A New Beginning:Hoban Chapter 4
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Brief Post for today, Zoe completes her crew.


The other gunhands spun round, taking their gaze off Zoe for a split second too long, and she got another shot off to one of the Hunduns still standing over her. She rolled over, and watched Freddie floor the last two. Patience did not look happy. “You should know, I work by the same ethos as Captain Reynolds. I do a Job, and I get Paid. The meds are yours, if you give me the Coin.” Zoe said, eyes level with Patience’s. Patience nodded, and tossed over the Coin, while staring down the barrel of Zoe’s Gun. Zoe grabbed it, and headed back to her Boat, taking Freddie by the arm on her way in, somewhat forcefully. ********************************************************************************** Zoe frogmarched Freddie to the Galley. “What’s going on, Captain Alleyne.” “What in the sphincter hell were you doing, off the boat, on Whitefall, with a Gun!” Replied Zoe, rather upset by the entire experience. “Like I said, I fought in the war. Got a feelin summat meybehaps was going on. I followed you, saw you take a hit. Thought I may as well help out, as I ain’t likely to be getting back to my oh-so-luvin pile of Go-se Pa if’n the Captain of the Transport Ship I’m on gets killed. Sorry for Helpin.” Replied Freddie in one breath, looking rather upset. Zoe looked up, “I had it under control. Anyways, where did the Gun come from? I don’t remember seein a gun on you?” “I had it hid.” “Where?” “My Bag” “Why?” Freddie shook her head, “Long Story, Captain” “I got plenty time before we head back to Osiris.” Replied Zoe, in a somewhat defiant manner. “I ain’t rightly sure if I’ll be leavin Whitefall, if’n I’m honest with you.” Perplexed, Zoe delved in deeper, “Not leaving Whitefall, now that’s all manner of stupid. Especially after what you just did to a bunch of Patience’s Boys.” “Better than being with my Pa, or worse...” “Can’t let you stay on Whitefall. Is there somewhere else I can take you?” said Zoe, after a short pause to think about what had just been said. “Ain’t got no place else to go. Inara knew my plan weren’t to return with her.” “Was nice of you to share. Why you so against headin back to Osiris?” Zoe was still curious. “My Pa got it into his head I’m old enough to be wed. Found the son of a colleague, the allustrious Blue Sun Coporation’s finest. I’d rather be dead than married to one of those chou ma niao.” “I NEVER let anyone who don’t work for me come on a job. Now I owe you summat.” “You owe me nothing, Zoe.” “Well, I need someone else who is handy with a Gun on my boat, and it’d stop me feelin like I owe you stuff. You got to stay.” Said Zoe, after a pause. She continued again, after considering the matter further, “Your Pa probably took a note of where my little Boat was heading, and if you don’t return, they’ll look for you here.” Freddie nodded. “OK. But at least let me pay passage.” “No, you get a bunk, and you get paid. You work for me.” Zoe paused again, and chuckled, “It’s almost like when Mal took on Simon and River. Simon insisted on paying his way for months.” “I’ll buy some supplies then, just to get me started on board. Do I get a bunk?” “Yep, and 10% of all jobs.” *******************************************************************************


Saturday, May 24, 2008 6:52 PM


Just finshed this series and I must say it was dark, but i like dark. Very good, my friend!


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Freddie's Lies...
I haven't written in a while, so this works as a stand-alone, and as a bit of background story for my previous fanfics.

Everyone has something to hide, Frederika Erneston has more than you might think.

A New Beginning:Hoban Chapter 4
Brief Post for today, Zoe completes her crew.

New Beginnings: Hoban Chapter 3
The Job threatens to go south

A New Beginning:Hoban Chapter 2
Zoe gets her Mechanic, and a Job.

New Beginnings:Hoban; Chapter One
Zoe moves on from Serenity, and recruits her crew.

A Difficult Good-bye
One of the Family makes a difficult decision.
My first fanfic, please be nice!