The Right To Love - Chapter 9
Monday, April 9, 2007

Continuation of my Simon-centric story based on the 100 Prompt table. A bit of fluffy goodness before we return to the angst. It's Kaylee's birthday. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.


A/N: This chapter is a bit shorter than I generally like, but this prompt was too long to combine with any others. I'll do my best to get chapter 10 up sooner rather than later.

Thanks to Leiasky for the beta, once again.

And keep those comments coming ... it may appear that the angst has dissipated, but I believe it was Chazzer who made a comment after the last chapter about pre-storm calms. Hmm, interesting concept that ...

Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8

Link to prompt table


The Right To Love - Chapter 9 (Prompt 60)


060. Birthday

Simon awoke early as he always did, and he glanced to his side to see Kaylee still asleep. They had been staying with her folks for almost a week now and she was doing better. He rolled onto his side to look at her, smiling as he saw the way her skin glowed. It was hot here this time of year and so they had been spending time out in the sun, causing Kaylee’s skin to tan even more. Of course, Simon’s had only served to burn, but the pain was receding quickly. Lifting up one of his arms in front of his face, he saw that the red was quickly fading to a light brown color and it pleased him. Maybe now everyone would stop call him ‘Lily.’

Lifting his head from his pillow as he heard something outside their door, he slid out of bed and opened it a crack to see what was going on. Seeing his sister, Ellen and Inara standing there with wide grins on their faces, he raised a skeptical eyebrow and questioned, “Do I even want to know?”

“You better,” Ellen scolded him, swatting at his arm. “Today’s my baby’s birthday.”

Simon’s eyes widened in terror as he realized he had not gotten her anything; the past few months had been such a mess he’d quickly lost track of time. Of course, considering that on her last birthday, he had insulted her by inadvertently calling her ‘uncultured,’ he figured it shouldn’t be too hard to top that.

Rolling her eyes at him, River said, “We need your help. Not our fault you forgot.”

“I didn’t forget, mei mei,” he began to explain, but then stopped as he realized it would do no good. “What do you need?”

“You need to keep her distracted for a few hours, while we make all the preparations,” Ellen instructed. “You gotta keep her out of the kitchen and away from the window, so she can’t see what’s goin’ on in the backyard.”

“What is going on in the backyard?” Simon asked only to get slapped again.

“Are you sassin’ me, boy?” Ellen asked, her eyes narrowing.

Holding up his hands in a gesture of defeat, Simon told her, “No, ma’am. I learned a long time ago not to sass a Frye woman.”

Nodding once, Ellen turned and walked away, River following her. Inara smiled patiently to Simon and then handed him a tray of food adorned with some of Kaylee’s favorite flower. Noting the touch, Simon looked up to her and smiled thankfully. “I owe you,” he told her, heading back into the room.

Returning his grin, she said, “I’ll remember that.”


Moving back to Kaylee’s side, Simon set the tray of food on her nightstand and leaned down to awake her with a light kiss. As her eyes fluttered open and brought him into focus, she murmured lazily, “Mornin’.”

“Good morning,” he answered back. Leaning in to kiss her again, he said, “Happy Birthday.”

She kissed him back, her eyes going wide at the statement. “It’s my birthday?” she asked, incredulous, unable to believe she’d forgotten or that she was going to be lucky enough to spend it at home with one of her mama’s famous cakes.

“It certainly is,” Simon told her, reaching for the food and resting it on her lap gingerly.

“Aw, Simon, the flowers is real pretty,” she told him, smiling wide at him before reaching for a sip of juice. “I can’t believe you remembered.”

Swallowing past his slight guilt, he silently thanked Inara for having his best interests in mind and said to her, “Well, what do you think we should to do today?”

She smiled at him again, her eyes lighting in a familiar way that brought a bigger grin to his face. Munching thoughtfully on a piece of toast, she said, “Well, we could go for a swim down at Miller’s pond, I’m sure it’s gonna be hot again.” Simon nodded, reaching for a piece of bacon as she continued. “Or we could go into town an’ have lunch at Lucille’s. She makes the best chili,” Kaylee told him, swallowing down her toast and drinking more juice. And then her eyes lit with a desire Simon had not seen for a while. Clapping her hands together excitedly, she said, “Ooh, I know, we could go to Junkyard Jack’s and look for a couple new parts for Serenity.”

The smile on her face, the excited tone to her voice and the happiness in her eyes made it impossible for Simon to say no, even though he could think of about a dozen other ways he’d rather spend a morning. “All right,” he told her, nodding once as he rose to head for the bathroom. “The birthday girl says junkyard, I say we go to the junkyard.”

Kaylee giggled as she watched him disappear into the bathroom and could only continue to smile as she felt happy for the first time in a long time.


“Ooh, this fuel cell ain’t half bad.”

Simon sighed silently, trying not to let his boredom show. That was the fifth part that morning Kaylee had oohed and aahed over and as the sun rose higher in the sky, causing the temperature to rise, Simon had the distinct desire to impale himself on some particularly sharp and rusty piece of equipment; that way, if the blood loss didn’t kill him, the tetanitis would.

“Ain’t it shiny, Simon?” Kaylee breathed, holding a charred piece of equipment up in his direction.

“It’s great,” he said, throwing her a smile, before she turned to look back through the spare and used parts. Simon looked around and again wondered how exactly she had talked him into this. Of course, all she’d had to do was smile at him and he’d have walked on hot coals for her, but she hadn’t been exaggerating the whole ‘junkyard’ part; the place was indeed a dumping ground.

But as he again turned to regard Kaylee sifting through piles of parts he could never hope to name, he felt a bit of his annoyance leave him; she was happy, smiling, and he was glad. This was something she loved to do, and he should be grateful to be able to share it with her, especially in light of what they’d recently been through.

Two hours later, when Simon was fairly certain he was going to die of heat stroke, Kaylee was finished and she brought her precious items up to the counter, haggling with Jack, a gruff-looking man whom Kaylee had known her whole life, on price. He drove a fairly hard bargain, but then, so did Kaylee, and she was able to waltz out of the shop with a crate full of parts, only having to leave one or two behind that she really couldn’t afford.

Taking the crate from her hands, Simon carried it easily as they walked back towards the homestead and he watched as Kaylee turned her face up towards the sun. Looking back to him with a big smile on her face, Simon stopped abruptly, causing her to pause as well. Leaning forward, he kissed her and Kaylee returned his kiss, her lips meeting his with need. Working her hands into his hair, the crate stopped them from taking it too far.

Pulling back from him a bit, Kaylee’s eyes filled with an intense desire as she said, “Ai ya, Simon, it’s been too long.”

Smiling at her, Simon started walking again. He wasn’t about to disagree with that statement, but some of her injuries were still troublesome and the last thing he wanted was for their lovemaking to be painful for her. “I know, bao bei,” he said as they approached the porch and ascended the steps. “But you’re still not fully healed, and we-“

She cut him off by pulling his face to hers and kissing him deeply, her tongue thrusting into his mouth and causing his groin to burn. His grip loosening on the crate, the parts went crashing to the porch, bringing his sister and Inara running.

As they scrambled to pick up the machinery, River knelt next to Simon, getting his attention. “Well, at least you were thinking less,” she murmured, turning away before he could form a proper retort.


Almost as soon as they had returned from Jack’s, Kaylee’s birthday celebration got underway, neighbors and family members from all over having made the trip to celebrate with the bubbly girl.

Simon was by her side for most of the afternoon and evening, only leaving occasionally when her cousins would swarm her, wanting to hear stories of her adventurous life out in the black or when her aunts would quiz her on this young, handsome doctor who had taken a shine to her. Kaylee always smiled at him a bit apologetically when it became clear he really should take his leave, but he always kissed her lightly and told her he’d be back.

By the time they got around to eating cake and opening gifts, the sun had set. The Fryes had lit lamps throughout the backyard, dozens of Chinese lanterns in various shades dotting the trees and the tent they’d erected. As everyone gathered around to watch Kaylee open her gifts, Simon sat close once again, smiling at each new flowered top or new tool she received.

When it came time for Simon to give her his gift, he didn’t feel quite as nervous as he had earlier that day. Despite having not planned ahead, the perfect gift had presented itself to him and he had snatched it. Looking to him expectantly, Kaylee’s eyes were sparkling as she asked, “So, what d’ya get me?”

“Something I think you’re really going to like,” he said cryptically, and then slowly pulled a somewhat used compression coil from behind his back, presenting it to her grandly.

Her face faltered just a bit, and Simon caught it. She had found it at Jack’s that morning and been unable to buy it, so Simon had snuck off during the party to get it for her, it being the only thing he knew she wanted that he could get his hands on in such a short time. But as he watched her try to fake her excitement, he felt even worse.

“It’s real shiny, Simon,” she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she took it from his hands, and placed it on the table next to her other presents. Suddenly wishing she hadn’t saved his present for last, she looked up as she heard music playing and reached for his hand. “C’mon, let’s dance.”

As Simon followed after her, still dejected that he had so royally screwed up, Mal and Inara watched the young couple. Looking down to where Inara’s head rested against his chest while they watched the festivities, he asked quietly, “Please tell me you helped that boy?”

Smiling to him, Inara pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth as she said, “Oh, I did. He just doesn’t know it yet.”

Mal chuckled at her, and Inara rested her head back against his chest so she could fully appreciate the sound. They watched everyone for a few more minutes, before Mal said with a sigh, “She’s so happy here.”

Turning back to regard him, Inara did not speak, but waited for Mal to finish the thought. “You think she’s really gonna stay?”

Casting a glance back to Kaylee, Inara couldn’t deny that she was happier, and while it pleased her to see it, it also pained her. Serenity would be quite a lonely place without her smile on board. “I don’t know, Mal,” she said softly, holding him a bit tighter. “I just don’t know.”


As Kaylee rested her head against Simon’s shoulder and felt his arms pull her close she sighed contentedly. They were swaying to the soft music that was playing and the warm night breeze ghosted over their skin. She felt Simon press a kiss into her hair and then lean his cheek against her and she sighed again. Perfect.

“Kaylee, I’m really sorry, I-“ Almost perfect.

Bringing her eyes to meet his, Kaylee told him, “Simon, bi zui. It don’t matter. We’ve all been thinkin’ on a few other things these past few months than birthdays.” She kissed him again and said, “So stop apologizing.” Shifting her hips against him suggestively, she felt him respond and whispered, “Besides you can make it up to me later.”

“Kaylee, your body still isn’t-“

“Simon, would you stop tellin’ me ‘bout my own body,” she said angrily, pulling away from him. “I think I would know whether or not I’m ready to be sexin’ ya again.”

All other conversation around them stopped as Kaylee’s voice had risen in volume, drawing attention to the young and bickering couple. As Kaylee’s chest heaved a bit with her anger, she finally turned and ran towards the house. Simon offered a sheepish grin to the others and then went off after her.

River turned to Ellen and said, “See? Thinking again.”


Simon hurried into the house, having paused just long enough to say his ‘good nights’ to the Fryes anxious to make things right with Kaylee. Jogging through the kitchen, he grabbed the banister and pulled himself around only to be confronted with his girlfriend’s seated form. She was on about the fifth step and Simon moved to her quickly, noting the fearful look in her eyes.

“Kaylee?” he questioned softly, sitting beside her. Brushing some of the hair from her face, he asked, “What happened? Did you fall?”

Shaking her head slowly, Kaylee told him with a shaky voice, “No, my legs jus’ gave out is all.” Looking to him, she smiled wearily and said, “I guess we had just a bit too much fun today.”

Returning her smile, he agreed. “I guess so.” Looking to her for a minute more, he finally asked, “Do you want me to take you up to bed?”

She nodded once, but did not make any jokes and Simon felt a lump rising in his throat at her silence. Standing, he put one arm under her bent knees and the other around her back, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Steadying her against him, he walked slowly with her up the stairs, pushing open the door to their room. Once he’d placed her on the bed, he knelt in front of her and asked quietly, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

She shook her head fiercely, dislodging a few of the tears that had welled in her eyes. “Am I always gonna feel like this?” she asked brokenly.

“Like what?” he questioned, his hand going to her cheek.

“Broken, like I ain’t never gonna be quite whole again.” Her breath hitched once in her throat, forcing her to swallow hard. Looking to him with a bit of desperation in her eyes, she told him, “I wanna feel normal again, Simon. I wanna know that everything’s gonna be okay. I want you to make love to me an’ …” she trailed off as more tears came and she dropped her head into her hands.

Moving to her side, Simon pulled her tight to his chest, trying to comfort her. “You don’t think that’s what I want too?” he asked softly.

Looking to him with big eyes, she said, “Well, I don’t know. It ain’t like you’ve asked.”

Smiling at her, Simon said, “Kaylee, I told you, the last thing I want to do is make your recovery worse. And the fact is you’re just not quite well enough yet.” She opened her mouth to protest and he stopped her with a finger to her lips. “Trust me on this, please? Just this once?”

She nodded reluctantly and then settled back against him. “Kaylee, I would give anything to show you how much I love you. I would give anything to take your pain away. And it kills me that I can’t,” he finished bitterly. “Trust me, as soon as you’re ready I will make love to you until we’re both too sore to walk.”

Wiggling her eyebrows at him suggestively, she looked to him and said, “I like the way you plan ahead, Doctor Tam.”

Chuckling lightly, Simon held her gaze for a minute more and then whispered, “I love you.”

Kaylee pressed her lips to his mouth in a tender kiss and whispered back, “I love you.”

Holding her close for a few more moments, Simon sighed and then asked, “Can I get you anything?”

Kaylee gazed to him adoringly, considering her answer and then thought about her aching legs. “Actually, a hot bath would be shiny.” Simon nodded once, more than willing to oblige her request, but he stopped when she placed a hand to his cheek. “But only if’n you join me.”

Smiling at her, Simon had never heard a better offer. Rising, he carried her to the bathroom, pushing open the door to find the room littered with rose petals, lit candles and a full bathtub that was being heated by a portable unit. Kaylee’s eyes widened at the sight, and the beautiful dark blue silk night gown draped by the tub, and hugged him fiercely.

“This was my present all along, wasn’t it?” she breathed, placing kisses to his face and neck and cheeks.

Swallowing back his astonishment, Simon told her, “Of course, it was.” As he gently set Kaylee on the floor and helped her undress, he realized that he now owed Inara a small fortune.

*** Comments, please!

Chapter 10


Monday, April 9, 2007 8:38 AM


Oh Simon you fool! A compression coil! My My Apple Pie! Don't get me wrong, I love Simon, but sometimes he needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

This was so cute and sweet and I loved it, nice to have a short break from the angst. Thank god for Inara saving the day, but Simon should really be ashamed.

Rivers comments were hilarious.

Loved it, as usual!

Monday, April 9, 2007 11:31 AM


How would Simon ever cope without people like Inara prepared to dig him out of the holes he digs himself into? Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, April 9, 2007 11:44 AM


In all fairness to Simon, he was a bit distracted in the time leading up to Kaylee's birthday.

And his coping mechanism - that beautiful smile and sculpted chest - yum!

Monday, April 9, 2007 12:04 PM


'And his coping mechanism - that beautiful smile and sculpted chest - yum!'

I hear you, yum yum!

Monday, April 9, 2007 9:19 PM


Here, here.

Loved how he put up with boredom all day, hilarious.

'That way, if the blood loss didn’t kill him, the tetanitis would.'

Monday, April 9, 2007 10:43 PM


Great chapter! Trouble is, I can't help feeling Kaylee's going to find out about who really arranged the bath and stuff, and that could make things a whole lot worse ...

Oh, and happy birthday for the 8th!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 5:02 AM


And someone (Inara this time) pulls Simon's ass out of the fire again. . . boy needs to get caught missing some important thing one of these days and pay the price for it . . .

He was distracted by her being hurt, though, so it is a teeny bit understandable . . .

Kaylee's reaction/disapointment to the gift was great. And at least Simon noticed it.

Yes, indeed, he does owe Inara a small fortune. . . wonder how his debt will be repayed?

Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:36 AM


What's with all the anti-Simon rhetoric here? The man admittedly forgot it was Kaylee's birthday, but he had been worrying about Kaylee's physical and mental for a while. Plus, ya gotta give Simon some credit for spending hours with Kaylee at a junkyard in the hot sun without bitching once - a situation I know takes a lot of willpower - and that he noticed that she really wanted the compression coil but couldn't afford it, so he bought it for her. me, he:

1) Willingly spent several hours with Kaylee in an environment that isn't his cup o' tea. Also, no bitching whatsoever;

2) Paid attention to the fact that his girlfriend wanted to obtain a needed part for her baby and couldn't afford it;

3) Went and bought the part himself for her me a stereotypically dense male, but didn't Simon just actually perform several actions that women usually complain about concerning men (i.e. lack of willingness to go somewhere they want to go AND without complaint, observe subtle facets of their emotional state, and do something selfless without being asked)?'s a great chapter here, TamSibling! Even if Simon is supposed to be a doink, he's a lovable doink under your care;)


Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:37 AM


What's with all the anti-Simon rhetoric here? The man admittedly forgot it was Kaylee's birthday, but he had been worrying about Kaylee's physical and mental for a while. Plus, ya gotta give Simon some credit for spending hours with Kaylee at a junkyard in the hot sun without bitching once - a situation I know takes a lot of willpower - and that he noticed that she really wanted the compression coil but couldn't afford it, so he bought it for her. me, he:

1) Willingly spent several hours with Kaylee in an environment that isn't his cup o' tea. Also, no bitching whatsoever;

2) Paid attention to the fact that his girlfriend wanted to obtain a needed part for her baby and couldn't afford it;

3) Went and bought the part himself for her me a stereotypically dense male, but didn't Simon just actually perform several actions that women usually complain about concerning men not doing without serious prompting (i.e. lack of willingness to go somewhere they want to go AND without complaint, observe subtle facets of their emotional state, and do something selfless without being asked)?'s a great chapter here, TamSibling! Even if Simon is supposed to be a doink, he's a lovable doink under your care;)



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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.