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The New Haven Series; Post BDM; M/I, S/K: Simon is whisked away to the infirmary, and Mal decides to keep his interesting news away from Inara.
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Mal watched them.
He watched the family reunion and he couldn’t help but feel contempt. His father had left his mother and formed another family. He had had brothers, another possible life but a few worlds away that he didn’t even know of until a fluke accident. There was jealousy towards Ezra and Pace, jealously that they got his father while he hadn’t, as well as anger towards Hershel for obvious reasons.
Pacey looked up at Mal, peeling away from the eight year reunion with his father. “Listen, thank you so much for buying him.” He dug into his pocket and handed back over the last of Mal’s money. “Ezra bought him some clothes, we figured since ya sprung him you didn’t need to clothe him.”
Ezra feigned disgust as he was still with Hershel. “Yeeaah, come to think of it, you do smell like prison.”
“Son, if I didn’t miss you so much I’d cuff you upside the head.” Smiling he was given a bulky parcel as he stiffly walked towards the other room to clean himself up. Hershel gazed at Mal, but saw his oldest didn’t even so much as want to look at him sideways, so he merely shut the door.
Mal looked to his brothers, feeling out of place, and retreated towards the door. “Listen, I gotta go.”
Both of his kin blocked the way. Pacey was the first to talk, gracious and still not believing he had his father back. “But we need to talk, I dunno how we’re ever gonna repay you….”
“There’s no need. Your Pa did long ago, just doin’ the right thing.” His mouth pulled into a fake smile as he shook Pace’s hand. It was rough, calloused, rancher’s hands.
However when Ezra stepped in, Mal had an odd feeling. Ezra gave him a look he had only been the recipient of via River, when she was reading his mind like a Jane Austen novel.
“It’s nice to see generosity in the ‘Verse now and then.” Ezra shook his hand with a suspicious gaze that was holding back more information than he wanted to dispense. “You look familiar, were you ever in the seedy unwholesome pirate circuit? Been on a few crews.”
“I’m retired.” Mal put vaguely, pulling his hand back from the hand that was smoother from steering a yolk. “It’s a fine trade though, best of luck to you and your ventures.”
“Thank you, Mr. Reynolds.” The pilot smiled a pirate’s smile, not completely honest. “And listen, if you ever need anything, drop me a wave. Perhaps I can repay you.”
“Thanks for the offer, but it won’t be necessary.” He pushed his way out the door.
“Simon?” Kaylee began to shake with fear as the Shepherds and Jayne came running from the cabin.
“Kaylee get out of the way.” Zoe cleared his airway, removing the oxygen, tossing her head back and yelling to the incoming shepherds “STRETCHER’S IN THE INFIRMARY!” As the shepherds hurried into Serenity, she leaned in and gave Simon her breath before carefully applying the rest of the CPR whilst taking his wound into consideration.
“No, no, no, no… Simon…” Kaylee reached for him. “Simon, Simon you… baobei wake up.”
“Stretcher.” Gun slinging teacher Shepherd Jamie announced as he and Jayne carried it over. Shepherd Kouros and another followed, the former carrying a med bag he had found in the infirmary.
“What are his injuries?” Kouros probed in a clinical manner as Simon was loaded onto the stretcher.
“Gunshot wound through and through his chest, left side.” Zoe announced, jumping off of the back of the hovertruck as the shepherd took the scanner and scanned Simon’s chest and head. The wand-like object chimed and the holo screen floating on top produced the results.
“He’s breathing, barely.” Shepherd Kouros announced “Get him inside the infirmary immediately.”
Colter slammed the door of his hovercraft after he got out. “You’re a doctor?”
Kouros was already gone.
They heard sobbing.
Turning, they saw Kaylee and her pitiful state of being. She was such a sight that angels in heaven would have weeped if they saw their Maker’s sunniest creature in such a sorrowful way. She was slumped on her knees, gazing into Serenity as if it were a cavernous hole of death whilst tears streamed down her red cheeks. Her body sunked, the world a dark place that was eating her alive and stealing her love from her.
Zoe went back to the truck and got up to sit with Kaylee. “Meimei…”
“Zoe… I.. I can’t…” She turned and began to cry even harder. “This can’t.”
Zoe wrapped her up. “Deep breaths meimei.”
“Zoe he’s dyin… it’s all my fault.” She buried her face into the coat. “I shoulda told him no, I shoulda made him leave…. We… we coulda left. We coulda settled off world…”
“It ain’t your fault.” She rocked the petite body. “He was protectin’ you. He wanted you to stay here, he stood up for what he believed in. You sayin' no wasn't ever gonna work, it never did. Cause Simon fights for what he believes in.”
“Danshi wo ai ta .” She confessed in such a way Zoe wanted to cry as she remembered Wash. Losing her own soulmate, it made her heart wrench, his death, and she prayed Kaylee wasn't about to experience that. She understood the devastation, the hopelessness as Kaylee choked out “He’s the ‘verse ta me.”
“I know, I know.” Zoe rubbed her back. “But he’s gotta chance, he’s still breathing. Now let’s get you inside.”
Inara was hoping for some solace with Mal.
However she heard of his day, and prepared to hear about it. With Meilin attempting to pull on her hair and gum on it, she entered the apartment to be greeted by Shan-shan who provided a happy chuff. “Mal?” Inara didn’t have to search far, as he was there in the living room, brooding in an armchair.
He looked up and was drawn out of his thoughts. “Hey.” Getting up, he went over and took Meilin from her, kissing Inara in a way that drew suspicion to her mind. “Hey Xiao Xiongmao.”
Meilin cooed as he hoisted her up and kissed her nose. She reached for his face in her maladroit way, smiling a toothless smile, wriggling with happiness.
It brought a smile to his face. Reassurance.
“So did you guys have a good…” His words trailed off as she saw Inara’s expression of exasperation. “Oh, so it went that way.” He tucked Meilin in his arms. “Your mother?”
“She would like us to stay, Meilin and I that is.” She watched how Mal held his daughter close as he listened. “She wants me to go to the guild and become registered again, apparently she can pull strings. Live here, have Meilin raised by a governess.” She spoke with distaste towards the thought, she exhaled heavily. “I told her no, I’ve made a home for myself and I’m not leaving.”
“Didn’t take it too well?”
“No.” She went to a small console and tapped the screen, sending an order to the servant’s monitors. “I think it’s best we take the next ship out of here, I fear we’re already overstaying.”
“I’ll check the times. I’d fancy sailin’ for familiar soil myself.” He agreed. “Best get back home, who knows what trouble my puckish crew have gotten into.”
“Very true, and how was your day?”
Mal went over to the coretex screen in the living room and began to search for the luxury liner database. “Was a touch stressful.” He hedged, keeping his daughter in one arm.
Inara pressed her lips together and shut her eyes. “Mal, I know what happened.”
“That I went shoppin’ for Yuletide presents? Did someone tell you your present?"
“That Cadoc took you to a slave auction.” She announced. “That you bought one and are freeing him.”
“That was nothin’.” He lied, horribly as the subject was fresh with emotion. “I showed restraint, wanted to drain my gun in that room, subject them to my own foolhardy firebrand of uprisin’, but I didn’t.” He tapped on the screen, fixing his eyes on it. “Could say I grew a little, kept all my fingers and toes, no bruises neither.”
“Who did you buy?”
Mal’s chest heaved. “Old war buddy. Woulda bought more before, freed 'em and all, but I was caught up in the moment, I ain't used ta seein' people sold like livestock, first inclination was to shoot... and prevent myself from doing so.” He glanced at her briefly before returning to his task. “Look, we can leave tomorrow, ten in the morning.”
“You’re lying to me.”
“About leavin’ tomorra? Look it’s on the screen..”
“About this man.”
“Neishi huang miude…”
“Mal I can tell when you lie. And you just lied.”
Meilin grabbed onto his fingers and gazed at her mother.
Malcolm Reynolds looked up at her, and her frustration in his attitude. Silenced passed. “’Nara, this really isn’t a subject I want to broach right now, nor for a good while.”
“So you’re just not going to be honest with me?” She folded her arms and rolled her eyes. “Well that’s relieving…”
“Don’t start this.”
“Start what? I just want to know who you’re freeing, as it obviously wasn’t a stranger. Who did you buy? A set of pirates? Thieves…”
”Yes and they’re petty ones at that.” He answered with thick irony, only making her temper flair.
Inara was about to fire back, however there was a knock at the door. She turned, holding her tongue as she opened the door.
Mal went over and saw Hershel, clean and in new clothes. His hair was trimmed up, about his own style, but clean, trimmed to his nape and dark with face shaved. A thick well kept moustache above his lip, a more cowboy style imperial below, and a little bit some kind of color to stain the grey hairs a dark brown He was in a navy dark blue shirt, mandarin collar, his pants were the style Mal favored, but grey, and with brown suspenders and matching boots. He held a cowboy hat in his hands and nodded kindly to Inara.
“Hello M’am, I was told Malcolm Reynolds was lodged here.” He smiled, that showing all of the age in his face.
“I am.” Mal said briskly, handing his daughter off to Inara and stepping in front.
“Why don’t we invite him in?” She suggested, disregarding Mal's surly mood.
Hershel saw the look in his son’s eyes. “No no, it’ll just be a quick talk and I’ll be out of your hair, Miss…”
“Serra, Inara Serra.” Inara smiled and extended a hand. The man seemed harmless, if not warm and amiable. Inara usually could tell when one of Mal’s acquaintances needed to be avoided, yet this wasn’t one of them.
“Hershel,” Taking her hand he kissed it. “I tend to go by Hersh though.” He trained his eyes on the babe in her arms. “And who might this be?”
Meilin smiled at him, he looked nicer than the lady that she had been around of late.
“This is our daughter Meilin.” Inara smoothed her daughter’s curls out.
“Well, she’s a dream.” He reached out and tickled the child’s cheek, getting a wider smile. Feeling the daggers from Mal, he nodded. “As much as I’d like ta hear stories I must get to talkin’ if you’ll just excuse us for a moment.”
"Of course, it was nice to meet you."
Once Inara left, Hershel turned to Mal who looked protective and stern. “They’re beautiful…”
“And none of your concern.” He snapped protectively.
Hersh’s voice was steady. “You don’t have to treat me like a murderous somethin’ or other. I was simply admiring what you have, one of the prettiest women in the universe and a baby girl that matches…”
“I don’t want you near my family, seeing as we had a rather specific conversation about how you ain’t family, nor kin, nor friend. We share blood, I acknowledge that and that alone.” Mal announced firmly. “What do you want?”
He wet his lips and looked around the garden. The elder Reynolds had never seen a garden so lush, and the reckoned he never would again. “I just wanted to tell you as soon as your doctor comes over and takes the chip out, we’re leaving.”
“Huzzah. I'll alert the marching band.”
“Ezra’s ship is taking us in, dunno where we’ll go.” Wise eyes stared out thoughtfully into the middle distance. “Three Hills was home, but seeing as they dropped a bomb on it during the Battle of Meadowlark there’s no goin’ back to that.” He pulled something out of his back pocket, meeting eyes with Mal one more. “Before we go though, I want you to have this.”
The frosty, untrusting gaze of his prodigy landed on a small rectangular parcel. It was wrapped in a piece of cowhide, and tied with a piece of scrap yarn. Before he could reject it, it was placed in his hands.
“That’s what I managed to keep on me in The Molehill.” He explained. “Once you’re ready, it’ll give you some answers.”
There was a silence between them that lasted for what seemed an eternity. Mal was unwavering, glaring as if there was another word spoken he would walk away.
Eventually Hershel put his hat on and left his son there, as he sensed Mal would turn away from a goodbye.
Mal turned on his heels and left the gardens, opening the door and retreating to the apartment, tucking the package in his suit jacket. He found Inara in the living room with packing trunks, stowing what she hadn't brought aboard the shuttle. Meilin was on the floor but a few feet away, atop a blanket, enjoying some floor time as she gnawed on her toy keys, wiggled her body and stretched her legs. Shan-shan's paws were right on the edge of the pink blanket, watching the babbling infant closely to make sure she didn't make an unhappy noise.
"Taking on extra luggage?" Mal came in and stood behind her, his voice cracking as he watched her. Mind spinning with his thoughts of his parents, his lack of father, his newfound anger, and how he wasn't going to be like Hershel Reynolds. He was going to be a good pa, a good significant other. Loving his girls dearly and never walking out on them like some hundan.
"Would you like to tell me why you're so protective and upset?" Inara's tone was calm, and full of patience that had come from a quick prayer to Buddha and the rest of the Universe.
"Can’t I just be spontaneously protective?" He stepped to the side and picked up a vase rather carelessly, lightly tossing it in his hands so his fingers skimmed the surface of it.
"It's not a rugby ball, it's worth more than the ranch house."
Mal promptly stopped, gazing down at the vase. "Huh. So all I ever had to do to strike it rich was to rob you?"
"Are we going to talk about what you currently are upset about?"
"Um... No. Seeing as I'm not upset." Mal set the vase down. "So what are you gonna do with all of it? Sell it and build the Taj Mahal?"
"Are you ever going to tell me what's going on?"
"Are you ever going to come to the realization I don't have anything wrong and answer my question?"
"Some of this stuff I'm giving to my mother." She carefully took the vase and set it in a trunk.
He snorted. "Why?"
"Because, I am not accepting my rights as heir apparent to the Line of Saud. Some things are family heirlooms, while I may keep a few I think she and the next in line deserve most of it."
"Who's next in line?"
"My cousin Hadil, but I doubt my mother will allow her the right. Only the purest blood is worthy of such a title, it must be a woman holding the surname of Serra." She announced in pure sarcasm. "The rest of it I'll take. Some things I'll keep, sell the rest possibly on the luxury liner seeing as they have antique and goods brokers. We could use the money." she sighed.
"What do you propose we do with said money?" He picked up a statue, a bronze elephant.
Inara looked at him sideways questionably.
"It's your coin, your choice." He turned the statue around in his hands curiously.
"Give Kaylee a projects budget?" She smiled.
His mouth formed a thin, pursed line. "You're gonna spoil that one."
"Have you seen her project notebook? She has all kinds of ideas for the ranch, ones that would make it more cost and time efficient..."
"Have you ever heard her automated horse feeder story when she worked for her pa?"
"Solar panels."
"She rigged the thing...."
"Rain water collection."
"And it fried a circuit..."
"An equipment garage."
"Oats, flying all over the place..."
"A greenhouse with hydrophonics."
"Shooting out of the feeder spookin' the horses."
"A dairy building so we can have our own butter and cheese."
"Oat shot out so fast and strong it killed a chicken like a bullet to the chest."
"Building onto the house."
Inara took the statue from him, he was like a small child, fiddling with things. "You heard me, she has a sketch to expand the house, turn it into a siheyuan with a solar paneled roof."
"Because, the house is cramped, Mal." Inara scoffed. "There are four adults living there with only one very small bathroom. The kitchen is tiny, the the only bedroom that has space is the bunk room. With an extra three sides you and I could keep the original part of the house, Kaylee and Simon could take the opposite wall of the siheyuan as their apartment, bunkrooms to one side and Zoe's apartment to the other. Plus a courtyard in the middle for Meilin to play, as well as whatever other children come to be."
He interpreted it the wrong way.
"Kaylee and Simon are bound to have a few, let's not even broach that topic regarding us." She corrected. "And we don't have room for more people."
"We'll turn the bunk room into a giant nursery."
"Alright, let's think about this." She set her things down and folded her arms to her chest. "You want to hire on two more workers after Jayne leaves, and let's say we do turn the bunk room to the giant nursery where Meilin and three Tam children sleep. That is a grand total of ten people in the house. Including a pack of small children right across the hall from us. You think it's hard having sex in the house right now? Retaining privacy?"
The Captain grimaced, and gave his 'dammit, she's right' face. "It's your money." He noted aloofly. "Go give it all to Kaylee, let her build and tinker till she drops."
"Not all of it, but possibly a good portion." She admitted, going back to her work.
"May I help?"
"Can you promise not to break anything?"
"May I go lay on the floor with Meilin and make silly faces?"
"Good call."
Mal took a seat on the floor and hoisted his daughter up. "Alright Xiao Xiongmao, High Princess of Sihnon."
Inara chuckled.
Meilin cooed, grasping onto his clothing.
He laid down on his back, setting her on his chest as she talked excitedly and incoherently. Bending his knees, he propped her up against his thighs so she sat up on his stomach, allowing him to see her face. "Did you miss me?" He wiggled a pinkie against her stomach, pushing her dress up till he felt her plush baby skin. "Didja? Didja miss seein' this silly ol' face?"
Meilin kicked her feet.
Mal was about to take her toes and nibble on them to get her to squeal when Shan-shan let out a 'uff' whilst belly crawling closer as she reached out with a skillet sized paw and poked the back of Mal's head. Her eyes bright and playful as she wanted in on the fun.
"Cat, git." he ordered.
Round ears twisted back, a mighty head sank like a dejected puppy. Scooting closer, the pet pressed her nose against Mal's scalp and sniffed.
Shan-shan licked the back of his head.
Meilin squealed in thorough amusement.
Mal sat up, turned his head and glared at the offending Shan-shan.
The feline gave him big, round, baleful eyes and reached out with a paw.
He pushed the orange paw that was bigger than his own hand back.
Shan-shan, sad, got up and lumbered in retreat quickly over to Inara, ramming her legs with the broad head.
Inara gazed down at Shan-shan, upset from not getting to play. "Don't worry Shan..."
"Elmarie look up..."
"Hershel no! I'm a mess."
Inara and Mal both stopped as the sound of a recording rang through their ears. Mal sat up and pulled the leather package out of his jacket. Sitting up cross legged with Meilin in his lap, he stared at the parcel as his lover came over.
"Ellie, I wanna get this..."
"Hersh I am in no way decent for you to take a gorram capture of me."
Mal tore the string and leather off, a small stack of time curled pictures, captures and letters fell to the blanket. He picked up the one that had accidentally been turned on. It was an old capture, black and white, somewhat grainy. However as he and Inara watched they saw his mother Elmarie Hadley. She was in her thirties, looking beautiful, strong and sharp though tired, Inara could see a lot of his mother in him as she was in bed holding a tiny bundle.
Ellie please, I wanna get us together.
A hand came into the picture and pulled back the blanket to reveal a small newborn sleeping soundly.
"This here is Malcolm Reynolds." The male voice announced proudly "And his momma Ellie," The capture shifted as the man came into view. Holding the capture camera so he was in the picture, he sat on the bed next to his family, grinning. "And this is all three of us." Hershel Reynolds kissed his wife "Say hi Mal..." The capture shorted as it had been damaged, the rest of it lost.
Mal looked up to see a shocked Inara.
*** *** *** TRANSLATIONS/DEFINITIONS Meimei: Sister Danshi wo ai ta : But I love him Xiao Xiongmao: Little Panda Neishi huang miude: That is absurd hundan: bastard ****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:26 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:22 AM
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