And So It Begins 1/?
Friday, May 18, 2007

Has Inara met her match?


And So It Begins 1/?

Author: GenesisZia

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my dreams. The rest belongs to Joss Whedon.

Spoilers: Series/BDM

Pairing/Characters: The usual suspects plus one or two of my own creation. Canon with heavy focus on Mal/Inara…eventually (does angst count?)

A.N. It’s roughly set 4 years Post BDM. I’m taking all sorts of liberties concerning certain individuals’ past and backstory. If there is some cannon I am blatantly ignoring or misappropriating, kindly let me know. I anticipate this being a behemoth when all is said in done (I foresee this multipart fic as the first part of a trilogy), so if you care to join me for this ride please hold on and give a holla when it so moves you.

All spelling/grammar issues are my own…..anyone offering their beata-ing services is welcomed.

Lastly this is my first foray into fanfic…any feedback is much appreciated.


And so it began. A test of wills.

Since most of her life, since adolescence, Inara Serra has had the upper hand. All relationships have their dynamics, but in Inara’s case, all of hers have been decidedly tilted in her favor. She has had control over her life and, for the most extent, those in it. Some may think it is the power Inara is attracted to, but in truth, it is the fear of being dominated that provokes her; she knows better than most what losing the upper hand can mean. She must take a stand.

Inara stared down the petulant eyes across from her. Both subjects stood with lips thinned, left fist slightly clinched, and breathing slowed. Inara was slowly becoming so frazzled by the situation that she failed to notice this similar body language. Then it happened. One of their checks flushed and eyes went misty. Inara’s resolve faltered. For the first time in nearly 12 years, Inara found herself at a loss for a counterattack.

Taken aback, she took a breath. She quickly cleared her thoughts and her throat. With a firm sigh she realized she could still win this, that she would, she just had to keep it simple.

“You will put on this dress and that’s the end of it.”


Okay try reasoning.

“You can’t wear your bathing suit boa bei, you’ll be uncomfortable.”

“I fine.”

Maybe flattery.

“But you look so sweet in your green dress.”

“Look sweet in blue,” the 2 year old said pointing to the little yellow flowers offset on her blue swimwear.

“Zola, do you want to go bye-bye?


“Then you’re wearing this dress,” Inara finally concluded, picking it up. As she walked toward her, the little girl began making tentative steps back.

“No, Mama. I wear this.”

Buddha help her.

“You don’t tell Mama, No. Big girls don’t do that and this trip is only for big girls. I guess Zola can’t go bye-bye.”

The little chocolate-eyed girl stopped her retreat, her lips began to waver, tears already apparent.

“Mama, I big girl. I go bye-bye.”

“Zola, Mama asked you to do something. I’ve asked you for the past half hour. No, we’ll stay home today.”


“No, now go get your play dress and sweater. You can help Mama clean house today.”

Now began the preamble to the tantrum. The low hum of a whine formed and the agitated jumping began to take full effect.

“Zola, stop that right now or I am going to start counting.”

“But I go bye-bye.” Zola's last attempt began.

“Yi, er …”

“I big girl, I wear green,” she negotiated trying to reach for the dress.

“San, si…”

“Not fair!”

“De le! Time out chair. Ci shi!”

And here was the screaming.

Inara grabed the irate child and the small, pale blue vanity chair. She placed both along the south wall of the little girl’s room.

“You will sit here until I come to get you. Then you will get dress and we will clean the pantry. Ling hui?.

Zola screaming stilled slightly and became a hiccupping hum as she recognized her mama’s tone. But being a Serra woman in training she would not concede that easily. So she answered her mother with silence, accompanied with a pout and stare that would be impressive in its tenacity if it was not used on the woman who coined it.

“Zora Lola Serra, xiang ying.”

“Bad Mama.”

All the books say to ignore, but the verse hasn’t met a mother yet who isn’t cut down every time her child proclaimed their dislike for them. Inara was no different.

“Little girl,” Inara began barely above a whisper as she crouched down to Zola’s eyelevel, “You will sit here until I come back.”

Quickly turning on her heels before she felt her resolve slip away, Inara exited the room only closing the door half way. As she walked briskly to the kitchen, she tried in vain to stop the migraine that was forming, trying to turn her thoughts to reorganizing her day since they no longer were taking a trip to the museum.

Maybe she could get a head start on reading through those scripts Dani couriered over, she thought as she grabbed a juice from the cooler. After absentmindedly guzzling down half of its contents, Inara took a breath and fliped on the intercom to Zola’s room. Crying and the sounds of designer toys hitting the walls could be heard.

“Merciful Buddha, I couldn’t have made a more stubborn child if I tried.”

Translations: bao bei- sweetheart

yi, er, san, si- One, two, three, four

de le- That’s enough

ci shi- Now

ling hui- understand

xiang ying- answer me


Friday, May 18, 2007 11:07 AM


This is an interesting start. I think it's great that Inara's match just happens to be her two-year-old daughter.

But who is the father? A certain, roguish, tight-pants-wearing captain, maybehaps?

A few agreement issues (with the grammar), but other than that, pretty easy to read. I'll be interested to read more.

Friday, May 18, 2007 11:27 AM


Hmm. Interesting start. I like that Inara has a stubborn child just like herself - and Mal?

You've certainly got a lot of years to fill in. I hope we get to see (read) them.

Being more of a Simon/Kaylee fan, I hope you spend some time on them as well. Or at least tell us what's happened to them.

Lastly, welcome to the fic world!

Friday, May 18, 2007 4:24 PM


Not bad for a first fic. Please keep writing! Can't help but wonder where this is going to go!

Friday, May 18, 2007 4:59 PM


Being the mother of a stubborn two year old, I had to laugh at this one, because the scene is so familiar! Fortunately for me, my little girl doesn't talk yet, and after reading this, I'm not so sure I want her to!! Loved it!

Friday, May 18, 2007 6:20 PM


Very well written, I must say! I wish the chapter was a little longer, though. I'm wondering where little Zola came from and where Inara's living now? It didn't sound like Serenity. Hmmm... I'm intrigued! Post Ch. 2 very soon, OK?

Saturday, May 19, 2007 1:36 AM


I agree with all the other comments - it's a good start, and I'm intrigued to see how you fill in the gaps... It was a really interesting (and cute) dynamic, Inara's daughter is adorable.

Do hope we get some backstory though, and I second what Leiasky said - more S/K!

Good work - keep it up! :D:D

Sunday, May 20, 2007 9:35 AM


Well've certainly dropped a nice shiny bomb on us, genesiszia. Cuz I really wanna know now who is little Zola's daddy? A roguish but deeply caring ex-army sergeant/transport ship captain? Or is Inara's seemed absence from Serenity because she got pregnant with the child of someone other than Mal's?

And if you need a beta, I would be happy to help out. Though I would advise seeking out a second one for contingency purposes and to make sure you're getting multiple perspectives on the work you're doing. PM if you are interested in my offer;)



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And So It Begins 1/?
Has Inara met her match?