Fighting the Inevitable Chapter Two
Monday, December 5, 2005

Post Serenity: What's left of the crew joins the Rebellion to overthrow the Alliance and prove to the verse that Miranda was real, all the while maintaining relationships and cutting open old scars.


Disclaimer: I own nothing- except for this STRICTLY FANFICTION idea.

Chapter Two

River was already in the chair by the time the rest of the weary crew had walked in. A ghostly ship was coming straight at them. It was rusted and had a neglected look to it.

"Reavers," Zoe gasped.

"Yeah," Mal said calmly. "An they're comin' straight at us."

A few moments passed in silence.

“They’re not Reavers,” River said softly. “Not Reavers at all.”

“What do you mean, girl?” Jayne asked rudely. “Not Reavers? ‘Course they’re Reavers!”

“No, no they aren’t. They’re people who’ve disguised themselves as Reavers.”

“What?” Mal asked, almost as though he didn’t believe her.

“I’m going to try to contact the ship,” River said absentmindedly. “If they don’t report back I won’t be surprised.”

”’Course they won’t report back! They’re damn Reavers for goodness sakes! They don’t know nothin’ ‘bout civilized folk. Don’t even try it. Mal, don’t let her, she might make them come eat us! Stupid girl…”

“She might have a point Sir,” Zoe said suddenly. “Think about it. Look at that ship. It’s goin’ at a reasonable speed- nothing like Reavers. And see how it moves gracefully? Not clumsily. No. Either these Reavers are fake or they’re experienced fliers and don’t enjoy cannibalism.”

“But, well, what are the chances?” Mal asked. “I mean, how many people dress up like Reavers on purpose?”

”Um, Captain?” Kaylee motioned softly. “We do.”

“Yeah, remember?” Simon told them. “Just after Book died? You wanted us to dress up the ship like a Reaver ship so we could get through that infested area without getting killed.”

”Still, Mal, it makes no sense. Who in their right mind would want to dress up like Reavers in a more populated area like this?” Jayne asked madly. “Reavers get shot by Alliance cruisers, don’t they? Ain’t Reavers hated by the Alliance?”

Inara shook her head. “No, they don’t. Alliance personal are ordered to steer clear of Reavers. They’ve lost too many ships that way.”

“Then it all fits,” Simon replied. “That boat isn’t a Reaver ship at all, but humans in disguise!”

“Look,” River said suddenly. The communication screen suddenly went blank, and then turned blue. River spoke into it. “Hello, Serenity to A.S.R.E.V. Do you read?”

The screen went blank once more. River watched impatiently. Kaylee motioned to the window. The ship had come to a stop. One of the outer guns began to glow…

”Hold fire! I repeat! Hold fire!” Mal shouted into the radio. “I am Captain Malcolm Reynolds of Serenity. Hold fire!”

“Malcolm Reynolds? Captain Malcolm Reynolds?” a rusty voice suddenly said. A face had appeared in the screen. Zoe leaned forward.

”Sir, it’s Isaac Kensington! Remember, your buddy from the war?” she said excitedly. “Sir, River was right! Those ain’t Reavers!”

“Isaac? What are you doing dressing up like Reavers?” Mal asked into the radio.

Isaac’s voice filled the room once again. “We’re joining the Rebellion, Mal, in Whitefall. It’s a new strategy, from that great Reaver battle. There was a rumor that someone did somethin’ along those lines. Anyways, the Alliance stay away from Reavers. They leave us alone.”

“Smart. Where you headed?” Mal interrogated.

Jayne shook his head. “This ain’t gonna be fun. We land on Whitefall and all them rebels start dressin’ up like Reavers… We ain’t gonna be able to tell one thing from another… I don’t like this one bit.”

“Whitefall. Patience wanted someone out here makin’ sure no Alliance Cruisers were headed this way. It’s an all-clear.”

“Wait- Patience?” Zoe said aloud, into the radio. “You trustin’ her?”

”She’s runnin’ the whole thing, Zoe,” Isaac answered. “Her an a few others. Anyway, enough small talk. Meet you in Whitefall.”

“Alright,” Mal answered. “Good-bye Isaac.”

“Later Mal. Nice seeing you again.”

“Nice seein’ you too.”

Mal hung up the radio and the screen went blank.

“Told you so,” River said sweetly as she started up the ship again.



Monday, December 5, 2005 4:17 PM


Very interessting, can't wait to see what next, only comment is this:

“Sir, River was right! Those aren’t Reavers!”

Zoe wouldn't say "aren't" she says "ain't"... sorry, it's a minor thing, but it's buggin' me.

Monday, December 5, 2005 5:14 PM


i cant wait to see what going to happen this is awsome

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 1:32 AM


patience?!? huh. who'da thunk it?


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 4:05 AM


Oh, I really don't like the notion of Patience running this rebellion. That smacks of more trouble for Mal and his crew than the Reavers and Alliance *hundan* combined. - Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:43 AM


YQ, this is even better than the last. Fave line: "she might make them come eat us!" I doooo love Jayne. He's the handsomest comic relief any girl could hope for.

I know you like parts short, but when I finish one of yours it's like only 4 Hershey's kisses when I wanted a dozen, lol. But no matter. Your fic kisses are so good I'll eat(read) 'em and crave more whether mini or jumbo bag.

You're getting better as you go. Don't stop, dong ma?

Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:04 AM


Hey, dont stop 'cause this asshole (points to above message)has a stick up his pigu. I for one wanna see where this is going (or was going, whatever, just start doin' it again!)


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Zoe looks back and remembers..

Fighting the Inevitable Chapter Two
Post Serenity: What's left of the crew joins the Rebellion to overthrow the Alliance and prove to the verse that Miranda was real, all the while maintaining relationships and cutting open old scars.

Fighting the Inevitable Chapter One
Post Serenity: What's left of the crew joins the Rebellion to overthrow the Alliance and prove to the verse that Miranda was real, all the while maintaining relationships and cutting open old scars.