The Jayne of Command
Saturday, October 2, 2004

This morning while visiting I noticed one of their featured books was "Chain of Command" by Seymour Hersch. I suggested to my son (MOHRSTOUTBEARD) that he do a little of his Photoshop magic on the image, and this is what he came up with.



Saturday, October 2, 2004 6:48 PM


That's great, but its a good thing it isn't a real book, considering Jayne's very limited literacy and not to mention his lack of eloquence in general.

alright, I spoke too good there, so...just to cover myself...


Saturday, October 2, 2004 6:48 PM


Cleverly done! Is the imprint "Blue Sun Publishing?"

Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:22 AM


I love it. It looks authentic.
Would you get a free orange knitted hat with every copy sold?

Sunday, October 3, 2004 9:55 AM


Yeah, the lighting is terribly off. Unfortunately, Adam is in bright sunlight and the soldiers are in shadow. It's not one of my best works.

Sunday, October 3, 2004 2:52 PM


It's pretty cool, but you can't look at it as a movie poster ..... look at it like the cover of a trashy romance novel.

Which, y'know, is what Jayne's life basically is. (ew!)

Monday, October 4, 2004 9:16 AM


I like it. It looks great in the Thumbnail.
I don't think Jayne should blend in perfectly but rather should stand out a bit. That being said you should maybe tone him back just a little or maybe (since they look like paintings and he is a photograph) apply some filters that make his image more like a painting. Just suggestions though, good job.

Monday, October 4, 2004 3:58 PM


Mohr wanted me to comment on the fact that it wasn't as good as he would have liked it to be but I did not do that when I first posted the image. But considering he did it in about ten minutes after I sent him the original image I think it is pretty good work.


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Has anyone read this book yet?
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Alan signing my comic!
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Summer at FXShow
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Alan and Summer at FXShow
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The Jayne of Command
This morning while visiting I noticed one of their featured books was "Chain of Command" by Seymour Hersch. I suggested to my son (MOHRSTOUTBEARD) that he do a little of his Photoshop magic on the image, and this is what he came up with.

Big Damn Roadtrip DVD, smaller version
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Big Damn Roadtrip DVD cover
Here is the cover image for the dvd that my son (MOHRSTOUTBEARD) created from his ComicCon footage. I realize this is a large image (300 pixels/inch resolution) but I will post a smaller version shortly. After all of his many problems with various softwares he finally completed the dvd a few weeks ago and sent me a copy. Now I am in the process of making copies myself for others who may be interested. DigsJayne from the OB and Rowane from the 'Versal Board (who is in my local meetup group) are the only ones to receive copies so far. If interested, email me at

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Jewel at Dreamcon 1
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