The Day Wash Died
Thursday, October 28, 2004

This is a flashback story after Serenity. Zoe and Wash have four grown children. Enjoy.


“The Day Wash Died” Rated PG’ Set Way In the Future Premise: Zoe remembers the day Wash died.

“The Day Wash Died”

“Daddy, daddy.” a beautiful four year old little girl goes running through the large house, looking for her father. Little light brown curls flying, she rounds a corner and runs right into her father.

“Daddy, daddy I was looking for you. Where did you go? I want to hear about how grandpa died.” She then paused for breath and giggled when her father picked her up and tickled her on her belly.

“I don’t know that story, Zandra, I told you. You have to ask your grandma.” her father carried his daughter to the sitting room.

“Where is she?” she asked pouting. She was running her fingers through her father’s dark brown curly hair. Jerry Lee Warren looked a lot like his mother but had his father’s blue eyes.

“Stop, you’re messing up my hair and you know how you grandma is.” he said smiling.

“Where is she? Daddy where is grandma. I haven’t seen her all day.” Little Zandra had her whine down to a fine art and was working her father like and pro. Her father wasn’t falling for it this time though. Jerry put his daughter on the floor and took her hand.

“Now, Zandra, I already told you that grandma likes to fly with her friends on Serenity. They are due to be back any time now. In fact I received a wave not too long ago while you were screaming like a banshee. ‘Daddy, daddy. Where are you daddy?’ So stop wondering because, ta da, there she is.” Jerry Lee had led her to his mother’s favorite spot to sit and watch the sky. The solarium was very large and the overhead holo showed all the stars in the constellation. Zoe had ordered this addition to her home so she would always be close to the black. However, the stars weren’t out yet, as it was still just a little after noon.



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Zoe' Bond part 2
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Zoe's Bond
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The Day Wash Died
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The Day Wash Died part two
Zoe remembers the day Wash died.

The Day Wash Died
This is a flashback story after Serenity. Zoe and Wash have four grown children. Enjoy.