Dust to Dust
Monday, September 5, 2005

Newst Friday Challenge: The Theme of Earth, Mal's funeral through the Eyes of Book. Hope you enjoy.


"In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord, we commend to Almighty God our brother, Captain Malcom Reynolds; and we commit his body to the ground: earth to earth; ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord make his face to shine upon him and be gracious unto him, and give him peace. Amen."

Book closed his bible and tucked it close to his chest as for a moment he looked down, dry eyed and solemn, upon the closed casket. Then, through the fringe of his lashes, his gaze passed over every face in the too small mass gathered around, those tired and weary faces, each carrying their own memory and pain and something he knew he couldn't touch. His eyes lingered on the man in the blue body armor, staunchly refusing to take off his vac. helmet.

"If anyone wishes to speak a few words..."

He let the thought hang half spoken in the cool air of a fine Persephone evening.

It was a surprise when the first person to take up his invitation was not Inara, veiled in black like some mysterious Madonna, silent and slender a silhouette. Though there were no flowers here at the graveside, there was the Ambassador.

Nor was it stoic Zoe, who stood at attention as if with her rigidness she could stand tall for her closest friend as well as herself, defiant for him even now.

No, it was Wash who let his wife go and came forward only to rest beside Book.

"Malcolm Reynolds was... was a singular man. Without him, I don't know what my life would be like only that it would be empty. I wouldn't have married Zoe, I wouldn't have had this family of ours, and I would never have met Serenity. Whereever he's gone, I hope it's something like home."

Wash raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. Sheepishly, he returned to his wife. She glanced to the man in blue and her jaw tightened subtley.

Beside them, River rested her head on Simon's shoulder, and he kept one arm wrapped around her waist but Book didn't miss the fingers tangled with Kaylee's. She reached up her free hand to swipe at her eyes, where tears etched trails down her softly rounded cheeks. It was odd to notice for once, she wasn't smudged by dirt, by engine grease. It made him realise how young she was.

Book winced when her whisper cracked and she was forced to turn away. "Zàijiàn, Cap'n."

And Jayne. His head was bowed and he too held the a shimmer of tears in his eyes, the huge frame more ox than man crumpling in on itself as he clutched the hideous knitted hat to his chest. Something about the way his fingers curled tight suggested that he was almost afraid to let it go.

Serenity could not speak for herself.

Inara silently turned away and floated like a grey specter in the blood-tinted twilight, disappearing into the ship.

Finally, Book looked at the three men. Hired Guns. Mercinaries. He and the leader measured one another. Face-to-shield. Inhuman somehow. Book watched the leader of the trio wave to the other two men who came and bore the casket away, back to their waiting transport. He wanted to rage, to stop them, but knew better.

"What's done is done, Grandpa," said the Blue-suit. "and No hard feelings. We will consider this payment in full."

Zoe's hand splayed wide across Jayne's chest was the only thing that stopped him from ripping Blue-suit apart with his bare hands, and Book wondered if that might not have been a bad thing.

In the wake of the fading engine sound, it seemed to be forever before the Mercinaries were gone and every breath was held.

"Hun dan," Zoe muttered and kicked at the fresh turned earth, and no one was sure to whom she refered to, and yet, she did not so much as blink an eyelash when a hand, elegant yet blunt, broke from the dark, rich loam.

Frenzied chaos broke out as Book and Jayne rushed toward that outstretched hand and pulled hard. The ground broke apart, spitting out the tall frame of Mal, who despite being 'deceased', who had spent the entirety of his funeral buried under his coffin with only a rebreather keeping him from a true grave, coughed. He stretched, and then he laughed.

"Well. Quite a little show you put on there. I thought...I thought I was gonna bawl, specially you, lil' Kaylee."

The Engineer gave him a dirty look and slapped a little less than playfully at his chest. "I won't be so nice next time."

"Good to have you back, sir." Zoe said and Wash only shook his head.

"Thank you, Zoe. Alright kids, I'm feelin' a might needful of some sky before I start growin' me some roots."

There was a general murmur of consent as the crew dispersed, but all of them thinking of their own mortality. Only Mal and Book hung back, and they were slower walking to Serenity.

"This only bought you a short reprieve, Captain. Eventually word will get back to Niska and he'll be coming after you again."

"And when it happens, Shepherd, we'll have another cunning plan. I trust you."

As they made their way up the gang, Mal's steps leaving trails of dirt behind him, Book was seized by the need to ask, "And in the future? Think you'll come back here and have your bones laid to rest-"

But Mal interupted him. "I refuse to have an emotional attatchement to a piece of ground. At one end of the scale, it's called patriotism, and at the other it's called gardening. I ain't particularly fond of either. Still it was a good service. Might reconsider lettin' yer God stay on Serenity a spell, only He'll have to share your bunk."


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:55 AM


Oh man, that killed me. *sniff* Especially Jayne, all near tears. And Wash... I could so picture every second of that. And then Mal pops up out of the ground, how perfectly like something they'd do to thwart Niska. I loved it.

Monday, September 5, 2005 10:08 AM


Ty, ty Rinny <g> I'm glad you like it. If it wasn't obvious, I'm absolutely in love with the character and the way Adam plays him.

As for the story, I was complaining to the husband about not knowing what to do for the challenge, and so I blame the entire plot on him.

And soon, I might be blaming you. Your art is inspirational, lol


Monday, September 5, 2005 12:14 PM


Brilliant! When I first saw the opening lines I was prepared to hate this fic, not wanting the Captain to be dead and all but loved how they thwarted Niska by faking his death. Have to wonder what they put in that gorram coffin, hopefully something so badly burnt or vaporised that Niska won't be able to do any DNA tests on it and realise he has been had. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, September 5, 2005 2:22 PM


For just a second there I thought this had taken a right turn into the Buffyverse. Vampire Mal...

Shudder to think.

Great piece.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 12:49 AM


xie xie ni...i almost cried when i thought mal was dead, but i couldn't cause i'm in french right now, though i did squeak loudly when mal popped up!!! good fic

Monday, October 10, 2005 4:57 PM


You did good work--all of them grieving right along with me as I kept wanting to stop reading since I'm hardly in the mood for Mal to be dead. Quite a nice surprise, the capn's hand rising from his dirt nap. Lovely, lovely. I thank your husband and the artist for your inspiration. Got more to say on further adventures after this? Keep 'em coming, I pray.
-Roving Eye


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Attic Space
Mind, body, soul. Attic Space and Ghost dreams. A pronouncement of love.

Eight Seconds
Mal and Zoe never talk about the first time they met, but its there in the little glances and the big loyalties. First impressions.

BDM Spoilers. A deviation from Canon, based on my own warped perceptions of Events in the Movie Serenity. Morbid and Creepifying. (rating for cinematic gore)

There was obeying going on, right under his nose.

When Mal introduced Inara and Book, he never realised that they had met before.

The Gift of Hands
Set post Ariel. River accepts an apology gift from Jayne, and gets more than she expected.

Dust to Dust
Newst Friday Challenge: The Theme of Earth, Mal's funeral through the Eyes of Book. Hope you enjoy.

My response to the FF_Friday Fanfic challenge, Jayne-centric.