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The New Haven Series; Post BDM; M/I, S/K: For Mal, the time comes to face his past; and for River, she not only feels something new, but is offered a explaination and a future.
Something before I get wrapped up in finals...
There was an unwritten code when it came to other crews riding in a guest ship.
Serenity rumbled and shook as she took to the air. East’s crew was split into groups, some were unpacking in guest bunks, but some were at the ship’s posts, watching as their host crew flew.
Mal stood at the helm as Wren and Jovie stood at the co-pilot console. River, was at the yolk with Boston a solid lump atop the locker, she full of concentration as the thick ion cloud was difficult to maneuver for even a reader. The captain sighed heavily, as chatter could be heard through the com link to the engine room. River had the link on, as the cloud required a synchronization with their engineer.
Roxy however was very open about engines, tricks of the trade, and her past life as a pole dancer in the underground club in Londinium.
And Kaylee was well, Kaylee.
Taking the com he hit the button. “I’m sure ya two are life long friends now, but uh… there are others ears and I’d think it a kindness if ya didn’t fill my mind with your exploits.”
“You cap’ns are all prudes, ya know?” Roxy grunted through the com.
Wren let out a soft, wry snicker. “Rox’s just more pleasurably driven than anyone else in the ‘verse.”
“That a fact.” Reynolds announced dryly. He felt a heave from his boat, and braced himself against the locker as there was a sudden surge and Serenity suddenly broke through the atmosphere. It was in the black, against a blanket of stars that were like pockmarks against the velvet skin of nothingness. There was no more friction, just smoothing sailing in an airless sea.
River hit the com button. “Kaylee, turning the com link off.”
Jovie, who was stunned at the lack of upgrades and excessive use of duct tape at the helm, nodded her head in a pleased fashion. “That was impressive flyin’ Miss River.” Curious about the dinosaurs, she wandered over to the pilot’s chair. “Got some talent for someone so young, did you train?” Reaching out, her fingertips neared the stegosaurus.
River glared like a wet cat. “You touch the dinosaurs…. I’ll kill you.”
Serenity carried both of the parties post haste to Persephone.
The Rising Sun crew settled in well. They were nice folk off the job, when they weren't ambushed and made to fight back.
Simon had taken Pike to the infirmary, as he had requested to see Zoe. As doctors, they stood over her, Zubulon Pike taking out a bag and setting in on a tray as Tam recited her condition.
“It’s textbook.” Simon sighed. “I already did my best to reduce the amount of fluid accumulation, however now it’s beyond me.” He looked to the counter, were Genevieve was leaning and brooding in guilt and inner wounds. Her eyes, hollow, were fixated on Zoe’s pallid, grey tinged face.
“I have something that may help.” The other doctor took out a vile of near fluorescent blue liquid. Holding it up to the light, the tube seemed to have properties of gold in certain facets. As he knew the other physician was confused, he explained. “I’m blessed with a good lab on our boat, a past crewmember came down with Lilac Syndrome and I developed a drug that slows the effects of the virus. It buys time.” He explained as he went over and hooked it up to the IV line.
“It sounds like you have quite the ship.” Simon adjusted the oxygen. “I may be jealous.”
“It was all accomplished with more luck than you can ever imagine.” Flipping the small gate, the blue medicine tricked into the IV to enter Zoe’s bloodstream.
“Well that’s depressing.” Simon announced dryly. “We’re often very deep on the opposite side of lucky.”
“The bad part about luck is that when you ride a high, you’re bound to crash.” Genevieve explained, drawing their attention. “We’re crashed a few times.”
“But we pick ourselves up.” Pike tydied up. "If I may, I'd like to check on her whenever you come back for your own rounds."
"Of course. It's quite nice to have another doctor around, I get lonely from time to time in the physician department." He observed Pike open the door and hesitate to leave, watching what was going on in the common room as Simon sidled up as well.
Boston, wasn't entirely sure of the new cat.
She was a petite cat, older than him, all silky black with round golden eyes and a tail that wasn't as nearly a long as his primate-esque tail. Regardless, she was very chatty, as she chirped and mewed at him for he had taken the high ground. On the back of the couch as she was on a cushion below.
Simon chuckled at his sister's precious feline.
Dinah swatted the air playfully, balancing on her hind legs like a prairie dog.
Boston fluffed his fur.
Girl cats were weird.
On the other side of the common room, Inara was rocking Meilin, who seemed to require more attention since being scared. The baby had calmed some, but was fussing mercilessly, and nothing seemed to mollify her.
"She's beautiful."
Hearing the voice, her rich chocolate eyes gazed up to see Pike standing by the infirmary with their own medic.
"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I was in the infirmary and I just saw you here with her."
"No, no. It's quite alright." Inara responded. Watching as he came further in, she hoped to find a conversation piece. "Zebulon Pike?"
"Zebulon Pike Hamir." He elaborated as Simon walked past him and went over to inspect the baby.
“Is she alright?” He knelt next to her and watched as Meilin was squirming and unable to find a comfortable spot, rubbing her face and kicking her feet through the blanket. “She was pretty upset.”
“I know, she’s had a bottle, diaper change and she still won’t calm down.” Inara patted the wee back as Meilin grasped her dress. Simon brushed his fingers against her daughter’s temple to check for abnormalities.
“I’d run tests but that would only upset her more.” Simon spoke softly, stroking the round cheek before straightening up.
“We wouldn’t want that.” Inara adjusted the blanket. “I think I can manage.”
“Well if you need any help, just call.”
“I will.” With that Simon left, as he was well aware she was comfortable with Pike. If she hadn’t been, Inara knew he wouldn’t have exited. He would have stood nearby her, protective like an older brother of sorts.
Boston leapt off of the couch, bolting towards the cargo bay. Eyes wide and paranoid.
Dinah let out a joyous chirrup, thinking it was a game of chase as she tore after him.
"So, Zebulon after the earth-that-was explorer?" The ex-companion mused towards Zebulon Pike, observing him take a seat on the now catless couch.
"Yes, my parents wanted to instill me with greatness." He crossed one leg over the other, his cadence full of core class nature. "However I fear only the adventuresome nature took root." Pike chuckled. "You best watch out if you have any sons, Mal is quite the explorer and pirate historian. I can see him slipping in a name or two. He was always fond of Lewis and Clark."
"It'll be awhile before we add on, but thank you for the warning." She hedged, for she had never mused about actually adding on, baring her own children and growing a family. For she was quite content nurturing Meilin as that was the nature of Inara Serra. "How did you get to know him so well?"
"We were in the same boot camp unit. It was actually very interesting because there had been so many enlistments there was no space for grunts to train at any of the bases on Hera, Persephone or Shadow, so they had our unit train with a skyforce unit on an aircraft carrier, the Valiant. We shared a bunk room, and actually that's where we met Genevieve and the captain." He explained. "Virgil was already a lieutenant, flying in the sky force. Genevieve was in basic training though, so we all shared the same routines, and we would marvel at the hot shot jocks when they would take off and land their ships. Needless to say after several months of living in the bunk above Mal, I know him pretty well."
“So you know why he went about this the wrong way and attacked Captain East?” Meilin’s fussing took her to her feet, and she shushed the child who seemed to scorn conversation with newcomers.
Pike’s face became shrouded. “I do, but it’s not my place to talk about it. “
“Glad you think that way.” Mal muttered as his boots rang on the metal floor, startling them as they talked. Opening the door to the infirmary, he went in and stood next to Zoe.
Both Inara and Pike grew quiet at the obvious tension of Mal and Genevieve.
The galley was a central place to gather.
Sterling, made some tea and silently tsked the deplorable conditions of the galley (the Rising Sun had top of the line appliances, so he would have to make due). At the table Pike, back from a conversation with Inara, wandered in and filled Simon in on the latest in medicine as Tam had been away from it for so long, Kaylee and Roxy were talking about airworks and illegal modifications, and the others grouped together for small talk. Though Emma and River took no part in it, and Fiyero sat silently sipping his tea with eyes that kept on shifting to River. Inara came in, with Meilin who was still very upset.
“She ain’t feelin’ better?” Kaylee lifted her head up from the conversation. Inara was radiant in her silken dress, with her hair bundled up, but she looked weary from the babe’s fits.
Shaking her head she rocked on her heels, trying to think of another way to pacify poor Meilin. “I’m going to try the engine room.”
“Would ye likea spotta tea Miss ‘Nara?” Sterling asked as he served Simon.
“Oh no thank you Mr. Sterling, my hands are occupied.”
River sat in the corner, watching the communication take place. Her face was taunt and distrusting as her mind tried to permeate those of the Rising Sun. It was fruitless and frustrating. She had Boston with her too boot, after saving him from the overly friendly black cat that had cornered him up on a crate. Looking around the table with a cat on her shoulder, she locked eyes with Fiyero, who in turn got up and went over to her.
Then she felt it.
A flicker, a waver of a mind.
It was then she learned that he had been blocking her, and his defenses had lowered some. That shocked her to the very core, someone could block her. Someone who could willingly hide their thoughts. Their thoughts that showed how he felt about her. How he thought she was….
River blushed.
Fiyero realized and knit his brows together.
River felt her link shut down. Scowling obstiantly, she looked at him again, and saw the kindness and humor in his eyes.
“No peeking.” He whispered, near mouthed.
Tam quirked her head to the side to urge him to explain.
He gestured, zipping his lips.
Letting out a huff of air, she narrowed her eyes, yet allowed herself to take the time to study his features. He wasn't unattractive, he had quite spectacular hair for a young man of his class. It was brown, but of the most rich color, like Shinon silk, highlighted with shimmering facets of tawny and auburn that appeared in phantom depending on the light. The hair to his shoulders, yet pulled up with a hide tie, in a neat colonial bow. His eyes were blue. Not the frosty blue like Mal or Jayne, nor the dark, deep cerulean of Simon's, but an azure flecked with green like bits of grass floating in an ocean. He was strong looking in his monken garb, he had musculature yet wasn't filled out, developed like a mature man. His face still had the remaining hints of childlike softness, though his jaw was becoming strong and his cheekbones more rigid. Besides looks, nor was he a personality that was unkind or grating. Didn't put on a show, he was simply,
Finally, River, with butterflies in her stomach for the first time ever, blinked a few times. She had to swallow what pooled on her tongue, for it was this moment when she had noticed him. Not a blur of power and enemy, but a person, natural and whole. A person that had a gift like her, for surely one had to have some kind of a gift to block her talents.
Fiyero too had the same feelings, they had happened a little earlier, but they were there none the less. She was quite pretty, in an untamed way, th way a great cat you see stealing away in the brush a mere distance from you is. Her steps were nothing but grace, poise, purpose. Her body lithe, skin supple at a glance, the dress twisting and fluttering with her smooth motion. Her hair was long, dark and unstyled, like careless midnights, and her face was a beautiful somewhat round yet full of depth and mystery. And the eyes, the eyes like dark delicious, expensive core chocolates. Though not necissarily sugary, for they were the windows to much heartache, growth and change. Almost like his female shipmates but more open, less war scarred. She seemed more inviting than that, than those battle torn amazons that hugged him as much as they boxed his ears. Then again, he was eighteen, and looking for a different kind of affection than the maternal kind. "My name's Fiyero, by the way."
Mal held Zoe’s hand.
The silence had been poignant. White noise filling the room as he and Genevieve weren’t talking at all.
“I didn’t think you were still bitter.” Genevieve took the moment upon herself, her voice quiet yet firm and defensive.
Mal looked up at her and saw her eyes.
River decided to play. It sounded fun and dangerously flirtatious, and though she had never felt flirtatious before, she liked it already. "Funny name, of no common dialect. Whimsical, from an ancient Earth-That-Was-Book. Fiyero the Arjiki Prince."
"My mother liked to read." He admitted with a shrug. “It’s a little on the odd side, but I’d like to think it captures my essence… regardless of the fact I’m not a prince nor have I engaged in a sordid love affair with someone green.” He paused thoughtfully, with a comic musing on his face. “Or any sordid love affair actually.”
"Quite the name, though you die halfway through the novel."
Boston sniffed the air, his tail lashing from side to side. Squinting, which made his eyes cross ridiculously more, he fluffed his tail till it mimicked a bottle brush. Whatever was going on between them, the kitty didn't approve.
"So you've read the book?"
"Once, when I was five. Tried to become a lover of fantasy yet found it too illogical. Book was better though then the fare of Narnia, still can't perceive why my brother treasured that series so. He's a ninny though."
It took awhile for Fiyero to comprehend River. Her speech, her view, her pure intellect. As he did, she became shy, fearing she had said the wrong thing. Catching that, he startled himself back into talking. "So.... you sound offly.... educated."
Wanting to dismiss what she assumed was probably a social oddity, River rose and walked over with a shrug of her shoulders. "Education means little right now, especially during pleasantries."
Boston let out a low growl. This was going too far.
Vaguely understanding education and their possible places in society probably wouldn't be the most leveling topic, Fiyero stumbled through a list of pathetic questions before settling on the most obvious one. "So... um... what's your name?"
"River." Getting an idea, a humorously wicked one at that, River turned and scratched an agitated cat chin. "And this is Boston, my familiar." leaning in, she whispered. "We're perfect for each other, I'm a witch."
He smirked. “Shiny.”
Though they had locked gazes before, he saw her inside them for the first time. Eyes that were similar, a shard of a different time, a time of youth and causes and innocence, but eyes that were worn away of those things at the same time. Bad days, heartache, death and time were in those eyes, making her a different person. A different person in a familiar shell. He tightened his lips before speaking. “Took me a long while ta grow a whole ‘nother heart and move on. All ofva sudden our paths are forced to cross, rips that old wound right open.” He sighed. “I didn’t expect the bitterness ta come back, but memories are funny that way.”
“Does your steady know?”
“Little. The less they know the more I feel my crew treats you and yours with hospitality.” He set Zoe’s hand down and turned to face her, his hands on his hips.
“So I…”
‘Yes, he’s gifted.’
River blinked, her bones frozen as the ambient voice rang through her head, scaring her. Stiffening, she stepped back from Fiyero, ignoring him, his half spoken sentence and his befuddled face.
’Fiyero merely has an inkling of talent compared to you though.’ the voice explained further. ’He’s only able to read lower mammals and block other readers, a must, considering there are more of our ilk in the system then you are led to believe.'
River, shaking her head, stumbled backwards into the hall to escape to her helm. Boston was knocked off of her shoulder, yet followed diligently. It was there she took refuge, paranoid of the fact someone was projecting to her, that her mind was so vulnerable.
“You know, you don’t have to be so gorram jealous.” Genevieve told Mal in a tone that was neither harsh nor kind, but at a middle that wanted it all to end. “Cause all of this unpleasantness…”
“That’s rich, considering you caused the strife in the first place.” He snapped in a murmuring way. “You fled, you left me there and everyone followed you on top of it all.” His voice rose in old fristration and pain.
“You didn’t want to marry me, Mal.” She explained forcibly, eyes shut as her chest heaved. “It never would have worked because the reason why we were compatible was it was a long distance thing…”
Mal took in her face, the familiarity yet the unknown of it. He scoffed, hding his pain with irony “I like the way ya broke it to me…”
“I admit what we did was low and insensitive.” Folding her arms defensively, she shook her head with glassy eyes. “But, I had gotten lonely during our last tour and he… Virg was lonely too… And Mal, if we had even jumped that broom we would have been miserable.” When he opened his mouth, she cut him off. “Listen Mal, I know this ain’t the only thing you’re angry over, but you’ve got it good. You’ve got a decent crew, made a stand, even parked yourself and had a beautiful little girl with someone who obviously loves you if she could stand you in close quarters for more than nine months. Hell I’m jealous, you’ve got so it good.”
'Do not fret about the others and their lack of thoughts, Captain East doesn’t trust clairvoyants and had the medic implant neural bands under their scalps. It blocks their mental frequencies from us.'
River curled into her chair and grabbed her hair, raking her fingers in it, pulling it. Shaking her head, trying to shake the voice from her brain.
'There’s no need to be so frightened. Think of it as a compliment, I wouldn’t be addressing you unless you had this much potential. I admire your technique.'
River felt a flash in her mind, and saw the fight that had happened but hours ago.
With a flash in his mind Mal thought of Inara and Meilin. The love in Inara’s eyes towards him now, the love that was a hundred times over more true than any look of affection Genevieve had. True, they fought, alot, but there was more love than frustration now. Mostly since the baby came it was love. True affection and caring peppered with signature spats.
“Don’t be bitter over the past Mal. Yeah, we screwed ya over, but we got our just desserts, trust me. Being all powerful isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…” She bit her jaw. “You have ta give up plenty on the way up, including love. I’d give a limb for what you got,”
'But you have problems? Do you not? No consistency, lack of control, often unaware of how to activate such power. And there in lies the problem with the Alliance training. They teach you to be all powerful, but with no control, no symbiosis between the mind, the body and the spirit, making you fully reliable on clairvoyance. If you weren’t, you would have beaten us ten times over, but the Alliance has forced you to use it to the point of it being your crutch. Completely dependant upon gleaning minds for the next step, the next blow, and that’s where you fall short the most my dear. You couldn’t read us, either by the bands or our blocking, and you became startled and unable to see the fight regardless it was in front of your eyes. The technique is there, but not the control.'
It was like a curtain lifted over her eyes, a veil over her mind as she turned and realized that the silent Emma was standing in the shadows behind her. The monk warrior.
'River Tam, I wish to give you the training you’ve been deprived of.'
River stood, her eyes blazing and her fists clenched, heart galloping against her ribs.
Boston huddled close against her neck and wrapped his tail firmly around the nape of her neck.
Emma walked into the light the way a noble beast rolls in on velvet paws; silent, strong, purposeful and effortless. The cast shadow of Serenity's yellow light against the side of her face making her wise in the eyes yet dark and mysterious as the blackness took half of her sober expression to the shadows.
River swallowed heavily.
'I know you’re wary, but I come unarmed and open palmed.' She tilted her head slightly, eyes unwavering in their quest and wisdom. 'Monks of Miao De Qian Shan are all clairvoyants, and they teach you how to channel your talent and refine your inner being. You don’t have to live in confusion, not knowing what you area capable of.'
She shifted her weight, chin high and unyielding towards the invader of her mind.
Boston fluffed himself to look bigger, ears flat against his seal pointed head.
Emma bowed her head. 'I do not wish to put you through so much stress, excuse the jarring approach, but I didn’t wish anyone to overhear such a delicate subject, and I wanted to show you the proof.' She turned to the side and allowed River her chance to leave the one sided conversation.
River took it the exit, nearly racing out.
"Funny name, of no common dialect. Whimsical, from an ancient Earth-That-Was-Book. Fiyero the Arjiki Prince."---- "It’s a little on the odd size, but I’d like to think it captures my essence… regardless of the fact I’m not a prince nor have I engaged in a sordid love affair with someone green."----”We're perfect for each other, I'm a witch.": Fiyero's mother named him after a Character in Gregory Maguire's novel Wicked. In the book, Fiyero, a married prince, falls in love with the green skinned witch Elphaba and carries on an affair with her till his death.
Miao De Qian Shan: Temple of the Green Mountain
****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**
Monday, May 19, 2008 9:37 AM
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