The Day Wash Died
Thursday, October 28, 2004

More adventure or maybe not. More memories surface.


Zoe simply nodded her head as she rested against her husband, sweat dripping off the ends or her hair onto Wash’s shoulder.

“Am I too heavy?” she asked, concern etched on her face.

“No, you’re fine. I didn’t hurt you did I?” Wash’s turn to be concerned.

“No. You were great, husband. Wonderful in fact. I’m glad you invited me up here. You had this planned all along. The card, the paper flowers, the invitation to see the stars. That’s why I love my husband, always full of surprises.” Zoe finished, giving Wash a long kiss.

“I aim to please. We needed some time. The baby will be here at any time. What two, three weeks?”

“Four actually. I can’t wait to meet him. I know it’s a boy, he feels different than Zoe did.”

“She’s Amber now, remember? How does it feel different?”

“I’m not sure but something is just different about him and since he’s given me so much trouble, I think I’ll name him after his father.” Zoe teased getting more comfortable on Wash’s lap. If he kept rubbing her back, the way he was, she would soon be asleep.

“Hey! I’m no trouble. I do my part on this ship and fly us everywhere Mal wants to go and stay out of your way when you want to throw things. How is that trouble?” “Wash, I said I was sorry for that. I didn’t mean to hit you with that chair that time.” Zoe was rubbing Wash’s arm where he got hit with a chair on one of Zoe’s bad days.

“I know sweetie. All is forgiven. Are you ready to go to bed now? Mal is due to come in here about now.”

“Yeah, I think he’s running a little late. Come on let’s go. We don’t want to give the captain a free show.” Wash and Zoe gathered their discarded clothing and left the bridge, Wash leading the way in the darkened corridors. When their door was securely fastened, Mal walked out of the shadows where he had been hiding since leaving Inara’s shuttle.

“I will never understand my crew. I will never understand my crew.....I will never....” Mal continued this mantra as he headed to the bridge.

The next day came in bright and shiny. Mal, Jayne and Book were away on a run. Wash was monitoring the cortex for news when the radio came on.

“Wash, we need you. The cargo is too large for us to carry, so bring the mule. Don’t worry, there is no gun play. Everything is shiny.” Mal assured Wash.

“Ok, Mal. I’m coming. Wash out.” Wash snickered at his own joke. Wash left the bridge and headed to the cargo bay, calling his wife. “Zoe. Hey, Kaylee, have you seen Zoe?”

“I think she’s in the galley with Amber. What’s up?”

“Tell her something for me. I have to take the mule out to where Mal and the others are. The cargo is too heavy to carry. Tell her I’ll be back shortly. I won’t be long.” Wash prepped the mule and was soon gone.

“Zoe is not going to like this.” Kaylee hated giving bad news. She slowly made her way to the galley. “Uh, Zoe, Wash wanted me to tell you that he had to take the mule out to meet Mal. It seems...” Kaylee never got to finish as Zoe rushed passed her on the way to the cargo bay.

“No. He’s not supposed to go out on runs. Mal, if anything happens to Wash....” Zoe left the cargo bay and went in search of the doctor. She didn’t want to be too stressed. Simon had started her on some breathing exercises used to reduce stress and also in labor and delivery. He’d pulled the exercises from the cortex. It had been used on Earth that was quite often and was proven to have worked. Zoe walked into the infirmary and saw Simon medicating himself. She stepped out of the door then made some noise in order to make him aware of her arrival.

“What can I do for you Zoe?” Simon had put his supplies away when he heard Zoe coming.

“Wash is going to help Mal, Jayne and Book with some supplies and I need to do some of those breathing things, so I won’t be stressed.” Zoe walked in and sat in the one chair in the room.

“It’s called Lamaz and you can do it on your own or with your husband but I guess I can do it with you. Do you remember how to find your center? Just breathe and relax.”

Simon leaned against the counter and closed his eyes. He was tired and needed to rest. He had been giving himself shots of demoral for the last few months to lesson the strain of having to take care of his sister. He was now addicted and couldn’t do anything about it. About a year ago he had let Kaylee know that he wasn’t interested in her or any other woman and since none of the other men leaned in that direction, Simon was alone. He took care of himself the only way he could, drugs and down loads from the cortex to ease his need for male companionship. Zoe’s and Wash’s new baby problem was a distraction but with out much else to occupy him, he had fallen back on drugs. Something he thought he had left behind in med-school.

Zoe was currently doing her deep breathing exercises and trying to relax. She was more worried about Wash than she let anyone know, but the doctor. She refused to take any drugs to help her relax. She wanted to be alert for herself, her daughter and her husband. She had seen Simon take a medicine before and said nothing to him. She had said something to her husband but Wash felt it was none of his business unless it affected the care of his wife.

“Simon, Simon. You awake? Simon!” Zoe watched as Simon simply leaned against the counter, arms folded across his chest, head drooping.

“Zoe, it’s the captain!” Kaylee burst into the infirmary and stopped upon seeing Simon, sleeping standing up. “What’s wrong with him?” “I don’t know. What did the captain say?” Zoe and Kaylee left Simon dozing and walked into the corridor, outside the infirmary .

“He said there’s been an accident but didn’t give me any details. He said to get Simon to prep for an emergency. We have to wake him up!” Kaylee and Zoe returned to the infirmary to find Simon wide awake and busily cleaning up the infirmary.

“Simon, Mal called and said to get ready for an emergency.” Kaylee informed him and she and Zoe went to the loading dock awaiting the men’s return.

Zoe and Kaylee waited for what seemed like hours but was only about twenty minutes. Zoe kept doing her breathing exercises. Kaylee did them too, just to keep her company. What Zoe didn’t let anyone know was that her contractions had started that morning and they were getting worse by the minute. The breathing was keeping them, and her, under control.

“Where is Amber, Zoe?” Kaylee asked breathing out as Zoe was doing.

“She’s with Inara and River. I think they are playing dress up. Here they come. Where’s my husband?”

Kaylee and Zoe watched as Mal, Jayne and Book rode on the loaded mule, but neither of them saw Wash.

“Kaylee, Where. Is. My husband? I don’t see him. Where is he? He rode out but he’s not here. Where is he?” Zoe started pacing, the deck echoing with her uneven tread.

“Now, Zoe calm down. Remember your breathing. In... out... in.... .....out. Just like the doc told you. Come on, sit down.” Kaylee was trying her best but Zoe would not be comforted. Just then a contraction hit that she was not ready for, and she stopped mid-stride to ride it out.

Kaylee could tell something different was going on, but was a bit afraid to ask, knowing Zoe’s mood swings. Finally it stopped and she sat back down on her overturned crate to wait. She restarted her breathing to regain some control, as the mule pulled into the cargo bay and she saw her husband apparently not breathing.

Calmly she asked, “What happened?” Mal, Jayne and Book scuffed their toes on the deck and couldn’t meet her eyes. Finally Mal, stepping to the other side of the mule where she couldn’t reach him, lifted his head and met her eye.

“Well, you see...” scratch, rub the neck, pull the collar, “Jayne, no.. well yeah he was ... what I mean is.. we decided that he.. that is to say Jayne should drive the mule back and you see he hadn’t had much practice in the driving thing, you see... and well” rub neck, stuff hands in pockets, “he kinda ran over Wash backing up.” Finally he finished and looked up again, from looking at the floor.

“Well, I guess you better be taking him to see the doctor then, huh.” Zoe was the epitome of calm. Mal, Book and Jayne quickly grabbed Wash and carefully carried him to the infirmary, being careful not to come too close to Zoe. Zoe watched them take her husband to the infirmary and let out the breath she had been holding. “Kaylee dear, I need you to do me a favor, could you?”

“Sure, no problem. What is it?” Kaylee was her usually chipper self.

“Help me back to the infirmary. My water just broke.”

“WHAT!!!!!!!! You mean you were doing that breathing thing for a reason. OH MY GOD OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok just keep breathing and here lean on me. Oh my God, first Wash is run over now Zoe’s in labor. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD.” this lasted until Zoe reached the infirmary where the other men had discreetly left.

“How is Wash, Simon?” Zoe asked a tense looking Simon.

“Well,” he never looked up, “he’s got a couple of broken ribs and one of them punctured his lungs and came really close to his heart. He was dead, literally dead, when they brought him in. What’s wrong with you, Zoe?” he finally looked up and saw Zoe leaning against Kaylee in the doorway.

“Nothing much, my water just broke about eight minutes ago. I’ve been in full labor for the better part of the day. OHH OW.”

“Here Kaylee put her on this other bed. You stay with her, I still have to tend to Wash. I have to sew up some bleeders and set his bones, then I can deal with Zoe. It never rains but it pours.”

“I don’t know what to do. Maybe if I go get Inara, she can help. She helped the last time. She’s good at this type of thing. I don’t wanna do it. I can’t stay calm. I’ll just mess things up.” Kaylee had started crying in earnest, while helping Zoe on the other bed.

“Kaylee, all you have to do is stand there and hold my hand. Just help me do my breathing like we were doing before now... oohh ... tell me what Kaylee.. you can do it.”

“Ok, ok. You’ll be fine....just...just breath yeah....breath yeah just like that..... you did it. I helped... ok stay calm can do this.” Kaylee took a cleansing breath to relax herself.

A couple hours later....

“Ok. I’m done with Wash. Now how are we doing over here?”

Kaylee had pulled up a screen to give Zoe some privacy and Simon walked around it to see what was going on. Kaylee stood next to Zoe holding a small baby in her arm, umbilical uncut and and a huge smile on her face. Zoe was lying there exhausted, with sweat pouring and a satisfied look on her face.

“Looks like you missed the big show doc, although there are things yet to be done, I think I did a good job. Didn’t I Zoe?”

“That you did, dear, that you did.”

Present time........

“And that’s how it happened when your grandpa died and your daddy was born.”

“But I thought there was more to it than that. What happened to uncle Mal and Jayne and Mr. Book? What did you do to them?”

“I didn’t do anything. You’ll have to ask your grandpa that question.” Zoe nodded indicating Wash leaning against the wall with his feet crossed at the ankles.

“Grandpa!! When did you get here?” “Oh about the time the time grandma was telling how she visited me on the bridge. I think you heard the abridged version.” Wash winked at his wife while picking up his granddaughter.

“Hi dad. How’s tricks?” Amber asked her father, giving him a hug.

“Well, pretty much the same. How’s my boy doing, there Jr?”

“I’m fine dad. Have you seen the twins? I haven’t heard from them in about a month.” Jerry Lee was asking about his younger twin brother and sister.

“Uh, yeah. They sent me a wave about a week ago. Saying they were going to be in town sometime next week for founder’s day. You should get in touch with’em. It ain’t right, you four children not seeing each other, like that.”

“Well you know, Dad, work keeps me pretty busy and I don’t always have time. Besides, how often are you two in town? Sometimes I think you just bought this house so you can have a layover before going somewhere else.”

“Leave dad alone, Jr, he and mom are not old yet. Let them have their freedom.”

“Grandpa. What happened to uncle Mal? What did you do to him? Please tell me.” Zandra was putting on her puppy dog eyes, trying to persuade her grandfather.

“Please tell me. You sound just like your mother. Ok I’ll tell you what happened after your dad was born but not what I did to uncle Mal. That’s more a story for grown ups, ok.”

“Ok.” Zandra settled herself between her grandparents to hear the end of the story.

“Let’s see, where did you leave off honey?” “Just got to the part where your son was born and you were all, comafied.”

“It was not a coma. I was just resting. Ok, so when I woke up, there was this big commotion in the infirmary.......

The infirmary was alive with activity. Kaylee had spread the word all over the ship that Zoe’s and Wash’s baby was born. They were all gathered outside waiting to get a peek at the newborn. Kaylee was telling about her part in the delivery and how she and Zoe had done all the hard parts without Simon. “Alls he did was cut the cord and deliver that platana stuff.”

“That’s ‘placenta’ Kaylee.” Simon informed her, coming out the of the infirmary carrying a small bundle in his arms. “Now don’t crowd, don’t crowd. I think it’s only right that Little Zoe, I mean Amber gets to see her little brother first. Come here little one.”

Simon knelt down to where Amber could see without being held by anyone, and showed her her brother.

“What do you think of him, sweetie?” Inara asked.

“He’ll do. Does this make me a big sister now, River?”

“Yes, mei-mei, it makes you a big sister now.” River assured her.

Everyone else got a good look at the newest member of the family until Simon decided it was time to take him back to his mother.

“He’s so cute, cap’n. I want one.” Kaylee said looking at Mal.

“Well don’t look at me. I ain’t got nothing to do with that. Making babies with my mechanic is not on my agenda. I’m getting out of here before you give Inara any ideas.” Mal beat a hasty retreat to his bunk.

Book put his hands up defensively and shook his head when she looked his way. Jayne was already in his bunk with the door closed and locked.

Inara took Amber back to her shuttle, leaving River and Kaylee alone in the common area.

River walked over to Kaylee and gave her a one armed hug.

“Don’t worry,bao bei, nothing in the verse can stop you.” This cheered Kaylee a bit and she started talking about babies and how she helped while River just put her head in her lap and listened.

In the infirmary Wash slept for three days. Zoe was becoming extremely worried and refused to leave the infirmary except to bathe, and take care of her daughter and newborn son. Kaylee brought her her meals that she just picked over at times. Finally, late the night of the third day, Zoe heard something coming from Wash’s bed.

“Um stop it, Zoe, I like him right there. You don’t know the difference between a brachiasaurus and a brontosaurus.”

Zoe couldn’t believe her ears, her husband was doing his usual. Talking in his sleep. She pulled her chair over to his bed and lay her head down on his shoulder, she put her hand on his chest and he took it. Zoe could rest easy now knowing that her husband was going to be alright.

The next day Simon found them together while checking on Wash and felt he was going to make it. Wash soon recovered enough to be moved to his own bunk. He fell in love with his son as soon as he laid eyes on him.

“We’ll name him after me, Jerry Lee, and he’ll drive race cars or space ships. Across the galaxy he will be known as Jerry Lee, the space ship driving man with the brilliant dad and the gorgeous mom.” Wash was sitting against the wall in his bed holding his newborn son out in front of him.

“Hey, he looks like me. Don’t you think he looks like me?”

“I think he’s beautiful. He doesn’t have to look like you or me. He’s beautiful just the way he is. He’s not going to be a space race driver or anything like that either. He’ll be a lawyer or a doctor or whatever he wants to be, just like his sister.”

Zoe was putting away a few things before putting the baby to bed and going to sleep herself. She gently took her son, checked his diaper and put him in his crib. She then undressed and climbed into bed with her husband.

“Wash. Don’t die on me again like that, please. I don’t know what I would do.”

This confession surprised Wash as he took his wife in his arms and held her tight.

“Don’t worry, baby. I plan on being around for a good long time. Besides, who is going to teach Jr how to fly?” this elicited a smile from his wife.

“Is that it?” Zandra asked.

“What else do you want, my entire life story? That’s all you get tonight. Now go on with your dad and have a good time.” Wash and Zoe waved to their granddaughter as she and her father left. Amber walked out behind them, leaving her parents alone.

“What a job you did. That wasn’t exactly the truth Zoe. Why the snow job?” Wash followed his wife back to the sitting room and sat down next to her in the window seat.

“I didn’t want them worrying about what really happened. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. I don’t want them to know that you died, Wash. It was way too much for me, how do you think they would feel?”

“But Zoe, we promised we would never lie to our children and you did. Why?”

Wash held Zoe while she put her head on his shoulder and cried, remembering that terrible day.

“Zooooeeeee! Zoe where are you? Captain just called, Zoe? Oh there you are, Zoe. Get Simon, Wash has been shot. It doesn’t look good. I’m so sorry.”

“Get Inara and River to watch Amber. I’ll tell Si...oh my God. My husband.....” Kaylee stepped up just in time to catch Zoe as she fell to the ground.

“Zoe, Zoe hold on. He’ll be fine. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry. I’ll get Simon, you stay here.” Kaylee left Zoe sitting on the floor and ran to the infirmary to alert Simon to get ready.

“Come on Zoe, you got to get up. Here let me help you.” Zoe and Kaylee stumbled up off the floor and made their way to the docking bay to wait for the mule with her injured husband. She and Kaylee did deep breathing exercises she learned from Simon a few months ago. They waited twenty minutes and then the mule showed up.

Mal, Book and Jayne could be seen but Wash couldn’t. Mal couldn’t look Zoe in the eye. Book and Jayne carried him to the infirmary. Zoe stopped Mal before he could leave the area.

“Mal, you promised. You promised me nothing would happen to my husband. And now...he may die. If he dies, Mal, I’ll never forgive you. I don’t care about our history, what we’ve been through or nothing. If my man dies, we die.” With Zoe walked away and didn’t look back.

Mal didn’t dare follow her to the infirmary but headed to the cockpit, to wait.

Simon worked for four hours on Wash. A blood curdling scream could be heard coming from the infirmary.

“NOOOOOO!!!!!” Zoe was in anguish over her dead husband.

“Kaylee, get her out of here. I can get him back, I know I can. Just get her out of here.” Simon was still working on Wash and didn’t see Zoe grimace in pain.

Kaylee came and stood next to her, placing her arm around her to help and support Zoe.

“Simon, I think Zoe needs ta stay here. It looks like the baby’s coming, now.” Simon finally paid attention to her.

“I can’t come right now, I’m almost done. Just help her to the table. I’ll be right there.” Simon kept working on Wash and finally got his heart started again after stitching him up.

Simon washed his hands and turned to help Kaylee with Zoe. He and Kaylee helped her deliver her son in about four hours time.

“Zoe, why are you crying?” Simon asked her concerned.

“My husband is dead. He won’t be able to see his son grow up.”

“Zoe, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Wash is fine, he’s fine. I meant to tell you. I’m so sorry.”

Zoe looked over at her husband and cried in relief. She was finally able to relax knowing that Wash was alive and she wouldn’t have to kill Mal in the next few days.

“Zoe, you don’t have to relive those days. It’s over now. Now you have to worry about getting Amber to stop fighting with her little brother.”

Zoe laughed into Wash’s shoulder. His joke had worked. They continued sitting in the window until the moon came out, then went to bed.



Friday, October 29, 2004 5:30 AM


Good story, especially Zoe's promise to Mal.


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Zoe' Bond part 2
This is a continuation of the last story and in it Mal confronts Zoe about her behavior.

Zoe's Bond
I thought of this when I heard the audio commentary from the costume designer from Shindig. She state that Zoe's necklace was representive of her bond with Wash.

The Day Wash Died
More adventure or maybe not. More memories surface.

The Day Wash Died part two
Zoe remembers the day Wash died.

The Day Wash Died
This is a flashback story after Serenity. Zoe and Wash have four grown children. Enjoy.