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FINAL CHAPTER The New Haven Series; Post BDM; M/I, S/K: The day ends, another begins
"You're looking better."
Zoe gazed up, plainly watching the woman who was studying her with a portable scanner as she had a mask that covered her nose and mouth. Sitting on her bed as the two doctors had rigged a portable treatment mask because she did not need to go outside in the cold to access the treatment equipment on Serenity. The mask, was hooked to a whirring box that had an assortment of buttons and a vial of something bluish. "Thanks." She talked awkwardly through the mask. "Thanks for the advice, drier climate and all. Particularly the going into space part."
"You're welcome" She tapped the scanner's buttons. "Believe it or not I know what it's like to be grounded for a few years."
"If you're a vessel born kid, being down on the ground isn't always healthy." She admitted.
"Then why are you down here?"
"To badger a cantankerous ranch foreman." She announced with a dry tone but a slight smirk. "Few other things too."
"Pretty good at the badgering part."
"Thanks, had a lot of practice."
The day was on the horizon.
The bitter air of St. Albans was black, the great darkness before dawn. As the ice hung in sheets from the great temple of the Ice Dragon, as the caribou rose up from sleep and tossed the snow from their fur, the shining steal ships had surrounded the safe haven.
All marked with the seal of the Alliance of Unified Planets.
"Why won't you talk to me?"
Kaylee scrubbed Liam under his armpits as the set of three year olds were both set in the tub, bubbles galore surrounding the two preschoolers as Liam sat there easily, and Dakota was trying to create a tsunami as well as escape. "Who said I ain't talkin' to you? I might be usin' improper english 'cause I'm not educated, but I'll talk."
Liam was splashed, however he kept clinging to a little wooden boat as he was pressed up against the far side of the tub. Staring at Dakota as if he wouldn't put it past her trying to shove his head under the water.
Simon was confused as he set the pajamas and towels down on the toilet lid. "I..." Suddenly it hit him, like a ton of bricks that had 'stupid' stamped on each one. "Kaylee I didn't mean it that way, not directed to you..."
"You know you were doing pretty good." She told him. "You haven't slipped up in awhile, in fact you made me think you weren't about 'core' life and looking down on people who didn't have that kind of upbringin'..."
"But I think it proves you haven't changed." She was quickly getting angrier "Deep down, you're just as biased as any shi li bai long he xin nan hai. And when River's involved your true colors show."
His mouth fell open. "But..."
"You know what Simon? You're right." Kaylee took a towel and picked Liam up, wrapping him up. Her voice was low, and a tone that was rarely reached. "I don't want to talk right now." She stood up, grabbing a set of PJs as Liam clung to her shirt like a baby koala, wide eyes and all.
"Why don't you wrap up the bath." She suggested as the door opened, and she left, closing it somewhat forcefully.
Simon, not knowing when the day had turned the, stared at the door flustered and on the brink of a headache.
There was a growl from within the tub.
His head turned slowly, warily.
All he could see were a set of wild blue Tam eyes from beyond the rim of the white tub.
Followed by more growling.
River was well aware of Simon's paranoia towards Fiyero, and had every reason to pull him aside and talk to him, however she had more important things to tend to.
"So you sure he's the right guy for us?"
Her dark eyes moved to Fiyero as they walked outside, towards the pasture fence. "Can't have any old pilot." She told him. "Special circumstances cause for special pilot. Need a leaf on the wind."
"A whazzit?"
She jumped up onto the top rung of the fence and sat there, alongside Ezra Reynolds, who was staring up at the stars.
Ezra looked at her sideways. "You gave me the gist last time..."
"Wasn't the right place, but wanted your attention." She cocked her head to the side, like an owl determining what was friend, foe, or food.
"Well after what you said, Princess, you got my attention."
"I'm not a princess, I'm a dragon."
"What?" Looking at her eyes, dark, yet glowing under the sterling light of the moon. They did look like raptor eyes, predator eyes, and he immediately dropped the urge to call her Princess again.
She didn't correct him again as her gaze kept steady. Fiyero leaned against the fence, watching her work, watching what she had become. "Can't promise your safety. Might become a hero, might become a martyr, might become a demon."
"Already one of those things, oh Great Dragon, tell me how you're gonna get me off of this lousy mud ball."
"You want to make noise? Rattle the stars, show the Alliance we're not vermin to be tested on? Dodge fighter craft, push the limit? See things and do things no else will?" The dragon flickered within, and she could feel in as the anguish and the truth of the matter with Li Ten was pressing her mind.
Ezra titled his head toward her mouth. "Whaddya mean vermin?"
"You trust me?"
"Hell no. But I think you have something better to offer."
River reached out and put a hand on his temple, closing her eyes.
Ezra drew in a sharp breath of air as it all played out in his head.
"Been looking for this gorram miser forever."
The young soldier, clothed in a thick black parka with a purple armband on the right sleeve (Alliance Flag Patch atop that), and a furred cap, gazed at the body that had become ice out in the courtyard. An old man, built like an St. Alban's polar bear, stiff as a piece of steel, dead, his blood slick frozen lakes around him.
The officer in charge, his coat containing more royal purple to distinguish him from his men, sidled up to the soldier. From under the furred ruff of his parka hood, his well kept beard was grey. "Before your time son, terrorist. Killed thousands, attempted to assassinate the Royal Family."
The young private, holding a capture camera, looked up at the barrel chested officer. "The Khan is just a figurehead though..."
"People are determined enough, get it in their heads someone's a threat, they'll do whatever." Lifting a gloved hand, he gestured to wrap things up. "I want him bagged, tagged and on the ship! The coroner can de-thaw him for all I care." Walking away, he ducked into the temple where it was somewhat warmer, though littered with bodies.
A soldier briskly walked up to him. "Sir, I contacted the base."
"They listened, then they connection cut."
"Kaylee is everything alright?"
Kaylee turned, in the kitchen and helping Liam drink a small glass of warm milk. The boy was in a set of blue pajamas with little spaceships on them as he held the glass precariously in his little hands. "It's been better."
Inara was worried, as Kaylee had a ready to cry bit of glisten in her big hazel eyes. Approaching her with Meilin in her arms, she reached out and rubbed the new mother's back. "I'm not condoning what he said by any means, but don't you think he's had a rough day?"
"Got two kids, found out one of them is a you qian lan se de yao guai." Mal announced as he came forth from the laundry room, toting a hamper of clean clothes. "Sister's off sleeping with a ponytailed circus gypsy, man's had a history of spouting not so bright things, I'd cut a little slack."
Kaylee set the glass down in the sink and rubbed Liam's back in soothing circles as he set his cheek on her shoulder. "Of course you'd..."
Everyone turned to the stairs as Simon could be heard yelping from the bathroom. There was the sound of scrambling, running, and a shriek. Suddenly Dakota appeared at the stairs, slick with water and suds, naked, and bolting down said stairs to get away from her father. Who also appeared, looking as if someone had thrown him in a lake.
Dakota crowed wildly as she charged down the stairs.
Simon attempted to follow down the stairs, but once his shoe hit a puddle of water and soap, he lost his footing and fell to the floor.
Liam whined, snuggling into Kaylee and wondering if he would get a story.
Everyone else stood there dumbfounded.
Dakota made it down three steps when she too suddenly slipped. Terrified, shrieking she pitched forward and began to tumble down.
Mal raced over and caught her before she hit the bottom floor. Awkwardly grasping the slick three year old, he looked at her as she threw her head back and wailed, waking anyone who had been asleep, up.
"Dakota." Simon scrambled to his feet and raced down the stairs, a towel in his left hand as he swooped in and gathered her up in it. "Dakota what..." He looked down, and saw her arm and the angle the bone was at.
For the first time, instead of trying to squirm away the little girl curled into a ball, crying piteously.
"Baby..." Kaylee rushed over, Liam startled and upset in her arms from his sibling's screeches.
"It's ok Dakota!" Simon blurted as panic quickly set in, cradling her in the towel, pushing the wet hair out of her face as Zoe, Tasya, Hershel and the others slowly came from their respected places. "It's ok! It's ok I'll fix it." Wrapping her up better for the sake of decency, he kissed her nose. "It's ok I'll make it better." Turning his head, eyes wide, he found Kaylee. "Kaylee, please go get her a change of clothes I'll take her over to the infirmary."
"But it's..."
Simon wrapped Dakota up in his coat and quickly left.
"Cold." Kaylee watched him leave, her nerves frayed.
"Dakoda?" Liam whimpered.
Tasya assessed the situation as she went over to put on her boots.
"Kaylee if you want we can take Liam." Inara gestured.
"Nooooo." Liam shook his head, tearfully, holding onto her tighter.
River pulled her hand away.
Ezra was panting, tears streaming down his eyes.
Fiyero was confused, as she had not yet shared anything with him.
The pilot swallowed, pushing himself off the the fence.
"Get paid." She told him softly.
"Money doesn't really matter at this point now does it?" Ezra wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his jacket. "And that's a lot coming from me, trust me." He looked out, past her, past the cows, to the middle distance where thoughts formed. "This is a gorram vendetta, and it's gonna be bigger than all of us... anyone you get to join anyways."
She stared out into the middle distance with him. "Greater than the singular, but not the sum of all together."
Fiyero shifted his weight, listening, for though he had joined, he didn't know everything.
"Better get a helluva crew."
"First mate, medic, pilot." She announced. "Be there soon."
The commanding officer began to look uncomfortable.
The soldier looked across the bloody swathe that had been cut across the hall. "Sir, this was a bloodbath."
"I know." His jaw twinged from under the silver beard.
"Sir I... I know tales is tales, myth is myth.... but you do a search on the cortex for Li Ten, man was supposed to have taken out full squads in his prime..."
"I know."
"He doesn't look weak."
"I know." His fingers tightened, and he began to pale.
"Corporal, I need you to quit speculating and do your job. Go film the sight, scan it, bag and tag. Dong ma?" He watched the kid salute and walk off. Taking a deep breath, squaring his shoulders, he ducked into a room. Taking in the dying ember of the fireplace, the furs and bed, trying to piece what they had found.
But dread was slowly overcoming him.
Simon turned on the lights to the infirmary.
Panic, fear was rushing through him. It wasn't even the end of the first day and one of them had a broken arm. She was curled against him, wailing, crying for help.
"Ta xing shi wo de ying hai." He gently sat her on the exam chair.
She reached for him, blue eyes so clear and frightened. "No! No!"
"Dakota I have to put you..." Simon turned as he head footsteps. There was Tasya, coming in, not asking if he needed help, just heading to the cabinet and pulling out a vial and a needle, then opening the drawer to get out the injection gun.
"I can put a cast on her, you focus on being a dad." She told him, quickly washing her hands and putting them in gloves.
"I can get the..."
"Just stay with her." Tasya said, calmly, zipping open the case the injection gun was in, then taking the needle out of its package and fitting it in a slot. "I'll scan her as soon as I give her something to dull the pain and get the tray set."
Simon gazed down at Dakota, who refused to leave his arms. Taking a seat on the chair, he cradled her. "I'm here, daddy's here."
"Daddeeeeeee." She whined.
"Alright." Tasya came over, staring the girl. It caused many feelings, thoughts and worries to come over her, yet she remained calm. He was the parent, she was the doctor, and it was going to be that simple as she swabbed Dakota's good arm and pressed the gun to it.
"Daddee! Daddee no!" Dakota turned into him.
"This is going to make you feel better." He held the arm out and listened to the gun dispense the drug, and Dakota yelp.
"All done." Tasya pulled it away. "Let me go get the tray and scanner, sit tight."
"It's ok." Simon watched her relax some, though still whining as she nestled her head on his chest. "Shhhh... it's ok sweetie."
Dakota brought her good thumb up to her mouth. Her other arm was tucked against her body, she wasn't going to move it as she cried and tried to pacify herself.
Simon watched her, tears on the hinges of his eyes. River could be crying, screaming, and he would immediately take action. This little girl had rendered him a worried parent that couldn't think straight. He didn't know if he could take care of her broken arm if Tasya wasn't there to do it for his mind was not in a right way.
Looking up, he saw Kaylee with Liam, who's dark eyes were fixated on his sibling and while the mother appeared fraught. "Hey... do... do you have her clothes?"
She nodded her head and walked over, toting a duffle bag. "I got you some too." Setting Liam on the floor, she set the bag on the counter as Simon stood up. Unzipping the bag, she set out the pink pajamas with flowers all over them and turned to Simon, taking the drugged Dakota. "Dry yourself off."
"Daddeee...." Dakota reached for him.
"Let's put on your shorts." Kaylee dried the girl off and threaded one leg, then another, into a pair of pants, then pulled the waistband up.
"Let's wait till the cast is on for the shirt." Simon unbuttoned his own shirt, peeled it off and pulled on the sweatshirt.
"Alright." Kaylee took her fuzzy sweater off and wrapped Dakota up in it like a blanket, then pulled some warm boots over the little girl's toes. "We're gonna get you all fixed up." She said shakily, it wasn't even a full day and one of them had hurt themselves.
Dakota's eyes bobbed as she sniffled.
Simon changed into pants, then folded the wet clothes and stuffed them in the bag before heading over to Kaylee and Dakota, where Liam was tugging on his mother's pant leg. "May I?"
Kaylee met his eyes, and saw what he was thinking, what he was feeling as a father. Failure. She handed the little girl over, and watched how he took a seat on the chair and patted her back.
"Daddeee..." Dakota nuzzled close as the tray was set next to the chair, pressing her head underneath his chin.
Simon turned his head to see Kaylee stand next to the other side of the chair, Liam back on her hip as she reached out and combed out Dakota's fine light brown hair.
"What do you mean later?" Fiyero asked as he followed her back to the ranch house.
"Not now, later." River pressed. "Don't think you should see it right now."
"Really? Because Shao Long I think you should have showed me when you offered me the position of first mate."
"Was a happy time, didn't want to ruin it." She opened the door to find the living room a buzz as something had happened. River knew what had occurred, and wished she had the time to be with Simon and apologize for making him take on such a responsibility. However she didn't have any time as she sidled herself up to Zoe, who was enjoying a cup of tea by the kitchen window, ruminating on many things, but looking at the stars with envy. "Up there with them."
Zoe turned to see River jump up to sit on the counter, the girl's eyes sharp, dark. Her boyfriend, Fiyero, had drifted off a ways to talk to Inara about what had gone on not too long ago.
"Want it, but you feel tied down."
"Don't much care for people reading my mind, Little One." She shifted her stance and brought the mug of steaming mint tea to her lips.
"Keep on telling her that, she doesn't though." River announced as Boston and York leapt onto the couch to sit next to her.
Boston yaowled as York nuzzled his chin, both settling next to River, watching her as if she was the leader of their little siamese pride.
"She thinks it's rude, won't look unless it's necessary." River absently scratched York's head. "And you need a vacation, time to heal."
"Heading out, soon, two days." River explained. "Family doesn't know, not until tomorrow."
Zoe arched a brow, she was listening.
"Few weeks, bring you back for the cattle drive. Could use a professional."
"Professional... what?"
River gave her a look that needed no explanation, with it came a little smile.
Zoe gave a little smile as well. "You sure ain't the same."
"None of us ever are."
The officer picked up a scroll, his fingers scrabbling to untie it.
Something in his pocket beeped.
Stopping, he pulled out a black metal square and flipped it open to see a glowing screen. Tapping the screen, a projection came out, above it. However being in such a remote area, it was blue, grainy and indistinguishable.
"Captain." The voice, static filled from the reception, called out.
"Captain Sun reporting." His brow furrowed, and his almond shaped eyes narrowed. "My apologies, the reception is quite bad. Speaking?"
"Kelos, Captain Sun."
His eyes widened. "Guan Gongzhu ... Or, do you wish to be called Shengwei? I know you just graduated the Sihnon Military..."
"Title right now isn't necessarily important. I'm not here as a figurehead of the core nor Shengwei of the Huangjia Weibing. I'm communicating as representation of a higher level of our government. Please go outside to the landing strip as we converse."
He followed the order, confused, and more anxious than ever. "What department..." There was a pause, as suddenly his device beeped and a full clearance pass was displayed.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the department reaching out to you nor my rank. All you need to know is I'm sending two of my men out. They'll be taking over this investigation...."
"Things have come to light that have made the parliament change their tactics, their approach to this discovery."
"This is just a search and retrieve mission.." His throat became tight. For there were mechanisms within the Alliance not even high ranking officers were supposed to know about, to speak of, whisper. It was above his meager position, above the secret guard, and there were rumors.
The whirr of jets filled the air, a ship descended.
"More had been brought to light that concerns us. We would like to do a more thorough investigation."
"We're all done." Tasya pulled off her gloves and turned around as Simon shifted Dakota closer, as the girl had kept in his lap the entire time. "Don't think I have to tell you what to do, let's just avoid smooth surfaces and states of undress that involve water."
Simon stared at the white cast on her arm, having relaxed considerable as it was a simple break. Dakota yawned sleepily, snuggling in as her boo boo was fixed and her father had proven to be safe, and in return a small smile of accomplishment peeked through his tired face as she wanted him to hold her.
"She knew you two were afraid." Tasya announced, as Kaylee had not left the chair's side and the boy was asleep in her arms. "They can't read but she can sense what you're feeling. I would try to not show fear around her."
The parents exchanged concerned looks, then focused back down on the tired, cast wearing three year old who at that moment, appeared so innocent.
"Why don't you guys go ahead? I can clean up here." Tasya offered. "I think you've all had a long enough day."
"Fiyero, my boy don't you look chipper." Virgil said from his bed.
"And you look.... a little ruffed up." Fiyero said as River stood next to him.
"Trifles." He waved the hand that had an IV in it. "Was told I get to walk around tomorrow." Dark eyes slid to River, and he smiled at her. "And what do you want , Little One?"
"Not little." River's eyes fixated on his, her fingers toyed with the fringe of his blanket, memorizing the texture and weave.
"Family." she clarified. "You decidedly ain't."
"And what am I them?"
"Business associate." there wasn't a flinch in her voice.
"Don't think you want to be one of my associates."
"You think you're the devil when it comes to deals." River mused. "You're not." her voice, was firm, full of truth. "And I need something only you can supply."
"What pray tell?" He relaxed, easily in his bed.
"Aught two Firefly you picked up on Persephone."
"You know, you're cute all determined...."
"Need it modified..."
"But I don't do business like this." he announced. "Not in bed, not with this particular setting. " His hands smoothed out his blanket. "Isn't professional, the time, the setting, the circumstance." Virgil tilted his chin up, superiorly. "Why don't you contact me, when I'm more capable of doing business and we can do things on a more appropriate plain."
Her head nodded, slightly, in agreement.
"I'll say this 'cause your one of Mal's, but I'll only say it once." His voice turned low, cold. "You best know what you're gonna get yourself into."
Fiyero shifted his weight, warily. For he knew Virgil all too well.
"I know my risks." She admitted, before slipping away.
He watched the jet as it landed skittishly, hiding his fret, his worry.
"Captain, just allow my men to follow out their orders. Everything will be fine."
"May I ask their names?" His eyes squinted a the projection that was too blurry to be distinguishable.
The jets cooled, puddles of melted snow forming under them as the door opened.
"Castor and Pollux."
A man stepped out, tall, broad through the shoulders, arms thick like tree trunks with veins like roots. Wearing only a navy uniform. Pants in combat boots, a tank top with dog tags hanging from his neck. Blond hair shaggy, unkept, long and hiding where his eyes used to be. For he was eyeless, scars around the sockets as his lids puckered. The next man was not as nearly as massive, he had his seeing intact, dark hair cropped short with similar pants and boots, but also a jacket. Black, leather with a navy band on the right arm, the collar mandarin and hugging his neck as it was zipped up completely. A pair of kama were strapped to his thigh, the straps on their hilts swaying with each step.
"Castor, Pollux?" Captain Sun asked, shakily.
"The sun sets in the east." the voice of Kelos announced, loud and clear.
Castor and Pollux lifted their heads.
Castor, blind, leapt forward as Pollux grabbed his Kama, one to each hand, eyes emotionless, lacking remorse, simply driven to complete the task like a programmed piece of machinery.
The captain watched as the larger one tore past him into the fortress, listening to a sudden cry amongst his men, gunfire, chaos, a roar as hell came from behind him. Seeing the other approach, the holo com dropped to the ground, shattering as he pulled out his gun and fired at Pollux's chest.
Pollux came at him, unfazed because of full body armor as the kamas were raised, poised, gleaming as he twisted his wrists and blade met flesh.
Blood staining the snow as it spattered out.
Kaylee climbed into bed.
As soon as she was under the covers, Liam, who was in the middle of the bed with Dakota, snuggled up to her like a kitten looking for a littermate. She obliged, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close as he was curled up in a little sleepy ball. Gazing across the mattress, there was Simon on the other side, holding Dakota in a similar manner. His eyes were dark, tired, and he sighed heavily. She did also.
"Are you still upset at me?" He whispered hoarsely.
Her head shook a no on the pillow. "Too tired too."
Simon sighed again, and winced when a small foot jabbed his stomach as Dakota stretched in sleep. Closing his eyes, he quickly drifted off, knowing Kaylee was doing the same.
The day was finally over.
River pulled her hands away from Fiyero's temple.
They were laying in bed, and she watched the tears stream from his eyes as he caught his breath.
"That's... what we're up against?" He gulped air.
Her head nodded. "It's the brain, it's not the teeth."
"Others who weren't so lucky." She settled against him as he hugged her, still trying to recover. "The monsters in the dark. Could have been... now fight against them."
"It's going to get bad... huh..." The new firstmate didn't sound scared, as the room was dorm, only given some shine though the window. He sounded accepting, for what h had just watched was what made him understand her reason. Her calling, their calling.
She settled closer, warmth, support, safety. "Much, much worse."
Castor rose up from a crouched position on the icy stones. His boots were gone as she squared his shoulders, lifting his nose to the air as a mass of soldiers lay strewn about him. Mauled, flayed, destroyed as blood dripped from his mass of unkept hair and collected on his jaw, clothes stained.
Pollux carried his kamas in his hands. Cleaner, alert, stepping over a hand gracefully as Castor walked behind him without hinderance, avoiding the bodies regardless he was blind.
They came to the courtyard, Li Ten's corpse frozen to the ground as the snow swirled and the sky became a twinge of pink through the yonder woods.
Their day had just begun.
-THE END- *** *** *** DEFINITIONS/TRANSLATIONS shi li bai long he xin nan hai: Snobbish white collared core boy you qian lan se de yao guai: Monster with baby blues ta xing shi wo de ying hai: It's alright baby Shao Long: Young Dragon Guan Gongzhu: Crown Princess Shengwei: Captain Shengwei of the Huangjia Weibing: Captain of the Royal Guard Castor and Pollux: Greeks Gods, fraternal twins (one the son of Zeus, the other son of a mortal), associated with sailing and calvary. The constellation Gemini is named after them. kama: japanese scythe *****As always, the writer appreciates all comments whether they be positive, negative, or suggestions.**
Monday, March 30, 2009 3:30 AM
Monday, March 30, 2009 11:16 AM
Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:27 PM
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