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This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon have been married for five years. Are they enough for each other, or do they want more? Mal and Simon talk about children.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, just having fun playing.
A/N: A huge thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this, my first multi-chapter effort! Wouldn't want to do it without you!
Translations are in mouseover.
Feedback would be shiny!
Chapter 1 Adult Only!, Chapter 2 PG13, Chapter 3 PG13, Chapter 4 Adult Only!, Chapter 4A PG13, Chapter 5 PG13, Chapter 6 PG13
Chapter 7 Mal and Simon talk about children.
Once they were back in their hotel room, Mal took off his duster, his holster, and his boots. He pulled his suspenders off his shoulders before sitting down on the bed with his back against the headboard, supported by a pillow. Then he patted the bed next to him in invitation.
Meanwhile, Simon had taken off his suit jacket, and hung it in the closet, before sitting down on a chair to remove his shoes. When Mal patted the bed, he joined him, snuggling as close as he could get within the arms of the man he loved so dearly.
"You said you'd been thinkin' about this for a long time," Mal reminded Simon, "so how's 'bout you tell me what you been thinkin'."
"You won't get upset?"
"Can't promise, but I'll try not to. Talk."
"Okay…where to start…"
"The beginnin's always been good, so I hear."
Simon could hear the smirk in Mal's voice even if he couldn't see his face. "Bì zuĭ, don't interrupt, or I'll never remember all my arguments."
"Well, debate points."
"Didn't know we were having a debate."
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, I guess I do at that. Just relax and talk to me, ài chēng." "I know you don't like complications, or at least you say you don't. But if that were truly the case Wash and Zoë would never have stayed with you after they got married. You and I would never have become lovers, let alone been married. Hell, you would never have let River and me stay on Serenity in the first place."
"All of which is old news that we've covered many times. Get to the point."
"I know, I know, give me a minute. Do you remember how you were when Zoë got pregnant with Eddie?" Mal didn't say anything, just hugged Simon tighter. "I remember, and it was awful. I hope we never go there again. But once you calmed down and admitted you were wrong, you were almost as protective of her as Wash was. Sometimes it almost seemed to be a competition between the two of you. I'm not sure how Zoë survived it." Simon felt Mal's shrug, and could imagine the chagrin on his face. "When Eddie was born, anybody who didn't know better would've sworn you were his daddy--you were so proud of him. As I recall, I spent a lot of time 'distracting' you so that Wash and Zoë could become his parents, and we could become his 'uncles'. And you've been a wonderful uncle, always so patient with him. First when he was crawling, then when he was learning to walk, and even now that he runs tame throughout the ship. Do you know, I don't think I've ever heard you yell at him."
"Well, of course I haven't! He's just a little guy. He doesn't know any better when he gets into things he shouldn't."
"Of course he doesn't. But Zoë and Wash have both yelled at him a time or two."
"They have! When? I should…"
"Not do anything. They're his parents, not you. But that's not my point. My point is that for someone who doesn't like complications, and is sometimes easy to anger, you have the patience of a saint when it comes to Eddie. And he's just going to get into more mischief as he gets older. But, somehow, I don't think you'll ever lose your patience with him."
"Oh, I don't know about that. Just wait 'til he's a teenager!" They both laughed a little at that thought.
"You didn't think I noticed, but this morning in the infirmary, when you were looking at Becca… You had the sappiest look on your face."
"Hey! Who you callin' sappy?"
"You, my love. And you know it's true. You love that little girl already. Just as much, if not more than, you do Eddie. I'm not sure I've got the energy to 'distract' you this time around," Simon turned his head to give Mal a quick kiss. "Quit distracting me, I'm almost finished."
"Hey! I'm not the one who turned around!"
"Hush. What I'm trying to say is that I think you would be a wonderful father, and…and…I wish I could give you a child." He turned fully into Mal's arms and hugged him as tight as he could.
Mal held onto Simon as he clung tighter than he had in a very long time. Mal tried to see Simon's face, but he couldn't. He could feel Simon's shoulders shaking though, and hear his breath catch in his throat. "Hey, now, you're not cryin', are you xīn ài?"
"No, of course not. Men don't cry," Simon all but sobbed.
"Well, sure they do. But only when they're weakened by blood loss or in severe emotional turmoil."
"And I suppose this isn't 'severe emotional turmoil'?"
"Nah, ain't nothin' severe about it," Mal drawled. Simon choked on a laugh. "That's better, xīn ài. Now, sit up here where I can see you." Simon complied, and Mal kissed the tears off his cheeks. "You really have been thinkin' about this a lot, haven't you?"
Simon just nodded as he blew his nose. He tried to get up to dispose of his handkerchief, but Mal wouldn't let him go. He looked at him questioningly.
"Would you like a surprise?" Simon just cocked an eyebrow and waited. "You know earlier, when I said I hadn't thought about having children for a long time? Well, uh, I kind of lied. You're not the only one who's thought about this."
If he hadn't already been sitting, Simon might just have collapsed from the shock. "I'm not?" he squeaked. Oh, great, how undignified crying and squeaking, jeez.
"Nope. I've watched you with Eddie, too."
"But, I'm not nearly as good with him as you are!"
"That's as may be, and not particularly true, but you do care about him. You're always right there when he takes a tumble, makin' him feel better."
"I'm a doctor! That's what I do."
"No, you care and that's why you're a doctor, and an excellent one at that. Wouldn't trade you for another one anywhere, anyhow."
"Well, that's comforting, Husband."
"So I should hope. Now, hush and let me finish. You're also patient with Eddie. I've seen you sit with him for hours practicin' his letters and symbols. Zoë and Wash'll never have to worry about their children not bein' educated long as you're around. And as for sappy looks, you should take a look in the mirror sometime. I've seen you when you're watchin' Eddie and me, and I saw you in the infirmary this mornin', too. So, don't even think you wouldn't be a good father! Yes, I sometimes wish you could have my child, but unless human anatomy has changed in ways I'm not aware of, that ain't gonna happen. So I just put it to the back of my mind, and thank whatever gods there are that I have you," and Mal pulled Simon into his arms and hugged him for all he was worth.
"Are you crying?"
Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:24 AM
Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:31 AM
Thursday, March 2, 2006 2:54 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006 10:21 AM
Friday, March 10, 2006 5:44 PM
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