Game of Hearts- Chap. 2
Tuesday, December 6, 2005

The game continues. . .


“Throw a bit a woo at her, see what sticks.” –Dale from King of the Hill

Chapter Two-

Kaylee was on top of the ship. Since Mal had promised them a few quiet days on Whitefall, she had decided to take advantage of having atmosphere and poke around the outside of Serenity to see if maybe her phantom problem rested out there somewhere. Also, it was a beautiful cool sunny day and she wanted to look at the clouds awhile and smell the air. The mechanic wasn’t up top for very long before the hatch fell back with a clang and a cautious head rose into view. Kaylee looked up from her work with a quizzical frown. “There you are,” Simon said with a warm smile, “I’ve been looking all over for you.” “For me?” He nodded and took another step up. Kaylee stood and made her careful way over Serenity’s skin to help Simon out of the hole. She held her hand out to him to but instead of offering her his own hand, he presented her with a bouquet of small blue wildflowers. Kaylee accepted them with a brilliant smile. “Thank-you, Simon!” She pressed her face to the blossoms and breathed deeply, “They’re so shway.” She said in a soft voice. “I picked them myself, out on the hill. River and I went for a little walk and these reminded me of you.” “Me? Why?” She asked, sounding surprised. Simon ducked his head, embarrassed. “Well, they’re pretty and they smell good. . .” Kaylee felt the blush to the tips of her fingers. “I know the perfect place for them.” She confessed, looking down at the bouquet in her hand. “Where?” “On top of my tool stand in the engine room.” Kaylee always felt that Serenity enjoyed a bit of pretty too and she felt closest to the spirit of the ship in the engine room. Simon was looking at her strangely. “What?” She asked. His expression smoothed itself out, “I was just wondering what you were working on up here.” He sat down and motioned for her to join him. “Oh, I was just. . .” The mechanic launched into a ten minute explanation of how Serenity’s thick skin was attached to her frame to seal out the vacuum of space and the best way to test the integrity of her hull. Eventually she ran down and they sat in silence for a moment enjoying the sun. From on top of Serenity the view was spectacular, stretching for miles. “Beautiful, ain’t it?” Kaylee observed, looking around at the rough pale mountains that encircled them. Simon smiled as well, “Nice.” He agreed. “Nice?” She asked with mock outrage. “Is that the best you can do? Don’t you have a fancy education? Shouldn’t you be using poetical language or somethin’?” The doctor’s smile widened, “When I was eight my father took me to Serafin Four. It has three moons and in the autumn, the mountains are like purple smoke underneath them.” He looked around, “These are nice though.” Smoky purple mountains under triple moons- back in his old life, where everything was better. Kaylee frowned out at the mountains that until a moment ago seemed almost miraculously beautiful. “What happened the other day?” She asked abruptly, her voice unexpectedly hard. “When?” Kaylee gave him a flat look, “The other day. Why did Jayne chase you?” “Who knows why the man ape does anything?” Simon asked with a small smile. He was obviously waiting for her to agree with him but as Kaylee thought about it, she realized she didn’t. Sure, Jayne was impulsive and wild and enjoyed violence to an unsettling degree but he was not- what was the word, meant ‘without explanation’? Inexplicable, that was it- Jayne was not inexplicable. He always had a reason for things- usually one of two: profit or fun. “He had a reason- and you looked like you knew it.” She watched him calmly, her very posture insisting on an explanation. Simon returned her stare uneasily for a moment and then his expression turned bland. He shrugged. “Even if I did know why, it wouldn’t be my reason to tell. It would be Jayne’s.” Kaylee waited, sure he would not be so fool as to believe that was enough. There was a long pause. “I was wondering-” He began but she didn’t let him finish. “I have some work to see to inside the ship.” Kaylee picked up her tool belt and slung it over one shoulder before climbing into the hatch, “Thank-you for the flowers.” She said before disappearing down the hole. Simon sighed with frustration and laid back to stare up into the sky.


“Kaylee!” Mal’s irritated voice rang through the engine room. Ducking through the door he glanced around but saw no sign of his mechanic. His eyes fell on a chipped vase in the corner containing a number of small blue wildflowers. He studied them from across the room for a minute. Girl mechanics, he thought. Huh. “Gorram it girl,” He tried again, “Where in the Hell-” The mechanics head popped up suddenly from behind the engine casing, “Oh, there you are.” “Hey Cap’n, What’s up?” “C’mon, we’re getting out for a while.” He swung one arm vaguely toward the door. “Where we going?” “You said we needed a new coupling for the port exhaust manifold.” “I said that three months ago and you tol’ me I could pick out a brand spanking new one as soon as the nearest star turned to diamond and we could haul it into port to trade.” “I said that, huh?” “Yup.” “Well, I musta been feeling playful because today you shall have a post exhaust manifold coupling!” The captain announced in grandiose tones. Kaylee watched him for a moment. “Really?” “What do you think I’m standing here for, girl? Yes. Really.” Kaylee threw her wrench into a nearby toolbox with a clatter. “Right now?” “Right now.” Kaylee squealed joyfully and hurried around the engine to throw her arms around him. She hit him with so much force his breath rushed out with an ‘oomph’ sound. He loosened her twining arms from around his neck gently. “Keep that up and you’ll have the doc green with jealousy.” The mechanic’s smile wavered. Mal frowned at her gently, peering intently down into her face. “What’s that hoo dun gone and done now?” “Nothing.” Won’t tell me what happened between him an’ Jayne. Oh, and the mountains aren’t good enough. The thought was annoying and had been plaguing her but she pushed it away ruthlessly. “Let’s go get that coupling!” She smiled brightly. “Okay then.” He bowed her through the door grandly. “As you command Miss Kaywinnit.” “Thank you Captain Tight Pants. You are grace-osity itself.” “Hey! What did I tell you about that?” Mal’s outraged voice behind her made Kaylee giggle.

They walked through the cargo bay arm in arm where Shepard Book was spotting Jayne for a set. Mal nodded to the two men and they were almost to the door when Zoe came hurrying down the stairs. “Cap’n, it’s Patience on the wave. She wants to talk to ‘ya.” Mal sighed, “What about?” Mal and Patience had arrived at an uneasy truce but it didn’t stop the old biddy from trying to gouge him every way she could. “Says she’s got an opportunity at another shipment of the same goods- cheaper price.” Mal commenced to swearing. Everyone waited patiently ‘till he got to the end of his piece. “Fine. I’ll be right there.” Zoë nodded and hurried back up the stairs. Mal turned to Kaylee. She smiled wanly at him. “Don’t worry ‘bout it cap’n. We’ve lasted this long without it.” Mal frowned at her. “I told you you’d have that coupling and you’ll have it! Jayne!” The captain bellowed, not taking his eyes off of Kaylee. Jayne sat up hastily and swung his leg over the bench. He toweled his face off absently as he walked over. “Yeah?” The merc asked. “You take Kaylee into town for that part. She knows what she needs.” Mal handed Kaylee a handful of credits. “See what you can do with that- and it’d be nice to see some change.” “Yes sir.” She agreed. Mal took Jayne by the elbow and pulled him a few feet away. “Look out for her.” He told the big man seriously, “This ain’t the nicest neighborhood.” Jayne gave the captain an offended look, “I will.” Mal tilted his head. “I always do, Mal.” He snapped. The captain stopped for a moment and frowned at the taller man, considering. Zoë’s voice on the comm interrupted. “Cap’n, she’s still waiting.” The captain shook his head and reaching deep into his pocket pulled out a few stray credits. “Here,” He thrust them into Jayne’s hands, “Buy her a beer or something. Get her to relax. Maybe she’ll stop tearing my ship apart for fun.” He rushed away. Jayne looked up to find Kaylee watching him with a dry expression. “Looks like we’re stuck with each other.” He observed. “Looks like.” She agreed with less enthusiasm then he would have liked. “C’mon,” He snatched up his coat and nodded toward the ramp.


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 2:18 PM


Now why'd Simon have to go and do that, huh? He's a fool and a half.

Current score:

Jayne: 1.
Simon: 1/2 (for the flowers).
Mal: 1.

Mal doesn't even know what's going on and he's already ahead of Simon. You'll have to write fast so we can find out what happens planet side.

Oh, by the way, if I haven't made it clear: I'm loving this series!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 2:35 PM


Simon did well enough with the flowers, but lost ground because of his attitude. And Jayne now gets a meal out with Kaylee, sponsored by Mal. It would be nice if Simon could pull his head out of his ass long enough to be a decent competitor for Kaylee's affections - create some dramatic tension, ya know?

Looking forward to the next chapter, and keep up the good work!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 3:06 PM


Very good, I do smile at Simon though. How can anyone so smart be so stupid? Oh yeah, he opened his gorram mouth. That'll do it - chuckle. It'll be good when he catches the clue bus in the meantime it is fun seeing how you play things out. As for that Patience, I wouldn't trust her a gorram inch. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 10:34 PM


Tsk, tsk, Simon. So slick he slips himself up.
*waves pom-poms* Jayne, Jayne, he's our man... Gooooo JAYNE!!


Wednesday, December 7, 2005 2:26 AM


I'm enjoying this series. Simon really is slow and of course I want Jayne to win.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 5:06 PM


*echoes CantonHeroine*

*looks at Simon* You are such a boob.

I'm loving this. More soon? Too long a wait last time!

Thursday, December 8, 2005 6:49 AM


*circles arms* go jayne, go jayne...



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Mother's Day
In honor of mother’s day, this is a series of related vignettes about the crews’ memories of their mothers and the meaning they find therein

Good To Be Alive
A breif Jaylee interlude.

Game of Hearts- Chap. 4, Part II
Hoopball is a game of unexpected twists.

Game of Hearts - Chap. 4, Part I
The competition continues. . .

Game of Hearts- Chap. 3
Kaylee and Jayne enjoy a truly terrible beer.

Game of Hearts- Chap. 2
The game continues. . .

Game of Hearts
Continuation of “In The Way”. Jayne and Simon compete for Kaylee’s affection.

In The Way - Chap. 6
He remembers!

In The Way - Chap. 5, Part I

In The Way - Chap. 4