Joss' Universe desktop & argument stopper
Saturday, September 10, 2005

First, my apologies for pinching this off Page 12 of "Serenity, The Official Visual Companion". Save my soul from that special place in hell for Copyright violators and people who talk in the theatre by rushing out in a buying frenzy and get this book (Beware, High spoiler content!). That said, a cool, if not busy, desktop image of the planets of the Firefly 'verse guaranteed to settle all manner of arguments! -ack



Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:38 AM


I cannot wait to own this book.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:43 AM


where do I get this book? it looks cool.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 11:38 AM


What arguments is this supposed to settle?

Saturday, September 10, 2005 11:49 AM


mine is on the way (if I can believe Amazon), and I can't wait. I do wonder why it is called the Official Visual Companion ...okay, lame joke.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:56 PM


A would be totally stupid, hopefully Joss doesn't go that way.

But I don't see how this proves anything either way, it just shows some planetary representations of the known worlds. And until joss says its canon it isn't.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:03 PM


Joss has already said that it is "A". No FTL. Then he said to the interviewer who asked him that if he asked another science question he would cry.

I don't think it's that important to Joss except what would make the most sense artisically. I like "A" better anyway. FTL has been so much, why not try something different?

Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:06 PM


Well, I'll lower my estimate of him when I get a link to that interview.

No, I don't think he gives a damn either. But now he's being as stupid as the rest of hollywood, except in reverse. They don't give a shit about good and intelligent dialog just blow stuff up (even though there could be good dialog inbetween).

A is stupid, because they only way it could come to pass is if an alien civilization had constructed the system.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:33 PM


not true LexiBlock, a system like that could develop naturally become stable...
Alot of those could also be moons of larger planets terrerformed to be habitable...

Saturday, September 10, 2005 3:47 PM


Looks like I have stirred up a hornet's nest with the post I accidentally made as 'anonymous'.

Bottom line: "Firefly" and "Serenity" is Joss Whedon's creation.

Debating FTL vs a solar system with an extremely lage number of inhabitable planets/moons is like debating the existance of Kryptonite. It is all make-believe. It is just a hook on which the writer hangs a storyline. Nothing more, nothing less.

To pharaphrase a line from another TV Science Fiction icon, "Deconstruction is Futile".

I'm kinda excited about the fact that Whedon may be on the brink of the equivalent of baseball's "hitting for the cycle" -- creating a hit television series out of a failed movie then creating a hit movie out of a "failed" television series!

See you all in spirit at the BDM premiere!


Saturday, September 10, 2005 3:52 PM


Looks like I have stirred up a hornet's nest with the post I accidentally made as 'anonymous'.

Bottom line: "Firefly" and "Serenity" is Joss Whedon's creation.

Debating FTL vs a solar system with an extremely lage number of inhabitable planets/moons is like debating the existance of Kryptonite. It is all make-believe. It is just a hook on which the writer hangs a storyline. Nothing more, nothing less.

To pharaphrase a line from another TV Science Fiction icon, "Deconstruction is Futile".

I'm kinda excited about the fact that Whedon may be on the brink of the equivalent of baseball's "hitting for the cycle" -- creating a hit television series out of a failed movie then creating a hit movie out of a "failed" television series!

See you all in spirit at the BDM premiere!


Saturday, September 10, 2005 3:56 PM



I meant habitable..

Also, I didn't mean to double-post.



Saturday, September 10, 2005 4:47 PM


No citizen to the science i've read it couldn't, not that many worlds, and not with those climates.

Ackerdackerly: "Debating FTL vs a solar system with an extremely lage number of inhabitable planets/moons is like debating the existance of Kryptonite. It is all make-believe. It is just a hook on which the writer hangs a storyline. Nothing more, nothing less. "

I don't agree. That is incompetance, which is why I'm disappoined if Joss has really said that - thought I see noone has of yet showed proof. Of course it could always be countermanded in the later movies (now if only I could get him in a room for a couple of minutes ;)

"Bottom line:..."

Bottom line is, this is no a shrine. If you create something people are going to have opinions about it, opnions which are every bit as valid as the creators - with the one exception that they don't get to decide anything.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 6:52 PM


Could someone post or better yet email me with all the planet names shown in this image and which planet graphic they coraspond to? I cant read about half of them.

This info will be very helpful to me and the rest of the EV:Firefly mod team.

My email is billds9 {at}


Sunday, September 11, 2005 9:02 AM


Thanks Ackerdackerly and Aaron Blum for the high res images.

Monday, September 12, 2005 4:38 PM


Just as a side note, it's been mentioned on more than one occasion (primarily the Fox prologues by Mal & Book) that they "found a new system" after leaving this one. The very same page this image came from says it was one star, a system with dozens of worlds and hundreds of moons, most of which were solid enough for terraforming (which is where the sci-fi comes in). Just sayin', because it is like I said all along, w/o FTL, it wouldn't make sense.

One star. A fairly big one, with a great many orbital bodies. Joss' words. No one else's. Frankly, I think it is more plausible that way than multiple systems. The only thing I have to really suspend disbelief on is Terraforming as a real (and somewhat successful) process and artificial gravity that makes living on a spaceship "Earth normal". ;)


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Joss' Universe desktop & argument stopper
First, my apologies for pinching this off Page 12 of "Serenity, The Official Visual Companion". Save my soul from that special place in hell for Copyright violators and people who talk in the theatre by rushing out in a buying frenzy and get this book (Beware, High spoiler content!).

That said, a cool, if not busy, desktop image of the planets of the Firefly 'verse guaranteed to settle all manner of arguments!


It goes anywhere, just not in space...
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Firefly Promotional Shipping Case
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Look what I got!
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Weekly World News' butchery of Serenity
Here now is the Serenity photograph in WWN November 1 issue). Perhaps it's time for some sort of action against Weekly World News for their hijacking of a production picture for their own gain...

BTW, webmasters, If I have violated rules in posting this pic, I am sorry and will accept whatever punishment required of me.

Your Identification, please...
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This magically appeared on my tailgate...
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Blue Sun Tasteware Blend Coffee
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