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In celebration of the trailer and all the buzz. Written in shooting script format and set about a month after "Objects In Space." An old friend brings new problems.
Firefly, Serenity, and the original characters are not mine. This was written for fun, not profit. All standard disclaimers apply. Two new characters introduced in this series are mine, but Joss can have them if he wants, because they'd really like to come out and play.
Please ask first if you wish to archive.
PG rating for this installment is for mild swearing only.
Pairings: Simom/Kaylee implied
Mal, Zoë, and Jayne are loading fancy cargo crates onto a flatbed transport vehicle piloted by a uniformed man. An authoritative figure in business attire stands nearby going over a manifest with Simon, counting containers, running a portable x-ray type scanner over them, and then checking them off on the list. The crew is dressed in clothing they normally wouldn’t wear for work. They haven’t done laundry in a week, and haven’t had more than a sponge bath due to circumstances in a previous story. The cargo is loaded.
AUTHORITATIVE FIGURE: It's all here. I thank you for that.
Mal looks up, pissed. Simon eyes him and Mal backs off.
SIMON: (Slightly annoyed, cold, and formal) We are a business. You made us a fair deal, and we accepted it. I expect you chose this ship for a reason, so there is no cause to act as if you are surprised your cargo hasn’t been tampered with.
AUTHORITATIVE FIGURE: I am sorry. You are correct. We chose this ship (he looks around the cargo bay with disdain) very carefully. There have been many thefts from art shipments in this sector lately. (Slight condescension) The ships our regular carrier uses look as if they are transporting something of value. Yours, not so much.... I’m sorry to hear about your mechanical troubles, though I am glad they didn’t slow you at all. We will just deduct the price of the water and parts from your fee.
SIMON: Fair enough.
He hands Simon an envelope full of credits, Simon counts carefully as the transport is leaving the ship. Zoë hits the buttons to close the ramp and the airlock. Simon hands the envelope to Mal and bursts into laughter at Mal’s expression. Mal begins laughing too. They are pretty much giggling uncontrollably in a manly fashion.
ZOE: (Eyeing them and shaking her head - into the com.) Wash, honey, get us off this planet.
MAL: (Trying to gain control) Oh, I just wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.
SIMON: (Regaining composure) I think I’ve been on Serenity too long, because I was tempted to punch him. I think he was actually hoping something would be missing. That cargo was heavily insured.
MAL: No, no, you kept your cool, which is why I asked you to front this job. I’da just pissed him off. (Musing) Zoë, we deal with common criminals like Badger all the time, no sweat, so how come an honest job like this makes me feel like I need a shower?
ZOE: Maybe ‘cause you do.
The whole, freshly showered crew, except Wash, is gathered in the dining room casually fixing food and generally hanging out. Simon and Kaylee are apart in the lounge area. He’s teaching her chess. They are laughing and talking quietly, stealing looks at one another. River is in the corner with a book, but she is watching them. Wash swings through the door.
WASH: (Looking concerned) Mal, something’s up. I just got a wav from my sis. They’re on Harmony and it sounds like they need us. We're about 18 hours out. I just wanted to let you know I'm changing course.
MAL: (Not looking up) No problem. We got paid and can rest a bit. Been a while since we had your family on board, could use a few laughs. Where’re they headed?
WASH: Doesn't sound like they're just looking to hitch a ride, sounds like they need help.
MAL: Looks up and sees the look on Wash's face) What kind of help?
WASH: Don't know, she was deliberately vague, used the kind of language we used as kids to warn each other when something was up. Delayed the broadcast 'til she was clear of the public source box. Come listen to the message and I'll explain.
Mal, Wash, and Zoë head off to the bridge.
SIMON: (Looking up toward the action) I was wondering when I’d meet Wash's sister. He doesn't talk about her much, just mentioned her once when I was telling him much fun River and I used to have before... (Trails off, looking toward River, who looks quickly down at her book.)
KAYLEE: It's been a long time since they been on board. She's real nice. Her and her husband have hitched rides with us a few times. They work out here on the borders. You'll like ‘em. Too bad Book ain’t here no more. He’d have really liked ‘em. Jen's the realest person I ever met. (Laughing) It was her helped me paint the dining room. Used to be brown. We thought Mal was gonna throw us out the air lock. They're real smart too. (Teasing) Maybe you'll get a chance to use all that fancy vocabulary you got.
SIMON: (Teasing, grinning) I'll have to go get it out and dust it off... (Then concerned) I hope it isn't Alliance trouble. We don't need any more attention.
JAYNE: (Looking toward them) What? You think you’re so special Mal’s gonna turn and run and ditch family? She's good people. Too bad about the husband though, if you know what I mean (leering).
Wash is sitting at the controls lost in thought. Simon walks in behind him and sits in the other chair.
SIMON: (Trying to lighten the mood) Sisters. They‘re nothing but trouble. I guess this is why you’ve always understood what I've been going through.
WASH: (Smiling, but still distracted) No,actually, I didn't really. Not 'til now. She's my big sister. I didn't take care of her; she's always taken care of herself, and everyone else within caring distance. She even defended me when my parents freaked out about me going to flight school instead of finishing college. I'm the "black sheep." She's also got a decent husband who I thought could keep her out of trouble.
SIMON: (Curious) What do...?
Mal walks in, interrupting Simon.
MAL: Inara’s been using her contacts to suss out what could be going on on Harmony, see if we might need to keep our wanted fugitives (looks at Simon and smiles) on the ship. Looks like there’s been a flurry of law enforcement activity in New Lancaster. I'm thinkin' we leave Serenity in the air and Zoë and I take the shuttle down and find her.
WASH: Mal, she's MY sis...
MAL: And you’re the only one can get Serenity the hell out of here if need be. I ain't risking the whole crew. Is the shuttle equipped to pick up her transponder beacon?
WASH: No, I'll go program it.
Wash gets up and walks out, leaving Mal and Simon.
SIMON: I suppose you want us to lay low.
MAL: (Not unkindly) Yep.
Everyone sits around the table looking tense.
MAL: Wash’s picked up her beacon. It looks like they're out in a wooded area away from settlements. Shuttle's prepped. Serenity will stay in orbit. Zoë and I will take the shuttle in, grab ‘em, and get back as fast as we can. Any trouble we'll send up the signal for you to burn outta here. We'll catch up later.
KAYLEE: (Concerned) What if ya can't find ‘em?
MAL: (Serious) We ain't leavin’ without ‘em.
SIMON: (Wary) What if it’s a trap?
MAL: (More serious) We ain't leavin’ without ‘em, dong ma?
Wash and Kaylee are hunched over the console.
MAL: (Heard over the com.) We got her.
WASH: What do you mean her? What about Tom?
MAL: (Very calmly) Wash, no need to panic, but alert the doc to be ready with a stretcher and lots of gauze at the shuttle bay in about 15 minutes. She ain’t dyin', but she's pretty bloodied up.
Kaylee starts toward the door.
KAYLEE: I'll help Simon.
Wash and Simon stand at the door waiting for the shuttle to dock, each with half the stretcher. Wash looks grim and worried, Simon calm and confident. Kaylee stands behind them with Simon's medical bag and a box of dressings. Jayne hovers in the background. The shuttle docks and Wash shoves the door open. Simon and Wash step through simultaneously and look at the woman on the floor. They speak simultaneously.
WASH: (Brotherly love and mild panic) Jenny!
SIMON: (Incredulity) Jenny??
Sunday, May 1, 2005 1:37 PM
Monday, May 2, 2005 5:19 AM
Monday, May 2, 2005 5:41 AM
Monday, May 2, 2005 7:43 AM
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