You bled for me...Part Five
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mal's in limbo, Tracey's getting irritated, and finally our hero of Canton pays a visit!


So I have a 1h 15min class today that's boring as all get-out, so here's another installment. I hope you all are still enjoying this, and comments and suggestions are appreciated and really really help. Thanks, enjoy! -------------------------------------------------- "Your crew loves you Mal." Tracey still leaned against the wall, looking extremely exasperated. The conversation had been going in circles for hours now. "They follow me 'cause they have to." "Do you seriously believe that go se?" He asked incredulously. "You must be much, much dumber than I thought." Giving the other man a hard stare he added, "Yeah, well, I guess that's not too much of a stretch." "Hey, I'm not the one who got caught smugglin' organs now, am I?" Tracey at least had the sense to look chargrined. "I am real sorry about that Cap'n. I didn't mean for that to go the way it did." " 'Course you didn't." "And I'm payin' for it! Gotta knock sense inta stubborn hwoon dahns like you for the rest of eternity, remember?" Mal bit back a chuckle. "That is a mite unfortunate." "Don't get stuck in the same spot as me then. Realize what you've got 'fore it's too late." "Love. Right. Got a cache of gold bullion or food stashed anywhere that I could raid instead?" "Back we go," Tracey cocked his head, nodded, then gestured grandly. Once again they found themselves back in the infirmary observing someone watching over Mal's prone form. Except this person wasn't cute and pretty, but hairy and smelly. "Jayne?" Mal yelped. "Now that's all matter of unsettlin'." Jayne sat at his side, a row of guns resting on the bed in front of him in all matter of assemblage, waiting to be cleaned. The mercenary didn't say a word, just hummed a soft tune Mal could have sworn was the gorram folk song from Canton. It was oddly comforting, out of character as it was for the burly man to show any sign of affection whatsoever. A machine gave a random beep, and Jayne's head snapped up so quickly that Mal swore it almost flew off. After another minute of silence, the mercenary relaxed. "You'd better git yer lazy ass backe here soon Mal," he grumbled, resuming his cleaning. "Simon and Kaylee been makin' cow eyes at each other when they ain't in here or Kaylee ain't tearin' the doc a new one. I think they're sexin' Mal, no lie. It's makin' me sick. Zoe ain't hardly come outta her bunk in days, and 'Nara's been bawlin' her eyes out every gorram minute. How you managed to get that piece o' trim so attached to you, I can't think." Mal laughed, but Jayne continued, oblivious. "And Crazy...well, she's just Crazy." A faint blush crept across his face, and Mal began to get a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Can't lead this band o' babies much longer 'fore I go crazy my own self, " Jayne sighed. Snapping various pieces of of a gun together, he pointed it at the empty air where ghostly Mal stood and checked the sight. "So getcher lazy ass back here fast." Mal wanted to point out that he should lower the gun and Zoe was in fact in charge of his boat while he was indisposed, but what was the point? Jayne couldn't see or hear him anyways. The machine from earlier emitted three long beeps, and thirty seconds later a rather disheveled Simon burst in. "Sexin' up our mechanic again?" Jayne asked with a leer as the docotor began to check readouts. "River," he replied without looking up. "Yer sexin' your sister?" Jayne looked disgusted. "I knew you two was close but-" "I'm not...having sex with my sister!" Simon yelped. Mal doubled over with laughter. Ai ya, if sissy-pants weren't such an easy mark and Jayne didn't have go se for brains. Collecting himself, he finally saw Jayne's project. "Jayne, what have I said about guns in the infirmary?" "Gotta have somethin' to do with my hands." Simon bit his tounge against the retort he knew would only lead to more lewd comments from Jayne's filthy mind. "Why are you here anyways?" Jayne looked scared for a second, then pushed his tough-guy look back into place. "Figured someone should watch the captain, in case he wakes up. Plus, I couldn't sleep." Simon could tell from the circles under his eyes that he was lying. How many nights had he been up with the captain? Despite himself, he smiled. It seemed the man ape had a human side after all. "Go to your bunk, get some rest. I'll sit up with Mal for awhile." Jayne looked reluctant, and Simon was reminded of Inara. Amazing that one man inspired this much devotion from his crew. "Go Jayne." Jayne finished assembling Vera, and nodded silently. Gathering up his ladies, he gave Mal a smack on the shoulder, to assert his manliness, and left the infirmary. Didn't much like the look the doc was giving him. "He's going to be alright." "I know." Jayne didn't bother to turn around, but Simon could tell that he wasn't as confident as he tried to appear. Simon took the vacated stool and tried to smooth his mussed hair. Jayne Cobb cared about someone other than himself. Would wonders ever cease? Grabbing a readpad from the counter, he switched it on and began to skim until he nodded off. "Got a smart ass comment now Cap'n?" Tracey asked. "Still confused as to how that proves Jayne loves me. He weren't kissin' me 'fore we got here, was he?" "Mal, not all love has to do with sex. Jayne, though he will never admit it, loves you like a brother. He would do anything for you, don't you get that? So would anyone on this boat." "Even sissy pants here?" Mal jerked his head at the sleeping doctor. "He's indebted to you for helping him save River. You've given them a home, given them a safe harbor. He loves you for that, and that's why they stay. There are different kinds of love Mal, and each and every one of your crew represent some facet of it for you." "Well, isn't that poetic," he sneered. "Tracey, I think bein' dead has addled your brains." "And I think being alive has done nothing to improve yours."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:19 AM


Still loving this but think it's about time Zoe and Inara reappeared!

Also... Yay! Think I got first review!

Simon walked right into this one: "Yer sexin' your sister?" Jayne looked disgusted. "I knew you two was close but-"

Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:31 AM


Simon and Kaylee makin' doe eyes at each other...yeah, they need to be gettin' sexed here pretty soon! :)

Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:21 AM


Laughed aloud at Jayne thinking Simon was having sex with River! I think it's about time our Big Damn Hero woke up. I want to see everyone's reactions plus it will be nice for Mal to finally get rid of Tracey handing out advice he never took his own self all the years he was alive in the world. Pot and kettle come to mind. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:52 AM


I really like this - are you going to finish this - pleeeeeeease!

Seriously, this is a fun fanfic - thank you for sharing it with all of us.

Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:06 AM


favourite lines:
"Tracey, I think bein' dead has addled your brains."
"And I think being alive has done nothing to improve yours."

and yay!!! jayne gets feelings!!! knew they were in there somewhere...



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Who's Playing Who? Part 1
Inara decides to join the boy's poker game to extract some revenge...

You bled for me...Part 7
Inara's leaving? Oh my!

Mal decides to surprise Inara for her birthday. No, not like that, c'mon kids.

Fluffy fluff, Mal/Inara and some special suspenders.

You bled for me...Part 6
Mal finally gets hit with the "No duh!" stick.

You bled for me...Part Five
Mal's in limbo, Tracey's getting irritated, and finally our hero of Canton pays a visit!

You bled for me...Part Quatre
Mal's stuck in limbo with Tracey 'till he learns his lesson.

You bled for me...Part Trois
The continuing drabble on Mal/Inara, this time Mal weighs in.

You bled for me...Part Deux
Continuation of my Mal/Inara drabble...Inara faces an interesting realization.

(I realize this may have some issues, reviews are really appreciated. Also, I'd like to continue this furthur, so if there was anyone interested in a being a beta, hit me up. thanks, enjoy!)

You bled for me...
Mal/Inara. It's been done, but this came to me in class and I figured I'd share.