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The New Haven Series; Post BDM; M/I, S/K: Niska starts his party, New Haven fights back, and the missing family members reach their destination
The merc turned and saw a shotgun and box of ammunition slide over from the door. "CHECK ZOE'S ROOM!" He turned to shoot with both semi automatics.
Simon scrambled into Zoe's room for guns and ammunition. He found a mahogany box with two pistols and the magazines to go with them. There was also a rifle for long range with a box of shells. Setting them on the bed he heard noise and looked up to see someone standing at her window getting ready to pull back their trigger.
His heart stopped.
In a split second an arrow went through his throat.
Inara pulled another arrow out of the quiver and knocked it into place. At the bunk window, the screen pulled out for her firing, she set her sights on someone hiding behind the landing gear of The Rising Sun.
She took perfect aim, then pulled her bow up to let it fly high and true.
When the arrows were done, the bolt thrower would be out next.
"Sorry Mal." Virgil coughed, unable to see properly as one eye was swollen shut and the other had blood in it.
"Nin kending zuo baoliu mimi yige hao gongzuo." The other Captain growled ironically.
"With all do respect ya tu ailian de jibai." Roxy growled out from a post, the lash across her cheek fresh as she sank at the weight of her own body. "It was yer bloody wanker of a brother 'ew squealed, nonea us."
Zoe furrowed her brows. "Sir?"
"Sterling would normally say something uplifting about loyalty." Wren groaned, face pressed against the grate of the cage she was held in. "But he's unconscious right now, missing his cybernetics as well as a very fleshy leg. Pike's also missing a hand, by the way.... I don't know if Genevieve and Jovie are even with us."
"Jov's a fighter." Roxy declared, her voice sounding more worrisome that before. "She won't die on me."
Mal was still focused on the other news. The chain they were suspended on, was twisting, rotating with the ball socket of the wench it was attached to. Mal rotated to the left, and his eyes landed upon Hershel, Pacy and Ezra hanging by their wrists from the railing. "You?"
Hershel, had not been beaten yet, nor had his sons. Though his arms ached from the way he was being held. "They caught us on a border moon, getting supplies..."
His son's face grew dark with rage. "And you told them?! Zai nin yihou kanjian liao wo jia nin angzang fulan.... HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN KNOW...."
"I DID." Ezra snapped back. "I did and you know why I did it? Because they were going to kill us if they didn't get your address." He seethed. "And I wasn't about to lose my father again."
Private Reynolds dropped to his knees and heaved up his can of beans on the floor.
His superior officer grabbed the startled greenhorn by the back of the coat and hauled him up. "Compose yourself Private." Taking him by the neck, he made his soldier get a good look of the scene. "I want you, you and the rest of this gorram platoon to remember this. This is what we're up against, this is what they'll stoop to."
The young Reynolds stared, appalled at the site as he caught his breath to the stench of death. HIs mind thought of the same thing over and over.
They were so little.
"But.... why..." Another private, one that had a kid on the way, stuttered. "They're.... they... didn't just die."
The officer let go of Reynolds, making him stumble to catch his footing in the once brightly colored nursery, now stained with blood and gunpowder. "Because Sanders, they wanted to find the militia in the hills. And those purple beasts'll do anything to get what they want, including slow torturing a buncha children to get information from the women." Eyes sweeping the scene, they saddened at the atrocity, and he signaled for his men to move out. It was enough of a scene to get his boys ready to battle. "Let's MOVE! They ain't but a few miles from here! LET'S SHOW 'EM HOW WE TREAT CHILD MURDERS!"
There was a whoop that sounded through the lot of them, and they moved out with a newfound drive to kill the enemy.
Mal lagged behind, still staring, still stuck dumb by what was before him.
I HAVE A DAUGHTER!" He roared, pulling in vein as if he was going to rip out of his shackles and strangle his half brother.
"I know!"
"Chenmo!" Hershel snarled.
Mal was stunned silent at the announcement his half brother was a reader.
"Sir?" Zoe announced, stunned her own self.
"You don't see yourself as family, neither do I. So..."
"Thees." Niska's elderly voice made all other noises cease "Is all very interesting, very interesting indeed, but I feel..." He gestured in the air, heading over to a cart filled with deliciously wicked toys, his favorites. "There is too much talking, not enough... how you say." He lifted a knife with a sharp curve to the blade
"Sadism?" Roxy supplied hoarsely.
Everyone conscious glared at the mechanic sideways.
"Precisely." Niska flicked the blade with his fingernail, producing a harmonious ting. "Now Mr. Reynolds, would you like to begin 'dis?" He approached the dangling captain.
"I must admit, I'm not all that enthused with your brand of entertain..."
His breath was cut off as the blade was plunged into him.
Jayne knew they were losing the battle.
No matter how many they shot, only a few died as the majority were only stunned for their armor took the bullets. The merc had gotten two by shooting the front opening of their helmets, and Inara had picked off three more successfully (he did admit that woman's arrows could pick through the armor gaps better than his bullets), but they were surrounded, with Niska's men closing in. Once they got close to the house, they could easily set it on fire, or otherwise.
"Jayne." Simon crawled outside.
"I know, I know!" He took aim and fired once more. "We need a di-version!"
"Someone needs to be at the top of the barn!" Simon pointed a muzzle at the barn. "That's a good point for crossfire!"
Jayne gazed briefly at the doctor, nonplussed. "Yeah, right. I figure someone needs ta go across and open the pasture gates! Have the cattle stampede across! Make a lot of confusion and cover!"
"Won't we lose the herd?!"
"The herd don't really matter if we're dead! Mr. Top Three Percentile!"
Simon whirled around and shot someone that was getting too close to the porch. "Wouldn't it be better if you just made your way to the barn?! Maimed everyone in your path?! Got up and did the crossfire thing?!"
There was a mighty pause as Jayne's eyes moved to the side and his brow furrowed, processing the tactical situation. Finally, he gave a snarl.
"You know Doc, fer a schooled dandy you make quite the Zuozhan tiancai!"
"Why... thank you. I try." Even in the face of death, Simon had to weigh wether or not it was a compliment.
"You stay here! I'm gonna go and get you a com link, give one to Nara too! Hold this line! Dong ma?!
"Got it!"
Jayne slapped Simon on the back hard enough for him to swallow his breath, and army crawled back into the house.
Hershel grimaced as his eldest thrashed and arched in pain as some device was hooked to his chest.
"I think dat is enough." Niska pulled the machine off of the captain. The first mate had been beaten already, and Mal was well on his way towards enduring his days of torture before a bitter end. "We need to show attention to other members of your family."
Mal's chest, bloody and marred with holes and burn marks, heaved rapidly. His eyes rolled out of their lids, and his chin lifted to see him walk towards his father and brothers. "Went through an awful lotta trouble ta get to me." He coughed, struggling for air. "Not fair ta leave me here, needing your attention."
"Nonsense." Niska set his toy down and picked up a pair of pliers. "Now, who shall we get to know better, eh? The fadder?" He passed by Hershel. "The bratricek." He tapped Pacy's boot. "Or, oooo." He waved his pliers at Ezra. "The one who gave you avay. Yes, yes." Niska signaled his men to come over. One did, and untied the laces of his boots, pulled them off and took off the socks as well. "You, have a very, very intervesting nature."
Ezra gritted his teeth as his family winced at Niska grabbing a foot and latching the pliers onto his big toenail.
"Let's test it." The hand ripped the pliers back.
Ezra howled.
Jayne left the house through the back door.
With two pistols, a few extra clips and his bowie knife, he prowled out. Quickly, he moved alongside the wall, pausing at the corner. Measuring up the distance between his corner and Kaylee's workshop, he made sure his path was clear before charging across. He made it, then gauged the much longer distance to the barn.
He heard boots.
Whirling around, he saw a man rounding the corner to finish him off, With a growl Jayne charged, and threw him to the ground, pulling out his knife. The opposition fought him back, seizing the arm that wielded the blade, however Jayne won the battle, impaling it into the chest cavity, and he dropped the body.
Taking a deep breath, he got ready to run.
Simon wished they had some grenades.
He was diligently keeping the guards at bay. However there was only so much ammunition to be had.
The back door opened.
The doctor turned to see a gunman coming in, looking at the staircase. Jumping to his feet he charged towards the man to stop him, firing his gun.
The professional soldier aimed and fired his laser gun.
Simon was grazed, the sleeve of his shirt burning away where it was it, his arm feeling as it it wanted to melt off. However he tackled the man, and tore off his helmet. The gunman clipped him in the head with his gun, then kicked him off, sending Simon flying into the couch. He groaned, and the gunman took out plastic handties to restrain him in order to take him back to Niska. As the enemy reached down, Simon leapt up and grabbed the gun's barrel, pushing it down. Wrenching the gun till it was upside down he pulled the trigger and shot his foe in the stomach. The gunman dropped, smelling like charred flesh with a hole in his abdomen that went all the way through. The dead weight fell to the floor with a heavy thud, and Simon gasped for air and cradled his wounded arm.
He turned just as someone was coming up the porch and promptly shot them.
Jayne found running was not the best plan.
There were many, many bullets, and more than a few places for the enemy to safely fire from.
"Go to the barn he says, crossfire he says." Jayne made a turn and drove himself like a fright train towards Kaylee's rainwater collection contraption. Diving to avoid gunfire, he rolled up to his knees and aimed the shotgun.
Before the gunman could even react his chest was blown away.
Jayne picked up the dead man's guns, found a more powerful one he liked, holstered his own and began to spot his next victim.
"Sorry you got swept up... inthecrosshairs." Mal's voice was low and floundering as the shock of electricity and steady blood loss was effecting his speech.
"Fou lashi." Ezra muttered, tears running down his face as he was missing more than one toenail.
"Sorry we gave you away." Hershel apologized.
"Would anyone care to apologize for not informing me I have another brother?" Pacy's sarcasm was forced, as his eyes were locked onto his brother's nailless toes.
"Sorry... Inevertoldya....whenImetya...Iwaskin." Mal slurred.
Wren put her hand against the grate siding of the cargo cage "Zoe I dunno about you, but this session has produced some very profound information about ol' Mal over there."
Niska wasn't fond of the lack of fear in the room.
"Yes," sweat and blood dripped down her face "I feel I've grown closer to you, Sir."
"I.... I always likeour bonding moments... Zoe." Mal seemed to agree. "Not... toofond... fact this is a party.. n'... we ain't being treated as... individuals... youknowwhatImean? Plus... outside...." He gasped, for suddenly Niska was in front of him with a pair of pruning shears on his little toe.
"You are all very strong." The old man said, softly, a medley of admiration, frustration and curiosity. Picking out a pair of shears, and began to focus on Mal's big toe.
"Soldiers from the losing side are often acquainted with torture." Zoe reminded.
"As are consummate felons." Virgil added.
"Some o' us also like it." Roxy made sure to remind.
"Well then," He opened the shears and placed them around the toe."
Mal shuddered at the metal brushing his skin.
"do you like 'dis Mr. Reynolds?"
The shears made a distinct clipping sound. Followed by a thud to the grate.
Mal clamped his jaw, tears running down his face as he kept in the urge to scream in agony. "Wo shan gai nin." The threat was whimpered, and through his own teeth.
Niska gave a wide, wicked grin. "Ah, but not if I do so first."
Serenity's captain had eyes the size of saucers.
Jayne stormed the opposition.
He was burly mass of combat, fighting the way years of being a hired gun had taught him. Everything was a weapon, and anyone in his path was put down permanently. Upon reaching the landing gear of The Rising Sun. He rammed into one, throwing him up against the metal undercarriage, then shooting him in the chest with the enormous military standard laser gun.
Simon held his arm, crouched behind the couch for cover, inspecting it for any major structural damage. The wound was searing, his veins throbbed and the nerves were on fire.
Someone burst through the door.
"Gan ni niang..." Simon rose up some, still taking cover, and aimed his gun.
"AIIIYAAAH!" the paid soldier let out a war cry as he dodged the fire and rushed the injured doctor.
Simon jumped up to meet the enemy, nonetheless he was clobbered across the scull with the man's gun. Falling down, he slammed the burned arm and head against the floor. "Nnnnnnh." He groaned, wanting to curl into the fetal position from the pain his arm felt. Feeling someone grab his wrists and pushing him face down to the floor, the plastic wrist fetters were slipped on and tightened. "Meiyou... meiyou... INARA TAMEN YOU WO!" He shouted out, only to be kicked in the head for the announcement.
The gunman restrained his quarry's wrists, and pushed the microphone on his helmet. "Ship this is Slade, one down and gift wrapped to go, over." Looking down at the exhausted, yet thrashing doctor, he aimed his gun in front of him and moved towards the stairs.
Simon watched in horror as the gunman went up, his boot heavy and foreboding.
There was the snit of an arrow through air.
He tumbled down the stairs, blood oozing from the arrow shaft and feathers protruding from his neck.
Inara hurried down the stairs. "Simon are you alright?"
"Slightly wounded and preoccupied I'm afraid." He grimaced.
"Let me get a knife from the kitchen."
"Be careful." He reminded. "They're still out there."
"Not anymore." Jayne came in through the porch window, a touch of blood spatter on his shirt, sweath and dust the majority of what was on his clothes. Looking down he grunted. "Couldn't do the job I gave ya Prettyboy?"
"To the best of my ability." Simon rebutted. "But you know... bigger guns and all."
"Well they're all done and taken care of." He surveyed the damage. "Reckon we should swoop in and rescue the damsels."
"I'd like to rescue my damsel." Inara came back, and crouched by Simon to cut him free. "and shoot that yeman lao jiaohua de ren of a man." With Simon's ankles and wrists freed, she helped him up. Noticing his burn, she gingerly took the arm to see the damage. "Simon this looks bad..."
"It's only a graze." He reassured, though an attempt to properly rotate it left him nearly howling.
"Hell, one that's gotta patch 'em up when we retrieve 'em 's broken." Jayne checked their new weapons over.
"Is it over?" Kaylee's voice came from upstairs.
"Yes, it's safe." Inara called out. "Simon, should I get your bag?"
"I'm afraid I need to walk myself to the infirmary and patch myself up while you retrieve the others." Simon explained as Shan-shan came briskly down the stairs.
The tiger made a nervous noise and padded over to Inara as Kaylee came down the stairs. Shan-shan stopped at Simon, and pressed her snout against his pant leg in appreciation before reaching her owner.
"And Simon's hurt?" Kaylee asked as she came down, Meilin in her arms and not pleased with all of the excitement that had been going on.
"Mildly injured." He responded. "I'll take Meilin and Shan-shan with me while you help Jayne and Inara break in to the Rising Sun."
Shan-shan had been sitting close to Inara, however upon hearing something, her ears pricked up and she walked towards the broken living room window.
"Shan-shan?" Inara turned to the cat as there was a low rumbling in the distance.
Shan-shan associated the noise with what had just happened. Round ears going back, a breath was drawn in, and out came an ear shattering roar.
Meilin started screaming.
"TIan souyou shen aiya tian...." Jayne stepped forward as the roar of engines grew louder and louder, and next to the Rising Sun landed a ship half of the Firefly's size.
The tiger was fearful, letting out another roar, teeth on display as she backed up.
Jayne pointed at the door of the ship with his gun as the others waited on baited breath.
The door opened.
The giant cat hid behind Inara's legs, growling and huddled.
Simon's breath caught in his throat, though he was first one to speak.
*** *** DEFINITIONS/TRANSLATIONS Nin kending zuo baoliu mimi yige hao gongzuo: You sure do a good job of keeping secrets tu ailian de jibai: Dirt loving pussy Zai nin yihou kanjian liao wo jia nin angzang fulan...:after you saw my family you dirty rotten... AOMAN TU BEI SHUFU DE HAIDAO!: INSOLENT DIRT FETTERED PIRATE! Chenmo!: Silence! Zuozhan tiancai: combat genius Dong ma?: Understand? bratricek: Czech; little brtoher fou lashi: no shit Wo shan gai nin: I am going to castrate you Gan ni niang: Motherf***er Meiyou... meiyou... INARA TAMEN YOU WO: No... No... INARA THEY HAVE ME! yeman lao jiaohua de ren: barbarous old weasel TIan souyou shen aiya tian: day of all god damned days
*****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**
Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:38 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:52 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:53 AM
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