Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Unexpected things can happen in the wake of a crisis...


Written for the 17th Firefly Friday Challenge--100 to 1000 words set during or just after the events of "Serenity" (the pilot).

No archiving, please. The usual disclaimers apply.

Posted because somebody had me feeling a wee bit guilty...

****** "Inevitable" (c) 8/3/2003 HawkMoth ******

Inara watched Shepherd Book leave her shuttle with shaky steps, hands clasped and his head still bowed. She turned, breathing deeply to keep calm, moving with careful deliberateness as she cleared away the things she had used to minister to his injuries, and put to rights what had been tossed about in Serenity's desperate flight away from Whitefall.

Only after order was restored and everything was in its proper place did she let her control slip away. She collapsed on the sofa, trembling as she finally allowed herself the release of tears.

We're out of the woods, people.

But they had been so deeply lost, and finding a way out had seemed so unlikely.

Mal had threatened cold-blooded murder. If he had thrown the young doctor out the airlock, more than likely none of them would have been able to cope with his poor damaged sister. Without proper care, how long would she have survived?

Mal had then offered an equally brutal compromise. If he had dumped them both on Whitefall, or any other desolate rock at this end of space, he still would have been responsible for two deaths.

Either way, Inara would have carried out her threat and left Serenity. Whether Kaylee had lived or died, she would have demanded Mal take her back into civilized territory so she could leave. If it had been necessary, she would have stolen her shuttle to get away.

Then the Reavers had returned and everything had changed. She watched Mal shoot Dobson without a moment's thought, and no word of protest had passed her lips. They dumped his body like so much rubbish and she was almost glad to see it happen.

Is this what life is like out here?


She had given the Shepherd what comfort she could, knowing there was none for her but the relief that Kaylee lived, that they had all survived. Life in the black was all about survival.

We can't just leave you here.

Thought that was the plan.

You could plan and scheme and struggle and fight, but in the end you did whatever it took to survive, letting cost and consequence matter later. That was the way of it, the lesson she'd been learning since she had first set foot on Serenity. Cold, bitter and hard, like the man she'd once thought Mal was, could only be. Yet it wasn't always like that out here, and she had slowly learned there was another side to Malcolm Reynolds as well.

But that knowledge hadn't prepared her for the moment below the flightdeck steps, when he had touched her with such gentleness and said her name so tenderly. She would never be able to look at him or this life she had chosen the same way again.

The awful tension of the past two days slowly drained away, and the tears finally stopped, leaving her exhausted. Inara closed her eyes, praying for solace in sleep--

--and woke curled in her bed, the covers tucked carefully around her. She felt a lingering warmth on her face, as if someone's hand had been gently resting there. Before she could turn over, she heard the sound of the shuttle hatch sliding shut, confirming that she hadn't been alone.

And alone once more, she smiled, comforted.



Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:52 PM


Very fine. You have captured Inara so well, shiny! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, March 10, 2005 4:55 AM


Nicely played out! It is nice to know that Inara can also receive as much as she gives. Remember "he's a bad old man", but only so long as his rep says so!!

Shiny work HawkMoth!

Guilt is a useful crowbar!!

Keep flyin'


Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:17 PM


I really liked the way you wrote Inara. Good job! I'd love to read more!

Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:23 PM


i like it. very sweet. write more.

no power in the verse

Friday, March 11, 2005 2:01 AM


Woman, you were keeping this under wraps?! For shame!

Okay, now that I'm done yelling at you...


Beautiful, sweet. Despite Inara seeming so collected in Serenity, I really like this take here that she had been holding together a facade of strength.

I mean wow, you've found a moment of profoundness in something I'd never really given another thought. I like how you've made that moment Inara's turning point as well.

And, best part, it still all fits within the framework of the show, which is a bonus for me.

I'm also liking your use of lines from the show. You did it in at least one other fic that I read, the Simon one, and it really works to great effect.

*does the snoopy dance* I got my Hawkmoth fix!

Friday, March 11, 2005 12:35 PM



These lines stand out for me:
"You could plan and scheme and struggle and fight, but in the end you did whatever it took to survive, letting cost and consequence matter later. That was the way of it, the lesson she'd been learning since she had first set foot on Serenity."

And there, ladies and gentlemen of the flaniverse, is the distilled reason we love this show so much. It's our fix of rational behavior!

Thank you, HawkMoth, and prise open the vault a little wider so's we can all gawk at yer pretties!

Saturday, November 26, 2005 3:36 AM


Oh touching captures a part of her that is so tender, it shoe no matter how grown up she is Inara is young. she is the perfect example of an old soul in a young body. Inara is so much more then we were alowed to see in the show, you really captured her well here or rather a part of her


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Inara needs a little help coping with the changes on Serenity.

Written for the 97th Firefly-Friday Challenge, 100 to 1000 words about ink. Set after Serenity the Movie, so, you know, spoilers.

Something New
Post-Serenity (BDM) story. Inara has to deal with change.

Sequel to "As Dreams Are Made On."
In the morning, Mal has to come to terms with what happened the night before.

As Dreams Are Made On -- Conclusion
Mal and Inara reach an understanding--of sorts. (This part contains adult content.)

As Dreams Are Made On -- Part 1
A dark night on Serenity forces Inara and Mal to face some difficult truths. AU, set shortly after the events of the series. Rated R.

Two Stories In-Between
After the series, before the movie...some reprecussions of Inara's departure.

Speculative, but also might be vaguely spoilery...

So Near, So Far
River's not quite right. But she knows what's wrong with the people around her.

Unexpected things can happen in the wake of a crisis...

One moment, one night, one life. Simon never dreamed it would be like this. (Simon/Kaylee, Rated R)