Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Simon would follow her, because he always followed her.


Simon studies the scans of River's brain with the intensity of a penitent approaching his god - both in awe and in fear. Her brain is painted in shades of primal red, not the calming greens and yellows of normal brain function.

The images perplex him, almost disgust him. They are like abstract art, which he has always hated with a passion. His father felt the same way, which is why he had only ever bought one piece of it, what Simon called his ego piece. His father, laughing, agreed, but took pride in showing off his artistic masterpiece to his friends. Simon preferred landscapes and portraits, works of delicate brushstrokes, refined details.

River never liked that kind of art, found it boring whenever their parents dragged them along to some big museum gala or exhibit. She called them memories of Earth that was, and ran on to the modern galleries. Simon would follow her, because he always followed her - in intelligence, in daring, into trouble. She would stare intently at each piece, before dancing away to the next, inciting the suspicion of the guards, whom Simon would try to distract with composed, adult behavior.

"River," he would say, in his best imitation of his father. "I think you need to show a little more decorum. This is a museum, after all."

"Don't be such a bore, Simon!" River would reply, dancing around what appeared to be a chunk of melted metal. "Can't you see it?"

He never could.


River sat in her room, frowning at the wall. Her hair hung lank in her face, her eyes unfocused and mouth twisted in a scowl.

"River?" Simon asked, edging into the room. "How are you feeling?"

She turned on him, face contorted by anger. "How do I feel? How do you think I feel?" River began swaying back and forth with violent force. "Two by two, hands of blue. Two by two, hands of blue."

Simon grabbed her arms, almost bruising. "River, stop it! They can't find you here. We're safe, for the moment." He moved quickly, while she was still unresisting, and injected her with a syringe.

"Simon?" she asks, not wincing from the pain. "Did you find what you needed?"

He stares into her eyes, seemingly lucid. "I hope so. I hope so, River."

"They broke me, Simon. Can you fix me?"

"I'll fix you. I promise you that, River."

River nods, before her eyes slowly close. Simon lowers her onto the bed, covers her with a blanket. He shuts the door quietly behind him.

He heads back to the infirmary without running into anyone else, a blessing in the confines of the ship. He closes the doors, a signal that he is not to be disturbed (or it would be, if this was anywhere but Serenity).

The door clicks open. Simon turns to see Mal leaning against the doorjamb.

"Your sister all right, doc?"

Simon keeps his hands moving as he tries to come up with a response. "She's fine for the moment. I've given her a sedative, to let her sleep."

"Find out why she's gone crazy? 'Cause we could all sure do with a cure." Mal doesn't move, just follows Simon with his eyes.

"That's my goal, captain. Glad it will make everyone else happy, too." He can't help being sarcastic.

"Good to know. Just wanted you to know we're gonna make out well on this deal. So don't worry none about that. 'Night, doc." Mal leaves, closing the door behind him. Simon sighs and turns back to his scans, staring as if he could see the secrets of the universe through the thin sheets of plastic.

He follows River into the abstract.


Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:35 AM


This was one of those, "if they'd filmed it, it would have looked just like this" stories. Good characterization. I liked the "following River" theme. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:49 PM


I like it. Very nice flashback stuff. Wee problems with the tense shifting though...


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Simon would follow her, because he always followed her.

River seeks life. Inspired by this
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