Core of the Matter, Part 1
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

All this is borrowed from a genius whose name rhymes with Just Weedin'. I hope one day to be like him, except for the chubby, male and bald part. He rocks. Like a boat. If by some chance he wants to take this, it's all his and the honor entirely mine. Edited: 3/9/06 Beta: Curtis


Grease, coolant, and sometimes even burnt cabling were the usual smells around the ship. But this time something of an altogether different world seemed to float, permeating every nook and cranny. The kind of smell that stuck to the back of your throat and made you thirsty for more of it, only quenched when you could roll the taste over your tongue.

Mal liked that smell.

“Sure is good to have some fresh food for a change.” Kaylee sat down bowls of rice, fresh (fresh!) fried meat, and a few other sundries. The table hadn’t look so burdened for longer than most of the crew cared to think.

“Shiny,” Jayne managed to get out before his mouth was stuffed.

A small choking sound came from Kaylee’s direction, probably at the unexpected compliment. Coming from Jayne, that was high praise indeed for her cooking.

Three of their passengers were dressed for dinner, or as dressed as could be deep out in the black on board a cargo ship. Simon seemed less out of place here next to their two new passengers than usual. Forgoing chopsticks for forks and spoons, their new companions added to their plates much more sedately than the crew. Even Simon heaped his plate with more food than his usual decorum allowed. Good manners prevailing, their guests did not comment on their ravenous hosts.

“May I ask what it is you do, Mr. Sebastian?” Simon asked, voicing what was obviously on everyone’s mind.

Mal had noticed the deferential way in which Sebastian had been treating his companion. Mal had dealt with the man in negotiating this trip. Once on board the stiff-as-a-board man did the lifting and the carrying of all the luggage. Ms. Lien was in charge, no mistaking. Sebastian may have handed over the money for this excursion but Lien held the purse strings.

And as if his thoughts were being echoed in the conversation, Lien spoke up. “Actually, he works for me. My personal assistant.”

Got it in one, Mal thought. He shot Simon a withering glare to quiet him, but the boy must have either been oblivious or immune now to his Shut Up or I’ll Toss You looks.

“Really?” Simon commented with the air of polite interest he must have learned in more refined circles.

“Wow. I’ve never met anyone who was rich enough to hire a personal assistant before,” Kaylee chimed in, ever impressed.

Instead of being condescending, like Mal expected, the woman actually deferred a little.

“Well, things tend to get away from you, trying to be in more than one place at a time. It’s only really just meetings and dinners, and Sebastian here keeps it all straight for me. The business end of the Corporation really doesn’t involve much work. Just a lot of hand-pressing and face-to-face contact. Much is said, but little is accomplished.” She carefully ate a few bites. “Kaylee, this is delicious.”

Blushing under the second compliment of her cooking, Kaylee fumbled a little with her chopsticks and turned her attention back to her food.

Jayne, as per usual, was more interested in the prospect of actually filling his gut. He piled on second helpings, licked his spoon clean, and dug in once more without a word.

Mal relaxed a little as it seemed their fare didn’t mind too much talking about what she did. The rest of the crew seemed comfortable enough with their new additions, so could be his worries were for nothing. But he bit his tongue on what he would like to have added to the conversation.

“Corporation?” Zoe questioned further, taking her cue from her Captain’s body signals.

Lein nodded. “Blue Sun.”

That finally got Jayne’s attention away from the food. “Ni juede wo hen ben ma? No way! Why ain’t we chargin’ her more, Mal?”

Mal gave Lien a tight smile, considering that question himself. Woman like that could have hired any ship in the Alliance pleasure fleet.

“Cap’n, we should be at the refueling station in just a little while.” Wash walked into the room with his nose in the air. “Smells like food. We sure it’s mealtime? Cause it’s been a long time since we had food at mealtime.”

Zoe put out an empty plate for him. “For once, you got here just in time for something hot.”

Wash gave her a cheeky smile and kissed his wife, “Yes indeed. Oh! You meant the food!” He piled his plate high.

Everyone at the table smiled at their playful teasing of each other, used to the show of affection. All that was except the tight-laced Sebastian. “An unscheduled stop? Captain Reynolds, I really must pro...”

Lien smiled and interrupted him with a comfortable hand on Sebastian’s arm. “Not to worry Sebastian. I’ve never actually seen a refueling station, it should be exciting.”

“We hit empty cells, you’re the one thumbing us a ride.” Mal finally directed at the man, completely deadpan.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:14 PM


Keep it up! Great stuff.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:48 PM


Very good Kaele. Keep it coming.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:12 AM


Very Nice work. Go on with it!

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:29 AM


More please? I gotta know howcome a BlueSun exec is travelling on Serenity. And how long it takes her to get a crush on Mal. Okay nevermind that last bit.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:24 PM


I knew it, you're getting a fanfic club goin' here, girl.

Excellent... I am so curious now as to what is going to happen with our crew.

You know, you are gettin' good at this, you'll get us all spoiled and we'll be waitin' on your fics.

Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:41 AM


Ok, that was a mighty fine appetizer!

I'm not leaving this table until I get my second course. Go, on try and move me.
I'm heavier than I look ;)

Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:04 PM


Very nice finish. I do LOVE the cliffhangers!

So - how long until River decides she looks better in red? I know, I know - gotta read the next one.

Sunday, March 12, 2006 3:36 PM


** For the edited version **
I like it. The new and improved version obviously takes a bit from the old Part 2.

I think it flows better now, and is more self contained. Very nice! Looking forward to the revamped parts 2 & 3.

Keep up the nice work - its an enjoyable read.

Friday, April 14, 2006 10:40 AM


BLUE SUN?!? whoo, boy...



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Core of the Matter, Part 4
This one's a short one. Been hitting a wall lately. It's all in my head, it's just stuck there. Wanted to get something out just to keep the flow. When it's all done, I promise a re-write and edit. PROMISE.

I ain't a professional writer. This is how I see it in my head. Welcome to my world. Sure you wanna stay?

Core of the Matter, Part 3

Core of the Matter, Part 2

Core of the Matter, Part 1
All this is borrowed from a genius whose name rhymes with Just Weedin'. I hope one day to be like him, except for the chubby, male and bald part. He rocks. Like a boat. If by some chance he wants to take this, it's all his and the honor entirely mine.

Edited: 3/9/06
Beta: Curtis

Core of the Matter - Intro
Odd passengers set Mal's hackles up. The money was just too good. (Post-OiS Pre-BDM)

All this is borrowed from a genius whose name rhymes with Just Weedin'. I hope one day to be like him, except for the chubby, male and bald part. He rocks. Like a boat. If by some chance he wants to take this, it's all his and the honor entirely mine.

Dedicated to FollowMal who wanted something to read. Since she's got all the shiny Cap'n pics, I couldn't refuse.

This is my very first virginal attempt at fanfic, so please submit all comments to Or just e-mail me at my address listed under my profile.

Edited: 3/9/06
Beta: Curtis (THANK YOU!)