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Zoe has been doing some interfering and for one of the crew it could mean an end to their relationship. No.2 of Series 2, featuring post BDM characters and a few of my own creation. Please, please comment as much as possible - I need to know if I've done good, done bad or done just plain ugly. Part 2 of 3.
GANG KOU Bane arrived home at Gang Kou, tired but excited to see everyone again, including Karl. No, especially Karl, as she’d missed him more every day. The Antonia was doing Eatings in München, so Bane had persuaded You Mei, Wang’s sister, to give her a ride back. They had been sharing a bunk for the last month or so while Bane had been on board and got on well, being of a similar age. During the War, at barely fifteen, You Mei had kept their Pye Eatings ship running in the Black while the rest of her immediate family had enlisted. That was until she had been caught hiding some escaping Browncoats – the ship had been confiscated and she had been put in prison for the rest of the war. “You know Wang’s gonna kill me when I get back?” “Just tell him I held you at gun point.” You Mei snorted. Bane was enjoying the breeze on her face. Her cousin noted the way Bane was clasping the edge of the mule, willing it to go faster. “Lookin’ forward to gettin’ back?” “Uh huh.” “Can’t fool me, cous. I know you can’t wait to get back to that Karl Washburne or Jacobsson – or whatever name he’s goin’ by these days.” “I’ve been away for a while, so, yes, it’ll be good to see him again. An’ I’ve gotta get back to work.” “Hell, if I had a man as fine as that…You’re lucky, Bane. You’ve got a home, people who love you. Not many can say the same.” “Not many can,” replied Bane, by way of an answer. “You’ve got a home and family too, though.” They arrived in front of Karl’s house about half an hour later. Bane got out and felt for the porch edge with her foot. You Mei got out her side and they went inside the house. She hadn’t been inside before and was surprised to find it was quite homely and tidy. “This is nice, Bane. Real shiny.” “Glad you like it,” she answered, placing her bag in the hallway next to the bedroom door. Karl wasn’t around otherwise he would have appeared already. “Can you see anyone around outside?” You Mei glanced out of the window. “No. Doesn’t seem to be anyone about. Wonder where they all are?” “Esper’s probably in, she always is. ‘Sides she’s not long away from havin’ Cobb number four.” You Mei sat at the sturdy wooden table, admiring it’s finish. She also noticed that the doorways were carved with patterns, different ones that marked them out. Bane walked into the adjacent kitchen and touched the counters to see if anything was about, indicating Karl’s presence. The place seemed too tidy and too empty. “An’ when are you gonna be addin’ to the numbers around here?” her cousin asked pointedly. “As if that’s somethin’ I’m gonna talk about with you,” Bane warned. You Mei shrugged and got up again, heading to the door. She outta be getting’ back to the Eatings, or her brother would get himself all riled up, she thought. “Fine. I’ll be glad to get my bunk back to myself anyway – be able to get some sleep. You don’t half make a lotta noise.” Bane froze in You Mei’s hug. “What do you mean?” “You moan a lot in your sleep. You better find that man of yours an’ get him to sex you up before somethin’ starts shortin’ out.” Bane was too embarrassed to say anything except goodbye. She was beginning to get a bit paranoid about going to sleep now. She heard the mule drive away and went into the hallway again to collect her bag and unpack. It was nightfall, Bane was just deciding on whether or not to go to bed when she heard someone walk onto the porch and knock on the door, her heart sinking as she realised Karl wouldn’t knock on his own front door. “Who is it?” she asked, walking into the hallway. “Jayne,” he said, as Bane opened the door. “You just got back?” she asked. “Yeh. Been in the south pasture dosing cattle all day with Mal an’ Matt.” “It’s been real quiet around here since I got back.” Jayne followed Bane into the main room. “One of them days, I reckon. Esper said Kaylee and ‘Nara went to – anyway. I gotta get back. Jus’ came over to say that Karl’s not here.” “No kiddin’. Care to tell me where he is?” “He’s gone to learn that woodworking off some crazy fella that lives in the mountains.” “Shuh-muh?” “He wanted to learn proper how to do them chairs and such – so he kin start sellin’ ‘em.” “Oh. Okay. Did he say when he’d be back?” “Dunno. If crazy Willhelm don’t kill ‘im, maybe in a month or so.” Jayne watched Bane’s face struggle with alternate looks of disbelief, disappointment and feigning that she was okay. He rolled his eyes, woman dint know a good thing if it came up an’ bit her on the ass. “I best be gettin’ back.” “Jayne,” she began. “Yep?” “I guess I should thank you for telling Pavel my real name all those years ago.” It wasn’t a question or topic that he’d been expected and he blinked a few times before answering. “Don’t mention it. Wasn’t sure I did the right thing, but it worked out okay. Anyways…” “Yes, you better go. Good night. See you around, no doubt.” “Yeh. You need anythin’, you jus’ holler.” Bane was still standing in the same spot a few minutes later thinking not about Jayne, but Karl. He had left her, she’d finally driven him out with her ways, just as she knew she would. She should never have gone to warn Wladek, that was what did it – but she had to go. Bane went to their bedroom and lay on the bed. Once the house had been built, Karl had made a bed big enough for three or four people. After sharing a single bunk on Serenity, he had argued that he wanted to sleep in a place big enough for them to stretch out in any direction. She stretched out her arms and legs and drew them in again, curling up in a ball, the blankets catching underneath her. She could smell Karl on everything and didn’t sleep either that night or the next. As a very young woman, used only to treating men as marks, her mother had told her that the day would come when she’d find the un-trickable one. At the time, full of wartime fervour and purpose, she’d misread her mother’s reasoning, thinking she was talking about the job they were doing - and Bane had a hundred per cent success rate ‘til Dedham, and that failure was only because someone told him he was being played. It was only later that she realised her mother was talking about one man, her man. The one you could fall on who wouldn’t give way. For her mother, Lyndon Pye was such a man. For Bane, Karl Jacob Washburne was that man. He’d never shied from her as others had, though she had done numerous things to give him cause to. In some ways, he was too good for her and maybe it was best to let him go and create that family he wanted so badly with someone else who would treat him better.
Sunday, February 17, 2008 9:58 PM
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