So Near, So Far
Saturday, March 12, 2005

River's not quite right. But she knows what's wrong with the people around her.


First, a great big thank you to everyone who's left comments to my recent posts! The vault isn't empty yet...

This piece was written for TaraLJC (I'm sure you all know her--I think she's one of the best writers in FF fandom) when she requested stories based on her Live Journal icons. The one I chose shows Simon and Kaylee from "The Message," as Simon, unseen, observes Kaylee listening to Tracey's recording. The caption reads: "My fandom has intimacy issues."

Boy, does it ever!

No archiving. please. The usual disclaimers apply.

****** So Near, So Far (c) 3/31/04 HawkMoth ******

Others can turn a blind eye.

River can't. She sees without looking, knows without seeing. She's getting better but parts of her are still broken. Open like bleeding wounds. Thoughts and words and things she shouldn't know seep in like invasive microbes, burn in her brain like a fever.

She thinks the parts that have healed are getting stronger, swarming like white blood cells to wall off the the bits of chaos, the accidental invasion of thoughts not her own. It's wrong to know too much--not right. Not right to cause worry and fear to the ones she belongs to now.

But eyes are for seeing, ears are for hearing. Even without the knowing, River knows things.

She can see what Wash and Zoe are--two almost a perfect one. Nearly a single entity--WashandZoe. A wall of love bearing so much weight that tiny cracks appear now and then. But those fissures never spread far enough to shatter the wall. They're patched with words, a touch, or laughter; repaired by silence, apartness, or tears. The weight resettles and the wall is stronger than ever.

She knows what Simon is--the rock that keeps her anchored to the real. He is strength and shelter. But a rock that rests on a precipice needs something to shore it up, to keep it from tumbling off the edge. Simon thinks she is enough to hold on to, but she knows he needs more. His eyes don't know how to see what hers do.

Kaylee is the keystone that could keep him in balance. Hold him up out of the reach of the darkness. He could steady her in turn and together they would be stronger than they could ever be alone. They would be there for River to lean on, and their strength would make her stronger. But Kaylee's ears can't yet hear what Simon isn't saying.

So River waits for the day they will learn what she already knows.

She knows other things. Not every one needs an other. Self is enough, or selflessness. Redirected energy, or strength drawn unaware from many--sometimes unseen, often unheard. But always there.

River can see the two bound together by one thing, who need to be bound by more. She can hear their steps on separate paths that should merge and lead in the same direction. She knows the words neither one will say, and if she dared, she would put those words in their heads and bid them to speak.

But River comprehends the wrongness of that wish. She holds herself in check, not knowing if Mal and Inara will ever find the balance that Simon and Kaylee will, or share the kind of strength that Wash and Zoe do.

Not knowing if she wants to know. The broken parts may never heal, the healed parts may never grow stronger. Her eyes will see and her ears will hear. She will know too much and not enough, and she will always fear for the ones she belongs to.



Saturday, March 12, 2005 6:08 AM


This was a great River peice. I just loved it! Well done. Got any more stories in your vault?

Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:05 AM


Absolutely brilliant River! I love the way you write, so poetical and insightful. Shiny, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Saturday, March 12, 2005 8:53 AM


>>>A wall of love bearing so much weight that tiny cracks appear now and then. But those fissures never spread far enough to shatter the wall. They're patched with words, a touch, or laughter; repaired by silence, apartness, or tears. The weight resettles and the wall is stronger than ever.<<<

That is almost perfect. "Almost" only because it makes me tear up with jealousy and longing...for them AND you! High-order metaphor spinning here.

The Riverness of it makes it eerie, like a piece of news you know you shouldn't know and can't tell, but which is gonna make everything different soon. Go forth and spin some more, please.

Saturday, March 12, 2005 10:25 AM


A beautifully written piece. It had a true 'River-esque' quality to it. I loved it!

Thanks for sharing.

- Cos.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:47 AM


well done. you captured river very well. i found it hard to read because i'm terribly uncreative and have trouble understanding metaphors, but somehow i still understood what was happening. that means a big achievement on your behalf.
keep up the good work.

no power in the verse

Thursday, March 17, 2005 6:27 AM


I liked this from River's POV. She can see so many things that no one else can. Wonderful work!


- Soul

Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:30 AM


"But Kaylee's ears can't yet hear what Simon isn't saying"

That's one of my favorite lines in all the Firefly fanfiction I've read.


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Inara needs a little help coping with the changes on Serenity.

Written for the 97th Firefly-Friday Challenge, 100 to 1000 words about ink. Set after Serenity the Movie, so, you know, spoilers.

Something New
Post-Serenity (BDM) story. Inara has to deal with change.

Sequel to "As Dreams Are Made On."
In the morning, Mal has to come to terms with what happened the night before.

As Dreams Are Made On -- Conclusion
Mal and Inara reach an understanding--of sorts. (This part contains adult content.)

As Dreams Are Made On -- Part 1
A dark night on Serenity forces Inara and Mal to face some difficult truths. AU, set shortly after the events of the series. Rated R.

Two Stories In-Between
After the series, before the movie...some reprecussions of Inara's departure.

Speculative, but also might be vaguely spoilery...

So Near, So Far
River's not quite right. But she knows what's wrong with the people around her.

Unexpected things can happen in the wake of a crisis...

One moment, one night, one life. Simon never dreamed it would be like this. (Simon/Kaylee, Rated R)