Missing Scenes from OiS
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Just filling in a few blanks.


A Missing Scene

A/N: When I watch Objects in Space I always ask myself, “Why did Simon change his shirt before surgery? Why is Kaylee wearing different pants?” And, “If Kaylee is so hot for Simon, why is she playing jacks in the cargo bay and joking around with River instead of haunting the infirmary?” This is my attempt at an answer. It also fits in with where the characters were headed before Blue Sun Rising.

Early hit Simon hard, much harder than Mal ever had. As he fell back he curled slightly and the metal steps bit, one-by-one, into his hips and back until his head hit with a resounding thunk. The pain was excruciating. River’s voice drifted out over the com and he willed himself not to black out as he struggled to sit up, to go after the hudan, but it was too late. The airlock clanked shut behind the bounty hunter.

Running on anger and adrenaline, Simon staggered to his feet, unsure of what to do, what he could do now. Someone was pounding on something, and there was a muffled shouting audible over the ringing in his ears. He shook his head to clear it, but the ringing got worse. The pounding got louder, metal on metal now, and he could distinguish Wash’s voice. Wash and Zoë were trapped in their bunk. Simon limped toward their door and noticed the red light next to it was on. Kaylee had explained the system to him once after she threatened to lock Jayne in his bunk.

Simon called out, “What’s the code?”

Wash’s reply was muffled by the thick metal door, “Hit 09265 and the unlock key.”

He dragged himself to the keypad. His fingers left streaks of red on the buttons. There was a loud click, then a clang, and Wash and Zoë spilled out of their door. Zoë was at his side instantly, a good field medic assessing the damage. She was easing him back toward the floor when the airlock opened and boots appeared on the ladder. Simon started to shout to Wash to get out of the way, but he saw the suit. It was one of Serenity’s own. Its wearer reached up to help another, smaller body clad in a similar suit negotiate the ladder. Wash stepped forward to help them remove their helmets and River’s face emerged. Simon could tell she had been laughing.

She caught his eye and her smile disappeared. He shrugged Zoë off and half staggered, half fell forward, drawing River into his arms. She was safe and holding her when he thought he never would again was the best feeling in the ‘verse.

Simon opened his eyes over River’s shoulder and saw Kaylee standing a little apart, framed by the hatch to the mess, tears streaming down her face. Early’s words rang in his ears…”she’ll die weeping." River nudged him slightly away from her and gave him a look, as if she knew what he was thinking. He let go of River, limped toward Kaylee, and wrapped his arms around her. Her body stiffened and then relaxed against his. They clung to each other, rocking gently, and whispering incoherent apologies. Who was he kidding? This was the best feeling in the ‘verse, so good it made him light-headed.

Zoë broke the spell; “We need to get him to the infirmary.” He felt her hand on his shoulder, let go of Kaylee reluctantly, and looked down at his leg. His pajamas were soaked and there was blood dripping onto his foot. Kaylee’s coveralls were stained too. Her face went pale, “Simon.” Dr. Tam took over as he pulled off his shirt and bound it around the wound, staggering just a bit, and began giving orders.

Mal slung Simon’s arm around his shoulder and began easing him toward the infirmary. Simon looked back at River, who lingered a moment to listen at Jayne’s door. It was only then that he realized Jayne was missing. River shook her head and rolled her eyes before she hurried to catch up with them.

Book was lying on the sofa in the common room clutching a chemical cold pack to his head. Simon was relieved to see he was awake. Mal and Wash eased him onto the table. Zoë untied the now-soaked shirt from his leg and dropped it on the floor. Kaylee picked it up and hugged it to her as she stood near the door, wide eyed. He watched her face as Zoë sliced a hole in the leg of his pajamas and began working to staunch the flow of blood. It helped the pain, which was stronger now, but as much as he wanted her to stay, he knew Kaylee shouldn’t be here. She’d suffered enough trauma for one night.

Simon looked over Kaylee’s shoulder at River, who was standing just outside the doorway. He could tell by her eyes that the calm she had exuded earlier was gone. His pain was too much for her, and she was verging on meltdown. He motioned for Kaylee to step closer to him, touched her arm, and maneuvered her so she was between River and him.

He spoke quietly, amazed at how calm he sounded when all he wanted to do was pass out, “Kaylee I need your help.”

Kaylee nodded, her eyes full of tears.

“I need a clean shirt and I need you to take River away from here. Get her mind off this, please.” She looked down at his bare chest, as if she suddenly noticed he was shirtless. Her eyes widened and she smiled just a bit. Simon felt himself blush.

Kaylee looked into his eyes, took a deep breath and nodded, steeling herself. She turned and headed out of the infirmary. “River, I need your help findin’ Simon somethin’ to wear.” She looked back at him and smiled as she guided his sister toward their rooms.

A few minutes later Kaylee returned alone with another shirt. She dampened a towel with warm water and carefully cleaned the blood from his hands before helping him pull the shirt over his head. Her warm fingers brushed lightly over his bare skin, a feeling he could stand more of. He pulled Kaylee down to him and kissed her cheek.

“Thank you.” He looked down at her blood-soaked coveralls. “You should wash your clothes before the stain sets.”

“I will, and yours too. I sent River to get my box of games from the lounge. We’ll go play as soon as I’ve changed.”

“Come back and see me later, please.”

“Sure. I’ll let ya know how she’s doing.”

“Thanks, but I also want to know how you are doing.”

Kaylee smiled and held his hand until Zoë interrupted them by handing Simon the scope. “Best be goin’ unless you wanna watch me pull this bullet out.” Kaylee shook her head and hurried from the room, pausing for a moment to wave at him from the door. He smiled as he slid the scope into his first bullet wound.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:29 AM


Oh, this was an excellent scene that I would have loved to see at the end of OiS. Kaylee and Simon needed a moment at the end darnit!

I hope you keep writing! Your stuff is very enjoyable to read.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:31 AM


That was excellent, Clio! I wondered what happened in the little bits we never got to see, and I love your insight. I think you should continue this a little bit later on, Simon seeing how Kaylee's doing after everything.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:02 AM


Shiny, always love it when we get the missing Simon/Kaylee sceenes :D

Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:06 AM


Wow you people are observant! Can I also point out that this is the second fic in as many days to pick up on the change of clothing. I need to start paying more attention.

I like the little bit about the door code and leaving blood on the buttons. It feels like that would be a significant camera shot, or maybe i'm just morbid like that!

Good stuff,

Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:27 AM


Thanks everyone. *blushes* There are so many great fics coming out these days, many of which have been penned (penned? keyed? whatever) by folks whose comments are above. This has been sitting around on my computer for a long while. Blue Sun Rising has me completely stuck. I had written this and some other "insight" pieces to try to get the characters to where they are at the beginning of BSR. I might have to edit and upload Kaylee and Simon's internal musings for the K/S crowd. It includes their takes on all the things that happened between them after OiS, including the above scene told from both perspectives.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:41 PM


>I might have to edit and upload Kaylee and Simon's internal musings for the K/S crowd

Yes, please....I can beg... There can never be enough S/K fic.

I'm working on one that is currently 104 pages was originally going to be a fluffy smutfilled piece that decided it wanted a plot...*insert swear words here*

Please keep writing and I'll definitely keep reading!

Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:22 PM


Leiasky, I should hire you to write my smut!

Monday, February 27, 2006 6:12 AM


>Leiasky, I should hire you to write my smut!

Oh god no, please! I like reading everyone elses!

Will you have some for us in the near future....? :)

Monday, February 27, 2006 7:39 AM


I absolutely love Blue Sun Rising. For some reason, I thought it was done tho'?! There's more to it?

Oy, just what I need, to start begging someone else for more stories! Hee

Monday, February 27, 2006 11:57 AM


Yeah, I gotta rescue the boys (Wash and Tom) and figure out how Mal gets away with the whole "human cargo" issue.

Monday, February 27, 2006 2:21 PM


>Yeah, I gotta rescue the boys (Wash and Tom) and figure out how Mal gets away with the whole "human cargo" issue.

Ohh, that's right. Well, I hope you'll give us some more Simon and Kaylee goodness in it too :)

Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:59 AM


aww...missing K/S moments rock!!! but a sweet and fluffy kind of rock



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Missing Scenes from OiS
Just filling in a few blanks.

Questions and Answers - a deleted scene from Blue Sun Rising
Kaylee has questions, Simon has answers.

Blue Sun Rising - Part 12
Treachery is revealed in more ways than one, and Mal's scruples are tested.

Friends Survey - Serenity
Serenity responds!

Revolvers, Grenades, Action! WARNING! Unintentional spoiler for BDM. If you don’t know what it is I’m not telling!

Blue Sun Rising - Part 10
Finding Common Ground
**Accidental spoilers for movie**

Blue Sun Rising - Part 9
When did it get so gorram complicated?

Time to Go
A short little standalone about the inevitable.

Blue Sun Rising - Part 8
Complications and distractions. It's a small boat, and everthing is everyone's business.

Blue Sun Rising - Part 7
Plotting and Planning