Inara's Ordinance
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Set just after The Train Job and before Bushwhacked. Just a little scenario about one way Inara may have acquired her gun.


Mal was in the infirmary with Simon getting sown up after his latest lacerations.

“You’re lucky. This cut is just shy of some major arteries.” Simon admonished.

“Yeah, I feel real lucky, assumin’ luck feels like you got hit by a runaway mule.”

“That really was a close call, Captain. But I think you did the right thing, returning that medicine to those people.”

“Yeah doc, don’t think too hard on it, I may disappoint ya later.”

“All done.”

Simon stepped away from his patient, giving his handiwork a final appraisal.

“I would recommend a bit of downtime to let this beating heal, but considering-" he waved a hand in Mal’s general direction and left the statement unfinished.

“Thanks doc.” With that, Mal exited the infirmary and proceeded the bridge to plot a new course.

A few hours later…

Mal strode into Inara’s shuttle as per usual.

“What is it now?” mumbled a vaguely indignant Inara. She was too tired to adopt a real huff, even if she wanted to. And he didn’t appear to be here simply to prove that he could be.

“I umm… Got you somethin’.”

Mal produced a small leather clad object from behind his back.

“Now I know that on general principle, you shouldn’t be involved with our jobs, but I figure that things never go accordin’ to plan no matter what we do. So, what I’m here to say is that even though I’ll always try to keep you outta the crime, I ain’t always able to do that. So here.”

He handed the leather bundle to Inara. It was heavy, she first thought. As she unwrapped it, a metallic glint shone out of the leather. She held up the pistol.

“It’s small-ish.” She eyed Mal’s large revolver. “Why did you get me a gun?”

“Thought I just explained it. What would’ve happened to you and the others if me n’ Zoe got killed in that fight? Just, don’t want you defenseless is all.”

She mulled this gesture over in silence. Finally deciding that it was safe to respond with gratitude, she spoke again.

“Well, thank you, I hope that it doesn’t offend you that I never intend to use it.”

“Sure, you’re welcome.” He grumbled.

As Mal turned to exit the shuttle, the full weight of his actions dawned on Inara. Was this his way of showing her that he considered her a part of his crew? This was about more than the gun. He was using it as a trojan horse of emotion, concealing his true feelings beneath a veneer of practicality. She wouldn’t let this small gesture go without some recompense.


He stopped and turned around to face her, face somewhere between a scowl and a jovial smirk.

“I was worried, you know. About your well being.”

“Doc says I’ll be ok. Recommended rest, but, that don’t seem likely. Need some cash to fill the void left by this lil’ catastrophe.”

Inara smiled. “Well at least you have another interesting scar to add to your collection.”

“And how would you know about my scar collection?”

“Wiles, as usual.”

Mal shook his head as he exited the shuttle, apparently content to give her the parting shot today. As the hatch slid closed, Inara examined the gun again. It wasn’t anything like the firearms he and his crew toted everyday. It was obvious that this particular piece had been designed and purchased with a female in mind. Feeling strangely safer, Inara stowed the piece in a locked compartment. How long had he been waiting to give her this gun, anyway?


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:22 PM


A very well-crafted fic, Whelp.

...I feel so bad calling you that...


Not recalling Inara having ever carried a conventional firearm, I'm guessing that the weapon you're talking about here is the sleek little laser pistol she trained on Yosafbridge in 'Trash'.

I had always guessed that it was a personal defense weapon given to her by the Guild, but this is a nice alternate viewpoint - Mal showing that he cares by buying Inara something practical.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:26 PM


Inara didn't thank him though, did she? Ali D
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:59 PM


Oh, I really, really live it! You have a great sense of dialogue between the two of them

If you have livejournal, you should check you mal_inara. They would love it there.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:29 AM


Awwww! He bought her a gun! That's so sweeeeeeet! =D

Saturday, April 14, 2007 8:09 PM


Was Inara's pistol a laser weapon? I thought it was established in "Heart of Gold" that only certain people and soldiers in the Core carried directed-energy weapons. I have always taken the weapon to be a fanciful and small calibre projectile weapon.

Anyway...lovely bit of work here, Whelp! Really gotta say this was quite the plausible scenario for how Inara acquired her pistol, other than the presumed one of the Guild arming her for last resort situations when she ended up working the Rim planets.



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Man Down
Not much to tell, except that the idea of Mal fainting strikes me as hilarious. Post-BDM, if anyone cares.

Inara's Ordinance
Set just after The Train Job and before Bushwhacked. Just a little scenario about one way Inara may have acquired her gun.

Post Heart of Gold
Mal's thoughts immediately following Heart of Gold