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Inara joins the conspiracy, and Mal goes for one hell of a walk.
(Notes and disclaimers with Part One)
Shepherd Book had parted ways with the others, and gone off on his own, after offering to do some of the holiday food shopping.
Which he definitely intended to do. However, along the way to the marketplace, he made a special stop.
The chapel was small, but well kept, standing out in its brick and mortar solidity amongst the surrounding clapboard and prefab buildings. A sign by the front door indicated it was run by an order not his own, although closely affiliated. It would do.
He entered the foyer, and smiled at the sight of a small manger scene set up in one corner. There didn't seem to be anyone about. He passed through into the sanctuary, where the fading light of the afternoon filtered in softly through frosted windows. The particular, unique hush of any house of worship quickly enveloped him, bringing a sense of peace, as it always did.
With a sigh, Book slipped into a rear pew and knelt, head bowed over his folded hands. Prayer was a refuge, his own place of retreat, especially aboard Serenity. Six years in the Abbey had been an escape into a place of healing, learning, and restoration. Perhaps he'd chosen to walk in the world again too soon, before he'd been completely healed and cleansed of his past sins.
Now, he lived in a world that seemed a step halfway back into that past, where the Shepherd waged war with the Hunter he had been. But he'd made that choice because it seemed he had no other. On Serenity he'd found hearts and souls in as much need of healing as he'd once been--and perhaps still was. He had learned that wrong could often be done for right, and that judgment and justice had new definitions out in the black.
He remembered the touch of Inara's hand, cool and gentle, on his head. Remembered her words, spoken as one voluntary exile to another. Remembered how quickly the battered old ship had come to feel like home, and her paradoxical crew like family. He had fought for them, and with them, and knew that he would continue to do so, all the while praying for them.
And himself.
Inara was almost as easy to find as Jayne. Simon and the girls were the logical choice to seek her out in the better part of Bountytown, in the more lush and pricey shopping district. It was only a few streets long and wide, but it had a definite atmosphere that Simon recognized instantly. Certainly, it was only a pale imitation of any city on Osiris, but he felt a moment of bittersweet longing for the life he had left behind.
Then he recalled the last time he had spoken to his father, and realized yet again that he had almost no regrets.
River was simply taking their surroundings in stride, seeing every experience as new. She laughed when Kaylee pointed out the elaborate display of dinnerware in a nearby shop window.
"Can't you just picture Jayne tryin' to make sense outta all them dishes and fancy forks?"
Simon laughed too. That would be a sight to savor.
Kaylee wisely suggested they look for Inara in the clothing shops first, but River wouldn't enter the second one they tried.
"She's not here," she announced flatly, refusing to budge at the threshold. She glanced rapidly up and down the street, through the crowds of holiday shoppers. "There!" she exclaimed, pointing eagerly to the end of the block, at a storefront they couldn't quite see.
"Well, won't hurt to look, will it?" Kaylee said to Simon.
"I guess not," he agreed, wondering if he'd ever get used to his sister's uncanny displays.
They walked down the block, River in lead. The store's facade came more clearly into view, with a window full of bound books and hand-helds. And through the glass they could see an unmistakable glamorous figure at the counter.
"Wow, Simon," Kaylee said, looking at River in admiration and a little awe, "she's better'n a bloodhound."
Before he could say anything, Inara spotted them through the window and waved. She completed her purchase and came out to meet them. "Hey, you three." She touched cheeks affectionately with Kaylee. "Are you all having fun?"
"More in store," River answered. "We have a plan."
Inara looked at Simon and Kaylee, puzzled. "A plan?"
Kaylee linked arms with her as they walked to find a quieter spot at the nearest street corner. "We're gonna have a party tomorrow on Serenity. A...Christmas party."
Inara stopped short, her eyes wide with astonishment. "Oh, mei-mei. You know that won't be easy." She turned anxiously to the doctor. "Simon, you don't know--this is not a good plan. Mal won't like it at all."
Simon gave a helpless shrug. "That's the message I've been getting. But we all agreed to it, Inara--even Zoe. And Book said he'd make things right with Mal."
"Oh, dear." She put a hand to her face, thinking.
"And if I have to," Simon went on bravely, "I'll back Book up." How, he had no idea. Unless he managed to dope Mal for the next eighteen hours or so...
"Please, Inara," Kaylee begged. "It won't be no fun without you."
"So much fun," River added winsomely, at her other side. "Please?"
With a wry smile, Inara finally gave in. "Eight against one are certainly better odds," she said to Simon. "Besides, how can I resist these two?" She drew both girls in for a hug.
Kaylee was grinning from ear to ear. "Let's go meet up with Wash and Zoe!" She took River by the hand, and they sped away at a pace close to a hard burn.
Inara and Simon followed more sedately. "I hope we won't regret this," he said, feeling uneasy despite his moment of bravado.
"What? Celebrating Christmas, or defying Mal?"
He shook his head. "Both, actually."
Inara laughed softly. "Don't worry, Simon. It won't hurt Malcolm Reynolds to remember that his crew can think for themselves once in a while."
She slipped her arm through his and they walked together, for the moment no different from the well-off, carefree people all around them. No matter how tomorrow turned out, Simon was grateful for the day of freedom he and River had been granted.
He didn't notice when the Companion's contented expression turned pensive.
Inara glanced back for a moment at the bookshop. She'd found some surprising treasures there, and realized she now had the perfect excuse to return to make one very specific purchase. It all depended on if the crew could pull off their audacious plan, and what actually happened tomorrow, before she'd know if she would regret it.
In the end, she knew it would all depend, as so many things did, on Mal.
It was the quiet that woke Mal up. Sure, he'd gone to sleep enjoying it, but that had been different. There was something about this quiet that didn't feel right.
Like it had gone on too long. He ought've been hearing some noise by now. He hadn't expected that everyone, except maybe Zoe and Wash, would all stay off the ship the whole afternoon. Somebody should've been back by this time.
He'd slept away his need for solitude, and felt the desire for some company. Truth be told, it was the need to know the whereabouts of his crew that had roused him from his nap--the instinct still active in him from the war. Everyone accounted for? Everyone safe?
No reason he ought to feel like an old mother hen--or an anxious young sergeant. This world was a safe enough place, and they could all take care of themselves. Even Simon and River--Doc had learned a thing or two these past months, and little sister had her own peculiar resources.
But as he left the commons, patting a bulkhead fondly as he went up the stairs, Mal couldn't help but wonder where the hell they all were, and what they were up to.
Just to make himself feel better, he went to the bridge and opened up the comm lines, checking the local channels and the Cortex, as he'd had Wash do before they had touched down. Everything seemed smooth--nothing had changed in the few hours they'd been here. Shaking off his worries, he decided it was high time he went out to see the sights, hunt down a few bargains, and maybe have a little fun. Might just happen that he'd run into one or two of his crew along the way, and pick up some company. That'd be nice.
Serenity should be fine on her own for a bit--part of why he'd picked Bountytown for a stopover was the fact the local law provided a security patrol for the docks. Mal made sure, though, to preset the new alarms Wash and Kaylee had rigged up. Only the crew knew how to gain entry to the boat without triggering some horrendous noises and a few nasty surprises.
"No getting into trouble while I'm gone, darlin'," he said softly, as he entered the last security code, indulging in the kind of fancy he'd never display in front of his crew. The glow from the standby readouts seemed to wink at him, and satisfied, he finally left the bridge. He dropped into his bunk to fetch his coat and gloves, checked his gun and adjusted his holster, then headed out.
"Don't bother, Captain," a voice called loudly just as Mal was securing the ramp hatch. He turned to find Book making his way toward the ship, awkwardly carrying a large box and a few bulging sacks.
"Well now, Preacher, sure looks as if you blew all your cash in one day." Mal popped the door back open. "Let me give you a hand with those."
Book stepped sideways, keeping his burden deftly out of Mal's reach. "No thank you, Captain, I can manage." He swung the box up through the hatch, setting the bags down carefully beside it, well out of Mal's sight. "This isn't all mine," he explained, turning around with a smile. "I offered to carry back a few things, since I was first on the way."
"Uh-huh." What was it about that particular smile of Book's that always made him feel like he'd done something stupid? "Where are the young'uns?" he asked, trying not to sound too concerned.
"Oh, I expect they'll be back directly," Book answered, climbing up into the ship. "Kaylee had a notion to fix up something special for dinner tonight."
Mal nodded, pulling on his gloves. "Well, that'll be nice. And if you're staying put, you might wanna disarm the security system, there. No need to be creatin' a fuss."
"Will do," Book said with a chuckle, giving a wave that was almost a salute.
As the Shepherd disappeared inside the hold, Mal gave Serenity one last look-over, then proceeded on to the market area. He hadn't gone far when he saw Kaylee and River hurrying along the main roadway, each as laden down with bundles as Book had been. They barely slowed their pace when they spotted him.
"Hey, hey, little ladies, what's your rush?" Mal asked, a bit surprised at how pleased he was to see them. "Kaylee, I'm gonna hunt down the local scrap yard. Drop off your load and come with me--we'll see if we can't pick us up some bargains."
The girls came to a restless halt. "Can't, Cap'n," Kaylee said, her cheeks all pink. "Got things to do."
"Big plans," River added, her voice high and light. She threw a glance at Mal, then giggled, quickly shifting her gaze down to the ground.
"Yeah, I know you want to fix up a fancy meal. Shepherd told me." But he was strongly craving some company now, so he held his hand out invitingly. "Supper can wait a bit--it's early yet. C'mon, we'll try to find that special wiring you been wanting for the hydraulics."
Kaylee bit her lip, shook her head, and began backing away, nudging River along. "I'm real sorry, Cap, maybe...maybe tomorrow, but right now--we gotta go."
"Going now," said River, very firmly, and without a backward glance they ran off.
Mal stared after them, a mite put out by their abruptness. It wasn't like it had been that long since they'd had a decent meal on Serenity, to be making such a fuss now. They must have gone land-crazy or something, was all he could figure.
A bit preoccupied, he went on his way, stopping once to inspect a large stall where a fine assortment of leather goods was on display. Deciding the prices were overinflated, he walked on.
And came upon a sight that sent a shock of irrational jealousy clean through him.
Simon had by no means dressed up for a day on the town, and Inara was certainly dressed down by her usual high-class standards. The Companion would stand out in any crowd, on any world, simply for her own wondrous innate beauty and grace, while it was going take a little more time living on the edge before the doctor lost more of his Core-bred gloss.
But it hit Mal like a foul punch to the gut to see them strolling together so naturally, so much of a fine fit, as if they'd never either of them set foot on ship like Serenity, or faced the bitter uncertainties and hard facts of the life they were both in truth living. Simon had no doubt been raised to treat Companions as true ladies, equals in his society, and he respected Inara as a partner in adversity. Inara would never violate her Guild's rules, or betray her own personal scruples, to ever be anything more than a friend and confidante to the young doctor.
More of a friend, more trusting and respectful, than she could ever be to Malcolm Reynolds. More than he could ever be, to her.
Mal took two quick steps sideways, ducking into the shadows between market stalls. The young couple walked on by, heads bent together as they laughed and talked, never noticing his scrutiny. His insides churned with a furious despair, like they did on those vexatious occasions when Inara would talk about leaving Serenity.
Dah bien! He walked on blindly, deeper into the narrow alleyway, throwing out a fist to pound the nearest wall. Inara and Simon had every right to be friends, and he shouldn't give a good gorram about it, one way or another. He slammed the wall again, letting the sting of it temper the other hurt, struggling to get himself under control. Captain of a ship couldn't afford to let his emotions run wild, shouldn't care about his crew beyond the duty he owed to keep them alive and safe.
Mal sucked in a deep breath, and walked on back into the open, into the light. He tried setting his mind firmly to business, while silencing the part of him that would always care too much. He hadn't gone far when those efforts went unerringly south.
Following almost directly on Simon and Inara's heels, Zoe and Wash came walking up the road on a bearing for the ship. Mal stood dumbstruck when he saw them. What the hell would they want to go back for, with the plans he knew for certain they had for their leave? Kaylee's cooking--even with proper ingredients--wouldn't amount to enticement enough. To top it off, it appeared that the lovebirds had blown all of their pay in one shot, arms full of packages, just as Book and the girls--and, he belatedly realized, Inara and Simon had been similarly burdened.
What the hell was going on with his crew?
That was when he took his first real good look at his surroundings. His mind had been on other things since he'd left the ship, and he had been pretty much running on autopilot in between the unsettling encounters with his crew. He'd more or less dismissed Bountytown as just another settlement with slight delusions of grandeur, paying no real attention to how the place looked, or how folk were behaving.
Now he was really seeing what was going on around him. Sparkly lights just like the ones around Kaylee's door strung from power poles. Colored lanterns across each building. Wreaths of green, stars of gold, and everyone's face shining with anticipation, everybody shopping like there was no tomorrow.
Long ago, he'd taught himself to treat this time of year as just another passing season, and it was easy to carry on that way in the black, scarcely acknowledging any small observances his crew might make. But there was no way to escape or ignore the festive holiday atmosphere that was bubbling and brewing all around him.
The mystery was solved. Mal knew exactly what the others were up to. A coldness settled over him that had nothing to do with the local climate. He spun around and headed with long, dirt-eating strides back to the ship.
Part Three
Monday, December 6, 2004 9:33 AM
Monday, December 6, 2004 10:31 AM
Monday, December 6, 2004 12:12 PM
Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:52 AM
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