Chinese Phrases
Sunday, October 30, 2011

I always have difficulty finding the Chinese phrase I'm looking for, so I've compiled a list. I thought it might be helpful to everyone else too, so I wanted to share it :) I'll update it every time I find a new phrase, feel free to add your own in the comments.


Angry/Cussing/Name Calling

wang ba dan - dirty bastards (S.O.B.'s)

kewu de lao baojun - horrible old tyrant

Bu hao - Not good

Gou huang tang - Enough of this nonsense

Jian ta de gui - Like Hell

Bu yao - don’t want

Boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh - Not entirely sane

Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze - Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey

Go tsao de - Dog humping

Qing wa cao de liu mang - Frog humping son of a bitch

Qu ni de - Screw you

Nimen dou shi shagua - Idiots, all of you

Suoxi - Petty

Love, Affection, and Beauty

Duo xiang ni ya - I missed you so much

nǐ yào bú yào gēn wǒ tiàowǔ - Would to like to dance with me?

Wo ai ni - I love you

Nǐ zhēn niú! - You’re outstanding!

Yi jian zhong qing - It was love at first sight

Wo de xin zhi wei ni er tiao dong - My heart beats only for you

Baobei - sweetheart


Wǒ de qìdiànchuán chōngmǎn le shànyú - My hovercraft is full of eels.

Tian Yesu qi sheng ti tou - Sweet Jesus and his holy body piercings

Wo de ma - Mother of God

Nǎlǐ, nǎlǐ! - Not me!

Zhēnde! Wǒ yìdiǎn dōu búkèqile! - Really! I’m not being polite at all!

Wo de tien, ah - Dear God in Heaven

Renci de Fozu, qing baoyou women - Oh merciful Buddha, protect us.

Oh, juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan - Oh, this is a happy development

Tyen shiao duh - In the name of all that is sacred

Wo zai qianshi yiding redao shenme ren le ba - I surely annoyed someone or other in a past life, didn't I

Tai hao la! - I really like it!

Gei wo! - Give me this!


Yǒu yuán qiānlǐ lái xiānghuì. - We have the destiny to meet across a thousand miles.

shù dǎo hú sūn sàn - When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter

yi ke lao shu shi huai le yi guo Zhou - One mouse dropping ruins the whole pot of rice porridge

shuǐ néng zài zhōu, yì néng fù zhōu - Not only can water float a boat, it can sink it also

yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mò -If you have the money, you can make the devil push your grindstone

Yúzhě bù wèn, wèn zhě bù yú - The fool does not ask, he who asks is no fool


zhèiwèi xiānsheng huì qīngdān/máidān - The gentleman will pay for everything

zhèiwèi nǔshì huì qīngdān/máidān - The lady will pay for everything

huì, yīdiǎndiǎn/yīdiǎnr - Yes, a little

Hui yi dian dian - Just a little

Máfan nǐ xiě yīxià, hǎo bù hǎo? - Please write it down

zhù nǐ háoyùn - Good luck

hǎojǐu bújiàn - Long time, no see

wǒ hěn hǎo, nǐ ne - I’m fine thanks, and you?

dài huì ér jiàn - See you later

Qing bang zhu wo - Please help me

Dong ma - Understand

Qing jin - Come in

Apologies and Uncomfortableness

Wo you dian bu shu fu - I feel sick

Wo yao kan yi sheng - I need a doctor

zhè téng - It hurts here

Wo yao qu ce suo - I want to go to the toilet

Wo lei le - I’m tired

Na mei guan xi - That has nothing to do with it

Fēi xià kǔgōngfū bùkě. - It requires painstaking efforts

Bùhǎoyìsi, yǒushì. Yàozǒule. - I’m sorry, I have something to do. I have to go.

Méi bànfǎ, rén tàiduō. - There’s nothing you can do, too many people.

fāntiān fùdì - A topsy-turvy world

Ài mò néng zhù - Love to, but can’t help

Shuh muh - I'm sorry

yi xiang qing yuan - Enthusiastic, but unable to

Tai gui le - Too expensive

wǒ tīngbùdǒng - I don’t understand

Wo ye bu zhi dao - I have no idea

Wo gai zou le - I have to go


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 2:29 PM


Handy list here, Azlenna. My only comment is that the transliteration is a bit of a hodge-podge. Some of them are standard pinyin with tonal marks, some pinyin without tonal marks, some with other transliteration systems (Wade-Giles), and a few, like "shuh muh" (pinyin is "shénme") are simply attempts at phonetic transcription of what the actors said on screen. Other than that I have no complaints. It's great to have a list like this in one place.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 2:35 PM


BTW, I compile a glossary at the end of each chapter of my fics, with all the Chinese expressions used in that particular chapter--characters, pinyin, and translation. Anyone who wants to refer to these phrases is welcome to use them. They have not been vetted by a native speaker, but I have looked them all up and in many cases they are taken from the original series, and I referred to Kevin Sullivan's list from "Finding Serenity" when I compiled the glossaries.

Sunday, February 14, 2016 8:58 PM


I like it


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Chinese Phrases
I always have difficulty finding the Chinese phrase I'm looking for, so I've compiled a list. I thought it might be helpful to everyone else too, so I wanted to share it :) I'll update it every time I find a new phrase, feel free to add your own in the comments.

War Stories: Assembly
This is the seventh of a series about the Unification War. (As if it needed to be said) Pre-BDS. Our Big Damn Heroes get ready for a fight. Motivations are revealed, certain words are exchanged, certain fists, new feelings emerge.

Someone to Watch Over You
This is the sequel to "His Something." River keeps her promise.

The end of a Silee romance and the beginning of a Jaylee. Post-BDM.

Memoirs of a Companion: Ask and Ye Shall Receive
Post-BDM. Our companion takes time getting to know Dylan, a promise is made. Part 2:

Memoirs of a Companion: No Yume-Dochu
In Japanese, "no yume-dochu" translates to "the dream parade," which was a costumed parade that the oiran of 19th century Japan once performed. For a time reference, this is post-BDM, in the aftermath of the Miranda broadcast. Part 1:

War Stories: Reinforcements
This is the sixth of a series about the Unification War. (As if it needed to be said) Pre-BDS. Our Big Damn Heroes find strength in numbers. War racketeering is attempted, insights and options are explored, (someday) lifelong friends meet for the first time.

If I Kiss You Where It's Sore
Post-BDM. Slash. Inspired by "Better" by Regina Spektor. Some wounds need more help than others, and some secrets just can't be kept.

A Slinky Dress
Just another standalone, post BDM. Zoe finds something unexpected.

Something I Should Have Done
NC-17, just something random to tickle your... fancy... right... er... fancy. Yes. M/I. Set at the end of Heart of Gold, something Mal should have done...