Fighting the Inevitable Chapter One
Sunday, December 4, 2005

Post Serenity: What's left of the crew joins the Rebellion to overthrow the Alliance and prove to the verse that Miranda was real, all the while maintaining relationships and cutting open old scars.


Disclaimer: I own nothing of Firefly Co. Plus, if I was, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, I'd be out convincing everyone I knew that Firefly is the best and the show needs to be back on air.

Chapter One

SERENITY FLEW SWIFTLY OUT OF Persephone, leaving the Alliance Cruisers chasing her behind. River grinned as Mal leaned over and patted her on the shoulder.

"'Nough action fer one day, if you ask me," the captain said resignedly, standing up. "River, keep the ship steady and then come down to the cargo bay. Jayne-"

"I know, I know, Mal. Make sure River here don't do nothin' crazy." Jayne mumbled with fake enthusiasm.

"No, go to the cargo bay. I need to speak to everyone. It's important," Mal told him.

"Alrighty, then." Jayne groaned, rising. He followed the captain out of the room and down to the cargo bay where the rest of the crew awaited them.

"Mal, you said somethin' important happened," Kaylee greeted Malcolm as he walked down the stairs.

"Yes, yes I did. Listen, when I talked to Badger on Persephone I found out something that y'all need ter hear," Mal said conspicuously

"Just get on with it." Jayne called.

Ignoring Jayne, Zoe stepped up from behind the cargo she was inspecting. "Sir, what did Badger say?"

"Wait. River should be down here, too." Mal told Zoe.

"I'm down here already," River replied tartly.

"Okay, now I can tell you."

Mal motioned for them to get closer. Kaylee and Simon held hands as Inara stepped between Zoe and Mal in order to stand next to the Captain.

"Badger told me that there's gonna be a rebellion to overthrow the Alliance. He also said that the rebellion would be meetin' in Whitefall, which is right where we're droppin' off the goods to Patience."

"Now, Sir, how can you trust Badger?" Zoe demanded. "With all due respect, Sir, he's a lying fleabag, we all know it."

"Yeah, yeah- I second that," Jayne said across from Zoe. "Lying fleabag, yep. Sure is."

"I know, Zoe," Mal continued. "But think about it! This is what we've been waitin' for. A chance ter beat the Alliance. Stop their cruel government. 'Specially now that they're gonna be hated by half of the galaxy for Miranda."

"Mal," Inara said softly. "Really, Mal. Finally, we're home free from not doing anything too illegal and you want to start a second war?"

"Thought you'd be on my side." Mal grunted.

"Well, yes, but-"

"But nothin'. I agree with Mal. The Alliance is cruel and don't deserve to rule nothin'. I say we kill 'em all." Jayne interjected.

"What say you, Doctor?" Mal asked Simon, who had been silent. "And Kaylee? And River? You're part of this crew. It's all er none."

Simon hesitated. "Well, I- yes. Especially after what they did to River. Yes, I'll help. I can be a medic. And River, well, she-"

"I want to fight," River interrupted.

"No, you're- you're too young," Simon chided her. "You- you can't. You're only seventeen, River!"

"Eighteen next week. I want to fight."

"You know, Simon, she's a good fighter. She could go up ranks faster than you could say-" But Mal was cut short. Red lights began flashing and a beeping sound erupted through the air.

"River, deck, now!" Mal shouted as he high-tailed it up the stairs. Zoe followed him.

River was already in the chair by the time Jayne, Simon, Kaylee, and Inara had walked in. A ghostly ship was coming straight at them. It was rusted and had a neglected look to it.

"Reavers," Zoe gasped.

"Yeah," Mal said calmly. "An they're comin' straight at us."



Sunday, December 4, 2005 6:01 PM


Nice work, Yemen! Liked the family bonding. We need that post Serenity. Keep this going, okay? I want to hear more.

Sunday, December 4, 2005 6:43 PM


Yeminquon Im interested in seeing where exactly you're going with this. I think you've got all the characters pretty well done. The language is perfect for Jayne. I could do with a longer chapter. te he. Keep it shiny!

Sunday, December 4, 2005 11:57 PM


I like this very much especially the part where Mal actually asks his crew if they want to go toe-to-toe with the Alliance. But Reavers? Gorramit. Mind you, would be super shiny if after
Miranda they wanted to team up with our valiant crew. Yeah, as Jayne would say, "let's be bad guys!" - Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, December 5, 2005 4:38 AM


Oooooo. Liking what Amdobell's saying about Reavers joining our BDHs in Alliance-fighting due to Miranda news. Would that make them BDRs?

"Shoot SOMETHING!" The Operative and his ilk ain't seen nothin' yet.

Monday, December 5, 2005 6:58 AM


REAVERS?!? *hides behind sofa*



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Zoe looks back and remembers..

Fighting the Inevitable Chapter Two
Post Serenity: What's left of the crew joins the Rebellion to overthrow the Alliance and prove to the verse that Miranda was real, all the while maintaining relationships and cutting open old scars.

Fighting the Inevitable Chapter One
Post Serenity: What's left of the crew joins the Rebellion to overthrow the Alliance and prove to the verse that Miranda was real, all the while maintaining relationships and cutting open old scars.