized ones anyway.” A short beep from the navigation control panel caught Wash’s attention, “Well we’re being asked to be guided in. I guess this is where passenger twenty-seven gets on.” Kaylee broke her attention from the mysterious ship, “Passenger twenty-seven?” “Yeah, ya didn’t know Kaylee,” Jayne snorted, “this…person will be our twenty-seventh passenger.” “Hmmm,” Kaylee was watching the ship outside grow larger, “I didn’t know that. Do the Doc, River and Booke count?” Jayne looked at Wash and they shrugged simultaneously, then spoke together, “Sure.” “Yeah.” Kaylee folded her arms and continued to peer out the window, “Imagine that.”

Zoe felt the soft thud of the docking collar against Serenity’s hull, then the shrill hiss of the pressurization. Malcolm stood to her left with Inara and Book. She could tell the captain was tense and she noticed his hand was not far from the pistol that so often adorned his belt. Book was dressed in his normal gray shirt and black pants. Inara, wore a multicolored red, black and green flowing gown. Zoe noticed she looked calm and radiant as usual. They heard footsteps approach the outer hull door. There was a soft tap against the metal of the hull. Zoe looked at Mal and he nodded to her. With firm steps she strode to the airlock controls and unlocked the door. Zoe knew her placement was strategic. She was away and to the side of whatever person was walking through the air lock. A metallic clank, and the inner door swished softly as the seal broke. A giant form bent over and strode through the door. The person was wearing a loose robe that unable to hide his hulking form. When it stood again, Zoe noticed the person easily over seven feet tall and, it seemed, nearly as wide across the shoulders. “Oh my,” Inara gasped. Malcolm turned to look at her. Shock covered her face like a wet blanket. Large hands pulled back the robe to reveal a young face topped with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, “Captain Malcolm Reynolds I presume.” “That’d be me,” Malcolm said calmly, “and would you be Mr. Ian McFarren?” An unexpected smile, “Yes I am. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I have heard many good thing…” “Yeah I heard some good things too,” Malcolm cut in, “what I have not heard yet is where we’re going and why you need my ship. Now if we can stop pattin’ each other on the back, I think we have business.” Zoe gave a slight smile before Mr. McFarren spoke, “Indeed we do. If you would allow me to bring my equipment on board and, as agreed, the one million in platinum, we can talk business captain.” Malcolm looked at Zoe and spoke, “Could you call Jayne and see to the man’s luggage?” “Aye sir,” Zoe said. “Please allow me to introduce Ambassador Inara,” Malcolm said, “and Preacher Book.” “A reverend,” the man said with a start. “Yes,” Book smiled, “I tend God’s sheep wherever I find them. It’s nice to have you on board Mr. McFarren.” Zoe stopped and looked back twice as the large man knelt before Book, “Father, please take my humbleness as a sign of respect. Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonæ voluntatis.” Book smiled, “It has been since my seminary days since I heard Latin spoken. Dona nobis pacem.” The giant man stood and looked at Inara closely. Inara looked up at him in amazement and surprise. Zoe noticed her hands were trembling slightly and the color had run from her face. “It has been a long time Inara,” the man bowed low, his head down, “I greet thee in happiness m’lady.” “In…in,” Inara’s voice wavered, “happiness I receive thee Ian.” “You two know each other,” Malcolm asked with no small degree of surprise. “We remember each other captain,” McFarren said softly, “I don’t think we will ever know one another.” Inara continued to stare at the large man. Malcolm’s gaze went from one to the next. Zoe saw Jayne coming down the stairwell. He halted when he saw the large passenger. “Geez,” Jayne exclaimed, “looks like you found Bigfoot!” Malcolm frowned at Jayne, “Mr. McFarren, this is…one of our crew. We call him Jayne, though some have other names.” “What,” Jayne shrugged. “Captain, may we talk in private,” asked McFarren. “Yeah, this way. Jayne will put your things in your room if that’s ok,” Malcolm told McFarren, pointing up the stairwell. “Yes, it has been a pleasure meeting all of you. Inara, I hope we get a chance to catch up later,” McFadden’s voice was softer. Inara looked to the floor and gave a weak smile, “Yes Ian, yes that would be delightful.” The large man bowed and followed the captain up the stairwell. Zoe’s eyes followed him. She noticed the smooth, athletic gate as the man walked behind the captain. Turning she walked into the airlock where Jayne was already pulling in two large containers. Zoe took hold of the other two and tugged them with too much force. Gravity nullifiers made the heavy crates float 2 inches off the deck and they hit the back of her calf. “Chou wan ba dan,” Zoe exclaimed. “Watch is there graceful,” Jayne laughed. “Zao ni ma Jayne,” spat Zoe. “Heyyyy, hey, just trying to lighten the moment,” Jayne said defensively, still smiling. Zoe looked at the luggage, “Something about this whole deal stinks. That guy. He’s hiding something.” Jayne shrugged his shoulders as Book joined them, “Who isn’t. Passenger 27 sure is a big mother-frigger. If he gives us trouble we’ll have to shoot ‘em.” Book spoke, “Well he certainly is a courteous man. I haven’t been greeted with that kind of respect since the seminary.” “Don’t make him angry,” Inara spoke from the top of the stairwell, “and don’t take anything he says at face value.” All three turned and looked her her. Zoe spoke, “I thought you two go way back Inara.” She bowed her head again, “We do. That is why I warn you. Look past the money. His kind always harbors secrets. Had I known Ian was involved in this venture I would have made Mal put me off at the last planet.” Inara turned and walked into her shuttle. Book looked at Zoe and Jayne still mulling Inara’s words over. They heard the airlock hiss and then the soft thud of the other ship disengaging the walkway. They were in deep space with a strange man and they did not know where they were going. Zoe’s stomach felt uneasy. “I wonder which one the money’s in,” Jayne broke the silence with his usual pragmatism.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 7:43 AM


Got me all curious, too. After all, in a universe without aliens, in unknown space beyond the Alliance, who's to shoot at or run from? And what rich guy goes anywhere without an assistant? A shiny mystery!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:41 PM


Loved Jayne's tactful comment about them having found Bigfoot. If Ian is Bigfoot then Jayne has the mouth to put it in. Did that make sense? Very good, can't wait to find out just what the Mountain wants with Mal and his ship. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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The Find Part 16
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 15
he crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 14
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

Kaylee's Sonnet
This is a sonnet for everyone's favorite engineer. I coudl just sop her up with a biscuit!!!

The Find Part 13
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 12
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find ( Part 11)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 10)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 9)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 8)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.