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The New Haven Series; Post BDM; M/I, S/K: Jayne gets cookies whislt tension regarding Bailey mounts, and more Mal and Inara to balance things out (They're still enjoying themselves)
So, due to the fact that next friday I will be going to Las Vegas for 7+ days for sightseeing, shopping, and watching a few shows (like Phantom of the Opera! Geez don't have a dirty mind!) I'm giving you some chapter this weekened seeing as I don't know if I will be able to give you any after next week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My Dear Boy,
I'm pleased to hear you've found steady work as well as that promotion you said you'd be getting after the cattle drive.
The money you've sent home has done us well, especially since your sister Virtue came back home. She divorced her latest husband after their last spat where she ended up shooting him in the shoulder. So, she moved in with all of her children, and I must say new eight bodies (almost nine, as Virtue's due in a few weeks) in the house makes us cramped for space and in need of groceries.
Mattie's still taking medicine for his lungs, the doctor fears he'll be a lunger for the rest of his days, and told your sister Joy and her husband to move to a dryer climate. They're looking to move halfway across the planet, down in Pascal. I fear they won't have an easy start there, it's hard to find work in such a place, all of the immigrants have taken the jobs.
Pa and I are doing fine. He's still working hard at the butcher shop, business has been good. I've taken to mothering my grandbabies and knitting some more. We miss you so, I pray that you come back home soon, it's been too long and I miss my boy so. I also hope you have a fine Yuletide, we'll be eating the calf Pa raised and feasting on your favorite cake. If I could, I'd mail you one, however I hope this gift enclosed will do.
Love, Your Mother
Jayne dug into the large box as he walked from Serenity to the cabin, sending straw everywhere. Upon getting a wave he had post from his ma, he had raced from his little cabin double time, prying away from his lovely company to get to his mother’s care package. His grin was wide as he pulled out a scarf to match his hat, along with some orange knitted socks, giant sized. Scrabbling into the box further as packaged dried fruits, a mason jar of raspberry jam wrapped in bubble wrap and a tin of what he assumed were shortbread cookies made their appearance, he was completely unaware of the unpleasantness in front of him. He had gotten a wave about a package, rode to get said package, and had a tin of cookies, that was all that mattered to the brain of Jayne Cobb.
"You're gonna get yourself killed." Zoe announced as she, Colter, Simon and Kaylee all walked in unison, Jayne behind them smelling his cookie tin, and the shepherds wordlessly grouped and trailing.
"I've heard this for a good thirty minutes, I'm well aware of the risk." Simon replied, the dogs barking and racing over, skidding on the ice. “And as discussed before I don’t want anyone taking this matter into their own hands to spare me. This is between the two of us, no one else who wants to hunt him d…”
"Wait." Colter gestured from them to stop, and the group saw that the door was wide open.
Zoe racked her gun and tore past Colter.
"Hell." He pulled out his weapon and caught up with her.
Simon left Kaylee and followed.
Jayne, mouth full of cookies and straw all over his jacket, looked up.
Zoe rushed the door, ready for action. However she dropped the gun to find their home trashed; a dead calf flayed open and lying on the kitchen table. York was on the bookshelf, fluffed and paranoid.
"Hundan." Colter holstered his weapon.
"Reckon he came here first for you." Zoe told Simon as he stopped at the thresh hold, stunned. “Couldn’t find you, dispensed some of that anger before taking his posse to town.
"That's the calf I delivered today..." He tensed, swallowing. "Someone... someone needs to check the barn."
"JAYNE." Zoe called out as his heavy steps neared. "Go check the barn." holstering her gun, she went over to the gutted calf. "Let's clean this up."
Kaylee neared the door and gasped.
The shepherds shook their heads.
"This is the man you're going up against." Colter warned. "Their father may be decent, but those boys don't gotta soul between the lot of them."
“I’m sick of watching his careless, inhumane view of life and how he treats anyone or anything.” Simon fumed as he threw the edges of the tablecloth over the calf. “Someone has to take a stand, I've learned that much.”
"You're gonna kill yourself taking a stand, wipe out all you've worked hard towards..." Zoe took the edged of the table cloth as Simon veered off task and Colter filled in.
"What do you think I should do?" He noticed a blood trail and followed it.
"Take Kaylee and settle somewhere else, no offense." Colter grunted as they lifted the dead calf up.
"Or let me and the captain deal with him."
"I said I won't have you fight my battles."
“And we won’t have you dead.”
Before he could answer, one of the shepherds that had gone to the barn, as others poured in to right the furniture and help clean the place, huffed at the door, aghast. "That fellow shot your goats." He garnered their attention. "One of the cows in the barn is dead too, calf's standing next to her nosing his mother, the poor thing."
Zoe was silent with rage, it was clear she wished to ride to the Tig Ranch and riddle the thorn in their side with bullets. The goats had been more of a money pit than anything else, they had been wild, mean things living in a little slice of pasture next to the barn, ramming the fence if anyone other than River came over to visit them. However the goats surely didn’t deserve that fate. Nor did their milk cow and the tortured calf. It took a real son of a bitch to murder animals in cold blood, Zoe knew that much for certain.
"Barbaric." Shepherd Kouros sighed as he searched the kitchen for cleaning supplies. "The Lord has a distinct ring of damnation in hell for men of this sort." Kaylee went over and found some rags, handing some to him. "Thank you Miss Kaylee." They set to work wiping off the table.
Simon tracked the blood trail, gaze landing on York. Reaching up, he took the one thing that reminded him the most of his sister and listened to the pained yaowl as well as the dampness of blood. The rage boiling, he held the cat close, stroking its fur. "And this is why I need to take a stand."
"Simon, this just..." Kaylee was near tears thinking about it. Long ago she had told him to be steely, nonetheless this would surely kill him. "You... you can't..."
"Don't you see? Doesn't anyone see?!" the doctor fulminated "This rutting philistine and his abysmal kin have no respect for anyone! I've never been one for killing... but one of them needs to go, because they need to learn they aren't invincible."
“But you ain’t either.”
Mal set Inara back on the bed.
He fell onto the sheets with her and pulled himself up to the pillows. Groaning, he looked at her, smiling.
“Where’s the stamina?” Inara breathed, spooning against him for sleep.
“Tragically depleted. I hope you can live with someone below your par.” The captain confessed.
“It’s difficult, but it can be done.” She kissed his arm.
Mal smirked and drifted off to sleep.
“No, I don’t think we should tell the Captain.”
York has his leg shaved and a few stitches to his hindquarters.
Bailey had tried to shoot him, yet being a wily feline York had gotten away with a graze. With a patch of fur missing, his dignity was somewhat ruffled as he sat on the back of the couch as two of the shepherds, Kaylee, Zoe and Colter finished cleaning up the house. His blue Siamese eyes fixated on Zoe.
“But, the captain might know what to do.” Kaylee protested.
“I hate ta sound negative,” Colter began. “But hearing about your Captain’s last plans, it doesn’t instill much confidence that he can fix the current debacle.” The others were out disposing of the slaughtered livestock as he wrung the mop out in the bucket.
“And he doesn’t need the added stress while he’s in the Core sweating out that journey.” Zoe poured some more cleaning solution into a bucket, as the stench of dead blood and bovine had seeped into the wood. “Best we tell him when he gets back, spare him the trouble.”
“But what are we gonna…”
There was a hovercraft’s engine that purred and made the hair on the back of their necks stand. Zoe pulled her gun as the dogs charged off, barking fiercely though not courageous enough to guard anything.
Boss Tig parked his illegally run craft next to the porch and stepped down. He was in a chinchilla collared coat, with a beaver felt top hat and a walking stick that had jade encrusting the knob. The portly heft of a man lumbered to the door, having more trouble than usual as he was even thicker than before from savory winter meals and spending most of his days in front of the fire that contributed to his recent weight gain. Mutton chops flaked with ice as he began to talk. “No need, no need, I come ta talk not spill blood.”
“Your boys express differently.” Zoe holstered her weapon, letting him come in.
The horse rancher noticed the store keeper, and puffed his cheeks to the unexpected. “Colter, didn’t expect you ta be here.”
“Reckoned they could use the support as some of their kin is away.” He explained. “And it seems I did come in handy as someone killed some livestock and gutted a calf on their kitchen table.” He folded his arms to his chest. “Fit of rage and vengeance I figgur.”
He nodded his head, thoughtfully, sympathetically. “I’m sorry for the bit of misfortune.”
A gun racked.
Boss Tig turned to see Jayne with his BB gun and a shepherd armed with a pistol.
“Ain’t it your boys that wanna kill our Doc?” The merc growled.
“I come ta talk alternatives.” Tig sputtered, frightened at the bulk of muscle with the gun.
Simon nudged Jayne aside and walked in. “Your son’s only alternative included Kaylee watching me hang and him making my scalp into a belt.”
“I apologize.” The rotund man divulged, his swollen face deep red with shame. “I know my boys weren’t raised the Christian way, they’re rough hewn, cowboys…”
“Not all cowboys are vicious curs.” Colter punctuated, shifting his hips, his own thin face grave and steeled. Dark like the calm before the storm. “We’ve been friends for a long time, but those sons of yours are gonna kill one of the few men that contribute greatly to this town. Doc’s brought life to this verse, saved it, helped it pass with dignity…..”
“I know, and I appreciate that.” Tig cut him off, clasping a hand on his great expanse of belly. “You do good works, son, but my boy doesn’t like you.”
“No, he wants Kaylee and hates like me because I am an obstacle.” Simon pointed out, rigid with defensiveness. “And she’s not an object or… some prize.” The disgust of how Kaylee was viewed by the man’s prodigy was plain as his nose.
“What he wants, he sets to get. That was how I taught him as that’s how I carved out my slice’a paradise.” The rancher said with little sympathy. “Now look, I like ya Doc, you remind me of my third born son. He’s the sensitive one, sent him away ta the Core ta become a psy-cologist. Bonafide practitioner of head shrinkin’.” His voice grew somber. “Men like you and him, ain’t made for pistol skinnin’. Which is why I want to help you get out of this. Reckon you’re owed a safe alternative, what with all you’ve done for us and the other counties.” He reached into his thick coat. “Hooked ta my craft is a horse trailer, one of the fastest horses I got in there, and here.” Fat fingers pulled out a leather bag and tossed it onto the table. “Fifty in silver. You’re to take your little lady, and haul outta here before this shoot out. Get outta here, go over the mountains, settle somewhere else or take a ship, I don’t care. This money and horse are gonna be here till the day of the shootout. You don’t choose to leave I’ll be back here to collect it, if you do it will go unnoticed.”
“That’s a kind offer Mr. Tig however I won’t run.” Simon announced unblinkingly.
“Don’t be a selfish juniper.” Jowls wobbled. “Think beyond yourself and your gorram pride. You’ve got a chance ta take yourself and your little lady away from this problem. You go noble, my son will spatter you to the street, and that would be a pity.” He tipped his hat to the women and leaned on the cane that gave him obese frame added support. “Now, I must go, I bid you ta think this over Son.”
As the man went out to take out the horse and leave (it was a miracle he could fit through the door), Kaylee’s eyes fixated on the bag of Silverhold issue coins, the small amount worth a modest fortune. “Serenity, could take us….”
Simon was hurt by her words. “Kaylee, how can you of all people say that? Leave this home, what we’ve worked hard for all for some juanqu lang. Leave Serenity?”
“Rather leave than see you killed.” She muttered tearfully.
Inara was up early.
The luxury liner served everything at every hour, for so many people were living on the boat and coming from various time zones. So to the Serra suite, it was early morning as she kissed Meilin before laying the baby down in the basinet. Tucking her in, the child sleeping soundly after an early breakfast and changing, Inara gently pulled the curtain hanging above the bassinet closed before turning to the bed.
Mal was out like a light.
She couldn’t help but chuckle, there he was lying on his stomach, an arm dangling off of the edge of the bed, his face turned to one side, hair mussed in sleep. The poor man was worn out, a victim of overindulgence and exertion. Going to his side of the bed she reached out and smoothed his hair. Watching how his shoulder blades pulled and flexed, and the muscles in his back rolled.
Mal snorted, lifting his head and forcing his eyes open. “Hm?”
“I’m going to the spa.” She told him, watching as he smacked his mouth to rid the dryness.
“The wha?” He rolled over, rubbing his face.
“The spa.” Inara kissed his forehead. “Remember what I had talked about?”
His eyes told her he didn’t have a clue what she had said.
“I need to refresh myself, I haven’t had one in months and unfortunately it’s critical I look my best when we see my mother.”
“Well, I reckon you deserve a little you time.” He smiled, drowsily. “We can survive on our own for a spell.” His drawl was thick from sleep.
“You can call up for breakfast, and if you feel up to it you two could go for a walk and explore the place.” Inara explained in a hushed tone. Seeing his dubious nature towards all things Core appear, she rolled her eyes briefly. “Mal, it’s not all that bad. In fact it’s quite nice…”
“If you like cameras.. and sensors and microphones and people nosin’ into your life.” He sounded a bit more awake.
“Fine, stay cooped up in here, I’m sure there’s some propaganda on the flat screen you can watch that’s entertaining.”
Mal frowned, obstinately.
“Well, you can decide later after you get some more rest.”
The night had been quiet.
Quiet with tension. The barn was tided, the orphan calf was given to the other cow, dinner was leftovers, Colter left, and everyone went to bed.
Kaylee hardly slept.
She laid next to Simon, stricken with the terror of losing him. The young couple had gone to bed angry at one another, Tam frustrated at her lack of support and disparaging words from all parties, and Frye angry at him for being stubborn and filled with passion to fight Bailey. That morning, when it was too early for the cock to crow even if the cock was still alive, Kaylee slept with her back to Simon, hugged her pillow and thought of the worst scenarios. Such thoughts making the tears roll down her cheeks. Sniffling, the other side of the bed stirred.
“Kaylee?” He lifted his shoulders and looked down at her face, seeing the red eyes she quickly attempted to wipe and hide yet with no avail. Her sadness, the raw depression she showed, made his heart pang with guilt. “Baobei, hey….”
“I’m ok.” She sat up, however he followed and she was caught by his arms. Looking up, it was obvious in his eyes he hadn’t slept well. “Simon…”
“Simon please stop.” She pushed out of his arms before he could kiss her.
Simon sighed heavily. “Kaylee, I know you’re upset, but I have to do this.”
“No you don’t.” Tears flushed her eyes. “I don’t want you to be steely, I don’t want you to be tough and all that other stuff I teased you about. Gorramit you’re gonna get yourself killed over somethin’ that don’t gotta happen. I’ve heard stuff about Bailey, about how he’s killed other fellas in these shoot outs, and you don’t even know how ta skin one.” She got up, not even bearing to glance at him. “You don’t gotta fight for me.”
Simon slumped in the bed, his eyes shut, and his mouth idled as he searched for the right words. “Kaylee, I’m fighting for us.” Opening his gaze back up, he saw her taking off her pajamas and getting into some coveralls. York, at the foot of the bed, stirred against his feet like an undulating ball of fur. “I’ve tried to be polite, and it doesn’t work and I am sick of the way we’re treated. And I… I love where we are, I love this place. I won’t have someone chase us off…”
“You know you’re gonna die. You’re gonna die, and I ain’t gonna have you… River ain’t gonna have you, the town ain’t gonna have you. Simon, you’re cherished by more than one, and you’re just gonna tou zhi yi dao.” Slipping on a bright pink thermal shirt, she zipped up the olive coveralls.
There was a knock at the door.
Kaylee, opened the door as Simon got out of bed in his sweatpants.
Zoe smiled sardonically. “Well there he is, the sharpshooter of New Haven.”
“Yes?” Simon exhaled, un-amused.
“You don’t have time to just lay around, luxuriatin’. Get up, put on some clothes on, come down for your lessons.”
“We can’t have you just goin’ into this mangan juedou without knowin’ a tang from a barrel.” She explained. “Gotta teach you some things.” Zoe tossed a holster with a gun on the bed. “Best be ready because this is gonna be a long couplea days.”
Mal woke up to the sound of Meilin.
It took him a minute, but he got up, found a note on the other pillow, read it and retrieved the bottle of milk Inara had expressed the night before. Heating it, he fed his daughter, who only protested a little to the lack of Inara, but was more eager to get her fill than anything else. After that, he called up some food, dressed, changed and dressed Melin, ate, played with the little one, and turned on the flatscreen.
There was absolutely nothing on.
Frustrated, bored, and penned up in the room, Mal decided to venture out.
It took a lot of bravery on his part, heading into enemy territory. However he put on his shoulder holster and coat, slung Meilin’s satchel of baby supplies across his shoulder, and gathered the little one herself up. They left, and headed to the Retail Deck. By all means, he couldn’t buy anything, but Mal window shopped. Truth be told, while he had suggested plenty to Simon in regards to Kaylee’s Yuletide gift, he had no clue as what to get Inara. He had no money for fancy things, and he didn’t know what to make her in the homemade way. Nonetheless he hoped to get an idea as he browsed the duty free stores. Designer clothes, fine glassware, pottery, art, exotic pets, electronics, jewelry.
Mal paused at the jewelry.
As an engagement ring that had a diamond the size of a thumbnail was in the hall display case, he mused the thought of marriage. There was no doubt Simon and Kaylee would say the vows, but he wondered if Inara would ever be inclined to that. He didn’t know, her being an independent woman and all. Besides, he challenged the ‘verse to find anyone that would want to settle and be with him for the rest of their days.
Meilin sighed into his coat.
“Look at you two.”
Mal turned on his heels to find Inara, highly amused. “I thought you were off to the spa to wrap yourself in seaweed or whatnot.”
“I thought you were going to stay in the suite, cloister yourself away from the wickedness of this lifestyle.” She went over to them and petted her daughter’s fist. They were quite the pair, Meilin in her blue dress, Mal in his blue shirt. The little one with her face beaming from ear to ear, the father not so smiley.
“Well, you know how I get when my mind idles…”
“Injured?” She teased with a smile.
“Your affection is overwhelming.”
“To answer your question I’m scheduled to have a full treatment in an hour, so I’ve done some shopping.”
Reynolds was suddenly alarmed. “Shopping?” His voice hit an uneasy pitch.
She looked up to him with ‘relax’ written all over her face. “None of ours, my mother placed a spending balance on our suite account, I thought it would be best to buy a few things clothing wise.”
“Oh..” Mal recovered with a quip. “You mean you ain’t getting’ me that crystal gerbil in the window for Yuletide?”
Inara gave a small, sarcastic smile. “I’m afraid not, however since you’re here let’s get you some new clothes.”
“Clothes? What’s wrong with my own clothes?” Just then someone walked by and stared at his outfit.
Her mouth pulled tight, as her voice was uneven yet trying to be positive. “Nothing.. it’s just… people don’t dress like you do on the Core… or here.”
Mal frowned. “You wanna change me? Mold me into some pao bangzi Zhongxin ren…”
“No, absolutely not.” She stopped him.
“Well that’s what it sounds like, like I ain’t presentable.”
“Mal, you’re perfectly presentable. But garment wise you have a few taboo choices of clothing.”
“Like what?”
“You’re wearing an awful lot of brown.”
“Well I like brown, goes well with my complexion and I’ve gotten used to wearing it after so long. What’s wrong with brown?”
Inara swallowed thickly. “It’s just… a lot of brown on the Core.. is associated with being in the Independent Party… as well as anarchy… and being lower class…”
“Ohhh… Well, I’m sorry I’m a lower class independant anarchist…” He announced snidely.
“Mal, I know how you feel strongly about what you wear, and I’m sorry but please, don’t fight this.”
“Well I’m sorry you’re ashamed of my fashion sense.”
“I’m not ashamed of your fashion sense.” She reached over and touched his arm gently. “It makes you you; an incredibly loving, proud and stubborn man. But quingren, if you wear it on Shinon you may be persecuted and targeted because of all of the political unrest. And I would hate that to happen.”
Meilin wriggled some in his arms, and made Malcolm Reynolds gaze down at her tiny body. Seeing his face, the little one smiled at her father. He had family, Inara and Meilin, to watch over and protect, and being caught up in something with the feds just because of his brown coat was trivial compared to staying with them. Looking to Inara, he arched a brow. “What did you call me?”
She smiled. “Quingren.”
“You’ve never called me that.”
“There’s a first time for everything.”
Feigning a groan, he breathed out. “Alright, let’s go play dress up.”
*** *** *** TRANSLATIONS/DEFINITIONS Hundan: Bastard juniper: cowboy slang; ammateur juanqu lang: curly wolf; cowboy slang meaning a dangerous man Baobei: Darling tou zhi yi dao: Throw it away mangan juedou: Foolhardy duel pao bangzi Zhongxin ren: Puffed out Core man Quingren: lover; darling; beau
****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**
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