Monday, June 18, 2007

A bit of back-alley rutting renders two of Serenity's crew speechless. Hetero-encounters.


“You must be on some pretty serious drugs,” she giggled. His pupils were dilated, the blue of his irises thin silvery bands around gaping black holes. “Huh?” He shook his head. “I’m not on anything.” She looked back into his eyes, but she could smell his breath – clean, nothing but mouthwash and beer – and his movements were as steady as they always were. Then what was with the dilation… “Oh.” She had never done much of anything in an alley. Messed around a bit, maybe, kissed some, but soon she was on her knees and grinning up the length of his body, and his eyes were even darker as he strained to make out her face in the dim light. She ran teasing fingers over the placket of his slacks. Nice ones, dark gray with a smooth weave, they were softer than her fingertips. His head tipped back against the rough concrete of the wall. She leaned forward, nuzzling against the shape and weight of his erection, running its length with her nose. He smelled good, clean, laundry soap and arousal. She linked her hands loosely around his ankles and dragged them slowly up his legs until her fingers marked the swell of his ass and her thumbs slipped into the grooves of his hipbones. His hands found her hair and she chuckled. He hunched forward, trying to see her, and she kept her eyes locked with his as she undid the button on his trousers, slipped the zipper slowly down. She slid her hands around his body inside of the pants and pushed them down to pool around his feet. He moaned, and his legs were pale in the dark. She leaned forward and huffed warm breath against the curve of his cock inside the confines of his boxers, little black things that hugged his shape. She flicked out her tongue to feel the ridge of his cockhead, traced the heavy vein down between his thighs. He spread his legs and tightened his fingers on her skull. Quickly, she jerked the boxers down and his dick popped free, already shining with both of them. She tasted him, rolled his flavor around her mouth, and purred. She swallowed him whole, making up for what she couldn’t take with a hand around the base of his cock, thrust once, twice, and she moved all the way down, her nose buried in his pubic hair, the hard thrust of bone against her forehead. She chuckled. He keened. She withdrew, holding just the tip of him in her mouth, playing nice and playing dirty. Her teeth scraped his coronal ridge and he bucked. She set a slow pace, bobbing on his cock, looking up at him. His eyes tracked the movement of her mouth. She had never been good at this, always going so fast that everything was thrust-thrust-bang, but there was so much time to think between every thrust, and why had it always been so difficult? She spread her knees apart, releasing his thigh with one hand and slipping it between her own, up into her skirt and past her panties, spearing one finger deep into herself. When she brought her hand back up, it shone slick with moisture. She used that hand to play with him, tracing him from balls to hole, pressing on his prostate from the outside. She took him all the way in and swallowed around him; his fingers dug into her and her finger slipped into him. He spasmed, grunted, and she crooked her finger against the small round bead of his prostate and watched him explode. She stood, slow and easy, brushed the dust from her sundress, and made her way back into the bar. Mal was there, leaning with his back to the bar and talking to Jayne, but he looked up at her entrance. “Hey there, li’l Kaylee. You seen the doc around anywhere?” Kaylee just smiled.


Monday, June 18, 2007 11:06 AM



'Fraid that's all I can say at this juncture.

Monday, June 18, 2007 11:34 AM


I should not have read this at work.

Holy hell that was hot.

You need to write more Simon and Kaylee fic. Please? I'll beg. It isn't pretty but I will :)

How about a sequel . . . Simon stumbling back in not realizing it was Kaylee he was with . . .

Monday, June 18, 2007 1:24 PM


Agreed, not at work.

That was awesome, and (again agreed) need sequel.

Monday, June 18, 2007 2:03 PM


Okay, just so you know I gave this one a 10 and I don't hand those out very often if at all.

I so knew that was Kaylee doin' the Doc in the alley. *snicker*

I loved this baby to death. Just so easy to picture this happening.

Right now, I'm feeling kind of sorry for Simon as he's standing out in the alley with his pants and underware down around his ankles. *laughs some more*

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 12:26 AM


Feeling SORRY for him?

After what she just did?


Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:23 PM


*jaw falls open before falling out of bed*

Oh...tian...Yesu....this was just all kinds of friggin' HOT!!!! All I can say right now this: Simon...Kaylee...gentlemanly reciprocation;D



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