Jubal's New Bounty
Saturday, November 5, 2005

After the end of "Objects in Space," River decides that a good bounty hunter is a terrible thing to waste.


"Well, here I am."

Jubal Early floated in a sea of black, spinning slowly end over end. He didn't need to check the displays in his helmet to know his air was running out. That last job did not go as well as he had hoped. It seemed like his retirement was going to be postponed indefinitely. Or replaced by an early grave in his skin suit. He sighed.

Not one of his better days.

"Hello, Jubal Early."

A voice in his headset. That girl, River. Troublesome, he thought. So small and frail, and yet she's going to live, and I'm going to die. Does that seem right to you?

"You're not going to die, Jubal. I sent your ship to find you."

Did she now? He thought about that for a moment.

"That's mighty nice of you," he said, "considering what happened and all."

"I'm not doing this to be nice."


"You're a bad man, Jubal Early. You like to inflict pain, and you don't much care about things like love, and family, and trust."

True enough.

"But you are good at what you do. And you do have a code, of sorts."

"I do."

"And part of that code is being quite … persistent … if you feel someone has done you wrong."

He nodded, even though she couldn't see.

"I can't see you, Jubal," the voice continued. "In fact, I'm not even talking to you. This is a recording I sent along in your ship."

Damn. Then how did she know --?

"It's part of why they sent you to find me. I … know things."

That's … unsettling, he thought.

"I'm counting on you being true to your code, because there's something you don't know. Something you should know."

Jubal could just make out the shape of his ship, growing in the distance as it approached him. He used his suit thrusters to stop flying head over heels and get himself oriented in relation to the ship. Now that he had something to focus on, the spinning was making him dizzy.

"You were not the first to try and earn my bounty. Someone else turned me in at a hospital on Ariel. We escaped."

He thought about it. That wasn't in the records they gave him.

"It wasn't in the records they gave you, because they didn't want you to know what happened next."


"The entire security detachment in the hospital -- everyone who had any contact with me or my brother -- was murdered. Two men in suits, wearing blue surgical gloves. They arrived in a small black ship, and killed them all, horribly. Just for being in the same room as us."

Jubal watched the ship slow down as it approached. He could see himself reflected in the transparent bubble on the cockpit. She's lying, he thought. Got to be. Makes no sense.

"I'm not lying."

How does she DO that?

"You have connections, Jubal. You know people who know people. You will find out I'm telling the truth."

He nodded. As far as he knew, she had no real reason to lie.

"And when you do find out it's true, consider this. The minute you delivered me, the same thing would have happened to you. Because they don't want anyone who has been with me to live. Anyone. Not even you, Jubal Early."

"They would have killed you for doing your job well, for being a professional. For doing what they wanted you to do, they would have paid you back with death."

"Does that seem right to you?"

The ship stopped, and its thrusters fired soundlessly, a flash of white against the black. It rotated, and the hatch popped open. But Jubal just hung there, looking at the opening, and thought for a moment.

"No," he said aloud. "It does not."


"It worries me some, Mal." Wash pointed to the sensor logs from a short while ago, displayed on a monitor in the cockpit. "Early's ship didn't just drift off. It turned and left. Like it had somewhere to go."

"Could be he had a remote." Book looked over Wash's shoulder and examined the logs. "I never got to meet the man myself, being all unconscious at the time. But from what I've heard about his visit, he did seem the sort who would be prepared should he find himself lost in deep space."

"Could be." Mal said, staring out the windows into the black. "Could be we haven't seen the last of him. Not going to worry much about it, though. He might be a-mite twitchy about tangling with us again, especially as far as River is concerned."

"No need to worry. He won't be back."

Everyone looked up to find River curled up on the ship's framing members above the hatch.

"And why are you so sure of that, little one?" Mal asked.

River rolled over, hands tight on the gridwork, dangled for an instant, and dropped to the deck. She turned, and Mal caught a glimpse of a smile in her eyes.

"Because I gave him another bounty to chase," she said, and the smile in her eyes reached her lips. "And a very good reason to chase it."


The small ship glided through the darkness like a purposeful shark in the deep seas of Earth That Was. Early's face was lit by the screens, cold and impassive, reading what he had found when he tapped into the cortex a short while ago.

She hadn't lied. Ariel had happened. They would have killed him without a second thought.

Still, he smiled. And started to back-track his former employers.

There was going to be hell to pay. That was certain.

But for the first time in his career, Jubal Early was going to be his own client.

It was going to be … interesting.


Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:56 PM


this is great. very funny and very "... interesting." i'm interested in what happens after this - when early gives the allience "hell." very cool. you are a great writer. i really like the similies. i'm looking forward to hearing more fanfic from you!!! great job!!!

keep flyin'

Saturday, November 5, 2005 5:58 PM


VERY well written! I am not worthy
::bows:: I especially like that fact that River uses Jubal to her use. Never thought of it that way.

Saturday, November 5, 2005 8:17 PM


This is a really neat idea, keep it up!

Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:07 AM


I absolutely loved this clever twist of fate. After all, who better to know Jubal Early's sick little mind? And it makes sense and use of the drifting ship. It was the only thing in Objects In Space that did not track, leaving his ship to drift. After all the crew stripped that vessel the Reavers had hit and it was not that shiny, all for what little they could salvage and make use of. A ship like Early's was a Christmas gift left unopened, did that seem right to you?
Excellent story! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:33 AM


The neat thing about it is, if you look at the end of Objects in Space, when River is jumping from Early's ship down to Mal, Early's ship actually does a powered turn and flies off. It doesn't drift.

I had the idea for the story before I noticed this, but when I was rewatching the end to get Early's words exactly and saw the ship fly away under its own power, I knew exactly where it was heading and who sent it there.

It's shiny when a plan goes smooth, isn't it?


Mal: Cut her down!
Patron: The girl is a witch.
Mal: Yeah, but she's our witch. (he cocks his gun and points it) So cut her the hell down.

Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:57 AM


dontcha just love it when a plan comes together?


Sunday, November 6, 2005 10:13 AM


I love your characterization of Jubal. This is a promising plotline.

Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:51 PM


I, too, thought Jubal Early was too good a bounty hunter to waste.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:21 PM


"River rolled over, hands tight on the gridwork, dangled for an instant, and dropped to the deck." Great Riverbatics. I can't get enough of watching her do that shite.

Agreed with everything others said here, and more. Nice job on all the voices, lovely bits of humor and stark reasoning building the plot to a hard hitting peak. Got more? I need more.

Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:06 AM


Very well written story. It even fits well into the actual Firefly universe, if Joss ever continues the series and brings back Jubal I can see how this would fit in perfectly. For that, job well done!
I think you wrote River and Jubal's performances very realistically and true to character.
You even resolved handling Bobba Fett's, I mean Jubal Early's ship in a believable manner. I know Joss likes to reuse classic villians and the way they just left the ship just floating there in a believable manner really impressed me. I always did think that not salvaging his ship for valuable parts was a waste on the firefly's crew. Then again perhaps Jubal left lots of bobby traps in case something like this might ever happen.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:28 AM


Amazing, just too short. If you happen to write any more, I would love to read it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:32 PM


I really liked this.

Great voice for all the characters.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:06 PM


I'm not sure whether I should write more of Jubal's New Bounty or start something new in the 'verse. I'm leaning towards something new. Any thoughts?

Friday, June 9, 2006 12:49 AM


I would read a continuation of this story (you can see where I have taken it/where mine might be going), or a brand new one. I really like your writing style. Make sure it is a timeline that includes Wash, as I can never get enough of him.

Monday, July 24, 2006 7:38 PM


more to this would be good, I would enjoy it

Tuesday, September 5, 2006 6:26 PM


What an honor to read this man. I've heard lots about the "Aintwejust" gift, but I've never been privy to the link to read, alright....that's an excuse, but I got turned to you tonight and I'm darn glad I was.

On to the fic......

A voice in his headset. That girl, River. Troublesome, he thought. So small and frail, and yet she's going to live, and I'm going to die. Does that seem right to you? *For a guy who has a one shot in the BDS, I'm proud of you for writing him this way, awesome, and you got the voice spot on!

"I can't see you, Jubal," the voice continued. "In fact, I'm not even talking to you. This is a recording I sent along in your ship." *Recording....uh, yea right, but hey it River and she can do darn near anything right? Good voice here also BTW.

How does she DO that? *ROLFLMF(rackin')A(rse)O....Dude!!!! the voice, that Jubal Early voice perfection in 5 words!

She hadn't lied. Ariel had happened. They would have killed him without a second thought. *Good tie back here.

But for the first time in his career, Jubal Early was going to be his own client. *Okay now....where's the rest.

You need to write more, I know this is probably simple stuff, but man I sure enjoyed it, and the voices? you do them so well. Been since, uh...2005 since you, you've got to give a little more for us, at least those of us who are trying to aspire to write with the quality you do.

Friday, April 6, 2007 3:36 PM


I've been working on a short fic about Wash, tentatively entitled "Wash - Final Exam." It tells the story of Wash's graduation from flight school, and where he learned to "do the impossible."

Truth be told, I'm not sure Jubal's story should be continued, since it would be more about him and his working his way through the Alliance hierarchy than it would be about the Big Damn Heroes. But if I come up with something interesting after I finish the Wash story, this is where I'll post it. *smile*



ROSE <i>(blocking the exit to the TARDIS)</i>: Doctor, they have guns!
DOCTOR: And i haven't, which makes me the better person, don't you think? <i>(gently moving ROSE out of his way and opening the door with a triumphant flourish)</i> They can shoot me dead, but the moral high ground is mine!
-- Doctor Who, "Army of Ghosts"


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WASH: CHANGING COURSE | Part 2: New Crew and Fresh Coin
This is a fan fiction set in the <i>Firefly/Serenity</i> universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, and is also the second part of a sequel to <i>Wash: Double Booked</i>, which was in turn a sequel to <i>Firefly: Connecting Flight</i>. This means it has <b>SPOILERS</b>, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first two <i>Firefly</i> stories.

In the second part of WASH: CHANGING COURSE, Wash's revelation and others lead to big changes for the crew -- and for the future.

WASH: CHANGING COURSE | Part 1: The First Mate
This fan fiction takes place after the events in <i>Firefly</i> and <i>Serenity</i>, and is also the first part of a sequel to <i>Wash: Double Booked</i>, which was in turn a sequel to <i>Wash: Connecting Flight</i>. This means it has SPOILERS, folks, and major ones at that. So please don't read this unless you get the chance to see the series and the movie -- and read my first two Firefly stories in this series.

In the first part of WASH: CHANGING COURSE, Our favorite pilot thinks about who she used to be, where she came from and what she's going to do now, and gets advice from an unexpected source.

WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED | Part 6: Escape Velocity
In the sixth part of WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED, The crew stages a big damn rescue, and everyone's invited -- you, too, folks. *grin* Will the plan go smooth? Read on and find out!!

WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED | Part 5: Rough Landing
In the fifth part of WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED, Mal and Jayne head off to a special delivery, only to discover just how "special" it is. The crew get a guided tour of beautiful downtown Flynt, only to discover there's nothing beautiful about it. And everyone learns why Flynt isn't a nice place to visit, only to discover a reason to have to.

WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED | Part 4: In Transit
In the fourth part of WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED, the crew finds out where the cargo's destined for, and ain't none of 'em are happy about it. A lot happens between pick-up and delivery -- folks get inventive, Wash learns more about herself than she'd like, and everyone wonders if, just this once, Mal's plan will finally go smooth. *snort* As if.

WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED | Part 3: Turbulence
In the third part of WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED, Wash and the ladies go for a walk in the freight yard, Jayne plays guardian angel with a "dumb-ass piece of Alliance plastic" for a gun, and our intrepid pilot finally faces her fear -- with surprising results!

WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED | Part 2: Headwinds
Events from Linda's recent past loom large in Wash's present, as she tries to deal with aspects of her situation she thought she'd already put behind her. She also learns more about her body's mutiny, lets Zoe talk her into somethin' all manner of stupid, and gets her first experience with the power of sisterhood.

WASH: DOUBLE BOOKED | Part 1: Reservations
Hoban Washburne is still working on getting used to being a woman after rejoining his crew as their new pilot, but she soon discovers her new body might have issues with her moving in -- and moving on -- as well. And returning a favor to someone who helped Mal and Zoe during the War for Independence might be harder than either of them imagines.

It's the end of the beginning of Wash's "maiden voyage." Most of the crew still needs rescuing, and their only hope is ... the Hero of Canton?

Just out of flight school, Hoban Washburne learns how to "do the impossible." After saving Serenity and losing his life, Wash is offered the chance to go back and keep his old crew alive -- but of course, there's always a catch . . .