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It’s business as usual for Malcolm Reynolds & Serenity but one of the crew sets off alone to deliver a message. No.2 of Series 2, featuring post BDM characters and a few of my own creation. Please, please comment as much as possible - I need to know if I've done good, done bad or done just plain ugly. Part 1 of 3.
A few weeks after returning home, River finally had the opportunity to talk to them all about the additional reason she had returned. Mal was making a run to Whittier to deliver his horses to a buyer and River, who had not yet had the courage to ask for her job back, asked if she could accompany them. Before they left she had a private word with Mal about her plan, who agreed to it, but for different reasons. While he accepted River’s need for justification with regard to her torture, his only thought was defence and protection. They had a lot to lose and if Wladek found out Dedham was no longer in jail, because he would in all conscience warn Bane - and that put them all on the radar. Now, at Serenity’s kitchen table, deep in the Black, River spoke additionally to Zoe, Karl and Kaylee. “I found out about the Academy,” she began, once Zoe had placed the dish full of fried protein in the centre of the table. Mal looked up from his rice, before reaching out to nab a chunk. “What did you find out?” Zoe said. “That it’s linked to that slave ship, amongst other things.” “How?” asked Karl. “Aside from the additional profits made from prostitution – they used it as a cover to screen potential acquisitions for the Academy. People like me, only taking them under the guise of slavers, or from The Farm.” Karl’s fork stopped half way to his mouth, but it was Zoe who spoke first. “So the slave ship’s run by Blue Sun an’ crewed by Alliance ex-cons. An’ the Academy is an Alliance facility that now gets their fodder from Blue Sun. They’re in bed with each other then.” “It’s not that simple. In my job as pilot for Atlantic Skylines we took on a delegation from Blue Sun. The meeting was chaired by a Member of Parliament.” “Who?” asked Zoe. “A woman called Thomasina Herald. She has a lot to hide and experience in hiding it.” “You couldn’t read her?” asked Mal. “Only the surface stuff. I was afraid she might detect me, and I had nowhere to hide if she did. I did find out one thing though. She was the one responsible for Miranda and, trust me, there was no guilt weighing on her conscience. It was her who likely sent the Operative after me and Simon.” “Why is all this important?” asked Karl. “It’s Alliance business, ain’t it? Nothin’ to do with us.” “True,” answered Mal. “But it affects anyone livin’ out on the Rim. They’re usin’ us as fodder to further their aims. They could take anyone of us, our families, our friends. I’m bettin’ this is extremely secret.” Zoe looked at Karl, understanding Mal. “Which means that the former crew of the Mamma have probably been retrieved and released,” she said. Karl felt ill when he realised that qingwa cào de liúmáng Dedham was probably free again. He pushed his plate away. “So that Colonel Wladek is in on this?” he asked. River shook her head. “No, but Herald is using him. I read the mind of a woman called Landerson. She provides Herald with regular updates on his movements, in particular any check ups he might do on the men arrested on Deutschland. And if he finds out Dedham’s no longer there, he’ll warn Bane. We get caught up in that loop.” “Bane said Wladek’s job during the war was intelligence – he’d know if he was being fed phoney information,” reasoned Karl, getting worried. “Which means,” concluded River. “That the moment Herald thinks he knows something, he’s dead too.” “Just like the Alliance, kill all the good officers, promote the bad ones,” quipped Mal, but his face was serious. “Do we warn him?” asked Zoe. “If we do then we could be discovered and then our lives wouldn’t be worth living. And we have far more to lose than just our lives. We have our families – and Gang Kou,” said Mal. Kaylee had been silent all the way through the conversation, her face bleak. “If we can warn him, an’ pass on the information River found, I think we should.” “Agreed,” said Mal, watching Karl’s face warily. “Wait a minute,” argued Karl. “It’s all very well us agreeing to this, but the minute we get within two foot of Wladek, Herald’s spies will know an’ that brings us into the loop as well.” River was looking at Mal, it was already arranged and he gave an imperceptible nod of agreement. It wasn’t that imperceptible and Karl saw it. “What? What’ve you done?” River looked back at Karl, her face sympathetic, but needs must. “I’ve given Bane the report,” she replied to a silent room. Bane had left Gang Kou a week before them on the Antonia, bound for the Black where she would attempt to contact Wladek. “You’ve no right!” shouted Karl at River. “We’ve no link with this. If she gets discovered, we’ll all be hunted down. Not least of which you’ve put her life in danger. She’s a blind woman, for Buddha’s sake!” “Wladek won’t likely trust anyone else. It’s the right thing to do, Karl,” defended Zoe, who had been just as surprised at the news. “No it’s not!” he argued angrily, rounding again on River. “Is this why you came back? To get Bane to give Wladek your report - to put her in danger?” Mal had enough of Karl’s bitching. “It’s done, Karl. Accept it. Bane knows what to do, she’s as experienced in this type of work as Wladek.” Karl looked at Mal in disbelief. “She’s blind! How exactly do you figure on her doing that?” No one could answer him, so he pushed his plate away and left the table. “Karl,” River said, also standing up. “Bane gave me this to pass on to you.” She offered him a portable com. He starred at her for several moments before snatching it roughly and going to his bunk. Once he had locked the hatch he activated it and listened to her voice. “Karl. By now you would’ve found out the other thing on my to-do list from River. I’m sorry I lied to you. I’m pretty sure that you’re not shiny with it, but I wanted to explain why I’m doing this. Wladek saved my life by making sure I was on those military lists instead of serving several thousand years in jail for stuff I did durin’ wartime, though he had no obligation to do so. He’s the reason we were able to be together. I’ve never regretted a day of it, and that’s the reason I have to warn him – in the same way, I’ve no obligation to do so. Please don’t think I’m not intendin’ to come back from this. I gotta heap of tricks to make an’ a list of other things to do in my life as long as my arm, which largely feature havin’ you in them. I hope you can forgive me, but I guess I won’t know for sure til I get back. Fang xin, bao bei” Karl turned off the com with a sniff, combing a hair through his hair roughly. Don’t worry, she says. Like I’m gonna do anything else but worry until I see her again. Bane was right, he wasn’t shiny with the idea, but there wasn’t a lot he could do about it now.
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