What the "Serenity" DVD could've looked like...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Instead of scrapping the whole design, I just added and removed various elements to make it look a little better.



Wednesday, December 21, 2005 1:47 PM


Can anyone tell me who that huge crowd of folks on the bottom half, in the background is suppose to be ? Looks like a cross between the Dagorlad Battle Plain ( LOTR ) and the Zion mosh pit from The Matrix/Reloaded.

Looks cool, btw.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:08 PM


I wondered that my ownself.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:57 PM


Methinks it could be Reavers.

Oh, and I'm giving you a 10 because you added MY pilot...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:14 PM


Totally love this. It's mcuh cooler than the real cover :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:49 PM


I figured the crowd was the people of Miranda.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:26 PM


I thought it was us Browncoats. ;)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:06 PM


I believe the crowd is supposed to be The Reavers on Miranda, but I kinda have to wonder if it wasn't put there to possibly symbolize us Browncoats who made the movie possible.

And definitely a great cover. I think I prefer it over the real thing!

Friday, December 23, 2005 10:55 AM


dear god in heaven...!
it is not humanly possible to be any more sexy-fied than this...*drools* is it wrong to be in love with a fictional piece of metal?


p.s. a big horde of ugly deranged folk trying to kill the BDH? enough about the fox execs already...

Saturday, December 24, 2005 3:47 AM


i'm giving this a 10, SIMPLY because, as soppose dto all the other covers i have seen, ( not to knock the superb work of Hera, and Casual, to name a few)this one actually has a decent image of SERENITY, ya know, our favorite replacement for the Millenium Falcon?the ship from whence the film derives it's name. but i rant too much good work, pip pip and all that rot.


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Serenity Wallpaper (Beownocat Cover)
While I try tu upload my cover of Serenity:The Browncoat Edition somewhere, here is a wallpaper based on the cover.

Serenity: The Browncoat Edition
I just finished a cover for a special edition of Serenity I plan to make that will include the special features on the Australian DVD and the documentary "Done the Impossible". Here's a 3D rendition of what it will look like.

What the "Serenity" DVD could've looked like...
Instead of scrapping the whole design, I just added and removed various elements to make it look a little better.

"Serenity" Desert Wall - With Title
Same as the last, but with the international "Serenity" logo. Enjoy!

"Serenity" Desert Wall - No Title
Boosted the colors and, since there was no wallpapers of Zoe,Book,Inara and River standing up, I had to create the lower half of their bodies (River,Book) or paste many elements from other images together (River,Zoe,Inara). Tell me what you think!

"Gorgeous Cast" Wallpaper
That pic was simply too beautiful; I needed to do a wallpaper with it!

"Serenity" Real Theatrical Poster
Another version, with a more official feel to it, and a tagline, which I hope you like!

"Serenity" Theatrical Poster
This is my attempt of a theatrical poster for Serenity. (I to added some texture and glow to it, instead of being just a basic photo montage)

Hand-Drawn Serenity Wallpaper
I've always been a fan of hand-drawn movie posters like the Star Wars ans Indiana Jones series, so I decided to color the splendid artwork by TheDuke333. I used PaintShop 7 (not enough space for Photoshop...I know, pathetic)so it's not a good as I hoped. Tell me what you think!

FABulous TV Shows II
A different version of the previous wallpaper.