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Pre-BDM, still pulling less than legal jobs, Mal adds an old friend as a new crewmember while someone else stows away. Someone River knows. Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee, Zoe/Wash
Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the fight scene too. It just ain't a space western without some brawlin' ya know? ^_- Oh yeah, and this looks to run about 12 to 13 chapters. Then it will hopefully continue with another story, then another... I'm trying to work this like each fic is a little episode or something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Whatdaya mean is he ok?!” Mal huffed as he was lying on the ledge in the infirmary, scowling at Kaylee who raced in and flew directly to Simon, worried about him. “I’m the one that got knocked out, my brain could be swellin’ fer all we know.”
“You’re brain’s not swelling.” Simon reassured him before turning back to the mechanic. “And I’m fine, thank you for asking.”
“Is my brain swellin’?” Jayne asked in a slightly high pitched voice as his neck was in a brace while he laid on the other ledge bed.
“You’re fine.” Simon swabbed Jayne’s arm with some alcohol and gave him a shot. “That should help with the pain.”
“This should hold him.” Ru announced as she came into the infirmary and walked over to the man lying on his back on the exam table. Taking his arms she put them together and cuffed them, then shackled his feet together.
“Thank you.” Simon prepared the dosage for Malcolm “I’ll give him something to paralyze his motor functions while I remove the bullets. Unless of course I’m supposed to just let him die?” With that said there was a sudden uneasiness about the room at the thought of killing their new prisoner.
Mal looked over at the pale body and listened to the beeping of the monitors. “Fix him up, I wanna talk to him.”
“That’s him?” The mechanic squeaked, studying the bloody back and cringing. “Just one fella did all this?”
“That fella, ain’t natural.” Malcolm slurred his words as he began to get drowsy. “He’s… he’s…”
“Just rest di-xiong.” Ru told him, patting his hand. “We can run the ship while you recover. Right Zo?”
Zoe nodded her head. “Everything’ll be shiny.” She watched as the captain went to sleep as Inara finally had come out of her bedroom and gawked at the site.
“Is he ok?” The companion asked specifically about Mal, however she caught herself and stiffed. “I mean, Jayne and Mal. Are they ok?”
“Just bruised.” Simon snapped on a fresh pair of gloves as he prepped for the surgery on the prisoner. Looking up he saw everyone with the exception of River was huddled in his infirmary. Zoe and Ru were rather stoic, but everyone else, especially his dear Kaylee, looked worried. “Um… unless you’re going to help me with this, I would appreciate it if you would leave.”
The second and third in command ushered everyone out. Wash went up to take the helm, and Inara took Kaylee to her shuttle while Book went over to the two women in charge.
“So this man took out Jayne and the captain with just physical force?” the Shepard asked.
“He’s trained.” Zoe sighed while folding her arms. “Boy moved like that, acts like that, it was somethin’… animal like I reckon.”
“It wasn’t human.” Ru nodded her auburn head. “He snapped halfway through it and was roarin’ like a lion or…. Hell I dunno. Whatever he’s gone through’s made him a killin’ machine. And I elect to dump him in the black as soon as Mal’d done conversing with him.”
The preacher gave a look of astonishment. “You know very well that’s murder.”
“Preacher, you didn’t see him.” Zoe backed her friend up. “We were lucky we got him. We’re gonna be sailin’ for two more days, if he gets out, he could kill all of us.” She said seriously. “I don’t doubt it one bit, he was hiding on the ceiling when he dropped down, kicked me and then dove over the side and landed solid on the cargo bay, then took the doc hostage before throwing him at us and took Jayne out in two hits that didn’t last no more than a second, threw the Capin’ all the way across the kitchen and into the table, and almost stabbed Ru ta death. He’s dangerous, I’ve seen my share of killers and he’s a type I ain’t never seen before.”
Book gave them both a serious face as he walked away.
“You guys really wanna dump this guy?” Wash asked as the warrior women were on the bridge with him. Zoe was seated on his console while Ru was pacing. Both of them were rather sobering with their serious brown eyes and mouths creased into slight frowns. “And since when did our Simon ever have the ability to sneak up on someone?"
“He’s not right in the mind.” Ru exhaled as she stared out the windshield into the vastness of space. “Ren shi zi-sun de mo.”
“Simon or the Prisoner? Cause I don't see Simon as the devil's offspring.”
“The prisoner.”
“Ahh." He nodded his head in understanding, then took a more debated approach. "Neither is River, right in the mind, but we don’t dump her cause she's nutzo.” He leaned back into his chair.
“River never killed anyone.” His wife told him. “Besides, as much as we wanna dump ‘em, it’s the Captain’s decision.”
“It is my decision.” Mal said as he limped onto the bridge, not looking entirely lucid as he walked over to them with a brusied face. “Thanks for takin’ control of everythin’.” He told the women.
“You look drugged.” Wash pointed out. “Are you drugged?”
“Well I feel fuzzy so… yep.” He nodded his head. “Doc fixed me up good.” His blue eyes skimmed their faces, which all wondered if he should be laying down. Shaking his head he folded his arms. “You should see Jayne, he’s so sore he can’t get up, too big ta move too so he’s just layin’ in the infirmary.”
“How’s that surgery goin’?”
“Actually.” Simon’s voice turned them all to the door. “I need to talk to everyone about this.”
Mal nodded his head and grabbed the com. “This is the captain speakin’, all able bodied crew and passengers to the kitchen. Our fine doctor has somethin’ to tell us all.” Putting it back he limped towards the door and achingly went down the steps. Grunting, he got to the kitchen which had been cleaned up, and sank into his chair with a wince. Everyone else filtered in and took a seat. Inara taking a seat next to Mal while Kaylee found the seat closest to the standing Simon and everyone else generally sat down wherever they fancied.
Doctor Tam clasped his hands behind his back and let out a deep breath. He noticed that yet again, River was missing. However what he needed to say actually pertained to her as he sorted his thoughts out. “I finished operating on the fugitive. He’s sedated, it should last a few hours actually. But… um… well when I operated I found some things. Reaching into his pocket he took out a blue medical paper towel and set it on the table, unwrapping it to show bits and pieces of metal. While everyone became confused, he continued. “He’s in remarkable shape, but after I finished stitching him up, I found a very recently acquired wound at that base of his neck. Those pieces were still wrapped partially around his spinal cord.”
“Say wha?” Wash mumbled.
“After carefully removing it, I then checked his scalp, and he has a scar that runs completely around the circumference of the skull under is hairline.” He reported.
“What does that mean?” Book asked, clearly disturbed.
“The work is similar to what I’ve seen done to my sister.” Simon sounded in awe. “A different technique and objective perhaps, but similar.”
“This is Alliance hardware.” Ru exclaimed as she pulled the towel towards her and sifted through the pieces. “Neural transmitters, I got hundreds of ‘um fused to my spine for my arm.” Narrowing her eyes she pushed one over. “This is different though, this doesn’t transmit motion, pressure, touch, pain… this… this looks like…”
“I think it’s application is that of transmitting to another piece of hardware that overlaods some neural activity while restricts others.” He added astutely.
“Why would they do that?” Zoe probed. “Ain’t it easier the other way around.”
“I think they used it to overwhelm a certain part of his brain for increased ferocity, then restrict his ability to control his emotions, possibly more, who knows that they’ve done to his mind to achieve this… killing machine.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the next as his eyes narrowed. “Whatever they did, it was for a purpose, and I think he can tell me what they might have done to River.”
“You just done told us he’s a killer.” Jayne rumbled as he limped in after hauling his sore hide up from the infirmary. “Now ya want ta talk ta him?” He scoffed and plopped himself in a chair. “You can do it, but I ain’t pullin’ him off of you when he goes fer the throat.”
“I think I removed what was left, so he should be fairly sa…”
There was a crash downstairs.
Zoe and Ru pulled their guns and took off while Mal and Jayne rose up from their chairs like old men and limped to follow.
“Yeah… you two go ahead.” Mal winced. “SIMON.” He raised his voice. “Follow them and dope that psycho if ya have to.”
Simon, since he couldn’t explain himself, jogged off after the imposing women, heading down and finding his supposedly sedated patient trying to rip his bonds off as he had fallen on the floor.
River was crouched next to the door to the infirmary, knees to her chest, eyes wide and paranoid as she rocked herself. “Monsters.”
John, wild eyed, let out a cry that sounded inhuman, more murderous roar than yell as he struggled on the ground.
“Tranquilize him.” Malcolm huffed as he stumbled inside, his first and second mates posed with guns loaded and aimed..
“If I do, he’ll overdose and die. He’s already on enough sedative to knock out a man twice his size.”
“They take him…” River’s voice shook as her breath quickened with her rocking. “They take him… skin peels off, eyes open red… their monster comes out…. Lion…”
John leapt up to his feet, balancing on the balls of his feet. Jumping, shackled hands extended as they planted themselves back on the floor and he launched himself into a handstand, kicking Ru. Within seconds, with his hands still planted he swung his legs to the side and kicked Zoe’s legs out from under her. Throwing his body into a seated position just as her gun clattered to the floor and her head slammed into the ground, he threw his arms around Ru’s neck and choked her with the handcuffs.
Jayne rushed in and grabbed him. “Xie chuo sha!" Slamming the blonde head into the floor.
Ru coughed as she was freed, her face flushed red from the lack of oxygen.
John roared and fought Jayne who threw him into a pin.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” River babbled.
Book heard her words, stopped and furrowed her brows at her. “River? What did you…”
“Monster.” She raised her voice "As a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour! They made him become! They made him! No choice!” putting her hands over her ears she began to rock herself some more. “Can’t change what was done... his skin’s peeled off...”
Malcolm charged off as Zoe pulled Ru to her feet.
“Let’s shoot ‘im.” Ru said while pulling the pin back on her gun, sick and tired of having this fugitive causing havoc. “Toss him in the black.”
“You can’t do that!” Simon told her, desperate to see if he could get any information to help his sister.
“He ain’t no better than a Reaver!” Jayne grunted as he painfully held down the raging blonde.
“I actually have to agree with Jayne on this one.” Zoe retorted coldly.
“Nobody ain’t gonna be shootin.” Mal declared as he limped over, carrying two locks and a chain. “Hold ‘im steady Jayne.” Crouching he attached the chain to one of the ankle bracelets. Wrapping it around John’s legs he and Jayne hoisted him up and walked to the cargo bay, everyone following with the exception of Simon and River.
“What are you doing with that man?” The Shepard asked.
“We’re gonna let him have his fit run it’s course and let him wear himself out.” Mal grunted as they unceremoniously dropped the body near the base of the stairs and he locked the chair to the railing.
“So you’re tying him up like a dog?” Wash quizzed. “No offense, but is that… humane?”
“More humane than shootin’ the sucker.” Mal looked over to Ru, who wanted vengeance for the choking stunt, and rightfully so. However he had something to say to her. “Give me the keys.”
“Maybe we should talk about this.” Inara suggested.
“I don’t like this.” Kaylee toned worriedly.
“I think this is crossing the line.” Book added.
“Hell we should shoot ‘em likea Yeller.” Jayne muttered.
“You can’t shoot…”
“Bai-tuo, an-jing yi-dian.” The captain ordered, and suddenly the tense chatter ceased. “Ru. Keys. Now.”
“Ni-shi feng.” She told him stubbornly.
“You’re not the first person ta tell me that. Now GIVE ME THE GORRAM KEYS.” He ordered with his hand held out and his face stern. Getting a scowl from her as she handed the keys over, he knelt and signaled for everyone to get back.
“You cannot chain a man to a staircase like an animal!” Book protested.
“Watch me.” He unlocked the wrist cuffs, unlocked the one ankle bracelet that was attached to the chain to give their prisoner a longer lead, and stepped back as John flew at the end of the chain, being yanked back when the line went tight. “Now, everyone knows not ta touch him.” He tied to carry himself with more of a swagger and less of a limp as he left the cargo bay. “Just leave it be and let it run it’s course.”
“What if it don’t run it’s course Mal?” The large mercenary questioned. “Then what huh? What if he’s just ruttin insane like them Reavers?”
“I’ll let you shoot him.” He grabbed Ru by the wrist, agitated with the entire situation. “We may be family, but I am the captain of this boat. When I tell you to do something, you DO IT.”
Malcolm let go and walked off to take the long way up to the bridge.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:29 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 3:34 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 8:39 PM
Saturday, October 8, 2011 12:12 PM
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