Interludes VII
Thursday, January 23, 2014

All she could think was "What ... An ... Idiot!" Somehow Zoe just smiled a sad smile, squeezed her hand back and said "Yeah ... I know."


Joss Whedon's sand box. Hope some have enjoyed it. Thanks again to Soot Sprite for the Beta.

Interludes VII

Zoe was determined to enjoy herself despite the fact that they were headed off to bury her husband. The one thing he always wanted in life, vacation, he was getting in death- leaving the ship behind and going somewhere quiet. Not how she wanted it to be. She felt the tears welling up inside her, felt River's hand slip into hers and squeeze

River looked into Zoe's beautiful brown eyes. She could see what she wanted to say right there in her head, in English letters and Mandarin characters. [Brat that she was, she also wrote it out in her head in Cyrillic too.] She wanted to comfort Zoe, tell her Wash was happy. She opened her mouth and IT attacked, slashing her words and characters and all that came out was "That Land." All she could think was "What ... An ... Idiot!"

Somehow Zoe just smiled a sad smile, squeezed her hand back and said "Yeah ... I know."


Mal and Monte were finally laughing over SaffBridgeYo. Kaylee was in heaven. Flirting with the mechanic and tinkering with a different engine and getting grease on her hands and coveralls while Simon was comparing notes and supplies with the medic. Yes, they would be taking that pent up sexual tension out on each other later. Inara was helping cook, which means she was cooking while Jayne and Tessa, Monte's pilot, were making mating moves on each other. This could be an entertaining couple of weeks. And Wasn't Alliance food much better than the parti-colored tofu everybody was used to. She couldn't help but wonder how Book would spice this "oh so humble meal" as she wondered just how much garlic and rosemary would be too much.

When the meal was ready everyone sat around the table and the real nuts and bolts of the trip were laid out for all. Bellerephon to do "Companion business" and a little leg stretching for all. "Oh, yeah," Inara added, "everyone gets a 500 credit chit when we land on Bellerephon, have a good time. Just remember, they're bearer chits so if you lose it, its gone."

"Wait just one," Monte piped up. "I thought this job was a favor and you'd return the favor. Now you're flashin' that kind of money around?" "Monte," Inara cooed with all her feminine wiles, [and yes she could out-wiles SaffBridgYo, much to Monte's unease] " Whatever you and Mal worked out to do this funeral, my business is mine and it will take several hours. Consider this my apology for everybody's inconvenience." Mal was glad his crew had agreed to this, especially Jayne, before Monte landed. Inara explained everything to them. IF the diamonds were all 2 carat flawless, she got them 887 squares of platinum each. if any weighed more or less, or were less than flawless, then the price would be adjusted and each share recalculated. Jayne, of course, started whining, until River started on about "them" coming out of the closet and stealing Christmas while smiling at him. The 500 credits, half a square of platinum, for each of Monte's crew would come out of Serenity's share. The balance would be on DNA secured credit chits. Then," Inara continued,"We're off to the Blue Sun skyplex where we take delivery of the memorials for our deceased crew. We were unsure of when you would show up when we orederd it so it may be a few days before they are delivered.

“Meanwhile you head out to the asteroid field, anywhere, pick a random spot, drop off the cargo we'll help you assemble once we leave Bellerophon, you hang out anywhere, do a job, take a cruise, until we wave you to pick us up. Of course you keep a running total on what this favor is worth, just so we all know. Finally, the reason for our trip, we'll head to Haven to bury Wash and Mr. Universe. Then back to this mud ball so we can see about getting Serenity back into the air.”



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Will success spoil Rock Hunter ( part 2 of 3)

She was out to build a better world, one more in the Browncoat tradition. She needed a nest-egg and a solid base. She didn't want another war, she was thinking more of a non-violent revolution. But she would have to get their attention first. She doubted the transmission about Miranda would have any play in the core.

Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter (Part 1)
Then he started thinking about all the ways Jayne Cobb could get drunk and start bragging about that money. Or he could just go on a spending spree, start dressing like some core world dandy, put on airs like Simon, become prey for people like him.

This Land
"Gorram girl must have an O'Reilley radar unit hardwired to her skull," Book thought as a very ugly but loud shirt became visible at the far edge of the meadow both sides were skirting.

Interludes VII
All she could think was "What ... An ... Idiot!"

Somehow Zoe just smiled a sad smile, squeezed her hand back and said "Yeah ... I know."

Interludes VI
"and I suppose if she became a threat to the crew, Jayne could always shoot her ... in the leg, or somewhere non-fatal?"

Interludes V
Jayne wondered why as he stumbled into the galley looking for food, and maybe a little coffee. "Moon Brain woke up and went looking for an Alliance patrol to kill? Better she go all 'crazy woman' on them than us."

Interludes IV
Bad enough mentally puking … puking for real was much, much worse.

Interludes III
Setting a genius and the best gorram natural mechanic in the 'verse loose among all that shiny Alliance technology was probably as wise as bringing members of Parlaiment into contact with the strongest natural reader in the 'verse, and would probably yield equally exciting results.

Interludes II
"We got a paying job, one making mischief,"

Interlude I
He heard her tinkling laughter in his head ... now wasn't that creepifyin'. She didn't move but her voice in his head seemed to drift away as she spoke:" ...And now it begins ..."