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A certain event with Kaylee has left things that needed to be patched between her and Jayne. Jayne gets a shocker at Mal's new behavior.
Haven't read the first one? Whispers In Nightmares
Title: Whispers in Nightmares II- The Silent Pain Behind Those Eyes Author: YouCantStopTheSignal Fandom: Firefly Rating: PG-13 for language Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Firefly characters. Joss Whedon does. Thank him. I make no money from any of this. Notes: I warn you now that this is not going to be a fanfic about the stupid mercenary named Jayne Cobb, who sometimes can’t even form a correct sentence.
This is set after “Objects in Space” but before “Serenity”.
There will be violence, language, etc. should the moment arise.
Yes, I know this part was short, but I will make up for it in the next one. Many, Many things are about to happen, so it will be quite a long chapter.
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“Zoë. Jayne.” Mal nodded to each of them as he stepped into the main seat of the craft. The Captain ran his hand through his auburn out of habit as he checked the cargo. He mumbled to himself while pointing at certain containers, a hand resting on his chin every once in a while.
Meanwhile Jayne was curiously watching Kaylee. She was walking brusquely through the cargo room, a wrench in her hand. She would fling it violently around at times as if silently debating with herself. His muscular buttocks must have damaged Kaylee mentally worse than he thought. He chuckled to himself.
Mal had finally finished conducting the check. “Alright crew. We’ll be back in about four hours; I expect the ship ready for launch if somethin’ goes wrong.”
A man in a Hawaiian shirt turned his attentions to Mal. “What could possibly go wrong? Well, besides the fact that a shoot out will very likely take place; River will go into one of her strange moods, Jayne will say something stupid enough for you to get caught-”
Jayne grunted. He could care less what the Pilot thought of him; actually he could care less of what anyone thought of him.
Mal held his hands in the air, signaling for Pilot Wash to end his humorous comment. Wash only looked back, giving a loving smile to his wife.
“Cap’n?” Kaylee asked. She ran toward the yellow hovering craft, a tool held tightly in her grasp. Her gaze avoided Jayne, looking everywhere but into his cool grey eyes. He watched her bottom lip quiver in frustration; her eyebrows arched high in thought. A smile played over his lips; he knew she was embarrassed.
“What is it Kaylee?” Mal questioned, eyeing her intently.
“I was wonderin’ if we’d be able to pick up some passengers. You know? Keep ‘em for a week or so?” Kaylee kept her pleading eyes on Mal waiting for the answer.
“Get ‘em in here and settled down before we’re back and I ain’t got a problem.” Mal reached outside the vehicle, patting Kaylee on the head like a small child.
“Shiny Cap’n!” Kaylee squeaked. She scurried back into the ship, obviously going to clean herself. Kaylee knew passengers wouldn’t like to meet some greased up crewmember for their very first welcome aboard Serenity.
Jayne hoisted himself into the back seat as First Mate Zoë climbed beside Mal. Zoë looked over at her husband acknowledging him; a wide smile splaying over her full lips.
Jayne’s headache was getting worse, and the loud roar of the vessel made the thumping unbearable. But Jayne Cobb wasn’t a man who complained…usually.
“Ready Zoë?” The Captain questioned.
“Ready sir.” Zoë answered. Her face was set in stone, her lips stretched in a thin line. She knew what was ahead of them.
Jayne’s downcast eyes held no emotion, although he was tearing apart inside. He would never be a true part of the crew; he was used to being left out, although it still deeply hurt all the same. In time he had learned to revel in the revulsion that was always sent his way, whether it be a look, word, or action. The pain would always stay in his thoughts, circling like a brooding dark cloud ready to release its bitter tears. But through this pain he gained strength. A strength to keep his emotions numb, and thrust his acidic thoughts elsewhere.
The craft took off with a violent speed, lurching a meditative Jayne forward in his seat. He grumbled incoherently.
The ride seemed so long to Jayne, although it always did when he was constantly alone. Mal and Zoë started to converse about the employer they were going to meet up with, both of them laughing and enjoying themselves. Jayne had lost interest a long time ago; all his burning questions about the guy were answered without him even opening his lips.
So he turned to exploring the streets where the vibrant crowd with odd colors and diverse people continued on with their shabby lives. Jayne’s eyes swiped over the swarming streets with a calculating gaze. He’d have to lay low. Not too low, he thought. That would bring attention he didn’t want. The craft swerved suddenly, leaving Jayne caught between Zoë and Mal near the front of the vehicle.
Shaken but not stirred, Jayne regained his footing, shoving himself back into his seat. He looked, startled, at the empty and sullied passageway they had presently twisted into.
“Hell Mal, if you wanted to throw me off this ruttin’ thing-” He stopped as Mal turned, looking back with a fierceness in his eyes.
“Crossed my mind.” Mal responded.
Jayne could only stare in slow horror as he watched the scene unfold. Mal had his gun out of the bottom of the craft, cocked, and in Jayne’s forehead in one fluid motion. Mal’s finger was on the trigger, and a determined gleam hovered in his eyes.
Haven't read Whispers In Nightmares III- Some Things Never Change?
Go Here: Whispers In Nightmares III- Some Things Never Change -------------------------------------------------
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