Dr. Saunders test (DH not FF)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm hoping to make a Dr. Saunders costume because Amy Acker is always awesome. This is my practice run at making her scars. I know it's not perfect, but for a first try I'm pleased. Does anyone have any suggestions?



Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:54 AM


Please bear in mind that, in this context, the following is a compliment: If I saw you walking down the street thusly made up, I would wonder just what brand of weed-wacker you got in a fight with. IOW, though I didn't try and compare your pic to one of Doc Saunders, I think you look pretty dang convincing. (The only reason I gave it a "9" is that I have a hard time giving a perfect score on anything. Even perfect things.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:11 PM


Thank you. It's far from perfect, so thanks for the 9. I don't have a weed-wacker, but I'd guess I'd fight with a B&D or some such.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 7:49 PM


Thanks for the heads up. I might have freaked! LOL

In your photo, because of the harsh lighting, I'd say "less is more," but it might be perfect in dimmer, less direct lighting. Tough call.

It is good to see you in here again. 8-)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:47 PM


I'd make a comment, but I'm afraid I would get in trouble with ManWithPez. ;)

Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:55 AM


Oh, say what you want. I'm not a jealous man...mostly.

Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:02 PM


MWP, you may not be a jealous man, but you are certainly a lucky one.

What I was thinking of saying was that for me it is unthinkable to scar up such a beautiful face, as much as it was painful to see Amy mutilated that way.

I know it's just pretend, but beauty should be cherished, not damaged.

Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:54 PM


Good scars. How do you do that? Or is that one of those professional secrets?

Friday, August 14, 2009 8:36 PM


My first thought was "Huh. Somebody is trying out the Reaver look?"

If this is a critiquing sort of post, I'll offer some. First : NICE horribly terrifying facial scars! The coloring is quite lovely, imho.

If you'd like a way to make it "better", as in more realistic better
(warning: this description could get slightly graphic, but I'm guessing since this is your COSTUME you're ok w/that)...

1. Blend the scar wax or whatever you're using more deeply into the skin around the edges away from the cut.

2. try not making the skin-mounds so even on either side of the healing cut. That's cut away flesh there, so to really do this right you're going to have to imagine whatever direction/angle the blade was traveling.
Stabbing cheese might help, if you want to get that obsessive. I've never done scar makeup. Yes I promise I'm not a serial killer :D other than that, looks great!

Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:08 AM


EC...why would I mind that. You're right. It is a crime to mark up such a beautiful face. Then again, you weren't the one that had to sit around while she was trying out her makeup, huh?

Fact is, I love her, but it's disheartening to be watching TV...turn to your fiance, and want to scream!

She's still kinda hot under the scars, though. Heh. Either way...say what you want to say, and don't worry about me. She's a big girl, and figure it all out in the end. Promise.

Also..It's great makeup, eh? Especially for someone who doesn't deal in makeup!


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Dr. Saunders test (DH not FF)
I'm hoping to make a Dr. Saunders costume because Amy Acker is always awesome. This is my practice run at making her scars. I know it's not perfect, but for a first try I'm pleased. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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