An Unwanted Past, Pt 8
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Think things can get any more complicated? :) Hope that the story continues to enthrall! Thanks for reading and commenting!


“What in the sphincter hell is the Alliance doing taggin’ my boat?” Mal growled as he came to stand besides Wash. It was certainly there, and was a loaming presence that unsettled Mal. Wash turned to give Mal an incredulous look. “Don’t ya maybe think it might have a teeny tiny bit to do with the three gorram Alliance intelligence officers on our boat?” Wash spit out. “Oh, and maybe the two Alliance fugitives that we’ve been carryin’?” Mal snorted and didn’t answer. He knew quite well that he was giving the Alliance more than one reason to tag his boat. But he never quite believed that it would have happened. “Calm down honey,” Zoe said coming up and resting a hand on Wash’s shoulder. “We’ll work a way out of this.” She gave Mal a hard look, reminding him of his duties. Mal stood up straight, crossing his arms across his chest. “Find those two henchmen of Asha’s, and gorram tell them to come work this out.” Zoe curtly nodded and turned around, but before she could get anywhere, she slowly raised her hands up in the air. “Found one,” she calmly said. Mal whirled around, with Wash craning his neck trying to see from behind Mal. The taller of the two men, the one Inara discovered as Lt. Phil Guliv had his gun out and pointed straight at them. “I’m afraid Captain Reynolds that there won’t be any negotiating this time. This is the kind of scene we were hoping to avoid, but it seems that we didn’t quite pick the right ship for the job.” Mal’s anger was about to its limit. He had had about enough of everything. “Look here, I’s ain’t the one that asked to be flown all over the ‘verse, and then kept on changing plans. If’n we had been allowed to keep the original route this might’ve not have ‘appened. We’d had it all planned out nice like. This ain’t my fault or my crews. You get your gorram self on this com and tell them that everything is hunky dory.” “I do not quite understand why I must repeat myself, Captain. As I said, there will be no negotiating or discussion with that vessel. Do what you must, but we will not be searched.” His eyes were steady and his voice unwavering. Wash suddenly spoke up, “Wait, I’m slightly confused. Ain’t this the perfect way for your scary leader lady to get patched up? Alliance ship that fancy oughten have plenty of med stuff.” He wrinkled his forehead in confusion as to why Alliance weren’t jumping at the chance to be with Alliance. Lt. Guliv rolled his eyes this time. “Open a patch to your engineering, please.” Mal’s face went icy cold as he immediately understood what was going to happen. Wash leaned over flipped a switch and there was a slight crackle in the system. “Mac you there?” Lt. Guliv barked. “Ya, I’m here. Got my eye on the fine mechanic. Making sure nothing don’t go wrong with this here fine vessel.” Zoe glanced at Mal and could tell that something was going to have to happen soon. She had quickly learned how to read his face, and the set of his jaw indicated that he was going to blow soon. “Kaylee you all right?” Mal quickly asked. His heart skipping a beat. There was something about Kaylee that drew Mal towards her. She was so sweet and innocent that Mal wanted nothing more than to protect her and keep her happy. Plus the fact that she was gorram good with machines. “You leave my little Kaylee alone, she ain’t got nothin’ ta do with it,” Mal growled. “Well, you see Captain it works like this. You don’t tell the Alliance vessel anything about having us on your ship and we don’t do anything to your mechanic. Simple.” He cocked his gun, and pointed it straight at Mal. “Your choice.” “You?” Wash said, butting in again. “Why would you care, they are Alliance…” he slowly quite speaking as it suddenly dawned on him what was going on. Zoe quietly spoke watching the man carefully. “It ain’t anybody else on Serenity they are looking for, but you. You, Asha, and the other man. You’re the fugitives.” “Partly right. Me and Mac aren’t known anymore by the Alliance, but Ashlina is and Mac and I have sworn to do all that is within our power to make sure she is kept safe.” His eyes glinted with a deadly resolve. “Captain?” The intercom system crackled as Simon’s voice came over it. “You have better get down to the infirmary. I’ve done all I can do.” Wash swiveled back to face the controls. “Mal, we’ve got another wave coming in. They want a reply.”


Friday, May 11, 2007 9:48 AM


And the stakes just even higher, as the crew moved ever closer to the abyss....

Damn...this was definitley a brilliantly-written chapter, I must say! All kinds of tension-filled and mysterious. Though the rate of reveal is gonna drive me loonier than River on a bad day at this rate;)



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An Unwanted Past, Pt 10
The truth of Asha and her men is discovered. But is the threat of the Alliance military really gone, or has the crew of Serenity just realized how deep the hole is that has entrapped them? Thank you for your continued comments! I hope that the story continues to enthrall and excite, and that this chapters answers some of the questions with a twist! :) Enjoy.

An Unwanted Past, Pt 9
Wow. Sorry that it has been just a dry spell since my last post for this story. But hope that it is still up to par with the rest of the parts. Thanks for reading and your comments!

An Unwanted Past, Pt 8
Think things can get any more complicated? :) Hope that the story continues to enthrall! Thanks for reading and commenting!

An Unwanted Past, Pt 7
What has Mal been hiding for so long? Has Asha betrayed the whole crew? Some quesions answered and others arise. Comments greatly appreciated and thanks for reading!

An Unwanted Past, Pt 6
Mal is beginning to realize that he is going to have to confront his personal demons in order to get himself out of this sticky mess. Thanks to all who had commented, it is greatly appreciated! If your just joining the story line please check out the first parts to stave off confusion! Thanks!

An Unwanted Past, Pt 5
The plot thickens...just like pudding. If you're just joining the excitment, please check out the first parts or else you might get a bit confused! :) Feedback greatly appreciated!

An Unwanted Past, Pt 4
I got some time to work on the story. Hope that it continues to enthrall! Thanks for the comments, I really appreciated feedback! :)

An Unwanted Past, Pt 3
Sorry about the cliffhangers, but I hope they keep you hooked on the story! :)
No confusion necessary, if you haven't read the first two parts, you're more than welcome to get caught up on the story!

An Unwanted Past, Pt 2
The story continues...dum dum dum. Check out the first part if your curiousty is tickled and catch up on the story! :)

An Unwanted Past
First of all, everything of course does not belong to me, etc.

Mal does the unthinkable and accepts a job that could not only jeopardize the life of his crew, but revisit a past that almost destoryed him.

Comments and thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!