
The Find (pt 6)
Thursday, July 22, 2004

The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew


The Ride Is Half the Fun

Kaylee tossed and turned in her hammock. Without the usual engine noise from Serenity’s old drive, she could not sleep. The usual grinding hum was replaced by the near noiseless drive. She popped up and sat with her feet hanging off the side of the hammock and glanced at the ship’s chronometer. It was 4 AM ship time. She walked down the corridor to the galley past the other crew cabins and knew that they were asleep. Kaylee tussled her hair and went into the dining room where there was an apple left on the table. She brought it up to her nose and smelled it when she heard a slight noise in the cargo bay. Curious, Kaylee walked to the center of the ship. At the first glance of the huge man nearly naked, Kaylee started. There was Ian wearing only a small set of tight-fitting underwear. She quietly sat on the catwalk and watched. Ian was a giant man and had all the muscle of a modern bodybuilder. He was performing some kind of martial arts routine across the floor of the cargo bay. Kaylee was mesmerized at the absolute precision, power and fluidity his movements. She could now make out all seven feet of his height and she could tell he was a huge man even from fifteen feet above. Ian’s movements became more dramatic and acrobatic. The speed of the movements increased so that Kaylee could only make out blurs for his hands and feet. Light sweat glistened across his tanned skin, now stretched with his expanding muscles. Kaylee bit into the apple and felt the sweet juices invade her mouth. His movements were very rapid now and his flowing actions became more and more smooth. Kaylee heard the soft crunch of her apple when the voice startled her. “Incredible isn’t he,” Inara’s soft voice sounded in Kaylee’s ear. “Ohh,” Kaylee jumped, “you scared me. Yeah I have never seen anyone like this. Look at that!” Inara sat next to Kaylee, leaning on one hand, “Yes he is very special.” “Kinda sexy too,” whispered Kaylee with an impish grin. Inara did not answer but looked at Ian’s dynamic body and its intense musculature. She remembered those special days they had spent together in Tokyo. Feelings, long disengaged, returned to her mind. “He’s fast,” came River’s voice. Both Kaylee and Inara turned their heads to her. “What velocity he achieves. Look at the balance…like a dancer.” River’s voice was low yet Ian stopped suddenly and looked up to the three watching him. He smiled kindly and walked to the side of the cargo bay where he slipped on some loose pants and a form-fitting top. River stared at him intensely. “Why don’t you three come down and talk,” Ian said, wiping his face with a thick towel. Kaylee, Inara and River looked at each other as if caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Kaylee stood up and said, “Well we’ve been invited.” The trio smiled and walked down the stairs to where Ian was sitting on the floor drinking water. Inara sat demurely on a cargo crate while Kaylee and river sat on the floor around him. Kaylee noted that the clothes could not hide his giant form, all the more apparent now that they were closer to him. Kaylee spoke, “That was incredible what you were doin’. Where did you learn that?” “It’s just physical meditation,” Ian said in a soft voice, “it was taught to me when I was just a boy. There are times when I miss Earth.” Inara sat silently but caught his look to her. Kaylee responded, looking into the space of the cargo bay, “Ya know what I miss about being on a planet?” “What is that,” Inara said, her voice a little course. “Rain. I miss the sound of real rain,” Kaylee smiled. “Yes,” Ian said, “I know what you mean. And the smell of the first few minutes of a thunderstorm. When the ground and roads are still hot. The smell of the rain cooling everything off. I love that smell.” “Ummm yeahhhhh,” Kaylee closed her eyes. River smiled, fascinated by the conversation, then said, “I can feel how you love it Ian. I can…smell it.” Inara and Kaylee looked at River taking in a deep breath through her nose. Ian raised his eyebrows and smiled only slightly. Inara noticed the realization on his face. “I see than you can River,” Ian said, “you are quite sensitive.” River locked eyes with Ian for a moment and said, “I can hear your voice clearly. You have a wonderful voice. So soothing.” River leaned over and put her hand to Ian’s smiling face. She softly stroked his cheeks and ran her fingers over her eyebrows as if feeling a foreign fabric. Kaylee watched in wonderment. No one saw Inara leave. River closed her eyes and Kaylee could see her entire body relax. “Sleep now River,” Ian said softly, “tonight the dreams will not come.” River smiled and opened her heavy eyes, “I feel so tired. I think I’ll go lie down.” River stood slowly and walked heavily up the stairs. Ian and Kaylee watched her go. River stopped once, smiled at Ian and stepped into the corridor leading to the rooms. “What was that all about,” Kaylee asked, her curiosity nearly bursting. “She is a tired and confused young woman. Her mind has seen little peace the past few years. I feel sorry for her.” Kaylee’s mouth opened, “Yeah, but how did you know that? Did she talk to you earlier? You a tele?” Ian smiled broadly and stood, holding his hand out for Kaylee, “Come now miss, I can’t give away all my secrets in one day. There’ll be nothing mysterious left about me.” “Oooookay,” Kaylee said taking his hand, “do you know anything about engines? I love talking…” Kaylee was interrupted by footsteps on the metal grating above them. Simon was making his way down the stairs. He had his usual serious face on as he stepped quickly down the steps. “Good morning doctor,” Ian greeted him. “Good morning. Hello Kaylee.” “Simon,” Kaylee smiled broadly as she folded her arms across her chest. Ian looked at Kaylee and smiled, “Dr. Tam I think I am due a physical by order of the captain?” “Um yes,” Simon said pulling his eyes from Kaylee. “It’s a good idea to have a complete picture of a patient for comparison’s sake, you know, in case anything should happen.” “I understand Doctor. Miss Kaylee, if you will excuse me, I have an appointment.” “Sure, sure,” Kaylee gave, “I’ll see you at breakfast then. You too Simon.” Ian smiled, “Of course.” Simon gave a weak smile and said, “Yes, yes we’ll be there.” Ian clambered up the stairs with the doctor. Kaylee looked around and noticed Inara was gone. She shrugged and headed for the kitchen. ********************************************* Ian lay on his back as the 3-D imager slowly ran over his body. A complete holographic image if his innards hovered above the table. Ian was so large that his feet hung well off the end of the exam table. Simon was busy studying the collected data and organizing the data base. “You like her a lot, don’t you,” Ian suddenly said. “Who…who are you talking about?” Ian laughed, “Come now don’t be coy doctor. Kaylee is a beautiful and intelligent woman. You just need to look deeper to see everything.” “You have to hold still,” Simon chided. “That avoidance wont work. Just approach her Simon. She very much likes you too.” Simon looked over his monitor console, “Let’s just keep this professional shall we.” “Surely, I did not mean to offend,” Ian shrugged. “You didn’t. I just need to concentrate…when was the last time you had a physical?” Ian turned his head towards Simon, “Trying to figure out the anomalous readings doctor? The bone density and nerve conduction speed. The rapid regenerative powers combined with the ten-times-normal synaptic response? Or how about the highly over-developed contraction power of the muscle fibers? It’s just who I am doctor.” “Well, ahhh,” Simon stammered, “it’s just such an incredible…I mean I have never seen readings like this. No implants or genetic tampering. There is no sign of chemical enhancement. It’s astounding.” Ian sat up on the table, “Well thank you Doctor Tam. Mind if I get dressed?” Simon’s brow was furrowed and his hands was on his chin in concentration, “What? Oh yes sure.” Ian watched the young doctor as he dressed. Reaching out his mind he felt Simon’s mood first. Concentrating more, Ian reached deep into the doctor’s mind and found his emotional centers and the memories of Kaylee. There was doubt there. Fear and hesitation. Ian could also feel attraction and excitement in Simon’s thoughts about her. With much effort, Ian began to manipulate the chemical memory of Kaylee, erasing the fear and doubt paths associated with her in Simon’s mind. Satisfied, he gently pulled out and smiled to the young doctor as he walked out of the door. “Good morning doctor,” Ian said. Simon looked up quickly, “Oh yes thank you.” ************************************************ Two hours later Kaylee found Simon still studying his computer console. She walked in with coffee. “Hello busy doctor,” Kaylee smiled. “Hi,” Simon started at her voice and looked up to see her holding a cup of coffee. “Oh wow you read my mind. Thank you.” “What are you studyin’ do hard here? Some big medical mystery about our new passenger?” Simon smiled, “How did you know? Did Ian tell you anything?” “Nope, I figured it out all by my lonesome,” Kaylee giggled. “Well he certainly is unique,” Simon said. “YAHH,” Kaylee exclaimed, “He’s gorram huge!” “Well I am not talking about just that.” “He’s very nice too,” Kaylee teased, “and handsome. And muscular, and...” “Well I’m not talking about that,” Simon frowned. Kaylee walked closer to him, “Doctor Tam. Are you jealous?” Simon stood up to meet her, I…no of course not…maybe.” “I was under the impression that you were not interested Simon,” Kaylee looked at her coffee cup, “you growin’ up in a fancy house and all.” Simon walked closer and put his hand gently on Kaylee’s face, “It was never about that Kaylee. I was afraid.” She drew closer to Simon and looked into his eyes, “Nothin' to fear from me Simon.” Simon closed his eyes as his lips drew near to her’s, “I know.” Their lips met for the first time and the kiss was electric. Kaylee and Simon were lost in each other. Time ceased as they treaded warmth and feeling. Serenity ploughed through deep space oblivious to them. _______________________________________________

Deep Space Is Lonesome

Wash stared out of the front of Serenity. The warped starfield splayed out in front of him as the strong little ship bent the dimensions of space to its purposes and propelled it farther and farther away. Wash was mesmerized by the scene. “Where the hell are we,” came a sudden voice from behind Wash’s head. “Whoooo,” Wash jumped up, “way to scare the pilot!” “Hehe,” Malcolm said smiling, “sorry about that. It’s just been four days now and I’d like to know where we are.” Wash smiled and touched the new navigation console, “We are now about 835 light-years from Persephone and counting.” Malcolm whistled, “That’s a far piece. Anyone ever been out this far?” “No one that I know of. Deep space science probes maybe, but there’s not much in the way of planets out this far. Pretty empty straight up, it looks like.” “I see,” Malcolm said, “no one out here but us. How’s the new con equipment? Getting’ a feel for it yet?” Wash ran his hand over the poly-synthetic console. The entire surface of the console was a touch-sensitive display which could be custom configured by anyone piloting the ship. To his left, where Malcolm now sat, lay the weapons controls. “Yeah she’s really the same ship as before, but with more power,” Wash smiled, “lots more power. I don’t know what Kaylee and those guys did, but Serenity is now one of the fastest ships going.” Malcolm raised his eyebrows, “That a fact. You know when we get back no one’ll be able to touch us. Not even Alliance cruisers. And we’ll have some weapons, assuming I learn how to use this damned defensive console here.” Wash smiled, “ Well capn’ the defensive shielding is on your right and the weapons targeting is on your left there. From what I understand, it’s some of the best of the best. Just from reading the manuals you see.” “Wash you been playin’ with my weapons,” Malcolm asked. Wash stared at him for some time, “Hey! It gets boring up here sometimes. I didn’t touch anything.” There was a huge shudder that seemed to run through the very metal of the ship. The lights flickered briefly and the weapons console came to life. Above Wash’s head an alarm sounded. Outside the window the starfield changed to normal and to the left a bright orange light swelled up without warning. “Hold on,” yelled Malcolm. A few seconds later the ship lurched to the right and down. More warning alarms sounded throughout the ship. Malcolm looked at his console and saw that the shielding had been activated but was down to 45 percent efficiency. “Mal, we’ve been dropped out of fold by some kinda charge it seems,” Wash said, nearly calm, “I’m tryin’ to pin down what exactly it is.” “I know what what it is,” Malcolm said softly to himself, then yelled over the ship’s intercom, “Everyone get to a solid place and hunker down. Kaylee I need you in engineering now!” “Here capn’, “ came back Kaylee’s voice, slightly shaken, “what’s going on?” “How’s our systems Kaylee, engine’s ok,” Malcolm asked with an urgency that made her worry. “Yeah cap, everything’s green and a’ok. Only problem is, we need to wipe some magnetic interference off the fold coils. That’ll take about ten minutes. Weapons are hot and deployed,” Kaylee said quickly, “We under attack?” Malcolm noticed the four indicators on the console in front of him. Each little ship had its type, class, speed and weapons systems displayed next to it. Malcolm looked at Wash, “Gorram reavers.” “What?! This far out,” exclaimed Wash, “have they spotted us?” “Oh yeah. I heard tell they used automated mines to knock ships out of fold and then pounce on em’. Usually in packs. Wo tzau ni ba b'ei tzu-zong! You can bet they’ve spotted us.” “How do you want to play this captain,” Wash asked nervously. “We can’t let em get a grapple on us,” Mal’s brows came down low now, “they don’t think we’ve got any weapons so we will not show until the last possible moment. We’ll only get one or two surprise shots and we have to make ‘em count. Head towards this one.” “Here we go!” Zoe and Jayne appeared at the same instant. “Good lord,” Zoe gasped as she saw the reaver ship in the window. Jayne was more poetic, “Ta ma de!” Malcolm was intense now, “I need you two armed and dangerous! If they manage to get a grapple on us and board…” “Yeah,” Jayne said as he ran back to his room. “Good luck baby,” Zoe kissed Wash on the cheek. The first reaver ship was a large one, nearly six times the size of Serenity. Malcolm saw a second, only slightly smaller ship moving to join. His instruments told him there was no sign of shielding and only sparse particle guns outboard. She had missiles and plenty of them. “Slow it down just a tad,” Malcolm said, “I need the other one to catch up.” “Huh,” Wash looked nervously, “you want both of them together?” “That’s right,” Malcolm activated the targeting systems on the defensive computer, “these two will be like shootin’ ducks. Get ready to run though.” The ships were ugly and looked cobbled together from the carcasses of other ships. There were virtually no portals on their hulls. Malcolm saw the green arcs jump on the grappling arms of the first one. Four hidden doors opened on Serenity’s outer hull. Six cylindrical objects floated out silently into space. “Chee wo de shi,” Malcolm sneered. What seemed like little lights came on behind the missiles the same instant the 200 terawatt x-ray lasers invisibly cut through the space between them. The magnetic grapples on both ships were sliced off with ease as flashes of cut power cables lit up the hulls of both ships. Serenity turned and burned full right before the missiles impacted both reaver ships. Wash could see the glare of the explosions even from the rear. The reaver ships burst like ripe melons on concrete. The atmosphere on each created wisps of fire in the vacuum of deep space. Bright particles sped on for thousands of kilometers without halt. Within three seconds there was only large hull pieces left. “WHOOO, HOOOOO,” Malcolm yelled. A third ship increased its speed towards them while the fourth slowed. Malcolm looked at Wash, “Gimme a crazy Ivan. And down ten degrees from em!” “Aye!” Wash pulled his old stick back as the Firefly made a 180 degree snap turn. The back control thrusters on top of Serenity fired and her nose pointed straight upwards towards the reaver ship’s belly. Malcolm tapped on the fire button and the lasers sang. They both watched the four gashes being cut into the enemy ship’s underside as it passed over them, unable to stop. It tried to turn away only to have its main drive engine split in half. Wash and Malcolm watched it tumble away from them, explosions beginning to spew from its damaged underside. “YESSSS,” Wash yelled as he turned to congratulate Mal. “HAHA, reaver Go sch!” “Mal,Mal,” Kaylee’s voice came over the intercom, “you gotta pulse em! Do you hear me? Pulse em!” Malcolm was still smiling when he answered, “Kaylee what are you talking about? Pulse what?” “Pulse the lasers,” Kaylee said frantically, “Straight fire drains the charge. You gotta wait two minutes now to recharge!” Malcolm’s smile faded and he looked at Wash, “Did you read that in the manuals?” Wash shrugged, “Never got that far.” Another huge shockwave rocked Serenity. This time the power went completely out and the gravity generators could not keep up. Malcolm felt his stomach turn as the ship went zero-g. There was a cacophony of warning buzzers as the ship listed. This was trouble and no mistake. “Another mine!” Malcolm didn’t need to answer Wash, he knew they were in trouble. Deep trouble. Kaylee’s next transmission confirmed it, “CAPTAIN! Power’s offline!” “Do what you can Kaylee,” Malcolm said. He unstrapped from his chair and pushed off down the corridor as the last reaver ship loomed larger and larger behind them. It was going to be ship-to-ship now. “I’m coming with you Mal, we’ll need and many guns as we can get,” Wash said. Malcolm couldn’t argue the point there. Together they floated to the cargo bay. *********************************************** Inara was thrown to the floor of her shuttle when the last mine went off. In the darkness she groped for her candle and felt her stomach get queasy as the gravity changed. She could feel her furniture and personal effects strewn on the floor. Crawling on her hands and knees, Inara felt lighter near the entrance to the shuttle cockpit. A sudden bright light startled her and she screamed. “Shhh, Inara it’s me,” she heard Ian’s voice. “Ian, what’s happening,” Inara cried, “who’s attacking us out here?” Ian was helping her up off the deck, “Reavers. The captain destroyed three ships but one is coming for us.” “Oh God,” she gasped. “Inara you need to join River in the medical lab right away. The reaver ship will be attaching itself soon and there’s going to be a fight. Be careful, the gravity gens are out so hold on tight and use small movements.” Inara was getting used to the starlight now that her shuttle was dark. She could now see that Ian was dressed in a form-fitting dark, brown suit. She was confused. “Why are you dressed like that? Where are you going?” Ian took her delicate face in his large gloved hands, “Inara, listen quickly. I have loved you since the day I first saw you in Tokyo. Never have I loved anyone like that. You should know. Love should not be unknown, ever.” Inara took his hand gently, “Ian you don’t have to…” “Listen carefully Inara,” he took her hand and placed a small pill in her palm, “if we don’t drive them off or kill them all…if they get past us. Please, bite this pill and you will die within two seconds. They cannot have you, not like reavers do. Please Inara swear to me you will not be taken alive.” Inara’s mind and emotions were racing now. She could only nod in the affirmative. Where was Ian going dressed like that, she wondered. Suddenly the starlight was blocked through the cockpit window. The reaver ship was coming close now. “Hurry Inara. You must go,” Ian leaned in close and kissed her lips gently, lifting her off the floor. Inara returned the kiss passionately. She broke it when she felt the weightlessness. Ian looked at her intently and pushed her gently down the catwalk. As she floated away towards the main access tunnel Ian said softly, “Remember me Inara.” He shut the door and moved very deliberately now. When the thud of the magnetic grapple shuddered the ship, he slid on a mask and touched virtual buttons on the holographic display embedded in the faceplate. His suit pressurized. Moving to the shuttle door Ian calmed his mind and focused. The cabin depressurized and the small door opened. Ian slid out into the deep velvet of space and pushed towards the reaver ship. It would not be long now. *********************************************** “Zoe I need you on that side catwalk,” Malcolm barked. “Wash you need to be on the other side! Jayne you and I will be on the floor. Doc, you and the reverend will cover the top back. You shoot anything that moves, hear?!” Zoe had an intense look on her face, “Wedge your feet onto something solid. The recoil of your weapon can throw you off balance in zero-gee. Short bursts and pick your targets.” Mal looked around when he heard the thud of the grapple. There was fear in their eyes, “If one of us gets hit, don’t stop firing or we’ll all die. Got that! We’ll tend to the wounded after we get this secure.” Kaylee’s voice sprayed out over the link, “Captain I got gravity back online.” “Not yet Kaylee,” Malcolm said quickly, “wait for my signal. We can give those reaver bastards a little surprise at least.” They heard the airlock seal against Serenity’s hull. Jayne was letting his anger well up, “Doc, Preacher! You gotta kill every one of those gorram reavers that comes through that door. You got that?” “Y..yes, got it,” Simon said, his nervousness all the more apparent now. “Don’t worry Jayne, the Lord will guide my hand,” Book said softly, “blessed are the meek, remember.” Malcolm looked around at all their faces, “I hope he’s with us today Preacher, cause a finer crew he could not find in heaven.” They all smiled back at Malcolm. All heads turned as a remote roar came from deep on the other side of the airlock. Seconds ticked away with the viscosity of cold syrup. Hearts pounded faster. Muffled voices and yells filtered through the hull from the reaver ship. Malcolm clearly heard a distant scream. There was another rumble, like an explosion. “Gan tsao,” Mal swore. “What the hell is that,” Zoe said reading his mind. Wash looked terrified, “Have they gotten in through another part of the ship?” Malcolm’s eyes narrowed as he called to Kaylee, “Kaylee, did they breech the hull somewhere?” “Negative cap’n,” they are just sittin’ there!” Jayne gripped the trigger of his assault rifle, “What are they ruttin waitn’ on? Mal how many are usually on a ship that size?” “Normally about thirty to fifty,” Mal aimed down his rifle barrel, “it just depends.” Wash shook his head, “Gan ni niang. We don’t have a chance.” “Yeah we do Wash,” Malcolm said calmly, “tell ‘em Zoe.” “Yeah baby we do. We have to create a pileup at the door. Slow ‘em down so we can get good shots. Wash…Wash, look at me.” Wash looked at Zoe with abject fear in his eyes, “Yes Zoe, I see you.” “Good,” Zoe said with a loving look, “now remember what you fightin’ for.” Wash stiffened his resolve and watched the airlock. They heard the outer door open slowly. Sweat dripped down Simon’s face and his mouth went dry. “Get ready to kick in that grav Kaylee. On my signal,” Malcolm said quietly. All of them saw the shadows moving inside the airlock. Suddenly a brown, gloved hand appeared on the cargo bay door porthole. Some knocks and scratches echoed through Serenity’s cargo bay. The thick doors began sliding open slowly. The ambush tensed. Book held his breath. Malcolm relaxed his trigger finger and sighted. Zoe’s breathing slowed and she focused on fire management and accuracy. The reaver airlock was brightly lit. Without warning, a shadow drifted through. Jayne ripped off three shots. “NOW KAYLEE!” They all felt the gravity return. The floating form thumped on the plating of the cargo bay and suddenly…nothing. There was absolutely no sign of movement. Malcolm moved to the controls for the cargo bay doors, still keeping his sights trained on the opening, crouching slightly. He hit the green button and the doors began sliding closed. “What the hell’s going on,” Jayne said gruffly, “just one!” Zoe looked at the form lying on the floor, “He don’t’ look like no reaver. You ever seen that outfit before?” Malcolm eased towards the form on the floor. He could make out that it was very large. Very muscular. There were scorch marks and blood on the fabric of the suit it wore. Malcolm noticed the torso moving up and down in rhythmic fashion. “Cao ni ma,” exclaimed Malcolm, “we got a live one!” “Kill it Mal,” yelled Jayne, “Shoot the fucking thing!” “Wait, wait! It’s a wounded person,” Simon said running down the stairs to the wounded person. Simon checked his forward progress with a skid as two shots roared from Malcolm’s barrel. Simon turned away in disgust. Malcolm was prodding the seemingly lifeless figure with the barrel of his rifle when it came alive in a blinding fury of movement. Malcolm flew backwards against the door and the form was on the move across the cargo bay followed by a hail of gunfire. It ducked behind the newly-installed freezers. “WHOAA, STOP FIRING!” Malcolm waved his hands in the air when he saw the face pop from beneath the brown mask. It was Ian! “Cease fire,” Malcolm ordered, “hold your fire!” “Thank you captain,” came the now familiar voice from behind the refrigeration units. “What the hell,” Zoe let out recognizing his voice. Malcolm walked towards Ian and halted before him, “What in the universe’s name are you doing on the reaver ship? How did you get there?!” Ian looked a little dizzy, “I left through Inara’s shuttle and slipped in through a maintenance hatch.” “Yeah but what about the thirty reavers over there,” Wash asked. “Forty-three to be exact,” Ian was leaning over on his knees now, “You can detach from their ship now captain, it’s safe.” Malcolm was still incredulous, “Umm, yeah, okay. Safe. But how? Did they turn on each other? How’d you get out?” Ian noticed that River and Inara had come out and were standing next to Simon and Book on the top of the catwalk. Inara looked at him now with her mouth agape. “He killed them,” River said softly, “he killed all of them.” Ian looked at River, then at Malcolm and finally at Inara with her hands over her mouth. He then turned, fell to his knees and began puking.


Friday, July 23, 2004 6:07 AM


Good idea, pulsing the lasers, but best I recall the wing engines are air-breathers, so no chance of a crazy Ivan in space. Still an interesting story. Can't wait to see what's next!

Friday, July 23, 2004 6:52 AM


Very much enjoying this, most exciting. Getting more and more curious about Ian and his little *gifts*. I have to wonder if he has a more intimate connection with the collosal ship he is getting Mal and co to take him to find. Shiny, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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The Find Part 16
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 15
he crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 14
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

Kaylee's Sonnet
This is a sonnet for everyone's favorite engineer. I coudl just sop her up with a biscuit!!!

The Find Part 13
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find Part 12
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find ( Part 11)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 10)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 9)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.

The Find (Part 8)
The crew of Serenity, nearly broke and out of fuel again, are contracted by a mysterious organization to investigate an unknown find in interstellar space. Inara confronts her Guild past and Jayne will see how far he is willing to go to save one of his crew.