A New Verse-IV-Coversations-River
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Members of the crew discuss the coming job, their current situation, and their general good luck at being in such an awesome show like Firefly. Some fluff and some angst, but I enjoy'd writing it-(3/4)


Serenity. River leaned back in pilot’s chair, running her hands across the cold metal of the console. Mustn’t touch, mustn’t flick switches. Mustn’t fly. Too sick. Sick enough to make everyone else sick. Plague of madness. Too dangerous, much too dangerous to fly. Smashed, smooshed, squished into itty-bitty pieces. Pieces so small you have to look to find them. Like inside me. Inside my head, little itty bitty pieces. Brain broken. Simon tried to fix me but nothing works forever, not even the best patch job. Kaylee fixes Serenity like Simon fixes me. Find new pieces, new drugs. It works for a while then things break down again. The River machine. Part of it was working, working so well. Spent so long searching for a place. Found one in the glowing dials and soft cushioned chair. A useful place. Helping. Then I broke again. Got sick again. Dangerous again. Round and round, back and forward, can’t find a place. Found a home. Serenity is home. No place here. Can’t help anymore. Only hurt, always hurt. Hurt the Shepherd; dead for hiding me. Book, his contradictions and his love for them all. Dead now. Love no more. Hurt Wash; dead for running with me. Leaf on the wind of fire; caught alight and burned away. Hurt the crew, losing friends and loved ones. All the people who helped, all the ones who hunted. So much hurt and death and pain and suffering and tragedy. A single tear worked its way down her cheek, quivering for a moment at the point of her chin, a liquid diamond. Then it fell, blossoming into a shear patch on the pure white of her dress. Good too. The truth. The truth helped. Opened people’s eyes. Stopped more evil. Enough evil had been done. She still had headaches. Bad dreams. So much rage and hate and- She shut her eyes, blocking out the images. The good. The good. Kaylee and Simon, happy. Together. Simon finding someone outside of her. A small good. Important. Still River is trapped here. Back to drifting around the ship. Like a bird cut off from its flock. No more flying. No more freedom. Back to drugs. Back to being broken


Thursday, May 29, 2008 4:48 PM


Ok..please don't take this the wrong way, but DAMN! So good I nearly fell out of my chair!!!


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A New ‘Verse-VIII-Plotting
Mal works on the plan for getting out of the Slam with Dash and Blake. We learn a little more about Jeremiah and about get closer to Dash.
'The Erebos Slam is the very depths of hell and only the worst and the most unlucky end up wallowing in its pits'-Human Rights Advocate Nerin Timms

A New ‘Verse-VII-Inside
Mal meets his rescuers and the objects of his mission. There's good folk in every corner of the 'Verse as well as bad.

A New 'Verse-VI-Slam
Mal gets dropped in the dismal Erebos Bounty Slam and rescued in the nick of time from an unknown quarter.

A New ‘Verse-V-Trade
Its been a while I know, but my computer was dead. Anyway Mal gets traded to the Bounty Slam in one of his most dangerous plans yet. How far is he willing to go for Dash?
Enjoy and thanks for waiting

A New 'Verse-IV-Coversations-Simon and Kaylee
Members of the crew discuss the coming job, their current situation, and their general good luck at being in such an awesome show like Firefly. Some fluff and some angst, but I enjoy'd writing it-(4/4)-I', moving the story along now, I swear!!!

A New Verse-IV-Coversations-River
Members of the crew discuss the coming job, their current situation, and their general good luck at being in such an awesome show like Firefly. Some fluff and some angst, but I enjoy'd writing it-(3/4)

A New 'Verse-IV-Conversations-Jayne and Zoe
Members of the crew, discuss the coming job, their current situation, and their general good luck at being in such an awesome show like Firefly. Some fluff and some angst, but I enjoy'd writing it-(2/4)

A New 'Verse-IV-Coversations-Mal and Inara
Members of the crew, discuss the coming job, their current situation, and their general good luck at being in such an awesome show like Firefly. Some fluff and some angst, but I enjoy'd writng it-(1/4)

A New 'Verse-III-Dash
Mal remembers back to the early days of the war and how he meet the soon to be Independent hero Fast Dash. Flashback piece and an introduction to my main OC.
Thanks for reding so far, ladies and menfolk!

A New 'Verse-II-Plan
River has suffered a meltdown that put them all in danger and now the crew is faced with some desiscions they don't want to make. Does Mal have the answer? Revealed: Inside!...oh wait.
Thanks for all the comments guys, helped me a bunch! Sorry about the dialogue chapter...