Whispers in Nightmares IV- A Broken Promise, A Mended Lie.
Friday, January 20, 2006

Jayne remembers his past, and a loved one.


Haven't read the third one? Whispers In Nightmares III- Some Things Never Change ------------------------------------------------- Title: Whispers In Nightmares IV- A Broken Promise, A Mended Lie Author: YouCantStopTheSignal Fandom: Firefly Rating: PG13 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Firefly characters. Joss Whedon does. Thank him. I make no money from any of this. Notes: I warn you now that this is not going to be a fanfic about the stupid mercenary named Jayne Cobb, who sometimes can’t even form a correct sentence.

This is set after “Objects in Space” but before “Serenity”.

There will be violence, language, etc. should the moment arise.

Would you like to talk more about the fanfic in a thread? Go here: Whispers In Nightmares: General Thread

Enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Whispers in Nightmares IV- A Broken Promise, A Mended Lie.

Deserted Passage

The large fist of Jayne Cobb collided with a ruined stone wall.

He had just shattered a promise; the only promise that mattered to him in the worthless existence he considered his life. He bent over in agony, seizing his head in his long hands. The crimson stain from his knuckles ran freely to his fingertips, leisurely dripping onto the fractured pavement like a thin stream of alcohol pouring into an old glass. He heaved a sigh, positioning his backside onto the stone surface and gradually sinking onto the unpleasantly cold concrete. The rock scraped his skin, leaving brazen red scratches all along his scarred backside, but he didn’t care.

As soon as he had stepped outside the bar, the sky had become gloomy and somber. It seemed that even the planet could feel his pain; perhaps it was sending the liquid kisses to soothe his aching mind? Droplets of water caressed his sensitive skin as he sat ever still, ever vigilant. A large rumble settled over the city. The immense wail of nature echoed throughout the small alleyway he was mourning in, although it did not affect Jayne’s strong state of meditation. His inner, most secretive thoughts traveled to the past; to a time when he was young and happy, to a time where nothing mattered but her.

Jayne’s Flashback.

Jayne cleared his throat, straightening the uneven tie around his neck. His nerves were in jumbles, and the contents in his stomach threatened to spew forth. He forced himself to calm down as he walked into a spacious ballroom. Huge chandeliers dangled from the lofty ceilings, casting the room in a misty radiance. The white floor was spotless, the tiles shining under the illumination of the chandeliers. Striking provisions sat upon glittering gold trays, which rested on top of ornamental wooden tables.

Women dazzled the eyes with magnificent dresses, and stunning hairstyles. Flashy jewelry adorned their necks, and ears. The men wore their best ensemble with golden buttons, and slicked back hair. Hand-in-hand men and women danced charmingly in the middle of the floor. The soft melody of song drifted to his ears, soothing and washing over him. Everything was so rich, and lively.

Then there was Jayne. He found himself wiping his sweaty palms on a size too small suit; a black suit with grey buttons his poor momma had made for him. He couldn’t afford one, not a decent one at least, so he had contacted her on his home planet, begging and pleading for her to make him one. She completely agreed, sending it to him a couple of weeks later. Apparently she did not realize that he had grown since the last time they had been in contact.

He observed the couples dancing as he ambled to the back of the room. He had lost track time watching the couples swirl and spin upon the floor.Standing in the corner of the ballroom for what seemed like hours, he had begun to feel restless. He wanted to dance so badly, remembering the hours on end he had practiced for this special occasion.

He wanted to ask someone, but he was at a loss for whom. Hardly any of the women really suited his tastes; they all looked similar to him with their dresses and jewels. Through the whole night only one woman had caught his attention, and she was never companionless. The woman’s golden mane fell onto her dainty shoulders, shoulders that had been kissed by the glowing sun. She had a slender frame, although her bust and hips still caught many men’s attentions. Her gown was a striking red, as garnet red as her full smiling lips with white teeth. A slender nose lay between two rosy cheeks. Deep, sea green eyes with long fluttering lashes and defined eyebrows would occasionally turn his way. When their eyes met she would look away quickly, pretending as if she had not seen him. She was playing coy, Jayne knew that much.

“Caine Ulysses Hayden!” A male voice called. Jayne turned, looking at his friend.

“Kyle!” Jayne said, a smile forming on his face. Kyle was Jayne’s only friend, a fellow trainee. He was the one who was hosting the ball; the only one who dared to invite Jayne to anything.

“How is the training going, dear friend?” Kyle questioned.

Jayne stood silent for a moment, before tilting his head to the side and answering. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”

Kyle chuckled at the all too true statement. “Understood. So what do you think? Is this magnificent or what?” Kyle asked, drunkenly motioning around the large expanse.

“Wonderful.” Jayne dully responded.

“I thought as much! You do not like it anymore than I do!” A laugh escaped from the drunken lips of Kyle, followed by a deep rumble from Jayne.

“Any beauties caught your attention?” Kyle inquired.

Jayne was hesitant in his answer. “There’s this one...”

“Do tell!” Kyle declared.

“That one.” Jayne said pointing to the woman he had seen earlier.

Kyle frowned deeply. “Caine, I know you enjoy challenges...but you’re way in over your head. She’s got more suitors than you have guns. Most of them are practically throwing credits in her face. You shouldn’t waste your time. Hell, I’ve even tried.” He continued on, although his tone had grown softer. “No offense Caine, but you don’t have the money or good looks of some of her previous chaps.”

Jayne gave a forced smile; he had already known she was unreachable, but having his best friend tell him he had no chance only reaffirmed it. “Ah.” Was his only reply.

The young man beside Jayne slicked back his hair, obviously thinking. “Come here Caine, I want you to meet some people.” Kyle turned, not waiting for Jayne to tag along.

Jayne followed reluctantly. He was starting to forget what motivated him to join this nightmarish ball. Was it the chance for reputation? Perhaps new friendships? He would take the decision back in an instant now.

Kyle made his way to a large group of snobbish young men who were obviously drunk.

“Gentlemen, meet Caine Hayden.” His speech slurred a little as he presented Jayne for everyone.

They all looked at him for a moment before their noses pointed upwards once again. Kyle did not see it, but the group had silently told Jayne they wanted nothing to do with him. The assembly chatted on as Jayne silently faded from the crowd.

He was thinking about leaving. He finally understood why he didn’t belong. Although he tried to fit in, he had been born poor and lived poor ever since he could remember; he’d always be the underprivileged man with bad grammar and a horrible sense of style to these people.

He may be a destitute man, but he’d show these bastards how to dance.

His eyes scanned the large room, looking for lonely women. “There’s one.” He muttered to himself.

She was a bit portly, her neck invisible under the excess fat; but he didn’t care. At least she didn’t intimidate him. He strode over to her with a newfound confidence, bowing low before holding out his hand.

“Would you care to dance with me?” He whispered.

The woman’s eyes went wide in disgust, her mouth open in silent horror. She jumped off the chair, heading for the opposite direction of Jayne. He had just been turned down by the most pathetic woman at the ball. Was it something he’d said?

He looked around watching people pointing his way and laughing. That’s it, he thought. The rage in his chest started to swell. He always did let his anger get the best of him. He was going to make a quick exit before things got out of control.

He stomped to the front of the room, dodging the dancers that got in his way. He was almost there, almost free from humiliation. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself. That is when it happened.

He opened his eyes to see the woman he had pointed out to Kyle in front of him, soaked in wine.

“I’m sorry.” Jayne implored. How long was it going to be until he could show his face in public again? He watched her pat her dress with another man’s handkerchief.

“I’ll…I’ll pay for the dress.” Jayne offered. Good goin’ asshole, how many credits is that goin’ to take? He mentally scolded himself.

“It’s quite all right.” She responded in a melodiously sounding voice. She offered him a small smile. “I’m Autumn Holden.” She held out one of her petite hands.

Jayne took it in his large one. “Caine Hayden.”

End Flashback.

Jayne managed a small smile. That had been the first time they had spoken to each other. Later, when they had been in a relationship for a few months, she had guiltily admitted that she had walked in front of him on purpose.

Jayne shook his head; his happy thoughts were being thrown aside by darker ones. He had also remembered the last time they had spoken to each other, a year and a half into their relationship.

Jayne’s Flashback.

Jayne pulled Autumn’s exposed body closer to him, gathering warmth from her. She pulled the covers closer to her, while turning to face him. Her soft lips met his in a passionate kiss, the two sharing a zealous spark of love.

“Will you promise me something Caine?” She asked while looking into his eyes.

Jayne looked at her with affection. “Anything.” He responded.

“Promise me your lips will never touch anyone else’s but mine.” She whispered with tears in her eyes.

Jayne would’ve chuckled at the statement had he not seen the tears slipping from her jade eyes.

“I promise.” He answered.

She sighed, snuggling up closer to him.

“Go to sleep.” He whispered holding her close.

His eyes slowly closed at the soft breath tingling on his neck, and the everlasting beat of both hearts in unison. That had been the last time he had laid eyes on her.

End Flashback.

That had been the last time he saw her, the last time he had made love to her; but it had been the first promise; the only promise he made to her, and now he had broken that pledge.

He groaned, beating his head again the wall with rage.

“Well, what do we got here?” A voice hissed.

Jayne looked over to a middle aged man with wet, gangly brown hair. The rain left the man’s features undistinguishable, but Jayne could tell it was some lowly pickpocket.

“Rut off.” Jayne growled.

“Is that a challenge?” The pale figure asked. With a shrieking laugh, the male displayed a small knife, running towards Jayne with inhuman speed.

The man was going to die.

Jayne stood in a moment’s time, retracting his own knife and shoving it in the man’s throat, watching the crimson drip from the soft skin of the man’s neck, onto his murderous hands.

He was a murderer. He was a thief. He deserved to die. Jayne cocked his head to the side. Was he talking about the man in front of him? Or was he talking about himself? “I told you I’d kill you.” Jayne whispered as he watched the man’s eyes close.

He shoved the body to the ground, quickly jerking out the knife and thrusting it back into his pocket.

The chip.

He retrieved the chip from his left pocket, while taking the small apparatus from the other. He stuffed the chip in the opening of the device while looking around. He pushed a small, red button on the bottom of the mechanism. This is how he kept his thoughts from River Tam.

The only thing he knew about the gorram gadget was it was built by the same people who had messed with River’s brain.

He didn’t ask how it worked. He didn’t ask why it worked. He only knew it worked, and that was good enough for him.

He shrugged, heading back to Serenity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boarding Serenity.

Jayne stepped into the cargo hold, his eyes fixed on the craft’s floor. A few people were there, playing a loud game of horseshoes.

“Hey Jayne!” Kaylee greeted.

When Jayne looked up, his heart caught in his throat. His eyes went wide in realization. He gasped, dropping the knife in his hand. To him, the dropping of the object sounded like a dull thud, but everyone turned their eyes upon him as the loud clang echoed throughout the area.

His mind screamed a thousand things to him, as his heart shrieked a thousand other thoughts.

Which one was he to believe?



Friday, January 20, 2006 11:10 PM


Oooh, I am so enthralled.

And kinda confused, but I suspect it will all explain itself as we go.

Good work!

Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:05 AM


What in the nine hells is happening to Jayne? Seems to be his whole reality is beginning to unravel in circles around him. Good writing. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:26 PM

ENGINEANGEL with the words...: "The crimson stain from his knuckles ran freely to his fingertips, leisurely dripping onto the fractured pavement like a thin stream of alcohol pouring into an old glass." and "perhaps it was sending the liquid kisses to soothe his aching mind? Droplets of water caressed his sensitive skin as he sat ever still, ever vigilant. A large rumble settled over the city. The immense wail of nature echoed throughout the small alleyway he was mourning in, "

oh poor jayne!!!! at the flashback...

and WHA?????!!! i'm so confused, but of course that just means i'll be coming back to read more! you did say you knew something i don't know about the fic, and i'm starting to think you actually know quite a bit more than one thing.

ok, keep writing, keep flying, and stay shiny!


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Whispers in Nightmares IV- A Broken Promise, A Mended Lie.
Jayne remembers his past, and a loved one.

Whispers in Nightmares III- Some Things Never Change
Jayne's past is starting to throw him for a loop. Meeting up with old "friends" leave him agitated.

Kaylee reveals something startling to Inara.

Whispers in Nightmares II- The Silent Pain Behind Those Eyes
A certain event with Kaylee has left things that needed to be patched between her and Jayne.

Jayne gets a shocker at Mal's new behavior.

Whispers In Nightmares
Jayne Cobb’s past is haunting him more than he would like. The lies his life has circled around are now spiraling out of control.