Precious Cargo 3
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Even unconsious they're causing trouble. Part 3 of Precious Cargo.


Even unconscious they were causing problems.

They had no sooner reached Serenity that the oldest of the three collapsed. His arms being full with the younger two Jayne was the one who had to pick her and the pack she was carrying up. Under threat of being shot if he didn’t. Unwanted or not they were still cargo, still a job, and still children.

No one was around when they boarded Serenity, this being one of the few worlds the whole crew could get out on without worrying too much about the alliance. The only sounds on the boat were their footsteps and Jayne’s grumbling about the devil child in his arms.

He wasn’t even sure if anyone on board knew how to care for children. They all looked old enough to be out of diapers but he wasn’t sure, the smallest of the ones he held in his arms was awfully small. Must be a runt or something.

Where was he going to put them anyway. They shouldn’t be unattended, that much he knew. He couldn’t put them in a passenger dorm for that reason. They were cargo but he had a feeling he’d get in a lot of trouble from the women, on the ship if he left them there. Crew quarters were out of the question at least until he found out if anyone on the ship knew how to care for them. That just left the infirmary. He should let Simon check them out anyway.

Depositing the children in the infirmary he waited for the rest of his crew to return to the ship. Jayne escaped to his room at the first opportunity leaving him alone to watch the three sleeping bits of cargo. One thought going through his head.

Children did not belong on ships.

Especially his ship.


Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:38 PM


Continue this please, with longer chapters! I have a feeling things are about to get interesting for Mal and the crew.

Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:27 AM


I second that. Need longer chapters! Can't wait to see what happens next. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, December 1, 2005 11:11 AM


Just read the three parts. It's really interesting and completely different from every other fic I've ever read. Almost seems like a child's bedtime story.

Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:30 PM


Very shiny, Aprilise. Only thing wrong with this fic is it comes in such teasing tiny bites! You have a job to do and I suggest you get to it so we can rest easier. I love Jayne's being captain, love his thoughts re: the orflings, love his big strong arms holding all 3 of them, love love love this tale, but want it all. So give.

Fave line: "Unwanted or not they were still cargo, still a job, and still children." Now get those fingers back to the keyboard, dong ma?

Friday, December 2, 2005 11:30 AM


i'm just waiting for when the kids wake up!! then the fun REALLY begins...


Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:37 AM


"Must be a runt or something"

"They were cargo but he had a feeling he’d get in a lot of trouble from the women, on the ship if he left them there."

Excellent! Laughed my butt off! Those two lines are soo in character for Jayne.


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Precious Cargo 4
Very short part but someone wakes up.

Precious Cargo 3
Even unconsious they're causing trouble. Part 3 of Precious Cargo.

Precious Cargo 2
Part 2 of my precious cargo series. The journey to Serenity.

Precious Cargo
Mal makes several mistakes and gets some unexpected cargo. A 100 word drabble.