Lovers, Thieves & Destiny: Chapter 1
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Just a short arc until the next big one gets sorted out. Chapter one brings you reckless love, opposed crime, and Mal forgetting something marginally important.


A/N: Hello from San Francisco where it's midnight, I am jamming to soundtrack scores (Treasure Planet, hip aren't I?) and pleased to say I am immersing myself well into the orient culture for this fic saga... because I live like five mins from China Town (and I have decor in my room Inara would be proud of, except the chinese dragon marrionette on the wall and star lanterns are very Kaylee). China Town had the Moon Festival today, it was fun and crazy and apparently traditional Chinese costumes, lion dances and beautifully wailing erhus make me think of Firefly.. and fiction.


They were going to be in trouble.

They knew it, their clandestine exit from the bunk hall, how they spirited away in a coltish manner, quiet yet giggling along the way. Chasing one another, the night of Saint Valentine's a romp up the mountain to their schemed location, the only one following them a cross eyed cat that was too attached to stay in bed. Once upon the desired piece of real estate, blankets were spread on dewy grass, laughter turned to heat, heat led to un-monkly things. Clothing removed, celebrating of young love commencing under a starry sky till they were tired and dozed under blankets, huddled for heat. Only when they awoke did they contemplate repercussions because it was the middle of the afternoon.

Contemplation only lasted the width of an instant.

He bowed his head and pressed his nose to her cheek, smelling her as his arm held her by the waist, hand petted the smooth skin of her torso, and his mouth brushed against her face. The sun was warm and enveloping.

She smiled, for young love felt true and unending and just his touch was enough to make her curl her toes.


“You’re going to hell for this.”

Mal straightened his coat out. “Buddhists don’t believe in hell.” He replied flatly, it was mere fact than statement.

“Then you’re coming back a single celled organism.” Inara countered, beautiful enrobed, yet weary and none too pleased with her arms crossed. It was midnight, February with a climate that was stubborn to adjust to the oncoming spring.

“Sounds like an interesting change of scenery.” Taking his pistol off of the dresser he checked to see if it was fully loaded before sliding it into his holster.

“I’m serious Mal, I don’t want you doing this.”

“And I’m serious about doin’ this.” He busied himself getting ready. “We spent a little extra on Yuletide, and I admit that was my fault. Hadn’t had a decent holiday in years and thought since we settled we could afford something special.”

"We don't have to resort to crime."

“This new end of the year tax they just placed on us took a chunk of money I set aside for spring supplies and repair.” He told her seriously as the tax had caused outrage across the counties. With all of the unrest in the core and the economic downturn that came with it, the Alliance was strained. They had taken to taxing the outer planets, and had called it a County Maintenance Service Tax. Mal like everyone else, thought it was a joke that a flat of flowers every spring to be planted in front of the school house and a bucket of paint to spruce up the jailhouse was considered maintenance. “We’re just gonna go in and take what we need,” he pulled his gloves on “and I think there’s lot there that could put us in a good position. I took a casual ride over there and everyone else has broken windows and stripped the place bare. Except the buildings locked down tight,” the captain smirked smugly “and you know we got the experience with that.”

“Mal, this isn’t some abandoned ship out in the middle of the black…” She watched him as he slid a few things into his pockets.

“We ain’t holding a bank up either. Law’s still slow from Liliac Syndrome, and the weather forecast has one last good snow tonight before the big thaw. This is the one shot we got. ‘Sides, no one’s gonna purchase that property, you could buy a planet for the asking price and no one from the core is gonna move down to a rural patch like this and occupy it.” He wrapped his scarf around his neck and gazed to the side to see the contents of the bassinet. “You two just stay here and hold down the fort.”

Meilin, nearly five months old, slept peacefully in the bassinet. Shan-shan lay beside the bassinet as she did every night. Ringed tail flicking on occasion.

“You can sleep on the couch when you get back.” Inara said with no humor whatsoever.

“Inara, the man his more money than Jesus.”

You don’t believe in Jesus.”


She nuzzled against his chest, tendrils of sable hair making his skin twitch as she was feeling whole and content with their position. Exposed to the warm of the day, nude under the sun's rays with only a few blankets as covering. Rays making the sky azure, a bright blue tapestry as the morning's dew and fog had been pushed away making exposed skin glow lustrously. Dark eyes gazed up at the cloudless sky, and there with him, under the boundless atmosphere, she didn't feel pressure, she didn't ponder greatness nor talent nor past. She simply enjoyed feeling small and insignificant as she remembered the vastness of the stars the night before, as well as the amusement of her purpose. For something told her it wasn't going to be becoming an all powerful warrior. A near demigod of the universe, savior of mankind, or whatever the hell it was, that wasn't her. With a clear mind that came from the moment, she knew she was none of those things, and whatever she was to do, he would be with her. He would always be with her, she could feel it.

"I know I've seen the sky so many times, but... there's so many of them.. so many in this universe... and it's just one." His voice murmured and cut through the air. "Amazing, isn't it?"

She didn't want to get into science or theories about other solar systems. So she brushed the satin hair off of his shoulder, nodded her head and pressed her lips to the shoulder. "Know what's better?"

"What?" His body flexed in reckless enjoyment to the attention. They had rested plenty since last, and he was young and virile.

A petite hand pressed on his chest with more strength than it led to believe it possessed. Lips capturing his, she slid a leg over to straddle him.

"Hmmmmmmwelll... um... won't we miss... um... the rest of our classes?" He breathed out, trying to sound concerned with education when in fact he was being dictated by hormones. "I mean, we have... neglected... what is... uh... expected of us." The very end came out hoarse and slightly squeaky.

"Already getting calisthenics in."

"Never thought of that."

"Silly boy."


Simon didn’t want to be involved either for obvious reasons.

However he had been told he was well enough to go, and if he didn’t his honeymoon would be under the stars and with the cows. So, Simon Tam had dressed warmly and boarded Serenity for the short ride over. He kept to the engine room, where Kaylee was yawning through her job.

“He better let us sleep in tomorrow.” Kaylee rubbed her eyes with her sleeve, turning to him as Serenity jostled from her landing gear hitting ground.

"All you want to do is sleep on Valentine's Day?" Simon's innuendo was a drowsy one with a sloppy smile.

She sidled up to him and tugged on his scarf. "Well, wouldn't be all that bad ta stay in the bed the entire day." Pecking his lips, she pulled the brim of his hat down and giggled, walking out the door.

Simon followed with some skip in his step from the idea of Valentine's Day. Granted, he didn't want to spend all day on the mattress, however the day was very promising with his fiance as they gathered in the cargo bay.

Mal came down the steps, gazing at Simon and Kaylee who clustered together (the mechanic leaning against the doctor) , and Jayne who's face was sour after getting dragged out of bed. He and Zoe were the only one's poised, ready for the job, and the captain had to admit that ranch life had left his pirate crew soft. There were no heists, no law breaking, no changes of time zones, they were used to their sleeping schedules and ranch tending. He put his hands on his hips and wet his lips, straightening his posture. "Now, I know some people are against this, but we don't got much of a choice. We're gonna do this, 'cause we at this point can't afford supplies nor repair. Now this place has been stripped, plenty of people have stolen the doorknobs from the house and the hay from the barn, but they haven't got the stuff locked away." He explained. "Rule is we take what we can use, we ain't stealin and resellin' it. And nothing big, nothing that can raise eyebrows. Parts, steel, wood, vinyl, nails, bolts, bricks, stuff like that. No vehicles, no leftover livestock, nothing that requires papers or could be stamped. You tote somethin' like that back here I'll make you turn around and put it back. Now we do this double time; Kaylee and Simon, take the mule and go to the northeast building, reckon since it's next to the landing pad that's the mechanic's shop."

"What if I find something for Serenity?" Kaylee quizzed seriously.

"As long as it don't gotta bin number that can be tracked or somethin', by all means." He turned to Jayne. "Saddle shed is locked down like bank, I want you to torch the lock and find me a new pair of traces since someone left ours out and the dogs and the tiger decided they were a toy. Soon as you get that you come and help Zoe and me. We're gonna take the storage building, now everyone clear?"

Zoe, Kaylee and Simon nodded their heads, Jayne lit his cigar with a grunt.

"Let's go." He led them out into the snowy night, the Tig house in the distance and the subject to previous pillage. The Tig boys hadn't been buried in Pryor, Boss had taken his business and remaining family and left for the Core. The ranch had been up for sale since a week after Yuletide, but there was no one rich enough to purchase such an estate. Lesser reputable ilk had come and stripped the house, barn and eternal furnishings, but none had touched the more secure buildings as Mal briskly crunched the snow to stop at the steel door of the storage building. He took a deep breath and crouched by the heavy lock, one that cutters couldn't even nick. Zoe came from behind with a flashlight and a hand truck, giving him the light needed to rig the small explosive pack.

"I ain't too keen on this sir." She told him.

"Why, cause we took their sons already?"

"I made one's head into a canoe, Sir. So yes."

"Well, they got what was comin'" He connected wires "wasn't out of cold blood, and besides, we need this to keep afloat and Tig won't miss it, he's got more money than God."

"You don't believe in God."

"Yeah... well... so... it ain't the point. Point is we need it."

"But do we really gotta do this on Valentine's Day?" Zoe too, had gone soft a bit from the cushier ranch life. True, they had pulled worse jobs on Valentine's Day, but this one felt to be different, a new way of life that she thought meant no crime on Shadow (off of Shadow was fair game, just nothing dirtside as that was risky with their permanent address).

Mal looked up from his explosives, as if hit by a blunt object. "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day?"

"Past midnight, it is Valentine's Day."


"Yes Sir."

"You sure?"

"I think I know what day is Valentine's Day Sir."

Mal felt a bleak shot of panic attack his spine as his hands kept working and his mind screamed various obscenities as he didn't know how he had missed Valentine's Day. A spark from the pack, and the small timer beeped. Eyes focusing, he jumped to his feet and grabbed Zoe, diving as it obliterated the lock.

Zoe lifted her head from the face plant in the wet snow. "Take it you forgot Valentine's Day, Sir?"

*** *** ***

****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**


Monday, September 8, 2008 12:08 AM


I'm thinking Mal is in more trouble for forgetting Valentine's Day than doing the job. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, September 8, 2008 2:39 AM


Yep, Mal's in biiig trouble. This should be interesting.

Monday, September 8, 2008 12:56 PM


Wonder what hasty present Mal will cone up with? I assume there's no store close by with overpriced flowers and chocolate?

Monday, September 15, 2008 11:09 AM


great start, as usual,

Mal's in trouble with Inara... again.

I can never get enough of that!


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