
Serenity font.
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Its not a painting, a story or a video, its a font. I found that the font used in Serenity is called Papyrus. This is a Nooalf character set based on it. Took 2 months restling with glichy software but it finally looks good enuff. That link iz for all the Nooalf fonts. Click on SeReNITE.ttf and 'open'.



Saturday, September 7, 2013 5:16 PM


Gess you cant put links up in the discription. Let me try agen:

Saturday, September 7, 2013 7:28 PM


And you misspelled the word, why?

Sunday, September 8, 2013 12:51 AM


Its in Nooalf, not ye olde spellingue.

Herez the website:

Sunday, September 8, 2013 3:21 PM


A quick comparison of SeReNITE.ttf with Serenity.

Sunday, September 8, 2013 3:30 PM


Thanks! looks closer than I expected. Is that from the show or the movie?

I watched the movie this morning and saw that they'd bolded up the title quite a bit. and the rest of the credits seem to be a different font.

Friday, September 13, 2013 7:30 AM


I had a hard time trying to download/open the he fonts.
What program/programs do you use to create/use them ?

Friday, September 13, 2013 7:52 AM


Sorry. Wut operating system are you using?

With Windows 7 its pretty darn eazy. Just click 'open' and you will see a sample. at the top uv that box therez an 'install' button. Click that and it iz dun.

With XP and earlier, you hit 'save'. (actually, I'm not sure that they dont also hav the 'install' feature) I found that its easiest to save it to the desktop, then open you fonts folder, then drag & drop it in.

The software iz called Studio 5 by Fontlab. I paid over 800$ for it and a format converter back in 2007. They came out with a revized beta version this year and thats wut I'm uzing now. Haz alot uv bugz.

Friday, September 13, 2013 11:57 AM


I just put a fresh version online. The kerning for the / and \ werent complete before.

Thursday, October 3, 2013 5:26 AM


Just finished a page about the fonts. Shows all the key pozitionz, haz sum background info about each font and haz the Nooalf chart with sound at the bottom.

Thursday, October 3, 2013 11:56 PM


Just added Mac .bin versionz uv the fonts. Tell me if they work!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:30 AM


Discovered that Papyrus wuz actually dezined way back in 1983 - long befor there wer any real fonts! An fellow named Chris Costello wuz inspired by ancient ejipt to create the typeface.

My skechy knowlej uv the history uv type in the computer age:

There wuz a set uv letterz bilt into the operating systemz uv early computerz - the basic blocky letterz youd see on the screen uv your Commadore, Caleco, IBM, etc. Printerz uzed a diazy weel, a ball or a really old fashioned typeriter with swinging armz with the letterz on them hammering on a ribbon uv ink sachurated fabric or tape with a semisolid layer uv ink that woud get transfered to the paper.

I still hav a Smith-Corona word processor that uzez a daizy weel. You coud get daizyz with various type fasez. I think I have a few stashed sumwer. I wuz considering making a daizy for it with the Nooalf letter set back around 95, but got too bizzy with house projects and a gitar.

Back then fancy type for titlez in print & film were drawn by hand, zeroxed onto various kindz uv thin film, then cut by hand to glue were it wuz needed.

It wuznt till about 1990 that the first computer typable font format wuz created. The early wunz had a variety uv limitationz and flawz, so didnt last long. ttf came out around 97 and still seemz to be the most prevalent. otf iz based on ttf, so I assume it haz sum advantajez. The latest thing that I know uv iz woff, wich seemz to be several formats pakt in a shell so you can embed the font on a webpaje for anybody to see without installing it.

Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:43 AM


I know you are all starving for sumthing to read in real nooalf*, so I'v been bizzy transkribing sum storyz.

Veiwer discretion iz advized.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015 10:43 AM


If youre like me, you sumtimez think that you shoud be doing stuff to exersize your brain to keep it strong and flexible. Its well established that peeps who stay mentally activ are less likely to go senile. Adding new capabiltyz, lerning new stuff, reconsidering your 'established' ideaz.

Sumthing that involvez this appliez here. I came up with a new alternating text direction version uv Nooalf. So far I'm calling it oLTaLF, but if you can think up a catchier name, I'll take it.

You can read the STOREZ on the website in oLTaLF now and I'll be posting all future pajez in it.

Monday, August 31, 2015 12:48 AM


I finally got around to making a proper NQaLF font paje.

Actually, its a section now sins its 3 pajez plus the font selection list. You can dont need to install the 2NQ4YQ font to read them kuz the text iz really a big .gif pik on all 3 pajez. You get your choise uv NQaLF, oLTaLF or old fashioned English with just a clik.


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Serenity font.
Its not a painting, a story or a video, its a font. I found that the font used in Serenity is called Papyrus. This is a Nooalf character set based on it. Took 2 months restling with glichy software but it finally looks good enuff. That link iz for all the Nooalf fonts. Click on SeReNITE.ttf and 'open'.